Crime and race in the US. Not for liberals

The foundation for education starts at home son. The teachers can only deal with what is sent to them. If the parents are good, the kids are pretty bright and good. If the parents are shitheads and worthless, they blame the teachers for their failures as parents.

Exactly, which is why less whites commit crimes, violent or otherwise, than negroes, and why minorities drop out of school at a much higher rate than whites. The negro culture is not very effective at teaching morals, values, a strong work ethic, a love for learning not to mention a respect for authority and law and order. By the way, considering that from the age of about 6yrs old, the State has your kids, if you're dumb enough to send them to public schools, for the vast majority of the day, so they DO bear a lot of responsibility in how kids turn out.

Did you go to public school or private schools when you grew up?

Actually my generation was propably the generation that saw the start of the decline of the PS education system in the US. I went to school in the 60's and 70's in NYC (kindergarten to the 6th grade Catholic school, public JHS and HS), right when you started to see a large influx of the hippy-dippy, anti-war protesting, socialist sympathizing, National Liberation Front supporting, a-hole liberal college grads entering the PS system as teachers. We still had many hold overs from previous generations of teachers though that believed in education not liberal indoctrination. By the 80's it was all over. For the past 40+yrs our PS system has focused more on liberal indoctrination than on a good solid education and it has gotten much, much worse in the past 10-20yrs. Neither of my kids went to public school and for my oldest that meant serious sacrifices, and I hope when I have grandkids they won't either. I have already put money aside for their private education. Private and home schooled children consistantly out perfom their PS peers in ALL standardized tests, not to mention having much higher graduation rates and College attendance rates and much lower rates of violence in the schools. This is a fact that must be looked at when sending your kids to school. For some this may mean sacrifices, no new car, no grand vacations, smaller homes, whatever, but no sacrifice is too great to ensure your kids the best possible future. I drive the same truck I bought used 15yrs ago and after putting in a new motor this past summer, I plan to drive it another 15yrs without a truck payment. My wife wanted a new mustang since she was a little girl, instead she sacrificed that and for the cost of a new mustang our son went to and currently attends, a private school. Since I started my own business 8yrs ago the sacrifices haven't been so grand, and she now has her mustang, 3yrs old and paid cash for, but we would sacrifice anything to enusre our son didn't attend the cesspool we call public education in this nation. My oldest is currently serving in the USMC and if he decides to go to college they pay for almost all of it so the money we have for that can go to his kid's education and my youngest also wants to join when he comes of age so his college fund can go to his kid's education. I would go to any lengths to keep my children and grandchildren from taking part in the liberal's grand social engineering experemint we call public education.
good for you jtpr. my wife and I put our kids in a Catholic high school after working closely for years with our neighbourhood public schools. I dont think the kids at Catholic schools are significantly more intelligent than children at public schools but the learning environment is certainly more conducive for the students to excel.
i know the hispanic crime rate is high,but hispanics deserve to be treated as humans because the vast majority are honest hard working humans. the negro on the other hand has no redeeming qualities .

So, you personally know the "vast majority" of Hispanics and blacks? You sure do get around.:confused:

That's a pretty asinine thing to say. You don't need to personally know a group of people to know that they commit the vast majority of crimes in this nation. All you have to do is read the statistics. I KNOW Lions live in Prides and hunt in groups. I know that the females do the majority of the hunting. I know the male lion is called the King of the Jungle. I know they can weigh between 250-550lbs depending on age and sex. I know they can live between 15-20yrs depending on if they are in captivity or the wild. I know a lot about them, and guess what? I don't know one lion personally. Go figure.

Go figure is right. The poster I was responding to made the cooment that "Hispanics deserve to be treated as humans while blacks have no redeeming quaities". So before I dismiss you as an being unable to read and comprehend,, I will ask if you understand what a sweeping racist, generalization is?
good for you jtpr. my wife and I put our kids in a Catholic high school after working closely for years with our neighbourhood public schools. I dont think the kids at Catholic schools are significantly more intelligent than children at public schools but the learning environment is certainly more conducive for the students to excel.

