Cruz and his minions keep insulting the crap out of Trump supporters. Must want to lose the general.

How in the world do Cruz supporters vote for Trump after that truly shitting thing about Cruz' wife and constant "lyin' Ted" yuk-fest?

One of the many reasons I don't understand politics.

The retweet? As compared to slut shaming Melania and Glenn Beck making out that Melania was doing shoots for lesbian porno magazines? Really?

I have no problems with the candidates going at each others throats. This is the race to beat all races for the future with two hard ball candidates.

But the candidates are going to need other voters than who they have amassed during the primaries.

It's common sense not to shit down the voters throats.
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I've never seen a political campaign that doesn't recognize the simple basic fact that when the dust settles in the primaries, if you are the winner you have to have your opponents' supporters swing around to back you.

And they won't stop insulting Trump's people. They keep mouthing off. Cruz must really really want to lose the general.

TOP CRUZ SUPPORTER and #NeverTrump Leader: Trump Supporters Have Failed at Life - The Gateway Pundit


TOP CRUZ SUPPORTER and #NeverTrump Leader: Trump Supporters Have Failed at Life

Yo, tinydancer? First, the people saying that CRAP? They are not Cruz Supporters! They are ""Mini Socialist Dumb-Asses"" trying to sway the Vote? Get It? Ted Cruz will win by being smarter than Trump, he doesn`t need to do the dirty things Trump says he does? Trump is trying to WIN, but talks out of his ASS sometimes!!! But in the end? Trump will be MAD, because the Establishment is going to steal it from him!!! Crying time again tinydancer!!!

View attachment 70365
When Trump has a rally, he's not bringing the best. He's bringing people that have lots of mental problems, and they’re bringing those mental problems with us. They’re bringing bigotry. They’re bringing hatred. They’re retards. And some, I assume, are good people.

Have you noticed when the word got around about having paid rioters at Trump rallies , they are not coming around anymore...maybe a few. The truth came out and it wasn't Trump doing it.

The trouble was bought and paid for to discredit Trump...Didn't work...same as saying all of his supporters are not educated people.........lies and wrong again.

How in the world do Cruz supporters vote for Trump after that truly shitting thing about Cruz' wife and constant "lyin' Ted" yuk-fest?

One of the many reasons I don't understand politics.

The retweet? As compared to slut shaming Melania and Glenn Beck making out that Melania was doing shoots for lesbian porno magazines? Really?

I have no problems with the candidates going at each others throats. This is the race to beat all races for the future with two hard ball candidates.
Yeah, I had heard something about the "slut shaming" - I'm not following the scorecard terribly closely on this.

Maybe I'm subconsciously pretending it's not happening.
I've never seen a political campaign that doesn't recognize the simple basic fact that when the dust settles in the primaries, if you are the winner you have to have your opponents' supporters swing around to back you.

And they won't stop insulting Trump's people. They keep mouthing off. Cruz must really really want to lose the general.

TOP CRUZ SUPPORTER and #NeverTrump Leader: Trump Supporters Have Failed at Life - The Gateway Pundit


TOP CRUZ SUPPORTER and #NeverTrump Leader: Trump Supporters Have Failed at Life

Yo, tinydancer? First, the people saying that CRAP? They are not Cruz Supporters! They are ""Mini Socialist Dumb-Asses"" trying to sway the Vote? Get It? Ted Cruz will win by being smarter than Trump, he doesn`t need to do the dirty things Trump says he does? Trump is trying to WIN, but talks out of his ASS sometimes!!! But in the end? Trump will be MAD, because the Establishment is going to steal it from him!!! Crying time again tinydancer!!!

View attachment 70365

With all due respect, Erick Erickson is Red State. Quite influential within R circles.

You have Levin losing his mind every night insulting anybody and everybody who supports Trump. Red Eye guys who I love to death are having a full metal jacket breakdown over Trump and nightly insulting the crap out of Trump supporters and then that old crazy Beck telling Trump voters they aren't really listening to God if they back Trump.

These are heavyweights in the conservative class.

All I'm saying is if Cruz wants to win he needs Trump's voters to swing around and support him and he really needs to clean up this part of his campaign.

Of course shred the candidate to pieces. That's no problem. But telling people you need to win the general that they aren't Christian enough and they are losers in life is just not going to excite a Trump supporter to go to the polls for Cruz.

Yo, true that? But look at Trumps numbers? He is not pulling enough Voters to Win the Presidency!!!

If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

Trump got Dr Carson to support him after calling him a pedophile. So name calling does work sometimes.

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