Crime and race in the US. Not for liberals

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.

Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?

I dont have a link at present, but yes, blacks have higher rates of crime and violence even when they are matched by income, class, wealth or intelligence. unfortunately.

But you have nothing to support this. Countries with predominately white populations have high crime in impoverished areas.
Are you stating that Blacks and Hispanics should be deprived of their Second Amendment rights? If so, what about the white gangbangers and criminals? Should we outlaw them too? Or are you asserting that White people don't commit violent crimes?

Why is it when some one points out problems among specific groups, the idiots out there jump to the conclusion that "ALL" of that group is being targeted?

Single parent homes are probably a huge factor in these statistics. Not belonging to an organized religion (classes, events, social groups), probably has a lot to do with these facts. Economic factors (see single parent) probably have a lot to do with these facts.

Again, when the obvious is presented, the idiots want to deny them. I thought it was you guys that are telling us "science" is so important; science deals in FACTS.
Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?

I dont have a link at present, but yes, blacks have higher rates of crime and violence even when they are matched by income, class, wealth or intelligence. unfortunately.

But you have nothing to support this. Countries with predominately white populations have high crime in impoverished areas.

perhaps you didnt understand my statement.

if you study one defined segment of the population, then further break it down by race, the black portion will have higher rates of crime and violence even though they statistically the same as the rest of the cohort.

you are making the mistake of equating the higher crime rate for poor people as a group as the reason (perhaps excuse) for the high black crime rate. if you only look at poor people, blacks still have higher crime rates. if you only look at middleclass people who make $60,000-70,000/yr and live in the suburbs then the black subgroup still has a higher crime rate than the white subgroup.
I dont have a link at present, but yes, blacks have higher rates of crime and violence even when they are matched by income, class, wealth or intelligence. unfortunately.

But you have nothing to support this. Countries with predominately white populations have high crime in impoverished areas.

perhaps you didnt understand my statement.

if you study one defined segment of the population, then further break it down by race, the black portion will have higher rates of crime and violence even though they statistically the same as the rest of the cohort.

you are making the mistake of equating the higher crime rate for poor people as a group as the reason (perhaps excuse) for the high black crime rate. if you only look at poor people, blacks still have higher crime rates. if you only look at middleclass people who make $60,000-70,000/yr and live in the suburbs then the black subgroup still has a higher crime rate than the white subgroup.

And you have statistics to back this up?
But you have nothing to support this. Countries with predominately white populations have high crime in impoverished areas.

perhaps you didnt understand my statement.

if you study one defined segment of the population, then further break it down by race, the black portion will have higher rates of crime and violence even though they statistically the same as the rest of the cohort.

you are making the mistake of equating the higher crime rate for poor people as a group as the reason (perhaps excuse) for the high black crime rate. if you only look at poor people, blacks still have higher crime rates. if you only look at middleclass people who make $60,000-70,000/yr and live in the suburbs then the black subgroup still has a higher crime rate than the white subgroup.

And you have statistics to back this up?

have I seen statistics that show this? yes. am I interested enough to find them again? no.

even if I had large population number govt studies that backed up this result over a number of years; would it make a difference to you? I used to litter the message board with links just like Matthew and others do now but I found out to my dismay that it was a waste of time and that nobody changes their mind, or even listens to the other side. I am probably just as guilty because I only seem to find flaws in other people's links, and sometimes even evidence for my side. of course that may be because my side has all the evidence. and the other side only has rhetoric.

please....prove me wrong, I would enjoy it.
Now we need to make speeding unacceptable too. Same with red light running and text driving. Car violence is much larger and much more correctable than gun violence.

We had photo radar here for a while. I was just about the only one who was sad to see it go. It made it easier to obey speed limits because you knew every one could get a ticket

If you live in GB, you guys have all of that "Big Brother" shit going on. I'm glad we are not there yet, but we are getting there.

On to this "Black Culture" shit; what "Black Culture" are you referring to? Gang banging? If so, gang banging is not a solely "Black thing", it goes across all racial lines. If one has spent time in Chinatown in NYC, one would know about the different street gangs and Triads. Somehow "the Blacks" are the most hated when in reality they have been the MOST FUCKED WITH by the culture of white people who despise them. I think a lot of this "hate" towards the Blacks, is really a coping mechanism for "white guilt".