Good for you. On average the public schools down here in St Mary's co Md aren't bad, but the fact remains the cirriculum is guided by a seriously liberal POV even here in a pretty conservative catholic county. You're right, the kids are no more intelligent when they arrive, but statistically speaking, they seem to be more successful and knowlegable when they graduate.
So, you personally know the "vast majority" of Hispanics and blacks? You sure do get around.:confused:

That's a pretty asinine thing to say. You don't need to personally know a group of people to know that they commit the vast majority of crimes in this nation. All you have to do is read the statistics. I KNOW Lions live in Prides and hunt in groups. I know that the females do the majority of the hunting. I know the male lion is called the King of the Jungle. I know they can weigh between 250-550lbs depending on age and sex. I know they can live between 15-20yrs depending on if they are in captivity or the wild. I know a lot about them, and guess what? I don't know one lion personally. Go figure.

Go figure is right. The poster I was responding to made the cooment that "Hispanics deserve to be treated as humans while blacks have no redeeming quaities". So before I dismiss you as an being unable to read and comprehend,, I will ask if you understand what a sweeping racist, generalization is?

Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers. It is also not neccessary to know them all personally to recognize that their culture seems to breed an inordinately large amount of people who are criminal minded, lazy, shiftless, entitlement minded citizens that have no respect for law and order, no strong work ethic, no inkling of what personal responsiblity means and little or no respect for themselves, their neighborhoods, their families or authority in general. I would not go so far as to say negroes have no redeeming qualities, but I would say that the negro culture has no redeeming qualities. Some negroes have actually turned their backs on their culture and have embraced the white man's culture and are doing pretty good, but the fact remains, scratch the surface of even one of these, and you can ususally see the ****** under the veneer of civility.
So let me get this right. If you pull out a gun and hold it to my head pull the trigger and kill me, that is wrong. It is wrong because you knew that pulling that trigger could kill me. Yet if you get drunk and get behind the wheel of a car and smash into me and kill me it is some how different? Is it different because drunk drivers hardly ever kill anyone? I mean we all know that drunk drivers kill people all the time right? I mean is there a difference for some one who's loved one was killed by a gun than it is for one killed by a drunk driver?What is there two different kinds of killed? Are there two different kinds of dead? Really? Is this your argument?

Yes it is different. One is involuntary the other not.
Both are voluntary. No one makes you drink and no one forces you to get behind the wheel after drinking.
Negligence is not the same as premeditated murder - goddamn man.
Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers.

We all KNOW that YOU are a weak, cowardly excuse for a human being and that you only shoot your mealy mouth off here online - you ridiculous pussy.
That's a pretty asinine thing to say. You don't need to personally know a group of people to know that they commit the vast majority of crimes in this nation. All you have to do is read the statistics. I KNOW Lions live in Prides and hunt in groups. I know that the females do the majority of the hunting. I know the male lion is called the King of the Jungle. I know they can weigh between 250-550lbs depending on age and sex. I know they can live between 15-20yrs depending on if they are in captivity or the wild. I know a lot about them, and guess what? I don't know one lion personally. Go figure.

Go figure is right. The poster I was responding to made the cooment that "Hispanics deserve to be treated as humans while blacks have no redeeming quaities". So before I dismiss you as an being unable to read and comprehend,, I will ask if you understand what a sweeping racist, generalization is?

Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers. It is also not neccessary to know them all personally to recognize that their culture seems to breed an inordinately large amount of people who are criminal minded, lazy, shiftless, entitlement minded citizens that have no respect for law and order, no strong work ethic, no inkling of what personal responsiblity means and little or no respect for themselves, their neighborhoods, their families or authority in general. I would not go so far as to say negroes have no redeeming qualities, but I would say that the negro culture has no redeeming qualities. Some negroes have actually turned their backs on their culture and have embraced the white man's culture and are doing pretty good, but the fact remains, scratch the surface of even one of these, and you can ususally see the ****** under the veneer of civility.

