Cruz wins Iowa!

Cruz has no interest in our democratic system or
institutions, he is first and foremost and bible thumping loon and his world view is of theocracy , the good news is that crap doesn't fly where it really matters, in the educated populated states and the big electoral college states

Once in power, they assert their brand of Christianity: “Christian Reconstructionists further insist that Jesus Christ is Lord of political leaders,” he writes. “All political leaders are directly responsible to Jesus Christ in the discharge of their public office, as well as in their private lives… Practically, this means that political leaders should seek the guidance of Scripture in framing their political positions and programs.”

The unifying principle of all these data points: a long-term covert plan of destruction for the Republican Party, the nation’s public schools, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. And, of course, for the nation itself.

But why? In his 1991 book, Christian Reconstructionism: What It Is, What It Isn’t, North writes, “Reconstructionists… do not believe that the will of the political majority is the final law in society.” They believe that the Bible is.

In order to make their vision of society a reality, they are willing to wait a long time and to engage in politics to make it happen. “We are to work at our callings and wait on the Lord to place us in positions of influence in his time,” according to North’s book.

Ted Cruz: Christian Dominionism’s Manchurian Candidate
As candidates drop, Rubio will get stronger. Trump and Cruz voting base, or at least 40% of it, are the same. If Trump and Cruz both ride it out until April, Rubio is going to win as the establishment solidifies around him.

Trump and Cruz? Cruz and Trump? One of them has to go for the other to win, and in the not to distant future. I do not see this happening as of this moment, so be prepared for Rubio as the nominee............and honestly, ANY establishment candidate who was close would have to be considered the favorite because those 2 are cutting each others throats, and just like always, we are going to spoon fed a rino. If they were smart, they would work together to get rid of Rubio, and that is the only way they can proceed together, without giving a rino the nomination.

Trump has been knocked back to earth a little, so I could see both him and Cruz making a little pact moving forward, especially if the next primary comes out with the same 3 on top in any order.
As candidates drop, Rubio will get stronger. Trump and Cruz voting base, or at least 40% of it, are the same. If Trump and Cruz both ride it out until April, Rubio is going to win as the establishment solidifies around him.

Trump and Cruz? Cruz and Trump? One of them has to go for the other to win, and in the not to distant future. I do not see this happening as of this moment, so be prepared for Rubio as the nominee............and honestly, ANY establishment candidate who was close would have to be considered the favorite because those 2 are cutting each others throats, and just like always, we are going to spoon fed a rino. If they were smart, they would work together to get rid of Rubio, and that is the only way they can proceed together, without giving a rino the nomination.

Trump has been knocked back to earth a little, so I could see both him and Cruz making a little pact moving forward, especially if the next primary comes out with the same 3 on top in any order.
The Bible Belt is Establishment.
After that, Rubio is toast.
Cruz has no interest in our democratic system or
institutions, he is first and foremost and bible thumping loon and his world view is of theocracy , the good news is that crap doesn't fly where it really matters, in the educated populated states and the big electoral college states

Once in power, they assert their brand of Christianity: “Christian Reconstructionists further insist that Jesus Christ is Lord of political leaders,” he writes. “All political leaders are directly responsible to Jesus Christ in the discharge of their public office, as well as in their private lives… Practically, this means that political leaders should seek the guidance of Scripture in framing their political positions and programs.”

The unifying principle of all these data points: a long-term covert plan of destruction for the Republican Party, the nation’s public schools, the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. And, of course, for the nation itself.

But why? In his 1991 book, Christian Reconstructionism: What It Is, What It Isn’t, North writes, “Reconstructionists… do not believe that the will of the political majority is the final law in society.” They believe that the Bible is.

In order to make their vision of society a reality, they are willing to wait a long time and to engage in politics to make it happen. “We are to work at our callings and wait on the Lord to place us in positions of influence in his time,” according to North’s book.

Ted Cruz: Christian Dominionism’s Manchurian Candidate
Hope you're using the lube this morning...otherwise you will have a bad rash.
As candidates drop, Rubio will get stronger. Trump and Cruz voting base, or at least 40% of it, are the same. If Trump and Cruz both ride it out until April, Rubio is going to win as the establishment solidifies around him.

Trump and Cruz? Cruz and Trump? One of them has to go for the other to win, and in the not to distant future. I do not see this happening as of this moment, so be prepared for Rubio as the nominee............and honestly, ANY establishment candidate who was close would have to be considered the favorite because those 2 are cutting each others throats, and just like always, we are going to spoon fed a rino. If they were smart, they would work together to get rid of Rubio, and that is the only way they can proceed together, without giving a rino the nomination.