The Blacks didn't go over to Europe and make the Europeans their slaves. The Blacks didn't colonize Europe and strip it of it's natural resources while at the same time treating the natives worse than animals and using the tactic of "divide and conquer" that those idiots fell for. The Blacks didn't beg the Europeans to bring them to America and make them slaves and treat them as less than human for centuries. The Blacks didn't ask those cocksuckers to humiliate them, brutalize them, kill them, and disenfranchise them of basic liberties that the White Founding Fathers considered as Natural Rights.

I find it funny that descendants from a bunch of people who have caused millions of deaths, committed millions, billions, and trillions in robbery, occupied and subjected other people in their lands and haven taken them abroad to do the same, now cry about the results of the actions that their ancestors started.

"Black culture" in America, IS American culture, it's a result of their experience living in a country with a White ruling class, that at times have been very hostile toward them. In spite of it all they STILL volunteered to fight for this country, even that wasn't enough for the "innocent" White ruling class and then henchmen in the lower socioeconomic levels. The still faced life as second class citizens, still faced lynchings and white riots (see Black Wall Street) , through it all there were and ARE successful Black people who made it through all of that bullshit. They are the real "Black Culture" in America.

Should the fucking "Honey Boo Bo" family be the representatives for White America? How about the cocksuckers who shot up the movie theater and those babies recently in Connecticut, should people start knocking White middle class culture because of those bastards?

Are there lowlifes in the "Black community" hell yeah there are, just like in any other community. If they break the law, seek justice through the law. That justice should be equal. Ron Paul agrees. Listen to him at 45 seconds into it:

[ame=]Ron Paul Is a Racist agaisnt Black People MUST SEE!!!! - YouTube[/ame]

Before some of you people talk about "Black violence and criminality" look at this video series and see the crimes against humanity perpetrated by White Culture.:
[ame=]The History of the United States ~ Chapter 1 - World War II - YouTube[/ame]

I laugh when some of the ignorant and bigoted dolts say this "Why do dey gotta call demselves Afwickan Amwericwans, instead of just Americans?" regarding "the Blacks" calling themselves African Americans, maybe it's because those same cocksuckers never treated them as fellow Americans. It's quite telling that 70+ percent of Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and probably American Indians, voted for Obama instead of the republicans.

You people should be shamed of yourselves and embarrassed that you have to hide behind "race" and racism to make yourselves feel better for your own individual shortcomings. I think a lot of the most venomous bigots are frustrated because they are no better and probably than "That ****** walking down the street with his pants hanging down off of his ass with Walkmans on a rapping.".

So people can take this stupid racial statistics and shove it up their asses. How the fuck are you people as INDIVIDUALS?

I find it sad. People that have never been slaves; people whose parents have never been slaves are still crying about something that happened over a century ago. They have the same opportunities that MOST whites have: to be bullied in school, to be humiliated in school, to find subjects that interest them in school, to overcome the bullying and humiliation by focusing on what interests them, and working towards living apart from those that humiliated and bullied them in school. Once they GRADUATE, they have opportunities to join the military or get a college education. They have the opportunity to start working at a "dead end" job and stay there until finance or boredom encourage them to reach for a better position. Once they have "worked" in different jobs, they have the same opportunities to continue their education thru night school, or specialized courses. They are "free" to invest their earnings in their futures (not tatoos, not hair treatments, not nail treatments), as any "white".

When this is pointed out, the IGNORANT (means they choose to stay in a state of unknowing), cry about how hard it is. Ask your 99% of white people if they were humiliated or bullied in school. Ask them if they were ever called nasty names. Ask them if there was anyone holding their hand to "success". Ask them if they ever felt discrimminated against (some will tell you that they were passed over for "affirmative action", so that less qualified, correctly colored people could be in better positions), or had people insult them over their appearance. Bad experiences are not an excuse to lie down and hold out your hand. Bad experiences are a challenge to show you what you can do in spite of difficulties. Millions of blacks, hispanics, whites, yellows, reds have done this, and are thrilled to be able to go to work every day, so that they can support their own families, and not take from others. What is your excuse for decendents [all of the races have been enslaved at some point in history, and there are still slaves (sold by their own people to muslim slave traders in Africa, not that you would mention that point) in many places in the world] of slaves, now?
A history of the most devastating shootings in the United States of America in light of race

April 20, 1999
Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold shot up a school, killing 13 people and wounding 21 others. Race? White.

