Cruz wins Iowa!

My God that is close
Not if you consider the superdelegates.

Ha.Ha. Ted Cruz has basically been censored by the U.S. Senate--so I wouldn't be counting any "super delegates" for him. He goes down like Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, and all the others before him have. Again Iowa always picks who the GOP looser will be. And it's because they vote for social issues, which the majority of Americans won't vote for. Ted Cruz would be a gift to democrats if by some miracle he became the nominee of the party.
My God that is close
Not if you consider the superdelegates.

Ha.Ha. Ted Cruz has basically been censored by the U.S. Senate--so I wouldn't be counting any "super delegates" for him. He goes down like Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, and all the others before him have. Again Iowa always picks who the GOP looser will be. And it's because they vote for social issues, which the majority of Americans won't vote for. Ted Cruz would be a gift to democrats if by some miracle he became the nominee of the party.
I was talking about Hitlary.
Cruz 28%
Trump 24%
Rubio 23%

CNN just declared Cruz the winner.
Considering the low Democrat turnout and the very high Republican turnout, I think it's safe to assume that Cruz and Rubio got a lot of Democrat votes.

In Iowa you still have to be a Registered Republican to vote in the Caucus in Iowa. Now while you're probably watching FOX news, I am watching CNN--which btw has much better election coverage, county by county--and I haven't heard that Democrats had a low turnout.

Hillary Clinton is going to lose Bernie Sanders in the dust has the primaries move ahead. As Ted Cruz would be a gift to Democrats, Bernie Sanders would be a gift to Republicans.
Does this mean that Mexico is not going to pay for a wall, and that Mosques won't be closed? More importantly, does this mean that Starbucks is going to take away our snowflakes forever?
Cruz 28%
Trump 24%
Rubio 23%

CNN just declared Cruz the winner.
Considering the low Democrat turnout and the very high Republican turnout, I think it's safe to assume that Cruz and Rubio got a lot of Democrat votes.

In Iowa you still have to be a Registered Republican to vote in the Caucus in Iowa. Now while you're probably watching FOX news, I am watching CNN--which btw has much better election coverage, county by county--and I haven't heard that Democrats had a low turnout.

Hillary Clinton is going to lose Bernie Sanders in the dust has the primaries move ahead. As Ted Cruz would be a gift to Democrats, Bernie Sanders would be a gift to Republicans.
Actually I've been watching Stand Up Guys again. Not Fox or CNN.
Sorry to rain on the parade here, but does anyone seriously believe Cruz can win nationally in the general election ?
No surprise there. I think Rubio's strength was the only big surprise.
No surprise I started a thread saying cut the nonsense and nominate rubio already. If you are surprised you're the perfect example of an uninformed voter.

This is all theater. Watch Cruz not survive the early attention.

Who's gonna drop out? Carli, carson, Christie, bush, kasich?

I think Rubio rising now is very bad news for Trump. If Trump doesn't outright win New Hampshire then he's finished. That being said Bush, Kasich and Christie aren't going to drop out until after N.H., I would imagine most of Carson's support goes to Cruz and Fiorina doesn't matter as she has almost no support anyway.
and you can count on at least one of those candidates - bush, kasich, and christie - staying in the race.

sadly for us we got the wrong bush brother and i think that soured the name permanently. so i don't think jeb has a real shot. my honest guess is that either christie or kasich becomes the nominee.

bit of a long shot i know. it's still my guess though.

I don't think Christie has a shot at all, his home state hates him, he has the same personality as Trump but less likable and let's face it, he's too fat, people don't like that.

Kasich, he performs poorly in N.H. and he's fucked.

Rubio will have money and can weather primary losses, he's your only hope.

You understand that all three of you are liberals right?
And none of us want a freebee or handout
I think Rubio rising now is very bad news for Trump. If Trump doesn't outright win New Hampshire then he's finished. That being said Bush, Kasich and Christie aren't going to drop out until after N.H., I would imagine most of Carson's support goes to Cruz and Fiorina doesn't matter as she has almost no support anyway.
and you can count on at least one of those candidates - bush, kasich, and christie - staying in the race.

sadly for us we got the wrong bush brother and i think that soured the name permanently. so i don't think jeb has a real shot. my honest guess is that either christie or kasich becomes the nominee.

bit of a long shot i know. it's still my guess though.

I don't think Christie has a shot at all, his home state hates him, he has the same personality as Trump but less likable and let's face it, he's too fat, people don't like that.

Kasich, he performs poorly in N.H. and he's fucked.

Rubio will have money and can weather primary losses, he's your only hope.

You understand that all three of you are liberals right?

So what is it about the corporate whore Hillary that you love so much?
She's not a Republican. Might not seem like a lot but it is.
Sorry to rain on the parade here, but does anyone seriously believe Cruz can win nationally in the general election ?

Well Obama won. And some seem to think Hillary and Trump can win. Is there any reason to presume that a vastly superior candidate can win?

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