Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.
But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...
I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
I think Trump plays along the edge of the law, like Hillary, Bill, and others have done.

He just doesn't play nice about it. As long as he keeps the liberals inflamed with hate for him, he has a free megaphone for any message he wants to get to his base in the form of liberal outrage.
If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.
But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...
I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
I think Trump plays along the edge of the law, like Hillary, Bill, and others have done.

He just doesn't play nice about it. As long as he keeps the liberals inflamed with hate for him, he has a free megaphone for any message he wants to get to his base in the form of liberal outrage.
united we stand,
divided we fall

he sure is trying hard, for us, America, to fall.... imo.
he sure is trying hard, for us, America, to fall.... imo.
Remember how manufacturing jobs are gone for ever and it would take a magic wand to bring them back? Well, Trump must have a magic wand.

Instead of taking billions of US dollars in bribes from around the world like the Biden Clan, Trump is not even accepting the Presidential salary.

Trump, after every President for the last 40 years has claimed illegal immigration to be a crisis, Trump is actually fixing it, despite opposition from every Democrat and Establishment Republicans. And wages are coming up without that huge black labor market. Imagine that.

And the only war on drugs making much progress for the last three decades is Trumps war on the opiod epidemic. Its almost as if he gives a flip about Americans dying or sumpin.

He asks what Elijah Cummings did with $18 billion ear marked for Cummings district. It was obviously not spent on the citizens of his district. Where did it go?

The economy is up, jobs are up, unemployment is down across the board, especially for blacks and Latinos.

The US military is being cautiously extradited from overseas quagmires the DC Establishment jumped us into like drunken morons, but Trump is getting us out.

Yeah, that all sounds like trump trying to make America fail to
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Nope they do not. Trump doesn’t want to kill Americans. Hence America First. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of their own. They were homicidal maniacs.

Most of the people Hitler killed weren't Germans. He got a lot of Germans killed in the war, of course.

The thing was, even if you were a German Jew, you had a 75% chance of surviving the war. (Polish Jews, on the other hand, were nearly completely wiped out.)

So by your logic, if you support what Trump is doing to Hispanic Americans, you support what Hitler did to German Jews.

Hopefully, we get Trump impeached before he escalates that far.
If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.
But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...
I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
I think Trump plays along the edge of the law, like Hillary, Bill, and others have done.

He just doesn't play nice about it. As long as he keeps the liberals inflamed with hate for him, he has a free megaphone for any message he wants to get to his base in the form of liberal outrage.
united we stand,
divided we fall

he sure is trying hard, for us, America, to fall.... imo.
To me, it seems those who criticize and resist everything the president does, are dividers. Obama always got a free pass because of his skin color-Trump does not have that advantage. How can you expect unity when the media is 93% negative against him? Prison reform, tax cut, troop pull backs, money allotted to eliminate AIDS-never one good word about any of these things. Does not seem fair does it?
Nope they do not. Trump doesn’t want to kill Americans. Hence America First. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of their own. They were homicidal maniacs.

Most of the people Hitler killed weren't Germans. He got a lot of Germans killed in the war, of course.

The thing was, even if you were a German Jew, you had a 75% chance of surviving the war. (Polish Jews, on the other hand, were nearly completely wiped out.)

So by your logic, if you support what Trump is doing to Hispanic Americans, you support what Hitler did to German Jews.

Hopefully, we get Trump impeached before he escalates that far.

Hitler killed many of his own people. You’re wrong. Trump has killed Hispanic Americans? This is rich. Trump is going after illegals and most seem to be from Latin America as they have the easiest access.

Facts don’t care about your feelings. Night of Long Knives. Who did Hitler kill? Aztecs?




U.S. Unemployment Rate Remains at Near-Historic Low of 3.7 Percent; African-American Unemployment Rate Hits New Series Low | The White House
Hitler killed many of his own people. You’re wrong. Trump has killed Hispanic Americans? This is rich. Trump is going after illegals and most seem to be from Latin America as they have the easiest access.

The people your Fuhrer is going after have lived her for decades... Longer than his trophy wife in many cases. he is still going after them.

The idea is to stop him before there's a big sale on lampshades.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
Mittens is a fucked up cult leader, he Has never done anything worthwhile for anybody.... lol
Hitler killed many of his own people. You’re wrong. Trump has killed Hispanic Americans? This is rich. Trump is going after illegals and most seem to be from Latin America as they have the easiest access.

The people your Fuhrer is going after have lived her for decades... Longer than his trophy wife in many cases. he is still going after them.

The idea is to stop him before there's a big sale on lampshades.
Deport illegals! Its the law!
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
Republicans always eat their own. :auiqs.jpg:
Is Trump playing the media yet again?


But a careful ear listening to the Ukrainians shows that the libs have the story half ass backwards.

It wasn't President Trump asking President Zelensky to investigate the Bite Me's.

It was Zelensky asking for Trump's cooperation as he launches an investigation and President Trump pledging American cooperation.
Facts don’t care about your feelings. Night of Long Knives. Who did Hitler kill? Aztecs?

Nope, he killed his enemies.. Just not that big of a deal, since most of them were Nazis themselves. Oh, no, Hitler killed other Nazis, that's terrible.

So Hitler did kill his own people? You just said he didn’t? DumbassZ
Hitler killed many of his own people. You’re wrong. Trump has killed Hispanic Americans? This is rich. Trump is going after illegals and most seem to be from Latin America as they have the easiest access.

The people your Fuhrer is going after have lived her for decades... Longer than his trophy wife in many cases. he is still going after them.

The idea is to stop him before there's a big sale on lampshades.

Yeah you’ve gone off the rails. So if they lived here illegally it’s OK? Where in the law does it state this?
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
He is just apart of the Deep State. They all has been receiving bribes from special interest. These special interest has put these political figures into office. Basically the politicians belongs to them. These corporations owns these politicians. They makes these politicians to help pass laws that will approve and protect and sell their products. And to get rid of their competitors. And they don't want Pres.Trump to investigate their products. Just imagine if the public finds out that these products that was approved by their own government, that it is the cause of premature deaths and major health problems.

Deep State Exposed: The Truth About The Trump Transcript With Ukrainian President

Yeah you’ve gone off the rails. So if they lived here illegally it’s OK? Where in the law does it state this?

Sure it is. Dumb laws deserve to be ignored.

The reality is, we are ALL ignoring the immigration laws.

You know why we have illegal immigration? Because there are jobs Americans need done, but don't want to do.


“Dumb laws deserve to be ignored”. So if I believe that petty larceny is a dumb law I should be allowed to steal? If I believe a speed limit is a dumb law I should be allowed to speed? If I believe drinking and driving being illegal is a dumb law, I should be allowed to drink and drive? LOL

If these persons want jobs in the US they need to apply for work visas. People cannot just pick and choose which laws are “dumb” and which are not.

Here is the thing. You keep stepping into it and now you’re so far into it you have to defend your stupid positions. You may be the stupidest person on this board and that is saying a lot given we have people like caddo kid, Lesh and deanrd here.
You know why we have illegal immigration? Because there are jobs Americans need done, but don't want to do.


There might be something to this.

About 20 years ago, I was chatting with a local Crack Dealer in a local bar. Believe me, I never had interest in getting involved in using crack at all, just talking with the man.

I told the gentleman, that I don't understand how he does it. I could never do his job. Having to go into dangerous areas of town, dealing with disreputable people, taking calls at all hours of the day of night. I told him and I quote "thank God for people like you, I couldn't do your work"

I bet it has become even harder in more recent times to get young Americans interested in slinging crack.

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