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I'm afraid I don't have much to respond to regarding the "space alien DNA / aliens among us", thing, except to say... I'm backing away slowly, keep your hands where I can see them, don't make any sudden moves.

That is just the responses someone would expect from a fundamentalist such as yourself...but the fact remains we have western leaders entrusted as
the head of in control of nuclear arsenals and Men of the caliber to be selected for moon mission..that make the claim of alien contact
but programmed one -liners is all you can respond is it your assertion these men are all dangerous and insane ? and that all these men are having some commonly shared delusion ?..can you give any kind of intelligent response to this fact other than shooting the messenger ?

Oh my. I made you angry.

I do not see were I expressed any anger toward you ?

It's just a shame that there are those who will make outrageous claims and there is so often a willing audience. What is consistent about these type of outrageous claims is the curious lack of evidence offered in support.

You display a cognitive dissonance to the evidence due to your rigid fundamentalist beliefs..there is historical and archaeological evidence to support these theories..there is the testimony of highly credible people of the level of NASA astronauts ,heads nuclear defense and defense ministers of leading nations as well their is their consensus that conclusive evidence is being withheld and petitions by therm before congress for the disclosure.of these classified files

No one is saying you can’t believe that aliens are among us. Honestly, that’s no more outrageous than people believing in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster or other tales of monsters and demons.

I do not believe you can provide any Apollo astronauts,heads of nuclear defense. ministers of defense ,congressmen that have petitioned congress for the release of Bigfoot files..or any recorded of classified documents pertaining to Bigfoot, monster or demons...there is no comparison to be made and it only shows the weakness of your argument

It's not for me personally, and I argue that such things had their place and there are better and more realistic models that show factual evidence. Those will eventually replace beliefs in monsters and demons (like these days you don't hear about monsters and demons, but instead the more science-oriented UFOs and aliens -- both are mythic belief systems with no evidence in support of the claims).

I think its been established that assertion is not in keeping with the facts

If I criticize such assertions as space aliens breeding with humans, that is a philosophical approach toward rejecting unsupported claims seeming only to be borne of fear and superstition ... and honestly, a criticism of your willingness to face reality

It seems it is you that has the problem with having your perception of reality challenged..I am simply stating facts..we have a large body and ever growing body of of highly credible people some of the highest positions of government and national defense that claim knowledge of alien contact and that have petitioned congress for seem completly unable to address this fact with any rational response
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I do not see were I expressed any anger toward you ?
On the contrary, you're angry that others are not believers in your conspiracy theories.

You display a cognitive dissonance to the evidence due to your rigid fundamentalist beliefs..there is historical and archaeological evidence to support these theories..there is the testimony of highly credible people of the level of NASA astronauts ,heads nuclear defense and defense ministers of leading nations as well their is their consensus that conclusive evidence is being withheld and petitions by therm before congress for the disclosure.of these classified files
What classified files?

You display a desperate need to enlist others in your conspiracy theories.

I'm not an accomplice.

I do not believe you can provide any Apollo astronauts,heads of nuclear defense. ministers of defense ,congressmen that have petitioned congress for the release of Bigfoot files..or any recorded of classified documents pertaining to Bigfoot, monster or demons...there is no comparison to be made and it only shows the weakness of your argument
I'm not the one making an argument for aliens breeding and living among humans. That seems to be your conspiracy.

I think its been established that assertion is not in keeping with the facts
Established by who?

It seems it is you that has the problem with having your perception of reality challenged..I am simply stating facts..we have a large body and ever growing body of of highly credible people some of the highest positions of government and national defense that claim knowledge of alien contact and that have petitioned congress for seem completly unable to address this fact with any rational response
My perception of reality is not challenged by your conspiracy theories.

There's no need to be angry. I may be able to help you. If we agree that there are aliens among us, I may have knowledge that will benefit you.

If you send me your MasterCard number, I'll only charge a small fee for imparting to you such knowledge.
I do not see were I expressed any anger toward you ?

On the contrary, you're angry that others are not believers in your conspiracy theories.

