Cruz to Republicans: Limit voting at all costs

View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?

Because states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and others passed legislative laws in violation of their State Constitutions regarding voting in direct violations of their laws.
Thst would be the start, so far as I’m concerned. I also believe you should be required to be a high school grad, a taxpayer, a property owner, have passed several exams to prove you understand how our Government is supposed to work, etc... neighbor who dropped out of school to join the Navy in December of 1941 shouldn't have be able to vote, despite his Navy Cross?
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

The face you make and the desperation you resort to when you know, 1) Your party has nothing in the way of new policy initiatives, 2) You can see the writing on the wall that most of the country is fed up with Point #1 and is about to kick your party to the curb. So rather than address policy issues and renounce failed stand by's like supply side and trickle down economic policies (tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy), you retreat to old tactics of cultural wedge issues, voter suppression, gerrymandering, and division pimping.
What are the "new" Democrat initiatives?
Welfare and Stimulus Checks.
How is reaching in you pocket and pulling out your ID (that you have ;) ) a burden?
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.

what do you expect from raphael; the weasel who threw his wife & papa under the bus for his chosen one?

he'll do & say ANYTHING to keep his gig in the senate.
When you refuse to run candidates that the people will support...............................
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.
So you're in favor of child molesters and illegals voting?????
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.

They'll succeed for a while.

The built-in self-destruct mechanism the right has though is that they are absolutists (democrats are as well to. a much lesser extent) and the result of right wing extremism is the ugly flower of prejudice and xenophobia.
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Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.
So you're in favor of child molesters and illegals voting?????
Look dumbshit....there is NO provision for illegals matter how you ignorant POS's try to spin it. Yeah..i imagine there might be some sex offenders among the excons who regain their franchise, so? Are you so stupid...don't answer that!---to believe that the few who vote will effect any legislation at all?
Instead of the usual knee-jerk about addressing the issue honestly, pro or con?
Well, when people are forced to stand in long lines in the next election, Democrats can put up signs that say......This line was brought to you by the Republican Party. Be sure to thank them
Well, when people are forced to stand in long lines in the next election, Democrats can put up signs that say......This line was brought to you by the Republican Party. Be sure to thank them

& some (R) should don a nazi uniform & yell ' NO WATER FOR YOU! '
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.
So you're in favor of child molesters and illegals voting?????
Look dumbshit....there is NO provision for illegals matter how you ignorant POS's try to spin it. Yeah..i imagine there might be some sex offenders among the excons who regain their franchise, so? Are you so stupid...don't answer that!---to believe that the few who vote will effect any legislation at all?
Instead of the usual knee-jerk about addressing the issue honestly, pro or con?

So, you agree with the Leftists in Congress that politicians should be required to earn the votes of convicted child molesters in every state?

I guess if you guys want to empower NAMBLA and make their endorsement worth something, that's the key.
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.
So you're in favor of child molesters and illegals voting?????
Look dumbshit....there is NO provision for illegals matter how you ignorant POS's try to spin it. Yeah..i imagine there might be some sex offenders among the excons who regain their franchise, so? Are you so stupid...don't answer that!---to believe that the few who vote will effect any legislation at all?
Instead of the usual knee-jerk about addressing the issue honestly, pro or con?

So, you agree with the Leftists in Congress that politicians should be required to earn the votes of convicted child molesters in every state?

I guess if you guys want to empower NAMBLA and make their endorsement worth something, that's the key.
Drama Queen

But, but....What about NAMBLA?
Ted Cruz sees this as an existential threat to the Republican it? I think that it's a shot at the right wing, for sure. Party moderates probably not as concerned--but tossing out phrases like, "they want child molesters and illegal aliens" to vote--shows the far right's concern over this bill--as no one has seriously suggested either. There is a provision for ex-cons to regain their

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.
Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.
Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”
“H.R. 1′s only objective is to ensure that Democrats can never again lose another election, that they will win and maintain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and of the state legislatures for the next century,” Cruz said told the group organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a corporate-backed, conservative group that provides model legislation to state legislators.
Cruz’s statements, recorded by a person on the call and obtained by The Associated Press, capture the building intensity behind Republicans’ nationwide campaign to restrict access to the ballot. From statehouses to Washington, the fight over who can vote and how — often cast as “voting integrity” — has galvanized a Republican Party in search of unifying mission in the post-Trump era. For a powerful network of conservatives, voting restrictions are now viewed as a political life-or-death debate, and the fight has all-but eclipsed traditional Republican issues like abortion, gun rights and tax cuts as an organizing tool.
That potency is drawing influential figures and money from across the right, ensuring that the clash over the legislation in Washington will be partisan and expensive.
So you're in favor of child molesters and illegals voting?????
Look dumbshit....there is NO provision for illegals matter how you ignorant POS's try to spin it. Yeah..i imagine there might be some sex offenders among the excons who regain their franchise, so? Are you so stupid...don't answer that!---to believe that the few who vote will effect any legislation at all?
Instead of the usual knee-jerk about addressing the issue honestly, pro or con?

Many felons will vote which is why the Democrats want to give them back their right. Of course, does it really matter? They could vote using someone else's name anyway since no voter id is required either. Democrats are either REALLY stupid/ignorant or ok with corrupting our voting system.
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Well, when people are forced to stand in long lines in the next election, Democrats can put up signs that say......This line was brought to you by the Republican Party. Be sure to thank them

People.stand in longer lines at Disneyland asshat.
Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?
Because it will disproportionately affect democrat voters. As it is designed to do. That is literally the only reason the GOP wants it.

Of course, on this issue, one party is on the correct side of democracy and ethics, regardless of why. That's the democrats.
Can you elaborate? How does requiring an ID disproportionately affect democrats? What benefit does requiring an id give to Republicans that it doesn't to dems?
Requiring an ID to vote disadvantages mostly older African American and other minority voters, who are primarily Democratic voters.

The problem manifests when states pass new laws requiring a certain type of ID where older voters don’t have the documentation to obtain that type of ID.

For example, it’s not unusual for voters of color in the South born during Jim Crow – late 1940s, 1950s, early 1960s – to not have a birth certificate the consequence of racism.

When this person registered to vote in 1968, a hospital birth record or church birth record was acceptable at the time to register to vote.

That person has voted in every election for the last 52 years, remaining eligible to vote on the registration roles during that time.

Now that person’s right to vote is being jeopardized because he lacks a government issued birth certificate to obtain the new ID.

The number of voters adversely affected by this situation is irrelevant; one citizen denied his right to vote is one too many – particularly given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ by identity theft is so rare as to be non-existent.
Ok, so don't scrap the idea of voter ID, find a way to make it work for everyone. I'm sure there are other ways to prove someone is a citizen, and thus, get a voter ID, if they were affected by slavery era laws.

The fact that they have been in the country for so long, probably have a driver's license, a long history of medical and financial dealings, residential leases,.mortgages. I mean, there are ways around this.

Let me ask you this, if it were possible that every legal u.s. citizen was able to get an ID, would you be in favor of it then?

Also, and I'm not hammering you on this, I just thought it was comical:

The number of voters adversely affected by this situation is irrelevant; one citizen denied his right to vote is one too many

The reason I find this comical is because back when people were raving about election fraud, lefties were saying it didn't matter because "there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome.of the election". is too many...

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