Cruz wins Iowa!

Or Reagan. lol

Didn't Reagan lose Iowa?

I guess the people of Iowa were scared of Mr Trump
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.

If I remember right, each President in the White House has won the New England States.

Even though California, Texas, Florida and the Dakotas were won by the opposing candiate - each new Pennsylvania Avenue occupant won Mass, NJ, ME, VT, NY.....and Ohio.

I would have to research to make sure, but I think I am right.

Shadow 355
Scorpions are

hnmm,,,deadly..and can be very difficult.... I am also a water sign and know all about Scorpios...he is my soul mate...but I know all the danger involved with a scorpio

whatever Love and Peace :bowdown: ````:smiliehug:

I have so many fire signs too ....they are the best!

in the horoscope you know LOL
Didn't Reagan lose Iowa?

I guess the people of Iowa were scared of Mr Trump
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.
i'm just not sure that kasich will take second fiddle to crazy.
It used to be that the VP was essentially was awarded the coronation after two terms with the president.
Didn't Reagan lose Iowa?

I guess the people of Iowa were scared of Mr Trump
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.

If I remember right, each President in the White House has won the New England States.

Even though California, Texas, Florida and the Dakotas were won by the opposing candiate - each new Pennsylvania Avenue occupant won Mass, NJ, ME, VT, NY.....and Ohio.

I would have to research to make sure, but I think I am right.

Shadow 355
That's interesting. Isn't it true that few or no candidate won without Florida and Ohio?
I guess the people of Iowa were scared of Mr Trump
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.
i'm just not sure that kasich will take second fiddle to crazy.
It used to be that the VP was essentially was awarded the coronation after two terms with the president.
right. and it would put him in a position to be the leading candidate in 2024 assuming the republican nomination can win the general.
but vp candidates for losers or one term presidents don't fare as well.

i don't think he'll bet on that and hitch himself to a candidate that could potentially be damaging and i don't think he'll view cruz, rubio, or trump as likely to win a general election.
I guess the people of Iowa were scared of Mr Trump
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.

If I remember right, each President in the White House has won the New England States.

Even though California, Texas, Florida and the Dakotas were won by the opposing candiate - each new Pennsylvania Avenue occupant won Mass, NJ, ME, VT, NY.....and Ohio.

I would have to research to make sure, but I think I am right.

Shadow 355
That's interesting. Isn't it true that few or no candidate won without Florida and Ohio?

Ohio, but I don't think Florida, Although Florida was the deciding factor in the last election, and votes had to be recounted.

Shadow 355
Trump was NOT expected to run away with Iowa.

After the first two or three elections - future voters...... people tend to sway away from their candidate and pick the one that is ahead. To add to advertisement, they will brag about how they are voting for the one that is ahead.

A candidate in the lead, actually sways voters away from a candidate in 2nd or 3rd place. Vote steeling....legally. And there are a ton of more tricks that occur. It will be early or mid spring before we really get a grasp of how things are going.

I just hope they don't go for Hillary Clinton. She has revenge on her mind in my opinion. And I like my guns.

Trump still has a chance.

Sanders faired better than I thought he would.

Shadow 355
I think Trump, Rubio and Cruz are still in for the long haul. If Rubio takes the nomination, the smart move would be taking Kasich for VP. That puts Fla and Ohio in the pockets of the GOP.

If I remember right, each President in the White House has won the New England States.

Even though California, Texas, Florida and the Dakotas were won by the opposing candiate - each new Pennsylvania Avenue occupant won Mass, NJ, ME, VT, NY.....and Ohio.

I would have to research to make sure, but I think I am right.

Shadow 355
That's interesting. Isn't it true that few or no candidate won without Florida and Ohio?

Ohio, but I don't think Florida, Although Florida was the deciding factor in the last election, and votes had to be recounted.

Shadow 355
And that we won't forget...Flori -= duh!
I hope the people wake up and vote for a person who has experience in government that Jeb Bush has as he has been a governor. The rest of the republicans running for president are all blow hards and vote casters.with little governing qualities and no experience.
since when are people voting and trusting Microsoft?


since when? Gates Microsoft is with the Beast ,,the Hillary Beast

are Americans that naive?
Just like i said:cool:

And as Iowa always does, they pick who the LOOSER will be. Marco Rubio is going to come on strong after this. If he can raise enough money, I expect he will be the eventual nominee of the party.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today representing 40% of the entire electorate.

Independents will not vote for a FAR right candidates. Women will not vote for Ted Cruz, he's too extreme on abortion. Plus the final nail in Ted Cruz's coffin is him being born in Canada.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights


I think Republicans are starting to think about "who can actually win the White House"--the more they think the more Marco Rubio's name comes up. Ted Cruz & Donald Trump would be a gift to democrats, and they both would get slaughtered in a National election.
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Cruz is following exactly in the footsteps of Santorum & Huckabee.
The real news is that Trump failed to win.

Exactly, I can't even find the last time that Iowa picked the GOP winner of the nomination in the Presidential race. They always pick who the looser will be on the GOP side of the isle. It's because they'll vote for far social right candidates that do not appeal to the majority.
Cruz is following exactly in the footsteps of Santorum & Huckabee.
The real news is that Trump failed to win.

Exactly, I can't even find the last time that Iowa picked the GOP winner of the nomination in the Presidential race. They always pick who the looser will be on the GOP side of the isle. It's because they'll vote for far social right candidates that do not appeal to the majority.
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