I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters and Apollo crew members ..I am simply giving them the respect they deserve and considering their information

What classified files?

thousands and thousands of pages of classified documents surrounding ufo encounters...this is not a matter of opinion or something in dispute..the existence of these documents is not in dispute can only argue as to what they may contain

You display a desperate need to enlist others in your conspiracy theories.

I'm not an accomplice.

Once again they aren't my theories..they are the conclusions of much more learned and experienced men than I ..I am interested in what they have to say and the reasoned feedback of others ..but have no interest in enlisting anyone to any do you come up with this stuff ?

I'm not the one making an argument for aliens breeding and living among humans. That seems to be your conspiracy.

Not my conspiracy..but you do seem to cling to that Idea as a way of avoiding the statement of these highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers etc as if they do not exist
There's no need to be angry. I may be able to help you. If we agree that there are aliens among us, I may have knowledge that will benefit you.

If you send me your MasterCard number, I'll only charge a small fee for imparting to you such knowledge.

the anger you continue to speak of is clearly your own projection..and why would I seek these answers from you...when I can look to men who walked on the moon ,heads of nuclear defense programs...defense ministers etc...not very rational ..if anyone would have knowleadge of such things I would think men who walked on the moon might be more in the have only avoided addressing the facts presented with a bunch of projections and straw-man arguments ..I would love to hear any rational thoughts you may have on why these people in such elevated and highly responsible positions are claiming knowledge of alien contact and petitioned congress for full disclosure ..but I have my doubts that is forthcoming
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[ame=]BREAKING!!! UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defense May 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]BREAKING!!! UFO Alien Disclosure by Head Minister Of Defense UFO PROJECT DECLASSIFIED - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Edgar Mitchell UFO and Aliens are Real and Watching Us - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archives - Gordon Cooper - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Buzz Aldrin - Alien creatures built Phobos monolit - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]UFO - Military Wittnesses at Nuclear Sites (Nuclear Weapons Compromised by UFOs) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised By Alien SpaceCraft - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Disclosure Project ~ An Exective Summary Of The Greatest Secret Of The 20th Century - YouTube[/ame]
I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters and Apollo crew members ..I am simply giving them the respect they deserve and considering their information
There's no reason to get angry at me for not buying in to your conspiracy theories.

thousands and thousands of pages of classified documents surrounding ufo encounters...this is not a matter of opinion or something in dispute..the existence of these documents is not in dispute can only argue as to what they may contain
So thrill us. What do those thousands and thousands of pages of classified documents surrounding ufo encounters contain?

Once again they aren't my theories..they are the conclusions of much more learned and experienced men than I ..I am interested in what they have to say and the reasoned feedback of others ..but have no interest in enlisting anyone to any do you come up with this stuff ?
You are quite desperate to enlist others in your conspiracy. The simple solution would be for you or anyone else to present evidence for your claimed alien breeding program.

But of course, you can't.

Not my conspiracy..but you do seem to cling to that Idea as a way of avoiding the statement of these highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers etc as if they do not exist
Yes. We've identified your appeals to authority with your tediously written roll call of NASA astronauts and defense ministers who are convinced the aliens are among us.

Conspiracies are fun, aren't they?

the anger you continue to speak of is clearly your own projection..and why would I seek these answers from you...when I can look to men who walked on the moon ,heads of nuclear defense programs...defense ministers etc...not very rational ..if anyone would have knowleadge of such things I would think men who walked on the moon might be more in the have only avoided addressing the facts presented with a bunch of projections and straw-man arguments ..I would love to hear any rational thoughts you may have on why these people in such elevated and highly responsible positions are claiming knowledge of alien contact and petitioned congress for full disclosure ..but I have my doubts that is forthcoming

You're getting quite frothy. It's difficult to take your conspiracy theories seriously. One of the elements that maintains conspiracy theorists is the lack of evidence for the alleged conspiracy. Another element is for the conspiracy theorists to find what they describe as an authority figure to us as a means to bolster the strength of their conspiracy.

