Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

No, as I understand the word 'cuck' and use it, a RINO is simply a moderate conservative who has no ideological bearings, a 'squish' I think is the derogative.
Unfortunately I think many RINOS do indeed have an ideological agenda and it aligns with a globalist world view.
National borders become irrelevant as cheap labor passes from one nation to another.
Multinational corporations have no allegiance to anything but themselves.
Old fashioned values like family and religious concerns are seen as passe and out of touch.

Bush, Romney, McCain, etc.
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No, as I understand the word 'cuck' and use it, a RINO is simply a moderate conservative who has no ideological bearings, a 'squish' I think is the derogative.
Unfortunately I think many RINOS do indeed have an ideological agenda and it aligns with a globalist world view.
Yeah, a whole bunch of our leaders are openly or in the closet Globalist.

We should have a Global strategy for building peace and trade, but we don't need to grab our ankles to do it.
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
Barr is Obamas crony? :lol:

Barr made that decision... wonder why? Were they incredible?
Barr is Obamas crony? :lol:
Barr made that decision... wonder why? Were they incredible?

The DC bureaucrats kind of go from administration to administration and they know that they have to maintain some nonpartisan even handedness or their career may be terminated with the next administration if they are perceived as partisan themselves.

Nonetheless many are openly partisan, but think they are too skilled to get sacked for their partisanship.

I think that they are mistaken.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain.

Umm, and Joe Biden and his son did not do exactly the same damned thing?

Which is the bigger scandal here, that Joe Biden is getting all this money world wide through his son Hunter, or that Trump asked the Ukrainians to look into it, to enforce their own freaking laws?

I would go with door number 1, dude.

Warren has to be laughing her wampum off.
Now Weld is calling for Trumps EXECUTION!

That is right, he wants Trump put to death!

OMG, this is unbelievable! The TDS is a plague in DC; Trump is threatening their gravy train!

Bill Weld on Trump, Ukraine: 'That Is Treason' -- 'The Penalty for Treason Under the U.S. Code Is Death' | Breitbart

“Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election,” he continued. “It couldn’t be clearer, and that’s not just undermining democratic institutions — that is treason. It’s treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty. The penalty on the Constitution is removal from office, and that might look like a pretty good alternative to the president if he could work out a plea deal.”​
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
OMG, Obama was not a Kenyan nor a Muslim.

Why do you want the world to think you are an idiot?

He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.
Now Weld is calling for Trumps EXECUTION!

That is right, he wants Trump put to death!

OMG, this is unbelievable! The TDS is a plague in DC; Trump is threatening their gravy train!

Bill Weld on Trump, Ukraine: 'That Is Treason' -- 'The Penalty for Treason Under the U.S. Code Is Death' | Breitbart

“Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election,” he continued. “It couldn’t be clearer, and that’s not just undermining democratic institutions — that is treason. It’s treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty. The penalty on the Constitution is removal from office, and that might look like a pretty good alternative to the president if he could work out a plea deal.”​
OR imprisonment.
He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.
Obamas ethnic origins are Kenyan on his fathers side, but Anglo on his Moms side, so why not call him more accurately a WASP half breed?

And yes, for these people religion is a tool for manipulating the masses and has nothing to do with Truth, which they think is only glorified opinion anyway.

But calling Obama a Muslim Kenyan, etc, just paints you as a conspiracy nut and I doubt that is really the case.
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
OMG, Obama was not a Kenyan nor a Muslim.

Why do you want the world to think you are an idiot?

He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.

Birthers are still a riot!

How would you know that there is a lie involved? The orange whore lies every time his lips move. Why do you folks always blame "the media"? Aren't you concerned for the safety of our nation and our elections? What do you celebrate on July 4th?
Yes I am concerned and I think the media is a bigger threat-consider this-Trump says something and 93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative. If the CNN or the Times spin it, it must be true. The Spanish American War started because of Yellow Journalism-don't think it couldn't happen again-if it hasn't already. And July Fourth last, I watched President Trump stand front and center to celebrate our nation's birthday-it was positively stirring.

Prove any of this. Remember that we now live in the days of video and everything is recorded live.

How about several press briefings held each week, taking questions, and broadcast live to the American People? How about turning over actual documents to the proper members of Congress? If he can fly all over the place, on our dime, to give campaign speeches and play golf, he can do his damn job openly. He just skipped a UN meeting on climate change to go to some "religious freedom" thing, as if this were the more important issue.
Prove What?

Your assertion that "93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative," for instance. It's pretty hard to "spin" something when the person who says it was looking directly at the camera. Your claim seems to be the usual baseless crap. It's on the same level as the common claim that some quote was taken out of context, with no attempt to explain what the "real" context was.
Slow down skippy. The 93 is poetic license for 93% negative press Trump gets from CNN and MSNBC. Spin is what you write or exclude, what words you use, what timing(such as delayed corrections by NYT), I could say retractions on the bottom of page 133, but that would be exaggeration-but not much. Lastly, what was my CLAIM?

Your claim was that news organizations "rewrite the narrative." And what is your assertion about negative press coverage? What story received negative coverage that should have gotten favorable coverage?

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