Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?

I realize you're relying on an dimwitted conspiracy theory, while Barr's DoJ protects Trump from a whistleblower.
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?

I realize you're relying on an dimwitted conspiracy theory, while Barr's DoJ protects Trump from a whistleblower.
Everybody be patient-we'll see what happens, or what fairy tale the NYT comes up with next.
Vasily Prozorov is a former employee of the Ukrainian security service SBU. On his blog Ukraine Leaks, he reveals how former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko and Oligarch Victor Pinchuk may have helped divert IMF funds to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.


Vasily Prozorov was an Ukrainian security service (SBU) staffer from 1999 to 2018. Since 2014, he was an expert consultant in the SBU’s main anti-terror unit. In 2018, he fled to Russia. The Ukrainians now call him a traitor. Writing on his blog Ukraine Leaks, he says that in 2016, the Ukrainian government openly supported Hillary Clinton and tried to help her defeat Donald Trump.
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?

I realize you're relying on an dimwitted conspiracy theory, while Barr's DoJ protects Trump from a whistleblower.

You are a fucking idiot
I dismiss you.

Oh, ouch! Dismissed by a conspiracy nut troll. Whatever will I do?
Another Media Lie Blows Up In Their Face… Ukrainian Govt. Initiated Contact With Trump Admin – Giuliani’s Involvement Was Requested By State Dept.

For over two year The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on Ukrainian collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign. For the past six months TGP has been reporting on Joe Biden’s criminal acts in Ukraine.
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?

I realize you're relying on an dimwitted conspiracy theory, while Barr's DoJ protects Trump from a whistleblower.

You are a fucking idiot
I dismiss you.

Oh, ouch! Dismissed by a conspiracy nut troll. Whatever will I do?

I don't know
Is it Fuck Yourself?
"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?

I realize you're relying on an dimwitted conspiracy theory, while Barr's DoJ protects Trump from a whistleblower.

You are a fucking idiot
I dismiss you.

Oh, ouch! Dismissed by a conspiracy nut troll. Whatever will I do?

I don't know
Is it Fuck Yourself?

Don't be hatin', lady. You're just lashing out because your notion that Obama-holdovers are running the DoJ is so ridiculous you're embarrassed to have posted it.
Again, I'd be more impressed with Romney if he hadn't inflicted Trump on us to start with by pandering to his Birtherism.

I do find it funny that you guys now denounce Romney and McCain, guys you INSISTED a few short years ago were totally qualified to be President.

What does that say about your judgement?
No I didn't like Mc Cain, but he was better than Obama. Same with Romney. Last election I voted for Carson in the primary, but I'm glad now Trump won. He is doing a great job and how he is making you loons show your true selves. Is just icing on the cake.
Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son.

How do you know he did absolutely nothing? Also he is an attorney , sat on the commerce dept. during Clinton's admin, and appointed by Bush Jr to sit on Amtrak.

You know who is a joke: Rudolph Giuliani!!

Bush, the Clintons, and the Obamas are all working together.
Nice try. Another Republican asshole who wants the disaster known as George Bush to be with the Democrats.

You elected him. Bush belongs to you. man up big boy.
Again, I'd be more impressed with Romney if he hadn't inflicted Trump on us to start with by pandering to his Birtherism.

I do find it funny that you guys now denounce Romney and McCain, guys you INSISTED a few short years ago were totally qualified to be President.

What does that say about your judgement?
No I didn't like Mc Cain, but he was better than Obama. Same with Romney. Last election I voted for Carson in the primary, but I'm glad now Trump won. He is doing a great job and how he is making you loons show your true selves. Is just icing on the cake.
Great job of running yup the debt, having the Feds rush in to prevent a recession, and using his office to force foreign countries to help him politically
Again, I'd be more impressed with Romney if he hadn't inflicted Trump on us to start with by pandering to his Birtherism.

I do find it funny that you guys now denounce Romney and McCain, guys you INSISTED a few short years ago were totally qualified to be President.