Flailing your pom poms for "highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers" who you claim are at the forefront of the subversive alien invasion makes for entertaining youtube videos. But as far as conspiracy theories are concerned, yours are mere pedestrian.
I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters and Apollo crew members ..I am simply giving them the respect they deserve and considering their information
There's no reason to get angry at me for not buying in to your conspiracy theories.

thousands and thousands of pages of classified documents surrounding ufo encounters...this is not a matter of opinion or something in dispute..the existence of these documents is not in dispute can only argue as to what they may contain

So thrill us. What do those thousands and thousands of pages of classified documents surrounding ufo encounters contain?

I have no Idea what may be contained in these files..that is the whole reason Apollo astronauts among others have joined in petitioning for their this concept to difficult for you ?

You are quite desperate to enlist others in your conspiracy. The simple solution would be for you or anyone else to present evidence for your claimed alien breeding program.

But of course, you can't.

I would consider the sworn testimony of people with some of the the highest levels of security clearance to be evidence..not saying it is conclusive...but it is without question considered evidence

Not my conspiracy..but you do seem to cling to that Idea as a way of avoiding the statement of these highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers etc as if they do not exist
Yes. We've identified your appeals to authority with your tediously written roll call of NASA astronauts and defense ministers who are convinced the aliens are among us.

Conspiracies are fun, aren't they?

so in the strange fundamentalist world you live in there is a vast conspiracy among defense minsters and Apollo crew driven by the fact conspiracies are this your theory to explain their sworn testimony and extensive efforts for disclosure ?

the anger you continue to speak of is clearly your own projection..and why would I seek these answers from you...when I can look to men who walked on the moon ,heads of nuclear defense programs...defense ministers etc...not very rational ..if anyone would have knowledge of such things I would think men who walked on the moon might be more in the have only avoided addressing the facts presented with a bunch of projections and straw-man arguments ..I would love to hear any rational thoughts you may have on why these people in such elevated and highly responsible positions are claiming knowledge of alien contact and petitioned congress for full disclosure ..but I have my doubts that is forthcoming

You're getting quite frothy. It's difficult to take your conspiracy theories seriously. One of the elements that maintains conspiracy theorists is the lack of evidence for the alleged conspiracy. Another element is for the conspiracy theorists to find what they describe as an authority figure to us as a means to bolster the strength of their conspiracy.

Flailing your pom poms for "highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers" who you claim are at the forefront of the subversive alien invasion makes for entertaining youtube videos. But as far as conspiracy theories are concerned, yours are mere pedestrian.[

So are you trying to say there is no disclosure project and it does not included the people I have listed and their sworn this your crazy theory ? this how you maintain you cognitive would be easy enough for you or anyone else to confirm of disprove the exsistence ofthe disclosure project its members, mandate and testimony..
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It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus. Appeals to authority are not valid arguments, but nor is it reasonable to disregard the claims of experts who have a demonstrated depth of knowledge
I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters and Apollo crew members ..I am simply giving them the respect they deserve and considering their information
There's no reason to get angry at me for not buying in to your conspiracy theories.

I have no Idea what may be contained in these files..that is the whole reason Apollo astronauts among others have joined in petitioning for their this concept to difficult for you ?

I would consider the sworn testimony of people with some of the the highest levels of security clearance to be evidence..not saying it is conclusive...but it is without question considered evidence

Yes. We've identified your appeals to authority with your tediously written roll call of NASA astronauts and defense ministers who are convinced the aliens are among us.

so in the strange fundamentalist world you live in there is a vast conspiracy among defense minsters and Apollo crew driven by the fact conspiracies are this your theory to explain their sworn testimony and extensive efforts for disclosure ?

You're getting quite frothy. It's difficult to take your conspiracy theories seriously. One of the elements that maintains conspiracy theorists is the lack of evidence for the alleged conspiracy. Another element is for the conspiracy theorists to find what they describe as an authority figure to us as a means to bolster the strength of their conspiracy.

