Crowds outside of Fulton County jail as Trump is indicted

We are watching the country become a Banana Republic real time.

Shame. We use to be a country of laws. Now we are a Banana Republic with destructive ruling Leftest assholes. Leftest assholes that are above the law.
This all started because crybaby trump can't accept not winning.
I don't care HOW you spin it, trump is a POS lying con man, and you have been duped.
My prayer is that we have enough patriots who love what America used to be, and push back against such blatant political prosecution, and vote to put Trump back in office. It is absolutely disgusting what Democrats have done here.
My THOUGHT is that I want a jury that will uphold the Constitution.
You, OTOH, just want trump let off by a biased juror or two.
FU and your Fake patriotism.

Look what djt has turned you into.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
No, it is all happening because the election was stolen. They cannot make their lie the truth by putting Trump in prison.
trump screamed stollen (sic) election and rigged election in 2015, then he won.
And he still screamed Stollen (sic) and rigged election.
FU cult members.
It was difficult to miss that the Grand Jury was almost entirely black, and certainly all Democrat, along with the D.A. who ran with the promise to “get Trump.” This entire thing is right out of the Soviet Union.

My prayer is that we have enough patriots who love what America used to be, and push back against such blatant political prosecution, and vote to put Trump back in office. It is absolutely disgusting what Democrats have done here.
There are no Patriots left anymore.

We let the Democrat bastards get away with using the Federal government to undermine the Tea Party, let them get away with stealing the 2020 election, didn't do jackshit when they attempted the coup against Trump, let them get away with stealing the 2022 midterms in several states and now let them get away using the Federal government to wage war on their opponents.

We are a nation of pussies. We don't have the courage to do the righ thing and now we have lost our country. Just like our Founding Fathers warned us.
There are no Patriots left anymore.

We let the Democrat bastards get away with using the Federal government to undermine the Tea Party, let them get away with stealing the 2020 election, didn't do jackshit when they attempted the coup against Trump, let them get away with stealing the 2022 midterms in several states and now let them get away using the Federal government to wage war on their opponents.

We are a nation of pussies. We don't have the courage to do the righ thing and now we have lost our country. Just like our Founding Fathers warned us.
The tea party became non-existent when Trump arrived, in 2015-16.
trump screamed stollen (sic) election and rigged election in 2015, then he won.
And he still screamed Stollen (sic) and rigged election.
FU cult members.
This would not be going if the election was not stolen. Again that lie they push will never be the truth.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump is being punished by the Ruling Leftest that have weaponized the Federal government for opposing their agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole. They were piss that Trump beat that Crooked Hillary bitch and then preceded to undo the damage done by the Worthless Negro. He was the best President of modern times and that showed up the incompetency and destruction of the Democrat assholes.

Meanwhile they are not held accountable for the attempted coup against Trump or the massive amount of corruption of Joe Potatohead who got rich being a traitor to his country.

We are a Banana Republic.

You Leftest turds are happy as hell with the destruction of this country because you believe in any means necessary to achieve your Leftest revolution.

Shame on you!!!! You have managed to do what a foreign country cannot do, destroy our country from within.

You Leftest turds are the assholes of this country.
So, you're unhappy and angry and leftists are the sole reason. STOP THE PRESSES! :rolleyes:
My THOUGHT is that I want a jury that will uphold the Constitution.
You, OTOH, just want trump let off by a biased juror or two.
FU and your Fake patriotism.

Look what djt has turned you into.
The fake patriotism is all yours.
you're a friggin clown.

no one sees BLM anywhere anymore and ANTIFA?

They're hiding under your bed
It’s odd, just like the constant coverage of Covid numbers, the coverage of BLM and Antifa immediately disappeared when Biden was elected. Strange coincidence that. I guess racism and police brutality just evaporated.
It will no longer exist as a Constitutional Republic where people can be free as it has been known for over 2 centuries, fucktard.
You’re just upset. You guys were chanting “lock her up” not too long ago.

Cry some more for me, pussy.



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