Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
Romney still wants the nomination-that's why he attacks Trump.
ya think so? I dunno.... he knows he can not win in 2020.... maybe prepping for 2024??
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
Romney still wants the nomination-that's why he attacks Trump.
ya think so? I dunno.... he knows he can not win in 2020.... maybe prepping for 2024??
If he gets Dems to impeach-the door is wide open. Or 2024
Giuliani continued, “This town protects Joe Biden. His family has been taking money from his public office for years — $1.5 billion from China when our vice president is supposed to be impartially and independently negotiating and the kid, he takes him on Air Force 2 to China. The kid, unfortunately, is a drug addict.”
I've posted about this several times in the past. Biden's coke snorting kid was given a position on a Ukrainian gas company board of directors (Burisma).

I think we all know why the son of a big time American politician, close to the president, would get this sweetheart position and when a Ukrainian prosecutor tried to open an investigation into the matter Joe Biden bragged that he threatened the Ukraine by telling them he would get Obama to kill a much needed aid package if the investigation was not dropped. .

He bragged about it! ‘Son of b***h got fired’: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ‘in six hours’

This is all documented. Why Romney is trying to smear Trump over this is just disgraceful.
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Giuliani continued, “This town protects Joe Biden. His family has been taking money from his public office for years — $1.5 billion from China when our vice president is supposed to be impartially and independently negotiating and the kid, he takes him on Air Force 2 to China. The kid, unfortunately, is a drug addict.”
I've posted about this several times in the past. Biden's coke snorting kid was given a position on a Ukrainian gas company (Burisma).

I think we all know why the son of a big time American politician, close to the president, would get this sweetheart position and when a Ukrainian prosecutor tried to open an investigation into the matter Joe Biden bragged that he threatened the Ukraine by telling them he would get Obama to kill a much needed aid package if the investigation was not dropped. .

He bragged about it! ‘Son of b***h got fired’: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ‘in six hours’

This is all documented. Why Romney is trying to smear Trump over this is just disgraceful.
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Giuliani continued, “This town protects Joe Biden. His family has been taking money from his public office for years — $1.5 billion from China when our vice president is supposed to be impartially and independently negotiating and the kid, he takes him on Air Force 2 to China. The kid, unfortunately, is a drug addict.”
I've posted about this several times in the past. Biden's coke snorting kid was given a position on a Ukrainian gas company (Burisma).

I think we all know why the son of a big time American politician, close to the president, would get this sweetheart position and when a Ukrainian prosecutor tried to open an investigation into the matter Joe Biden bragged that he threatened the Ukraine by telling them he would get Obama to kill a much needed aid package if the investigation was not dropped. .

He bragged about it! ‘Son of b***h got fired’: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ‘in six hours’

This is all documented. Why Romney is trying to smear Trump over this is just disgraceful.

the corrupt prosecutor who would not prosecute the corruption done by companies in the Ukraine, CHOSE not to prosecute the corrupt company Hunter worked for in 2014 and 2015 when he was investigating them....


and hiring an honest prosecutor,

would have put the oil and gas company Hunter was on the board of, IN JEOPARDY.

What Biden did, with our allies support who dealt with this corrupt prosecutor, was to protect Amercan Tax Payer's money by refusing it be given, until the corrupt prosecutor was replaced with an honest Ace one.

he deserves Kudos!
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Well Biden bragged out in the open to the US Council of Foreign Relations about what he did so he didn't do himself, or his son, or Obama any favors. He's not even bright enough to be circumspect about his corruption.
Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

Nothing is confirmed on the whole story other than we know as FACT

The hand picked Inspector General the Trump administration hired to police the intelligence community, who Trump is known to constantly demean, received this whistleblower' s concern and complaint,

he investigated it.... likely with the people that had direct access to the issue of the complaint.

The IG determined that the complaint of corruption by the whistleblower was CREDIBLE...

And he determined that it was URGENT...which is a designation given when a whistle blower complaint involves something criminal or of high national security risk that is still happening...

AND this URGENT designation requires BY LAW that the IG s report goes to the DNI...THE Director of National Intelligence and he SHALL/MUST turn it over to the Senate and house Intelligence committee heads, the gang of 8, within 7 days.

The DNI broke the Law and did not turn it over.

He brought it to the administration, where the complaint of wrong doing was about... holy crap....And crooked Barr, covering for the President once again, told him NOT to give it to congress...

NONE OF US would even know about this whistleblower complaint, if the acting DNI had simply followed the protocol and Law, and turned it over.
Yeah, it is a real scandal that the POTUS discusses things with foreign leaders over seas in secret.

Jim, sigh.....

that's all fine and dandy for presidents to talk to foreign leaders if it is on the up and up.