Flailing your pom poms for "highly of regarded NASA astronauts and defense ministers" who you claim are at the forefront of the subversive alien invasion makes for entertaining youtube videos. But as far as conspiracy theories are concerned, yours are mere pedestrian.

So are you trying to say there is no disclosure project and it does not included the people I have listed and their sworn this your crazy theory ? this how you maintain you cognitive would be easy enough for you or anyone else to confirm of disprove the exsistence ofthe disclosure project its members, mandate and testimony..

So far, your conspiracy theory is only being promoted by a handful of people. As conspiracy theories go, yours is pretty weak.

Still no evidence available to support your conspiracies? Gee Whiz. How... predictable.
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It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus. Appeals to authority are not valid arguments, but nor is it reasonable to disregard the claims of experts who have a demonstrated depth of knowledge

Define for us how your "experts" have expertise in detecting aliens among us and alien in-breeding with human species.

Have you considered that the very people who are promoting the alien infiltration could themselves by hybrid alien-humans?
It's important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus. Appeals to authority are not valid arguments, but nor is it reasonable to disregard the claims of experts who have a demonstrated depth of knowledge

Define for us how your "experts" have expertise in detecting aliens among us and alien in-breeding with human species.

Have you considered that the very people who are promoting the alien infiltration could themselves by hybrid alien-humans?

because they were in positions to encounter them by being..involved in both military and civil flight and NASA space programs in a variety of capacities from walking on the moon to ufo investigation...because alien contact and technology would be a significant national security concern,if anyone would have knowledge of such events ministers of defense and men who have been to the moon would be expected to be among them ...The question "Have you considered that the very people who are promoting the alien infiltration could themselves by hybrid alien-humans?" somewhat redundant as it would not change the assertions of the disclosure project that aliens exists and have made contact..could it a be a grand conspiracy with defense ministers and Apollo crew who for some unknown reason are attempting to deceive ? I suppose anything is possible..I would like to see full disclosure and see what the classified documents contain..I am simply giving the sworn testimony of these highly credible people the consideration it deserves ..if it is is fantastic..if its a conspiracy involving people of this level of public and military is fantastic..either way it seems in a story of a magnitude not to just be ignored or off handly dismissed
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I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters
So far, your conspiracy theory is only being promoted by a handful of people. As conspiracy theories go, yours is pretty weak.

Still no evidence available to support your conspiracies? Gee Whiz. How... predictable.

lol..a handful of Apollo astronauts , defense minister,and ex-NASA employees and high ranking military that held top level national security clearance...would you expect more than a handful of astronauts and defense minsters ??
I am ? to me and I displayed this anger how ? Its not my theories its one of defense minsters
So far, your conspiracy theory is only being promoted by a handful of people. As conspiracy theories go, yours is pretty weak.

Still no evidence available to support your conspiracies? Gee Whiz. How... predictable.

lol..a handful of Apollo astronauts , defense minister,and ex-NASA employees and high ranking military that held top level national security clearance...would you expect more than a handful of astronauts and defense minsters ??

So. As I thought, you have no evidence to support your conspiracy theory. You have only corroborated hearsay. It's ok to admit that.

That's the problem with conspiracy theories such as this one. Evidence is the final arbiter of truth and you have only conspiracy theories.
lol..a handful of Apollo astronauts , defense minister,and ex-NASA employees and high ranking military that held top level national security clearance...would you expect more than a handful of astronauts and defense minsters ??

So. As I thought, you have no evidence to support your conspiracy theory. You have only corroborated hearsay. It's ok to admit that.

That's the problem with conspiracy theories such as this one. Evidence is the final arbiter of truth and you have only conspiracy theories.

The conspiracy theories are all yours..I have not theorized anything..I have simple presented the facts and available evidence ..the sworn testimony does in fact constitute does not however provide proof

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Be or show evidence of.
noun. proof - testimony - witness - attestation - obviousness
verb. prove - show - testify - demonstrate - evince - manifest

it is not a conspiracy theory that Apollo astronauts and defense ministers have stated unequivocally there is alien contact..that is a fact with ample evidence provided...and not in dispute...the only theories involved are is it true or deception
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So. As I thought, you have no evidence to support your conspiracy theory. You have only corroborated hearsay. It's ok to admit that.