July 29th, 1999
Mark Orrin Barton murders his wife and children before he shot and killed 12 people and shot and killed himself, bringing the death toll to 13 people. White.

September 15th, 1999
Larry Gene Ashbrook kills 7 people and wounds 7 others.

December 26th, 2000
Michael “Mucko” McDermott shots and kills 7 people. White.

July 8th, 2003

Doug Williams shoots 14 people, 7 dead. Additionally, the shooting was CONFIRMED as racially motivated. Williams specifically targeted Afrikan Amerikans for this attack. White.

Ooooohhh and the Afrikans are so bad! The Afrikans are going out and doing these mass shootings! The Afrikans are killing the white people!! Clearly that is obvious in this history.

Whites shot and killed less than 50 people (not saying this is a good thing, just pointing out the obvious, that it doesn't touch the numbers from others) in 5 years? Compare to Chicago shootings of around 500 for 2012 (one year). Yes, I guess that "you" would conclude that whites are far more likely to comitt violent acts than blacks.
Is the causation race or poverty? Statistic show that the poor are more likely to commit crime than wealthier Americans and people of color are more likely to be poor.

I can think of no reason why the color of ones skin would make them more likely to commit crime, however I can think of a lot of reasons why the poor would commit more crime that than those that are wealthy.

If that is the conclusion we come to, then we must now ask:

if poverty is what is causing crime, and a high amount of certain racial groups belong to a certain race,

why are these races so poor, when they have the same adequate skills and abilities as whites and the same amount of ambition?

Could it be because, according to a report by Robert C. Newberry in the Houston Post, that Afrikan Amerikanjob seekers are denied equal treatment about 20% of the time?

Could it be that according to the Phildelphia Inquirer, social security disability was twice as likely to be denied to an Afrikan Amerikan?

Could it be that over the course of 100 years in a sport that has HISTORICALLY been 65%-80% Afrikan Amerikan players has only had 21 Afrikan Amerikan coaches versus the hundred of white coaches? Sports being something that Afrikans are traditionally thought to succeed in, and yet, there is a glass ceiling even there when it comes to working up to being a coach. And this is applicable in Basketball as well and the majority of sports, due to the fact that, the majority of sports team are dominated by Afrikan Amerikans and yet the 'boss' is always the white, no matter the skill of the Afrikan Amerikan.

If you're going to blame poverty on violence, then the poverty needs to be confronted, and the source of the poverty.

It's unfair for whites to attempt to sweep under the rug the effect that racial oppression has had on the Afrikan and Hispanic people, but particularly, the Afrikan. Wouldn't it seem rather logical and in line with common sense to think that 250 years of it being AGAINST THE LAW to teach an Afrikan to read, that denying literacy to a group of people for nearly three hundred years, would have an effect on the economical achievements they are able to make, not because of intelligence, but because of systematic oppression?

Then ultimately, it all comes back to the rich, the empowered, the white and non-white that is oppressing these Afrikans and Hispanics into poverty. It is them that are responsible for the violence because the cultivate a society where the violence is all that is possible.

When a man is hungry, he will still.

When a race of people have been oppressed for hundred of years, anger brews, anger that is justified, anger that must be dealt with. To think that poverty is the excuse for violence, or that it's the non-whites doing all of the crime, is quite naive. For if you add up all of the people that white people have enslaved and killed in all of history, it will outnumber all other racial groups. Whites have enslaved and killed the most people in all of history, and anyone who denies this is denying their own culture, their culture of violence and oppression.

Please explain why SOME blacks, hispanics, asians, native Americans get great jobs and become WEALTHY. Explain why SOME overcome their terrible childhoods, and become "successful". Explain why way too many refuse to use the gifts the LORD gave them, and QUIT on life.
Especially the white guilt filled liberals.