Clearly you know almost nothing about culture and especially the cultures of others. What tells you this as anything to do with culture, its obviously a manner of average behavior?

If people in these threads seriously cared about these issues there would have been some suggestions or some kind of understanding. Don't tell me that's what you or Matthew/Duped have been attempting, all you guys seem to care about is white superiority and no ones going to listen to you if just insult their race. Others here usually either deny it or throw insults. These meaningless threads go on forever and result in nothing.
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Are you stating that Blacks and Hispanics should be deprived of their Second Amendment rights? If so, what about the white gangbangers and criminals? Should we outlaw them too? Or are you asserting that White people don't commit violent crimes?

Did you even read the OP?

If not, your info is there. If yes, you should file suit against the school system that educated you.
Go figure is right. The poster I was responding to made the cooment that "Hispanics deserve to be treated as humans while blacks have no redeeming quaities". So before I dismiss you as an being unable to read and comprehend,, I will ask if you understand what a sweeping racist, generalization is?

Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers. It is also not neccessary to know them all personally to recognize that their culture seems to breed an inordinately large amount of people who are criminal minded, lazy, shiftless, entitlement minded citizens that have no respect for law and order, no strong work ethic, no inkling of what personal responsiblity means and little or no respect for themselves, their neighborhoods, their families or authority in general. I would not go so far as to say negroes have no redeeming qualities, but I would say that the negro culture has no redeeming qualities. Some negroes have actually turned their backs on their culture and have embraced the white man's culture and are doing pretty good, but the fact remains, scratch the surface of even one of these, and you can ususally see the ****** under the veneer of civility.

Clearly you know almost nothing about culture and especially the cultures of others. What tells you this as anything to do with culture, its obviously a manner of average behavior?

If people in these threads seriously cared about these issues there would have been some suggestions or some kind of understanding. Don't tell me that's what you or Matthew/Duped have been attempting, all you guys seem to care about is white superiority and no ones going to listen to you if just insult their race. Others here usually either deny it or throw insults. These meaningless threads go on forever and result in nothing.
White superiority does not worry me - it is black inferiority that is the issue. Your reading comprehension sucks!
I have repeatedly stated that there are plenty of black folks that are superior to me, but as an aggregate they are the bottom rung of society. Violence is way, way more prevalent in the black community, and a host of other denergrading attributes - it is so bad that it needs to be targeted, because it is a cultural calamity. I did not give the black population it's reputation; they earned it. If you are concerned with societal violence as I am, you should adress it's most prominent failures - the black community! Now what fucking part of this don't you understand - I have stated it seven ways to Sunday!
Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers. It is also not neccessary to know them all personally to recognize that their culture seems to breed an inordinately large amount of people who are criminal minded, lazy, shiftless, entitlement minded citizens that have no respect for law and order, no strong work ethic, no inkling of what personal responsiblity means and little or no respect for themselves, their neighborhoods, their families or authority in general. I would not go so far as to say negroes have no redeeming qualities, but I would say that the negro culture has no redeeming qualities. Some negroes have actually turned their backs on their culture and have embraced the white man's culture and are doing pretty good, but the fact remains, scratch the surface of even one of these, and you can ususally see the ****** under the veneer of civility.

Clearly you know almost nothing about culture and especially the cultures of others. What tells you this as anything to do with culture, its obviously a manner of average behavior?