That's the problem with conspiracy theories such as this one. Evidence is the final arbiter of truth and you have only conspiracy theories.

The conspiracy theories are all yours..I have not theorized anything..I have simple presented the facts and available evidence ..the sworn testimony does in fact constitute does not however provide proof

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Be or show evidence of.
noun. proof - testimony - witness - attestation - obviousness
verb. prove - show - testify - demonstrate - evince - manifest

it is not a conspiracy theory that Apollo astronauts and defense ministers have stated unequivocally there is alien contact..that is a fact with ample evidence provided...and not in dispute...the only theories involved are is it true or deception

Others will claim that they have seen Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, Leprechauns and yes, even space aliens.

So yes, there is evidence for Leprechauns.

Happy, now?
The conspiracy theories are all yours..I have not theorized anything..I have simple presented the facts and available evidence ..the sworn testimony does in fact constitute does not however provide proof

The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Be or show evidence of.
noun. proof - testimony - witness - attestation - obviousness
verb. prove - show - testify - demonstrate - evince - manifest

it is not a conspiracy theory that Apollo astronauts and defense ministers have stated unequivocally there is alien contact..that is a fact with ample evidence provided...and not in dispute...the only theories involved are is it true or deception

Others will claim that they have seen Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, Leprechauns and yes, even space aliens.

So yes, there is evidence for Leprechauns.

Happy, now?

An important consideration in wittiness testimony is can provide no credible government or military personal that have held some the highest levels of national security clearance and are willing to testify before congress under oath as to the existence of Leprechauns .Loch Ness monster
Bigfoot or any of your other strawmen...
Others will claim that they have seen Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, Leprechauns and yes, even space aliens.

So yes, there is evidence for Leprechauns.

Happy, now?

An important consideration in wittiness testimony is can provide no credible government or military personal that have held some the highest levels of national security clearance and are willing to testify before congress under oath as to the existence of Leprechauns .Loch Ness monster
Bigfoot or any of your other strawmen...

You're probably unaware that witness testimony hinges upon credible evidence.

So where is the evidence for your space aliens, human/space alien hybrids and Leprechauns?
An important consideration in wittiness testimony is can provide no credible government or military personal that have held some the highest levels of national security clearance and are willing to testify before congress under oath as to the existence of Leprechauns .Loch Ness monster
Bigfoot or any of your other strawmen...

You're probably unaware that witness testimony hinges upon credible evidence.

So where is the evidence for your space aliens, human/space alien hybrids and Leprechauns?

there is a body of evidence that would take hours to present to support the highly credible testimony but there is not conclusive physical evidence none of this is the case with your strawman...your argument is completely disingenuous I have no doubt if the worlds most respected evolutionist claimed in multitudes that they have seen evidence that conclusively proves evolutionary theory but it was being held and classified by the government and would not be released to the public and they where willing to petition the government for full disclosure and to testify before congress under oath you would not be babbling about Leprechauns...such is the nature of cognitive dissonance
You're probably unaware that witness testimony hinges upon credible evidence.

So where is the evidence for your space aliens, human/space alien hybrids and Leprechauns?

there is a body of evidence that would take hours to present to support the highly credible testimony but there is not conclusive physical evidence none of this is the case with your strawman...your argument is completely disingenuous I have no doubt if the worlds most respected evolutionist claimed in multitudes that they have seen evidence that conclusively proves evolutionary theory but it was being held and classified by the government and would not be released to the public and they where willing to petition the government for full disclosure and to testify before congress under oath you would not be babbling about Leprechauns...such is the nature of cognitive dissonance

Ah yes. I suppose an important component in the maintenance of your conspiracy theories are appeals to "classified government secrets" which shield the evidence for your space alien hybrid humans.

Odd that you claim that I am the one babbling when it is you who is screeching about space alien-human hybrids, for which you conveniently have no evidence for.
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