Many people.........scratch that, ......... many liberal people, on these boards have been whining and crying on the gun control threads about the crime rates in the US, saying we have a gun problem in this nation, and because Europe and other industrailized nations have less guns, they have less crime. Well all the statistics, from private studies and DOJ/FBI studies, show a different story. They show American doesn't have a problem with guns, we have a problem with negroes and hispanic gang bangers who have no respect for the law, who have long criminal records and who are released back into society time after time and who embrace and perpetuate a culture of rape, robbery, drug abuse/dealing, gang affiliation and a total disregard for the laws of a civilized society. We don't need to ban guns in this nation to make us safer, as the average gun owner who legally purchases their firearms is not the one commiting all these violent gun crimes, we need to ban the minority scum that commits violent crimes at a rate that is far out of proportion to their numbers in our society. I know the left hates to hear this, but our problem is not with guns, it's with negroes and hispanic gang bangers and until we address this problem, by either executing these repeat violent offenders, or by locking them up at hard labor for their entire lives, we will not see any change in the number of violent crimes commited by armed individuals. The negro and the hispanic gang banger are repsonsible for the vast, vast majority of violent gun crimes in this nation and most of them have long criminal records going back to their teens and in many cases, pre-teens, meaning if they were executed of imprisoned for life then, we would not have half the violent crimes we have today. The answer isn't to prohibit John Q Public from obtaining a firearm, even so called assault weapons, which are used very, very rarely in violent crimes, the answer is to remove the groups who have proven they are unfit to live free in a civilized society.

The report The Color of Crime (2005, second expanded edition) by the New Century Foundation states that there are several problems with the official crime statistics in the United States. These tend to cause underestimation of racial crime differences. One example being "Whites" sometimes including Hispanics. Another is not adjusting for that the different racial groups differ in population size. The report reviews the more accurate statistics that is available and describes many large differences in crime rates between races. The report also examines the research on possible bias against racial minorities in the justice system and the police and concludes that bias not a significant explanation for the different racial crime rates.[3]

It major findings were stated as:[3]

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the White rate.

The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is Black and Hispanic.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent.
Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Fortyfive percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are Black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When Whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are Black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a White than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than Whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
The report also stated that between 2001 and 2003 there were an average of 15,400 Black-on-White rapes. The number of White-on-Black rapes were unclear. Counting some Hispanics as Whites, there were 900 "White"-on-Black rapes. Blacks were 7.2 time more likely to commit interracial rape even after controlling for differences in population size and for the higher general rate of rape for Blacks. This may suggest a deliberate targeting of Whites.[3]

There were 10,000 gang-rapes by Blacks against Whites between but not a single "White"-on-Black gang rape.[3]

A common myth is that Whites are more likely to commit white-collar offenses. Actually, Blacks are 3-5 times more likely than Whites to be in prison for fraud, bribery/conflict of interest, racketeering, and embezzlement.[3]

A large number of studies have examined the relationship between percentage of Black population in an area and crime. Almost all have found a higher percentage of Blacks in the area to be associated with more violent crime and most have found such a relationship with other types of crimes.[1]

Only 0.3% of reported interracial crimes are classified as official "hate crimes". This classification has been argued to be arbitrary and biased against Whites. Despite this Blacks commit 2.25 times more official hate crimes against Whites and Hispanics than the reverse. The media has been argued to give undue emphasis to official hate crimes as compared to the much more common interracial crimes in general as well as having a bias towards reporting the more uncommon White-on-Black crimes.[4][3]

3. http://he Color of Crime Race. Crim...://

4. http://Critics say news media ignoring Knoxville couple slaying. Archived from the original


http://The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Justice in America
Major Findings

■ There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime.
■ Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving
blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.
■Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.
■ Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.
■Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate,
and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.
■Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.
Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category.
■Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white
offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.
■Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more
dangerous than women.
Is the causation race or poverty? Statistic show that the poor are more likely to commit crime than wealthier Americans and people of color are more likely to be poor.

I can think of no reason why the color of ones skin would make them more likely to commit crime, however I can think of a lot of reasons why the poor would commit more crime that than those that are wealthy.

The solution for the rape problem is this,"keep your white women out of the Black neighborhoods,clubs,and bars.

Are you a current or future islamist extremist?
Is the causation race or poverty? Statistic show that the poor are more likely to commit crime than wealthier Americans and people of color are more likely to be poor.

I can think of no reason why the color of ones skin would make them more likely to commit crime, however I can think of a lot of reasons why the poor would commit more crime that than those that are wealthy.

If that is the conclusion we come to, then we must now ask:

if poverty is what is causing crime, and a high amount of certain racial groups belong to a certain race,

why are these races so poor, when they have the same adequate skills and abilities as whites and the same amount of ambition?

Could it be because, according to a report by Robert C. Newberry in the Houston Post, that Afrikan Amerikanjob seekers are denied equal treatment about 20% of the time?

Could it be that according to the Phildelphia Inquirer, social security disability was twice as likely to be denied to an Afrikan Amerikan?

