"Crime of the century" not being covered by media, even some conservative media

I don't get the last few sentences...

That would be my fault. It is my opinion, that Fox is benefiting greatly monetarily by being the huge conservative voice in the media, even if the owners do not like Trump and prefer conservatives getting "smacked down' in the elections.

I also believe in some "deep state" and they must think there needs to be some appearance of loyal opposition in the mainstream media to make it look like all sides are being fairly represented. So they are fine with Fox going sort of strong against blundering lefty politicians and ways ---- but not to the point of exposing just how criminal and dark and horrible, much on the left truly is. Fox must be fine with that arrangement.

Because I am convinced the incriminating facts are out there and could be plastered in the MSM. This election was without any doubt stolen, Obama was without any doubt lying about being born in Hawaii, pizzagate was the creepiest child sexual deviant operation that would include many political and celebrity players, the same with Epstein island --- how many do you think the deep state is protecting there, the left, the right, and hollywood? And plenty of murders and fake suicides well covered up as well. There are limits to where the MSM can go.
That would be my fault. It is my opinion, that Fox is benefiting greatly monetarily by being the huge conservative voice in the media, even if the owners do not like Trump and prefer conservatives getting "smacked down' in the elections.

I also believe in some "deep state" and they must think there needs to be some appearance of loyal opposition in the mainstream media to make it look like all sides are being fairly represented. So they are fine with Fox going sort of strong against blundering lefty politicians and ways ---- but not to the point of exposing just how criminal and dark and horrible, much on the left truly is. Fox must be fine with that arrangement.

Because I am convinced the incriminating facts are out there and could be plastered in the MSM. This election was without any doubt stolen, Obama was without any doubt lying about being born in Hawaii, pizzagate was the creepiest child sexual deviant operation that would include many political and celebrity players, the same with Epstein island --- how many do you think the deep state is protecting there, the left, the right, and hollywood? And plenty of murders and fake suicides well covered up as well. There are limits to where the MSM can go.
i have no doubt you speak the truth here.. except I just don't have enough info on Pizzagate and a few other things you mention here..

I no way believe Epstein killed himself.. He was looking forward to his legal team dealing w/ the charges and etc.. he was not suicidal and plus... biggest reason of all to not believe that scenario is

cameras not working at just the time he died..
security officers happened to be sleeping at just that time..

Again, we are being taken for retards..

But hey... they don't care even if we are onto them since the Ds and Co always get away with things.. and the Rs let them..

so again, no wonder Congress has such a low approval rating. People on both sides don't like Congress... just a few people here and there are doing a good job, but when will this country have enough good people to make things right again? (assuming they ever were right)
Tired excuses. Your Big Lie has failed. The election was stolen and over half the country knows it. You will never change their minds.

And stop saying those agencies were Trump's. They were full of weaponized ideologues and traitors taking Obama's orders, not Trumps.
And you were Lastinline to get the memo. Trump lost.
Was counting stopping in 4 states made up? Did they eject Republican poll watchers and put cardboard over windows? Was that made up? Did Trump get 10 million more votes than 2016? Was that made up? Did Biden win only one bellwether county? Was that made up?

Why was it censored is a better question and as an American you should be asking it.
All your questions have been asked and answered. And the answer was always the same: no fraud sufficient to swing an election. The media, Dems, Trump, and the GOP looked into it and found nothing. There was no censorship, there was nothing to say.
All your questions have been asked and answered. And the answer was always the same: no fraud sufficient to swing an election. The media, Dems, Trump, and the GOP looked into it and found nothing. There was no censorship, there was nothing to say.
Total bullshit. Next.

Well, this is an interesting site that I didn't know existed.. probably because of internet censorship of all things conservative..

But anyway, they speak here of the Crime of the Century (which I myself have called it..), the election steal of 2020. Even lib rags like Time Magazine covered this story but apparently Fox News...

ostrich syndrome?

I'll bet Hannity would love to talk about the Steal but HQ says No... ditto Ingraham and others..
This is about the 14,459th time this shit has been posted. Anything else?
I don’t think every Trump voter is in the bubble. My best guess is it’s maybe 20% or so. Not sure.
70% of Democrats voted Democrat, not for Biden.
90% of what you refer to as TrumpBots voted for Trump.
Without that 3:15AM EST ballot dump, you lose.
70% of Democrats voted Democrat, not for Biden.
90% of what you refer to as TrumpBots voted for Trump.
Without that 3:15AM EST ballot dump, you lose.
“Ballot dumps” are otherwise known as counting people’s votes, which is what we are supposed to do.

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