But if as alleged, the president urged a foreign leader, to investigate a political candidate and foe's son, or the candidate himself, for political gain to himself, and mentions this to the foreign leader 8 times in one conversation, and then proceeds to hold back USA tax dollars that were appropriated to fund their fight against Russia putting pressure on the foreign leader for Trump's own political gain, he held these legally appropriated by congress funds until 2 days after he was told about the whistle blower complaint....that he should not have even known about at all before Congress's Leaders (by law) and especially should not have been told anything about it, because it was a complaint on his own alleged criminality... until the legal and appropriate, investigators did their jobs.

Now the president is also interfering in an official investigation, the IG's this time and Congress's investigative duty by law.... and he is feeding you his narrative of LIES....that the whistleblower is some partisan....BULL SHIT....

HOW would he or anyone on his administration come to that determination without any of the facts and why does his administration and trump even KNOW who this whistle-blower is...???

Whistle blowers are suppose to be PROTECTED, and kept secret, to keep them from the abuse of the higher ups and accused.

This is an injustice to Justice,

and AWFUL for us Americans,

where whistleblowers and the system to protect them has been shattered by Trump and his crooked administration, so that NO FUTURE whistleblower who are the actual people who protect us citizens from a corrupt government and also saves us billions of dollars from fraud and abuse, will now never come forward again... the whistleblower system failed with this blower, which means it could fail for them too, s they will be too afraid to report our gvt wrong doings.

The man of lawlessness, is at work.... his name is Trump.
Why do you want the Ukrianians to hack our democracy? They have so much leverage over Crooked Joe Biden

Biden is not in government. Meanwhile, back at the White House.....

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

The Ukrainians OWN Biden! I hear they asked to file a lien against Biden to protect their investment
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Well Biden bragged out in the open to the US Council of Foreign Relations about what he did so he didn't do himself, or his son, or Obama any favors. He's not even bright enough to be circumspect about his corruption.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

You could hear the groans in the audience..."He's not THAT fucking stupid is he?"

the corrupt prosecutor who would not prosecute the corruption done by companies in the Ukraine, CHOSE not to prosecute the corrupt company Hunter worked for in 2014 and 2015 when he was investigating them....


and hiring an honest prosecutor,

would have put the oil and gas company Hunter was on the board of, IN JEOPARDY.

What Biden did, with our allies support who dealt with this corrupt prosecutor, was to protect Amercan Tax Payer's money by refusing it be given, until the corrupt prosecutor was replaced with an honest Ace one.
Get the fuck out!
:icon_rolleyes: Biden bragged to a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations about threatening the Ukraine with loss of a much needed foreign aid package IF the investigation into his son's sweetheart deal was not dropped.

It was! Claiming this prosecutor "chose" not to investigate Hunter Biden's cushy sweetheart deal under those circumstances
is ridiculous and absolutely impossible to prove.

The facts of this issue paint the picture. Your politicized after the fact conjecture are just what one would expect from a partisan cheer leader.

A. Biden wanted the prosecutor who threatened son Hunter's golden goose fired and the investigation killed. He used an aid package to the Ukraine as leverage and said he could get Barry Obama to kill that aid in a moment.

B. The prosecutor IS fired. The investigation IS killed. The threat worked.

C. Partisan dimwits come in afterwards trying to lie the facts away.
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Giuliani continued, “This town protects Joe Biden. His family has been taking money from his public office for years — $1.5 billion from China when our vice president is supposed to be impartially and independently negotiating and the kid, he takes him on Air Force 2 to China. The kid, unfortunately, is a drug addict.”
I've posted about this several times in the past. Biden's coke snorting kid was given a position on a Ukrainian gas company (Burisma).

I think we all know why the son of a big time American politician, close to the president, would get this sweetheart position and when a Ukrainian prosecutor tried to open an investigation into the matter Joe Biden bragged that he threatened the Ukraine by telling them he would get Obama to kill a much needed aid package if the investigation was not dropped. .

He bragged about it! ‘Son of b***h got fired’: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ‘in six hours’

This is all documented. Why Romney is trying to smear Trump over this is just disgraceful.

the corrupt prosecutor who would not prosecute the corruption done by companies in the Ukraine, CHOSE not to prosecute the corrupt company Hunter worked for in 2014 and 2015 when he was investigating them....


and hiring an honest prosecutor,

would have put the oil and gas company Hunter was on the board of, IN JEOPARDY.

What Biden did, with our allies support who dealt with this corrupt prosecutor, was to protect Amercan Tax Payer's money by refusing it be given, until the corrupt prosecutor was replaced with an honest Ace one.

he deserves Kudos!

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

You must get paid to post that crap
Biden ain't my pick for president, not even my third or fourth pick, but this bull shit of Trump's, his admin and the infamous Giuliani is as crooked and deceitful, as it comes...