If people in these threads seriously cared about these issues there would have been some suggestions or some kind of understanding. Don't tell me that's what you or Matthew/Duped have been attempting, all you guys seem to care about is white superiority and no ones going to listen to you if just insult their race. Others here usually either deny it or throw insults. These meaningless threads go on forever and result in nothing.
White superiority does not worry me - it is black inferiority that is the issue. Your reading comprehension sucks!
I have repeatedly stated that there are plenty of black folks that are superior to me, but as an aggregate they are the bottom rung of society. Violence is way, way more prevalent in the black community, and a host of other denergrading attributes - it is so bad that it needs to be targeted, because it is a cultural calamity. I did not give the black population it's reputation; they earned it. If you are concerned with societal violence as I am, you should adress it's most prominent failures - the black community! Now what fucking part of this don't you understand - I have stated it seven ways to Sunday!
What does crime have to do with any community? Get over this "black community" BS, a group of black thugs could care less about what any community wants. These violent behaviors and crimes are problems we need to deal with as a country. Crimes like gang violence(which are mainly black) are turning murder into a culture and these gang mentalities are reaching schools. Only a month or two ago my little brother told me about a child at his junior high being caught with weapons in his backpack and making gang signs as police escort him out. Gang crime isn`t being taken seriously enough.
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I have an open mind, but the last few mass shootings were white kids shooting unarmed white American children. I don't want to sound like a scold. This country is so obsessed with protecting gun ownership at the cost of losing its soul.
Are you stating that Blacks and Hispanics should be deprived of their Second Amendment rights? If so, what about the white gangbangers and criminals? Should we outlaw them too? Or are you asserting that White people don't commit violent crimes?

Did you even read the OP?

If not, your info is there. If yes, you should file suit against the school system that educated you.

Yeah, asking questions is so bad. :lol:
Go figure is right. The poster I was responding to made the cooment that "Hispanics deserve to be treated as humans while blacks have no redeeming quaities". So before I dismiss you as an being unable to read and comprehend,, I will ask if you understand what a sweeping racist, generalization is?

Dumbass, you don't need to personally know EVERY negro, nor even know the majority of them, to KNOW that their contributions to our crime rates is way out of proportion to their numbers and that their dependence on public assistance is also way out of proporiton to their numbers. It is also not neccessary to know them all personally to recognize that their culture seems to breed an inordinately large amount of people who are criminal minded, lazy, shiftless, entitlement minded citizens that have no respect for law and order, no strong work ethic, no inkling of what personal responsiblity means and little or no respect for themselves, their neighborhoods, their families or authority in general. I would not go so far as to say negroes have no redeeming qualities, but I would say that the negro culture has no redeeming qualities. Some negroes have actually turned their backs on their culture and have embraced the white man's culture and are doing pretty good, but the fact remains, scratch the surface of even one of these, and you can ususally see the ****** under the veneer of civility.

Clearly you know almost nothing about culture and especially the cultures of others. What tells you this as anything to do with culture, its obviously a manner of average behavior?
Might have been a good idea to at least look up the definition of the word culture, BEFORE you told me this.
culture- 1. the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education: 2. A. the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture> c : the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization or people's.[/COLOR

]If people in these threads seriously cared about these issues there would have been some suggestions or some kind of understanding. Don't tell me that's what you or Matthew/Duped have been attempting, all you guys seem to care about is white superiority and no ones going to listen to you if just insult their race. Others here usually either deny it or throw insults. These meaningless threads go on forever and result in nothing.Here's the thing bud, I don't give a crap about "understanding" the failures of the negro culture. I do my best to avoid it and them. ONLY the negroes can change their culture. The liberals have been trying for decades by throwing tax payer money at the problem and that's of course been a dismal failure. Only they can change the things they place value on. Only they can instill in their children a respect for authority, education, law and order and respect for themselves, their neighbors and their communities. As for insulting their race, the fact that they allow themeselves to live the way they do, and the way they raise their children to be little thugs who think the world owes them something insults me and every other hard working, decent American in this nation, I'm just not poltiically correct enough to poo poo the matter. .
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Why is it crime and race instead of crime and poverty?

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.
Why is it crime and race instead of crime and poverty?

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.

Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?


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Why is it crime and race instead of crime and poverty?

Because statistically, the two poorest segments of our society, the white appalachian and the reservation Indian, both gorups much, much poorer than the inner city negroes, are not committing the number of crimes per capita as the negro does. sorta putting a lie to the whole poverty is why negroes commit the most crimes argument.

Do you have statistics to prove this? Are the middle class and affluent Blacks commiting crimes?

I dont have a link at present, but yes, blacks have higher rates of crime and violence even when they are matched by income, class, wealth or intelligence. unfortunately.

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