Could it be that over the course of 100 years in a sport that has HISTORICALLY been 65%-80% Afrikan Amerikan players has only had 21 Afrikan Amerikan coaches versus the hundred of white coaches? Sports being something that Afrikans are traditionally thought to succeed in, and yet, there is a glass ceiling even there when it comes to working up to being a coach. And this is applicable in Basketball as well and the majority of sports, due to the fact that, the majority of sports team are dominated by Afrikan Amerikans and yet the 'boss' is always the white, no matter the skill of the Afrikan Amerikan.

If you're going to blame poverty on violence, then the poverty needs to be confronted, and the source of the poverty.

It's unfair for whites to attempt to sweep under the rug the effect that racial oppression has had on the Afrikan and Hispanic people, but particularly, the Afrikan. Wouldn't it seem rather logical and in line with common sense to think that 250 years of it being AGAINST THE LAW to teach an Afrikan to read, that denying literacy to a group of people for nearly three hundred years, would have an effect on the economical achievements they are able to make, not because of intelligence, but because of systematic oppression?

Then ultimately, it all comes back to the rich, the empowered, the white and non-white that is oppressing these Afrikans and Hispanics into poverty. It is them that are responsible for the violence because the cultivate a society where the violence is all that is possible.

When a man is hungry, he will still.

When a race of people have been oppressed for hundred of years, anger brews, anger that is justified, anger that must be dealt with. To think that poverty is the excuse for violence, or that it's the non-whites doing all of the crime, is quite naive. For if you add up all of the people that white people have enslaved and killed in all of history, it will outnumber all other racial groups. Whites have enslaved and killed the most people in all of history, and anyone who denies this is denying their own culture, their culture of violence and oppression.

Don't forget the prison industrial complex, with the prison industry being big business , prisons now going privatized make a lot of money of that "slave labor" and what percentage of that population in prison is black?

Things that make you go hmm:eusa_eh:

So why would "blacks" that are aware of this violate the law when they "know" what that future will bring?
That hilarious you ask where I get my numbers from and there is a WORKING link to the FBI UCR. Then you dispute those numbers and provide the link to nowhere. Good job there Fletcher. Any how, lets talk about something that kills more people every year than guns and drugs combined. That would be drunk drivers. Now if you refer to the link I provided that works and takes you to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Report you'll see that of the 1,082,301 drunk drivers arrested in 2010 a whopping 927,516 are white and 124,467 are black or 85.7% white and 11.5% black. So combine that with murder rat and you have white people killing other people at a higher rate than their population numbers. Ok Here is where I pause and wait for you sorry ass excuses.

there is no excuse for drunk driving. the fact that it is culturally unacceptable has cut the rates dramatically from decades ago.

when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?

Culturally unacceptable? Cut the rates dramatically? You have got to be kidding me. First of all culturally unacceptable is a matter of opinion. Drunk driving is the most dangerous crime there is and the most expensive. yet while you talk about gun control there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it. I guess it just a known that it is culturally unacceptable. We don't really need to do anything about it or say anything about it because you already know how I feel about it so lets discuss something else.
As for black culture and unacceptable crimes, Why do black folks have to do anything about it? Can't you be satisfied with just knowing that is unacceptable to us? You obviously know nothing about what goes on in black culture. You hear about the crime on the news but nothing of the aftermath in black neighborhoods. You know nothing of the town halls, the vigils, the church leaders and residents marching through the streets begging for something to be done. But the saying goes that "crime can never be stopped it can only be contained" So maybe you should thank those people in the hood that have to put up with all kinds of crime on the daily. After all as long as they do then you don't.

The people in the "hood" support the crimmals. You see it on the news, frequently: my boy would never hurt anyone...., my boy never jumped that man, he is just a little sweet boy (punk over 6 foot tall).... etc.

When the police try to clean up the "hood", they get closed doors and silence. the "hood" supports crimminal activity, and the people that live there keep it going.
A history of the most devastating shootings in the United States of America in light of race

April 20, 1999
Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold shot up a school, killing 13 people and wounding 21 others. Race? White.

July 29th, 1999
Mark Orrin Barton murders his wife and children before he shot and killed 12 people and shot and killed himself, bringing the death toll to 13 people. White.

September 15th, 1999
Larry Gene Ashbrook kills 7 people and wounds 7 others.

