"Crime of the century" not being covered by media, even some conservative media

You know what stupid, when a sitting president gets 10 million mores than his first election he does not lose. That fact alone proves all you have is bullshit and corruption. Censorship and political persecution because there was massive fraud.

The lie has failed the cover up is failing. You are running out of options to stop Trump. Your people will have to kill him to stop him. You alright with that? I bet you are.
Wow. You're just gone.
I don't believe that and neither do you.
According to you, TrumpBots would take out a mortgage to follow him to YourAnus.

There are all sorts of levels of devotion to a cult leader, it is that way in every cult
But anyway, they speak here of the Crime of the Century (which I myself have called it..), the election steal of 2020. Even lib rags like Time Magazine covered this story but apparently Fox News...

ostrich syndrome? I'll bet Hannity would love to talk about the Steal but HQ says No... ditto Ingraham and others..

This same thing happened within days after the Nov. 2020 election. Hannity, et al. were crying election foul on Fox and then all of a sudden they were muzzled.
This also clearly happened with totally phony Obama birth certificate. O'Reilly and Hannity were barking about it and then, all of sudden, nothing. No more talk.
They were surely warned or ordered, shut up or you are out.

Maybe there is some agreement amongst the "higher ups" here with the deep state or the movers and shakers on the left. We will let you continue, rake in mega profits, and disparage the left, and appear as the loyal opposition, but only to a point. Some matters are taboo and not to be brought up. Sure seems super obvious to me. Fox could rip the left apart with deeper, dirty details, but they definitely will not go there. But what about all these lefty followers who either believe the B.S., or know it's B.S. but continue to serve the cause? They are the people who need to rethink their lives.
his same thing happened within days after the Nov. 2020 election. Hannity, et al. were crying foul on Fox and then all of a sudden they were muzzled.
This also clearly happened with totally phony Obama birth certificate. O'Reilly and Hannity were barking about it and then, all of sudden, nothing. No more talk.
They were surely warned or ordered, shut up or you are out.

Maybe there is some agreement amongst the "higher ups" here with the deep state or the movers and shakers on the left. We will let you continue, rake in mega profits, and disparage the left, and appear as the loyal opposition, but only to a point. Some matters are taboo and not to be brought up. Sure seems super obvious to me. Fox could rip the left apart with deeper, dirty details, but they definitely will not go there. But what about all these lefty followers who either believe the B.S., or know it's B.S. but continue to serve the cause? They are the people who need to rethink their lives.
Fox is owned by Lefties.
There are all sorts of levels of devotion to a cult leader, it is that way in every cult
You ought to know...

you support the dementia perv man no matter what the hell he does!

high gas prices? No problem, Mr Dementia man!
left Americans and allies in Afghanistan--not to mention 7 billion dollars in military equipment? No problem, Shower-with-Daughter Dementia man!
highest inflation in 40 years? No problem, WetHairyLegs Dementia man!

the irony...
So, a poster gives you facts and information and all you have to say is You're gone


Now this is



Please highlight the facts in this......
You know what stupid, when a sitting president gets 10 million mores than his first election he does not lose. That fact alone proves all you have is bullshit and corruption. Censorship and political persecution because there was massive fraud.

The lie has failed the cover up is failing. You are running out of options to stop Trump. Your people will have to kill him to stop him. You alright with that? I bet you are.
This same thing happened within days after the Nov. 2020 election. Hannity, et al. were crying election foul on Fox and then all of a sudden they were muzzled.
This also clearly happened with totally phony Obama birth certificate. O'Reilly and Hannity were barking about it and then, all of sudden, nothing. No more talk.
They were surely warned or ordered, shut up or you are out.

Maybe there is some agreement amongst the "higher ups" here with the deep state or the movers and shakers on the left. We will let you continue, rake in mega profits, and disparage the left, and appear as the loyal opposition, but only to a point. Some matters are taboo and not to be brought up. Sure seems super obvious to me. Fox could rip the left apart with deeper, dirty details, but they definitely will not go there. But what about all these lefty followers who either believe the B.S., or know it's B.S. but continue to serve the cause? They are the people who need to rethink their lives.
I don't get the last few sentences...


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