Trump has been knocked back to earth a little, so I could see both him and Cruz making a little pact moving forward, especially if the next primary comes out with the same 3 on top in any order.
The Bible Belt is Establishment.
After that, Rubio is toast.

I don't think so. Cruz and Trump together are appealing to around 55% of the voters. It shows in the polls. So if they split that 55%, the 45% left will propel Rubio past them. Now I know I am assuming that all 45% will go Rubio, but besides Fiorina and Carson, the rest of the vote is establishment, so you would think that it would find a home with another establishment candidate.
As candidates drop, Rubio will get stronger. Trump and Cruz voting base, or at least 40% of it, are the same. If Trump and Cruz both ride it out until April, Rubio is going to win as the establishment solidifies around him.

Trump and Cruz? Cruz and Trump? One of them has to go for the other to win, and in the not to distant future. I do not see this happening as of this moment, so be prepared for Rubio as the nominee............and honestly, ANY establishment candidate who was close would have to be considered the favorite because those 2 are cutting each others throats, and just like always, we are going to spoon fed a rino. If they were smart, they would work together to get rid of Rubio, and that is the only way they can proceed together, without giving a rino the nomination.

Trump has been knocked back to earth a little, so I could see both him and Cruz making a little pact moving forward, especially if the next primary comes out with the same 3 on top in any order.
The Bible Belt is Establishment.
After that, Rubio is toast.

I don't think so. Cruz and Trump together are appealing to around 55% of the voters. It shows in the polls. So if they split that 55%, the 45% left will propel Rubio past them. Now I know I am assuming that all 45% will go Rubio, but besides Fiorina and Carson, the rest of the vote is establishment, so you would think that it would find a home with another establishment candidate.
The under and unemployed will go for Trump.
Outside the Bible Belt the issue is the paycheck.
Big winner in Iowa...

Marco Rubio

He finished right on Trumps heels and he is staking out his constituency with the portion of the Republican Party that does not want a candidate who is batshit crazy and unelectable

Look for Rubio to take off in states like California, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
Big winner in Iowa...

Marco Rubio

He finished right on Trumps heels and he is staking out his constituency with the portion of the Republican Party that does not want a candidate who is batshit crazy and unelectable

Look for Rubio to take off in states like California, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
but rubio is batshit crazy and unelectable. he's just been largely ignored so far. the coming spotlight will not be kind to him
Trump's hometown paper is trolling him this morning.


Big winner in Iowa...

Marco Rubio

He finished right on Trumps heels and he is staking out his constituency with the portion of the Republican Party that does not want a candidate who is batshit crazy and unelectable

Look for Rubio to take off in states like California, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
but rubio is batshit crazy and unelectable. he's just been largely ignored so far. the coming spotlight will not be kind to him

Rubio has avoided the pie fights from the GOP clown posse

In all of the debates he has come off as the sensible voice in the crowd. Rubios base is not in Iowa. Yet, Iowans came out in large numbers for Rubio

Wait until Blue States and Swing States have their primaries. Rubio will take charge
Big winner in Iowa...

Marco Rubio

He finished right on Trumps heels and he is staking out his constituency with the portion of the Republican Party that does not want a candidate who is batshit crazy and unelectable

Look for Rubio to take off in states like California, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
but rubio is batshit crazy and unelectable. he's just been largely ignored so far. the coming spotlight will not be kind to him

Rubio has avoided the pie fights from the GOP clown posse

In all of the debates he has come off as the sensible voice in the crowd. Rubios base is not in Iowa. Yet, Iowans came out in large numbers for Rubio

Wait until Blue States and Swing States have their primaries. Rubio will take charge
he won't be able to avoid them anymore. i think he's likely to have a rougher time in new hampshire and the 'establishment' winner there will have the momentum going forward
I liked Cruz a lot early on, but now he seems to be moving closer & closer to the Neocons (Nazis). He's also cozying up with the religious nutters. And that scares me. We don't need more Neocons (Nazis) in the White House. They'll drag us into more calamitous war. They're itching for WWIII.
Big winner in Iowa...

Marco Rubio

He finished right on Trumps heels and he is staking out his constituency with the portion of the Republican Party that does not want a candidate who is batshit crazy and unelectable

Look for Rubio to take off in states like California, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
but rubio is batshit crazy and unelectable. he's just been largely ignored so far. the coming spotlight will not be kind to him

Rubio has avoided the pie fights from the GOP clown posse

In all of the debates he has come off as the sensible voice in the crowd. Rubios base is not in Iowa. Yet, Iowans came out in large numbers for Rubio

Wait until Blue States and Swing States have their primaries. Rubio will take charge
he won't be able to avoid them anymore. i think he's likely to have a rougher time in new hampshire and the 'establishment' winner there will have the momentum going forward
March 1 is Super Tuesday

Were the men are separated from the boys

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