December 26th, 2000
Michael “Mucko” McDermott shots and kills 7 people. White.

July 8th, 2003

Doug Williams shoots 14 people, 7 dead. Additionally, the shooting was CONFIRMED as racially motivated. Williams specifically targeted Afrikan Amerikans for this attack. White.

Ooooohhh and the Afrikans are so bad! The Afrikans are going out and doing these mass shootings! The Afrikans are killing the white people!! Clearly that is obvious in this history.

Lol, you give me 47 deaths? I can go to the newspapers and give you twice that number murdered by negroes in just this past week. Get real slick. By the way dimwit, Afrikans is a language, not a group of people. Man so many people on this board are such bloody morons it's like having a conversation with a rock.

Then I could go to those same papers and give you four times that number killed by white drunk drivers. But they didn't really mean to do it did they? None the less they did kill someone and they will be forced to spend the next 5 years on probation thinking about what they did that they can't remember.

Show us.
As we enter the twenty-first century, many first world nations are grappling with citizens of their nations engaging in criminal activity; in some free countries there is a growing population of prisoners and it seems criminality becomes more common. Crimes committed have a wide range, it can be for either financial reasons or more troubled types of criminal offenses where individuals commit senseless acts of violence either because of a predisposition towards such behavior or people who enjoy inflicting pain. Though the reasons for this phenomena of criminality is diverse, a simple question is this; how best to fight crime, by locking men up to reform them or deal with some of the social-economic realities which lead young men to engage in crime. In the inner city; the allure of easy money made in the drug trade has led many young men to the prison system, and this is especially problematic since people from these communities do not have access to proper education so they may be given the tools to succeed in society if they have the intellect. Since we live in a culture where a person's entire worth is often determined by how much he possesses; easy money made from crime seems like a better path then working a low paying, thankless job which is honest but sometimes unrewarding. The prison system exists to punish individuals who have committed crimes against society; but is there a possibility that young men who might have been petty criminals are thrown into the brutal prison systems where they can affiliate with hardcore predicate felons and may not be reformed into a contributing member of society. Also as we progress into the future, senseless crimes of violence become more common as some dangerous men engage in the most barbarous acts against there fellow men and women. So what is the better solution, locking more individuals up or seeing that less citizens grow up to be criminals.
In the school system, those educated in such matters should create a profile of what alarming activities youths may show that could indicate they will grow up to be a violent criminal and see if there is any potential therapy to help change these youngsters into a stable member of the community. Also the school system in the inner city or poor neighborhoods should be given more funds so that if a citizen has the ability to succeed then he should have access to higher education no matter who he is. That to fight the tree of crime you go after the roots; or find which societal factors lead to crime and alter them so they no longer influence some into becoming a detriment to the community or society as a whole. Lowering crime is a ethical goal, but requires a knowledgeable view of what leads to crime and how to change such realities so that future generations will not suffer the consequences of actions committed by those who care nothing for the welfare of others. It is something to think about.

Ahhh! common sense!

school children in urban areas are "taught" that society is against them
school children are no longer corporally punished (get their butt hurt, so they learn to avoid behavior that will lead to more punishment)
Judeo/Christian values are not encouraged in schools (you know, don't lie, steal, cheat, live a promiscuous lifestyle)
school children are taught that it is more important to have a good sex life than it is to have a good "life".
Who is in charge of the schools? Liberals. They have designed the culture to rot from within, and until blacks abandon the liberal plantation, they will continue to be led down the path of helplessness, and frustration. If they put their head up and look around, and take the opportunities that are available to most Americans (some physically or mentally handicapped cannot do some things), they are demonized as betraying "their people". Conservatives that try to reach the urbanites are mocked because the urban leaders gain status from keeping "their people" on the liberal plantation. Now you have Louis Farrakhan claiming that a "race war" is coming. Really, is that how urbanites want this to play out?
I thought you said English was your first language? If you stand by this then I can only assume you're an idiot. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, a Rhodes scholar or even an Englsih major to understand the point the poster was making. 52% of the murders in this nation are committed by a segment of society that only makes up 13% of our population. See not too difficult to understand what was implied. Guess when dealing with morons you have to actually spell it out in simple, one and two syllable words so they don't get confused. As for the rest of your "math" and statistics, here's another one for you. 1 out of 3 negro males, that would be 33%, are now, or have been at some time in their life, in jail, prison, on probation, on parole or under some other form of court sanctioned supervision. You can whine and cry all you want, but the facts are, the negro male is the most criminal minded and violent group in our nation and per capita committs more crimes than any other group of people in this nation, followed closely by hispanics. White are way down on the scale son.