What does that say about your judgement?
No I didn't like Mc Cain, but he was better than Obama. Same with Romney. Last election I voted for Carson in the primary, but I'm glad now Trump won. He is doing a great job and how he is making you loons show your true selves. Is just icing on the cake.
Great job of running yup the debt, having the Feds rush in to prevent a recession, and using his office to force foreign countries to help him politically
Actually it was the Ukrainian government that contacted Trump to let him know about the corruption of the Democrat party.
Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son.

How do you know he did absolutely nothing? Also he is an attorney , sat on the commerce dept. during Clinton's admin, and appointed by Bush Jr to sit on Amtrak.

You know who is a joke: Rudolph Giuliani!!

Bush, the Clintons, and the Obamas are all working together.
Nice try. Another Republican asshole who wants the disaster known as George Bush to be with the Democrats.

You elected him. Bush belongs to you. man up big boy.

They've forgotten all about Bush Derangement Syndrome (the same stupid bullshit they're using again with Trump). The problem is never with Bush or Trump, it's the mental illness of their critics.
Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son.

How do you know he did absolutely nothing? Also he is an attorney , sat on the commerce dept. during Clinton's admin, and appointed by Bush Jr to sit on Amtrak.

You know who is a joke: Rudolph Giuliani!!

Bush, the Clintons, and the Obamas are all working together.
Nice try. Another Republican asshole who wants the disaster known as George Bush to be with the Democrats.

You elected him. Bush belongs to you. man up big boy.
I did not vote for Bush-ever.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.
I seriously doubt it-if the media is involved-there's a lie somewhere.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.
I seriously doubt it-if the media is involved-there's a lie somewhere.

How would you know that there is a lie involved? The orange whore lies every time his lips move. Why do you folks always blame "the media"? Aren't you concerned for the safety of our nation and our elections? What do you celebrate on July 4th?
Again, I'd be more impressed with Romney if he hadn't inflicted Trump on us to start with by pandering to his Birtherism.

I do find it funny that you guys now denounce Romney and McCain, guys you INSISTED a few short years ago were totally qualified to be President.

What does that say about your judgement?
No I didn't like Mc Cain, but he was better than Obama. Same with Romney. Last election I voted for Carson in the primary, but I'm glad now Trump won. He is doing a great job and how he is making you loons show your true selves. Is just icing on the cake.
Great job of running yup the debt, having the Feds rush in to prevent a recession, and using his office to force foreign countries to help him politically
Actually it was the Ukrainian government that contacted Trump to let him know about the corruption of the Democrat party.

This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.
I seriously doubt it-if the media is involved-there's a lie somewhere.

How would you know that there is a lie involved? The orange whore lies every time his lips move. Why do you folks always blame "the media"? Aren't you concerned for the safety of our nation and our elections? What do you celebrate on July 4th?
Yes I am concerned and I think the media is a bigger threat-consider this-Trump says something and 93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative. If the CNN or the Times spin it, it must be true. The Spanish American War started because of Yellow Journalism-don't think it couldn't happen again-if it hasn't already. And July Fourth last, I watched President Trump stand front and center to celebrate our nation's birthday-it was positively stirring.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.

Did you have any concern when the Half Black whore used foreign governments to further the HIldabeasts ambitions?
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

So any guy with a functioning brain is a "cuck"? Is this the latest edition to "normative" or "social justice warrior" or "feminazi"?

All Americans should be concerned that the orange whore might have solicited a foreign government to service his private political ambitions in exchange for military aid. This is really serious business no matter who you are.
I seriously doubt it-if the media is involved-there's a lie somewhere.

How would you know that there is a lie involved? The orange whore lies every time his lips move. Why do you folks always blame "the media"? Aren't you concerned for the safety of our nation and our elections? What do you celebrate on July 4th?
Yes I am concerned and I think the media is a bigger threat-consider this-Trump says something and 93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative. If the CNN or the Times spin it, it must be true. The Spanish American War started because of Yellow Journalism-don't think it couldn't happen again-if it hasn't already. And July Fourth last, I watched President Trump stand front and center to celebrate our nation's birthday-it was positively stirring.
Poor baby, Everyone is lying but Trump.


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