Crunch Time: Trump Or Cruz?

Trump or Cruz?

  • Trump

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Cruz

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Just Stick Needles In My Eyes

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
I know neither Trump nor Cruz are the first choice of many of us. I have been rooting for Kasich since before he announced.

But we have to face reality now. It's gonna be Trump or Cruz. So which would you prefer? Chlamydia or crabs?

I'll start.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am going to leave the top of my ballot blank.

If Cruz gets the nomination, I just might vote for him. Maybe. I can't stand the guy, but Donald Trump has managed to make even Ted Cruz look good.

I hate Cruz for a lot of reasons, but I like him for one reason, and that one reason may be big enough to override my revulsion of him.

Cruz has a tax plan which eliminates almost every tax expenditure. And you guys know how I feel about tax expenditures, unless you joined this forum five minutes ago. I hate 'em. HATE them. HAAAAAATE them.

Cruz would kill most of them, thus leveling the tax playing field and eliminating one of the grossest corruptions of our economy and our American Politboro.

Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS, of course. If you have an income tax, which Cruz's flat tax is, you have to have an IRS. Call it by any other name, it's still the IRS.

Cruz is also an idiot if he thinks the low, low, low rate of 10 percent won't drastically increase our federal debt. That is my chief problem with his tax plan. You can considerably lower everyone's tax rates if you eliminate tax expenditures, but not all the way down to 10 percent.

Maybe Cruz is using the 10 percent figure as a negotiating starting point, knowing the final compromise will be a higher rate. I don't know.

So there you go. If Cruz wins the nomination, I may hold my nose and vote for him. If Trump wins the nomination, I will use a Sharpie to black out the top of my ballot.

Either way, the GOP has been handed it's walking papers by its supporters. It means that both Trump and Cruz supporters have won the battle against the establishment, unless of course they sneak someone else in at the convention.

Everyone wants to point at the numbers for Trump against Cruz. I have a better set of numbers! Put both of those numbers together, and what the tea leaves say is, "the establishment is done!"
I know neither Trump nor Cruz are the first choice of many of us. I have been rooting for Kasich since before he announced.

But we have to face reality now. It's gonna be Trump or Cruz. So which would you prefer? Chlamydia or crabs?

I'll start.

If Trump gets the nomination, I am going to leave the top of my ballot blank.

If Cruz gets the nomination, I just might vote for him. Maybe. I can't stand the guy, but Donald Trump has managed to make even Ted Cruz look good.

I hate Cruz for a lot of reasons, but I like him for one reason, and that one reason may be big enough to override my revulsion of him.

Cruz has a tax plan which eliminates almost every tax expenditure. And you guys know how I feel about tax expenditures, unless you joined this forum five minutes ago. I hate 'em. HATE them. HAAAAAATE them.

Cruz would kill most of them, thus leveling the tax playing field and eliminating one of the grossest corruptions of our economy and our American Politboro.

Cruz is lying when he says he would abolish the IRS, of course. If you have an income tax, which Cruz's flat tax is, you have to have an IRS. Call it by any other name, it's still the IRS.

Cruz is also an idiot if he thinks the low, low, low rate of 10 percent won't drastically increase our federal debt. That is my chief problem with his tax plan. You can considerably lower everyone's tax rates if you eliminate tax expenditures, but not all the way down to 10 percent.

Maybe Cruz is using the 10 percent figure as a negotiating starting point, knowing the final compromise will be a higher rate. I don't know.

So there you go. If Cruz wins the nomination, I may hold my nose and vote for him. If Trump wins the nomination, I will use a Sharpie to black out the top of my ballot.
Cruz is 45 years old. Suck it with Donald...accept VP in return for delegate support. Argument is over. Go destroy Hillary...a gentle shove is all that's needed. Go to work. Clear sailing for 16 years if you get the job done.

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