Crunch Time: Trump Or Cruz?

Trump or Cruz?

  • Trump

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Just Stick Needles In My Eyes

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
The problem with voting for Trump is no one really knows what he's going to do should he get in to office. He has stated his stance on both sides of almost every issue at some point. So which stance will Trump take once in office? No one can say for sure. At least with Cruz we more or less know what we're going to get....agree with it or not, we at least have an idea.

With all of that said, assuming Clinton wins the dem nomination over Bernie, I'll hold my nose and vote for her over Cruz/Trump simply because I'd rather have her pick SC Justices over Cruz.

I would never vote for the hildabitch for the same reason, she would use the court to destroy the country. We need more judges that are faithful to the Constitution and law, not ideology.

Ensuring gay people have equal rights and women being able to choose what happens to their own body is hardly destroying the country.
What in the devil would lead you to abstain from voting for president and thus help Hillary win? Trump wants to rebuild the military, cut taxes, end Common Core, balance the budget, secure the Southern border, destroy ISIS, nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court, expand domestic oil drilling, etc., etc. What is the problem? By what horribly flawed reasoning would you conclude it would be better not to vote for president if Trump is the nominee? I just don't get it.
What in the devil would lead you to abstain from voting for president and thus help Hillary win? Trump wants to rebuild the military, cut taxes, end Common Core, balance the budget, secure the Southern border, destroy ISIS, nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court, expand domestic oil drilling, etc., etc. What is the problem? By what horribly flawed reasoning would you conclude it would be better not to vote for president if Trump is the nominee? I just don't get it.

What do we have to rebuild in the military? We've still got the largest one on the planet, bigger than the next 3 COMBINED.

Cutting taxes? Yeah............look how well Jr.'s tax cuts worked out for us. And, they promised to let them expire after 10 years if it didn't help the economy. It still hasn't.

Balance the budget? His budget plan is going to saddle us with even more debt than what we have now.

Nominate conservative judges? Are you sure about that? He's got a lot of liberal ideas and is pro choice and supported Planned Parenthood.

No, Trump would be the worst person to put in the WH.
The problem with voting for Trump is no one really knows what he's going to do should he get in to office. He has stated his stance on both sides of almost every issue at some point. So which stance will Trump take once in office? No one can say for sure. At least with Cruz we more or less know what we're going to get....agree with it or not, we at least have an idea.

With all of that said, assuming Clinton wins the dem nomination over Bernie, I'll hold my nose and vote for her over Cruz/Trump simply because I'd rather have her pick SC Justices over Cruz.

I would never vote for the hildabitch for the same reason, she would use the court to destroy the country. We need more judges that are faithful to the Constitution and law, not ideology.

Ensuring gay people have equal rights and women being able to choose what happens to their own body is hardly destroying the country.

Inconsistent decisions like only using the text of a law and ignoring intent and then ignoring the text and citing intent tells me that ideology is the determining factor, not the Constitution or the law. Then you have people like Roberts that said it's his job to uphold a law if he can find a way to do it, WTF. That's not his job, his job is to apply the Constitution and the law, if they don't mesh, it's not up to him to force them to mesh.
I know neither Trump nor Cruz are the first choice of many of us. I have been rooting for Kasich since before he announced.

But we have to face reality now. It's gonna be Trump or Cruz. So which would you prefer? Chlamydia or crabs?

I'll start.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am going to leave the top of my ballot blank.

If Cruz gets the nomination, I just might vote for him. Maybe. I can't stand the guy, but Donald Trump has managed to make even Ted Cruz look good.

I hate Cruz for a lot of reasons, but I like him for one reason, and that one reason may be big enough to override my revulsion of him.

Cruz has a tax plan which eliminates almost every tax expenditure. And you guys know how I feel about tax expenditures, unless you joined this forum five minutes ago. I hate 'em. HATE them. HAAAAAATE them.

Cruz would kill most of them, thus leveling the tax playing field and eliminating one of the grossest corruptions of our economy and our American Politboro.

Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS, of course. If you have an income tax, which Cruz's flat tax is, you have to have an IRS. Call it by any other name, it's still the IRS.

Cruz is also an idiot if he thinks the low, low, low rate of 10 percent won't drastically increase our federal debt. That is my chief problem with his tax plan. You can considerably lower everyone's tax rates if you eliminate tax expenditures, but not all the way down to 10 percent.

Maybe Cruz is using the 10 percent figure as a negotiating starting point, knowing the final compromise will be a higher rate. I don't know.

So there you go. If Cruz wins the nomination, I may hold my nose and vote for him. If Trump wins the nomination, I will use a Sharpie to black out the top of my ballot.

You are going to laugh but I would take Trump before Cruz!

Of course afterwards shove those needles deep into my skull and don't worry about brain damage because you already know that can not happen...
What in the devil would lead you to abstain from voting for president and thus help Hillary win?

If the tards give the nomination to Trump, they deserve Hillary as their President. Besides, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.

Trump wants to rebuild the military, cut taxes, end Common Core, balance the budget, secure the Southern border, destroy ISIS, nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court, expand domestic oil drilling, etc., etc. What is the problem? By what horribly flawed reasoning would you conclude it would be better not to vote for president if Trump is the nominee? I just don't get it.
Balance the budget? Of all the Republican tax plans, Trump's has by far the highest deficit spending in it.

Destroy ISIS? The man wanted Bush impeached for invading Iraq, and now he wants to...invade Iraq?

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Cruz would do well to make the phone call and assure Trump that if the VP spot would be open to him he'd pull out.

That would guarantee a non-progressive victory. Perhaps not what you RINOs would call "a Republican victory"....but you're no longer relevant.

That would position Cruz for an ultimate presidency....sooner or later.

Sooner if Trump lost interest and resigned. Sooner if the leftist thugs, one way or another, "removed" Trump. Later if Trump hangs in and really does make America great again.

Ted, there is NO downside....make the call.
I reject the premise that Kasich is ruled out.

He simply isn't batshit crazy enough to get the big tard vote out there.

I don't know... Maybe he need a Howard Dean moment or just walk up to Ivanka and French kiss her on stage while looking at Trump hands and smiling while saying his hands are bigger...

I'm tellin' ya. It's this big. And that's after I go swimming in Lake Erie in December.

I just had seven pounds removed from up here, and it's a wonderful thing. It will make me a great President, believe me. These other guys are losers. Now go kill me some protesters.
I reject the premise that Kasich is ruled out.

He simply isn't batshit crazy enough to get the big tard vote out there.

Correct. But the big tard vote won't be in Cleveland.
The tards are showing up at the primary polls and caucuses, and that is what is going to determine the nomination for Cruz or Trump before the convention.

Naw, it's going to be a brokered convention.

I'm really scratching my head at why Kasich decided to pull out of the debate, though. That's exactly the break he should have been looking for.
Nope. Tax expenditure is the correct term. It covers all spending through the tax code by way of deductions, exemptions, and credits.

Pardon me, then.
They have everything to do with the complexity of the tax code. They ARE the tax code!

Without them, you could fill out your taxes on a post card. Just like Cruz says.

ETA: You must have changed your post right as I hit reply!
The Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID) is one of the most popular tax expenditures out there, even though it steals $80 billion a year from the rubes who love it so much.

That's why Cruz kept it. The rubes love it too much and will never give it up. He knows his audience is too stupid to understand how it robs them.

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