Critics of Israel: What WOULD have been the Proper Response by Israel to the Hamas Attacks?

PS: Be specific. Nothing vague like "follow international law." Just say what they should do.

PPS: Hamas signed know laws or rules of warfare that I know of.
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
Defend the dogs of hamas, dog! For the 1,000,000,000 time their is no ethnic race called palestinians they are arab Squatters

Arabs have lived in Palestine for the last 1400 years. They are the indigenous people.

Certainly more than you are in whatever part of America you live in.
Why did Israel have to shoot up that mosque? End the occupation and you end the attacks. As long as there is an occupation, the Palestinian's (in this case Hamas), have a legal right to resist an occupational force, no different than the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.
The occupation doesn't exist. That is their land. The PLO simply refuses to live with Jews.
They're nothing but a pack of bigots that want to murder their neighbors.
Hamas was not elected by anyone at anytime to be an authority over the Palestinians or even speak for them.

They seized power....

The West Bank AND the Gaza Strip are two separate Hamas groups....nowhere near the same people. And neither has been elected to so much as trash collector for those living there.

They have not ever held an election or even created a neighborhood watch committee.

But they continue to claim the Authority to speak for everyone in their respective areas....and I happen to know with certainty that they do not speak for the majority.... Not even close.

There are literally millions of people who live in both areas without a voice but still being subjected to the consequences of an unelected government. Meaning they go without water or electricity because the bafoons claiming Authority never paid for the water or bought fuel for electricity even though they were GIVEN THE MONEY TO DO SO.
Arabs have lived in Palestine for the last 1400 years. They are the indigenous people.

Certainly more than you are in whatever part of America you live in.
Before that, the Jews were there.
The jews still inhabited Israel, even after the muzzies kicked them out.
Then a couple hundred years ago, they said fuck them, and zionism started.
IDK why you hacks have to ignore all the history for your partisan rhetoric. Makes you look so fucking stupid.
We are seeing a lot of criticism of what Israel did do and is doing. But what should they have done and what should they do? The Squad has no answer, what about you?

Please explain how your answer would prevent such attacks in the future?

That's easy..... Just like here at home when Police are attacked....they should surrender themselves to death and hope for mercy.

The proper response to the deadly attack on non military civilians in the eyes of the Global Progressive sector is the following:

1.) Israel should have surrendered immediately but not without first asking if they could provide more women and babies to be executed.

2.) All of the hungry and thirsty Hamas terrorists should have been feed and housed for the night so that they could be refreshed for a full day of
slaughter the next day.

3.) A delegation of high ranking military men should have immediately met with the invaders to make sure they had everything they needed including weapons and ammo.
( I mean .... where are you manners eh? )
So that makes it okay for the Zionist Entity to bomb hospitals and schools and kill civilians?
You know how idiotic it sounds for backwards punks who wipe their asses with their hands, and whose only relevance come from their willingness to mass muder children, to call the great state of Israel "the Zionist entity?"

You sound worse parroting it.
Going back to Europe where they came from.

That would be the proper response.

Maybe pay off Hamas with some of that Jew gold they keep in a bag around their neck, right?

Yours is the typical response I would expect to hear from an American Taliban.
The occupation doesn't exist. That is their land. The PLO simply refuses to live with Jews.
They're nothing but a pack of bigots that want to murder their neighbors.

Um, aren't you the one who is absolutely freaked out that some people are immigrating across the Southern border?

Now, imagine if those people were armed, drove you out of your home, and routinely bombed you for shits and grins.

Before that, the Jews were there.
The jews still inhabited Israel, even after the muzzies kicked them out.

Well, no, not really. Most of the Jews were expelled from Palestine in the second century because the Romans got tired of dealing with their nonsense. The Byzantines inherited the land from the Romans, and the Muslims kick the Byzantines out, but most of the local people were happy to see them go and converted to Islam.

Then a couple hundred years ago, they said fuck them, and zionism started.
IDK why you hacks have to ignore all the history for your partisan rhetoric. Makes you look so fucking stupid.

You are the one who leaves big chunks out. The reality is, most of the European Jews had no interest in going to Palestine even after Zionism became a movement. At least not until after WWII.

Where they've always been made so welcome?
Seems the Jews wear out their welcome no matter where they go. Palestine, Germany, Russia, Spain. They should probably work on that.
Maybe pay off Hamas with some of that Jew gold they keep in a bag around their neck, right?

Yours is the typical response I would expect to hear from an American Taliban.

Hey, the reality is, Israel is a Colonial State in a time when Colonialism is no longer fashionable.
Before that, the Jews were there.
The jews still inhabited Israel, even after the muzzies kicked them out.
Then a couple hundred years ago, they said fuck them, and zionism started.
IDK why you hacks have to ignore all the history for your partisan rhetoric. Makes you look so fucking stupid.
They ignore it because they are driven by antisemitism.

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