As said before, I'm fine with a proper and lawful investigation by the DOJ/FBI Foreign corruption unit, if warranted... mainly because Hunter should have never taken that job on the board... not that Hunter did anything wrong personally, but that the appearance of possible corruption, requires it....

As it does for Ivanka getting copyrights from China (of which China had not approved for the whole previous year), after Trump was president

and Kushner getting loans from a foreign country that no one else would give him, a country that Trump badmouthed and bullied until Kushner got the loan, then they were a beautiful country... :rolleyes:

So, go for the investigations, but do so fairly, and through PROPER, LEGAL means....
"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

You could hear the groans in the audience..."He's not THAT fucking stupid is he?"
Biden IS that dumb and he couldn't help bragging how he used the threat of Big Daddy Obama cancelling the Ukraine's big aid package to get his son off the hook.
"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

You could hear the groans in the audience..."He's not THAT fucking stupid is he?"
Biden IS that dumb and he couldn't help bragging how he used the threat of Big Daddy Obama cancelling the Ukraine's big aid package to get his son off the hook.
Imbecile... what the fuck is wrong with you??

Biden's son wasn't on the hook.

Biden ain't my pick for president, not even my third or fourth pick, but this bull shit of Trump's, his admin and the infamous Giuliani is as crooked and deceitful, as it comes...

As said before, I'm fine with a proper and lawful investigation by the DOJ/FBI Foreign corruption unit, if warranted... mainly because Hunter should have never taken that job on the board... not that Hunter did anything wrong personally, but that the appearance of possible corruption, requires it....

As it does for Ivanka getting copyrights from China of which China had not approved for the whole previous year, after Trump was president

and Kushner getting loans from a foreign country that no one else would give him, a country that Trump badmouthed and bullied until Kushner got the loan, then they were a beautiful country... :rolleyes:

So, go for the investigations, but do so fairly, and through PROPER, LEGAL means....

and all of his sons doings.
You don't think Hunter Biden did anything wrong by taking a position he wasn't remotely qualified to have and only got by circumstances of his birth? And daddy's bullying threats? :113: Sure...whatever.

I don't know anything about the Kushner or Ivanka allegations. I doubt threats were used to bully a nation like China
into compliance. By the way speaking of China Biden's son Hunter made deal with Bank of China during father's trip | Daily Mail Online
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Well Biden bragged out in the open to the US Council of Foreign Relations about what he did so he didn't do himself, or his son, or Obama any favors. He's not even bright enough to be circumspect about his corruption.
gees :slap:

he spoke and bragged about it in public, because it was not something done for corrupt purposes, not something that needed hiding.... silly one!!!

He was proud of his accomplishment, for us tax payers. no more wasting our money to fight corruption there.... once the crooked prosecutor was kicked out.
gees :slap:

he spoke and bragged about it in public, because it was not something done for corrupt purposes, not something that needed hiding.... silly one!!!

He was proud of his accomplishment, for us tax payers. no more wasting our money to fight corruption there.... once the crooked prosecutor was kicked out.
I don't have time to deal with this extreme case of idiocy. Whether you truly believe the guy prosecuting corruption was the bad guy or you are a super troll is a matter for your conscience, if you have one.
gees :slap:

he spoke and bragged about it in public, because it was not something done for corrupt purposes, not something that needed hiding.... silly one!!!

He was proud of his accomplishment, for us tax payers. no more wasting our money to fight corruption there.... once the crooked prosecutor was kicked out.
I don't have time to deal with this extreme case of idiocy. Whether you truly believe the guy prosecuting corruption was the bad guy or you are a super troll is a matter for your conscience, if you have one.
^^^ impervious to facts
Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

By John Solomon — 04/07/19 07:30 AM EDT

From April - Yall.

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

"thwarted in trying to get the Trump Justice Department to act". Kind of a mixed message, comrade.

Kind of a mixed Department there, Dumbass
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Well Biden bragged out in the open to the US Council of Foreign Relations about what he did so he didn't do himself, or his son, or Obama any favors. He's not even bright enough to be circumspect about his corruption.

This is a win win for the Democratic Media who hate Trump and don't want Biden to be the nominee.
It also protects Obama-his boy went rogue
Well Biden bragged out in the open to the US Council of Foreign Relations about what he did so he didn't do himself, or his son, or Obama any favors. He's not even bright enough to be circumspect about his corruption.
gees :slap:

he spoke and bragged about it in public, because it was not something done for corrupt purposes, not something that needed hiding.... silly one!!!

He was proud of his accomplishment, for us tax payers. no more wasting our money to fight corruption there.... once the crooked prosecutor was kicked out.
Does not smell right-maybe I'm too used to Trump being accused, we are starting to get suspicious of everybody.

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