Can you show me the statistics where most black males incarcerated was for violent crimes?

iirc, most are imprisoned for drug offenses.

Most "drug offenses" are the result of a worse crime being downgraded for an easy conviction.
Exactly, which is why less whites commit crimes, violent or otherwise, than negroes, and why minorities drop out of school at a much higher rate than whites. The negro culture is not very effective at teaching morals, values, a strong work ethic, a love for learning not to mention a respect for authority and law and order. By the way, considering that from the age of about 6yrs old, the State has your kids, if you're dumb enough to send them to public schools, for the vast majority of the day, so they DO bear a lot of responsibility in how kids turn out.

Did you go to public school or private schools when you grew up?

Actually my generation was propably the generation that saw the start of the decline of the PS education system in the US. I went to school in the 60's and 70's in NYC (kindergarten to the 6th grade Catholic school, public JHS and HS), right when you started to see a large influx of the hippy-dippy, anti-war protesting, socialist sympathizing, National Liberation Front supporting, a-hole liberal college grads entering the PS system as teachers. We still had many hold overs from previous generations of teachers though that believed in education not liberal indoctrination. By the 80's it was all over. For the past 40+yrs our PS system has focused more on liberal indoctrination than on a good solid education and it has gotten much, much worse in the past 10-20yrs. Neither of my kids went to public school and for my oldest that meant serious sacrifices, and I hope when I have grandkids they won't either. I have already put money aside for their private education. Private and home schooled children consistantly out perfom their PS peers in ALL standardized tests, not to mention having much higher graduation rates and College attendance rates and much lower rates of violence in the schools. This is a fact that must be looked at when sending your kids to school. For some this may mean sacrifices, no new car, no grand vacations, smaller homes, whatever, but no sacrifice is too great to ensure your kids the best possible future. I drive the same truck I bought used 15yrs ago and after putting in a new motor this past summer, I plan to drive it another 15yrs without a truck payment. My wife wanted a new mustang since she was a little girl, instead she sacrificed that and for the cost of a new mustang our son went to and currently attends, a private school. Since I started my own business 8yrs ago the sacrifices haven't been so grand, and she now has her mustang, 3yrs old and paid cash for, but we would sacrifice anything to enusre our son didn't attend the cesspool we call public education in this nation. My oldest is currently serving in the USMC and if he decides to go to college they pay for almost all of it so the money we have for that can go to his kid's education and my youngest also wants to join when he comes of age so his college fund can go to his kid's education. I would go to any lengths to keep my children and grandchildren from taking part in the liberal's grand social engineering experemint we call public education.

Thank him for his service to this country, for me.
I have an open mind, but the last few mass shootings were white kids shooting unarmed white American children. I don't want to sound like a scold. This country is so obsessed with protecting gun ownership at the cost of losing its soul.

You cannot maintain the first Amendment without maintaining the second Amendment (not that being a slave would matter to many in this country, until after they are literally slaves).
Why is it crime and race instead of crime and poverty?

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.

Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?

Yeah, go to the US Census website for the appalachian people's poverty rates and google poverty on native american reservations for the info. As affluent blacks, wouldn't you consider blacks that make more tha 1,000 dollars a day affluent? Well that's what a lot of the black dope dealers are making.
Are you stating that Blacks and Hispanics should be deprived of their Second Amendment rights? If so, what about the white gangbangers and criminals? Should we outlaw them too? Or are you asserting that White people don't commit violent crimes?

Why is it when some one points out problems among specific groups, the idiots out there jump to the conclusion that "ALL" of that group is being targeted?

Single parent homes are probably a huge factor in these statistics. Not belonging to an organized religion (classes, events, social groups), probably has a lot to do with these facts. Economic factors (see single parent) probably have a lot to do with these facts.

Again, when the obvious is presented, the idiots want to deny them. I thought it was you guys that are telling us "science" is so important; science deals in FACTS.

Well "genius" whe you have those people following up with the comments below, it's a pretty easy conclusion to come to.

"the negro on the other hand has no redeeming qualities ."

" Blacks have no shame or wanting to diss this kind of violence. As long as it happens to whitey they're happy."

"when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?"

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