Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself.

But again, Romney was your candidate 7 years ago? Did you get it wrong?

Let's review, shall we? You Bible Thumpers all rejected Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon. now, I don't have a problem with this, Mormonism is all manner of fucked up, and if you really think Kiddy-Diddling Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to God, they shouldn't let you out of the house by yourself.

Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him.

Then Donald Trump got the nomination, and he couldn't even quote the bible on a bet. He goes around fucking porn stars, and you Bible Thumpers love him because, hey, he's going to appoint guys to the court to might overturn Roe. (Still waiting for you tell me how you are going to enforce abortion laws once you get them.) And Mitt says, "Hey, guys, maybe throwing children into concentration camp and conspiring with foreigners is something Jesus wouldn't do!" and you guys turn on him with a vengence...

I'm not surprised. When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist.
Don't like the Bible or Republicans. Don't like Romney or McCain, and Obama was half white or more so who cares, except did not like him either because media jammed him down our throats. Abortion will not be overturned-this whole thing is just to jump start Alyssa Milano's new career. Trump causes trouble for politicians and I like that.
I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself.

But again, Romney was your candidate 7 years ago? Did you get it wrong?

Let's review, shall we? You Bible Thumpers all rejected Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon. now, I don't have a problem with this, Mormonism is all manner of fucked up, and if you really think Kiddy-Diddling Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to God, they shouldn't let you out of the house by yourself.

Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him.

Then Donald Trump got the nomination, and he couldn't even quote the bible on a bet. He goes around fucking porn stars, and you Bible Thumpers love him because, hey, he's going to appoint guys to the court to might overturn Roe. (Still waiting for you tell me how you are going to enforce abortion laws once you get them.) And Mitt says, "Hey, guys, maybe throwing children into concentration camp and conspiring with foreigners is something Jesus wouldn't do!" and you guys turn on him with a vengence...

I'm not surprised. When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist.
Don't like the Bible or Republicans. Don't like Romney or McCain, and Obama was half white or more so who cares, except did not like him either because media jammed him down our throats. Abortion will not be overturned-this whole thing is just to jump start Alyssa Milano's new career. Trump causes trouble for politicians and I like that.
Thanks for the confess-all. It should be worth its weight in gold to your Democrat brainwashers. Why you're practically a made man in liberal circles for your hate of the Bible and Republicans. And just think, Rachel Maddow loves you.
I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself.

But again, Romney was your candidate 7 years ago? Did you get it wrong?

Let's review, shall we? You Bible Thumpers all rejected Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon. now, I don't have a problem with this, Mormonism is all manner of fucked up, and if you really think Kiddy-Diddling Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to God, they shouldn't let you out of the house by yourself.

Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him.

Then Donald Trump got the nomination, and he couldn't even quote the bible on a bet. He goes around fucking porn stars, and you Bible Thumpers love him because, hey, he's going to appoint guys to the court to might overturn Roe. (Still waiting for you tell me how you are going to enforce abortion laws once you get them.) And Mitt says, "Hey, guys, maybe throwing children into concentration camp and conspiring with foreigners is something Jesus wouldn't do!" and you guys turn on him with a vengence...

I'm not surprised. When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist.
Don't like the Bible or Republicans. Don't like Romney or McCain, and Obama was half white or more so who cares, except did not like him either because media jammed him down our throats. Abortion will not be overturned-this whole thing is just to jump start Alyssa Milano's new career. Trump causes trouble for politicians and I like that.
Thanks for the confess-all. It should be worth its weight in gold to your Democrat brainwashers. Why you're practically a made man in liberal circles for your hate of the Bible and Republicans. And just think, Rachel Maddow loves you.
Don't like Rachel-she is a drama queen. Never said I hated Bible or Republicans-why do you go right to hate-better get that checked. Last time I voted Democrat was 1976. The first and last time I voted Republican was 2016. And, you, me, and the guy next door can vote and have opinions as we wish.
And President Trump is trying to straighten out the laws. The D's aren't interested in the slightest in working on it, instead cooking up phony "whistle blowers" who are merely spreading rumors..

America has more foreign born residents than we have had in a 100 years. Time for these foreign countries in Europe to do their part.

Awesome. Foreign born residents are my best customers. I'm all for more foriegn born folks coming in here. The more the merrier.

Trump has had three years to reform immigration, which was supposed to be his signature acheivement.
I belong to a mainstream church, we do not consider ourselves bible thumpers unless someone challenges one of us, at which time we are allowed to share a verse or two that tells of the basis for our belief. When I started a thread on just simple prayers, a number of people attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me for my faith. There seems to be a following of atheist militants desiring control over who thinks what at USMB, and they tend to cluster at the Religion and Ethics ares to kick people around whose beliefs they hate.

Or we are just sick of you guys trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

Don't like Gay Marriage. Don't have one.
Don't like Abortion. Don't have one.
That was simple.

As far as Donald Trump's marriage to Melania, that's his private business, not mine. If she was at some time in her life doing things many Americans frown upon, in the Good book I read from, all humans are sinners, and the good book I read says that we should not judge people because that's God's job. She certainly is a beautiful person, but I understand she is very unhappy about people throwing her past in her face on a constant basis, and she may or may not continue to serve due to the abuses she is suffering from her husband's adversaries.

Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. They've let her off easy compared to the abuse Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama had to put up with.

Her biggest problem, she just wanted to be a trophy wife, not a first lady.

And no, I was not prejudiced against Obama when he went into the White House, but when he rejected all Republicans and went on a jubilee of spending, I realized he was ostracizing 50% of the population, which gave me no joy, considering I believe in equality of people, and not a superiority angle that President Obama took upon himself. His choice, his house. It has been returned to the American people, and I'm good with that.

Uh, when did this happen? Hey, learn some economics, WE HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OUT OF A RECESSION WITHOUT A JUBILEE OF SPENDING. This is kind of basic Keynesian Economics. (Drooling right winger: +What was that about Kenyan Economics... I told you he wasn't born here. Derp Derp"). If anything, Obama went out of his way to try to accommodate REpublicans.. for what little good it did him.

There is one story in the book of Genesis, about a woman named Rahab who ran a brothel in a city whose fellow city-dwellers were going to decimate the Israelites, but she took pity on Joshua and his fellow spy who were checking out their chances to win the city, and gave them shelter and advice to save them and their Israelite fellows. After the Israelite army defeated the city, Rahab and her family were not only spared, they were given a special place for always by her saving graces and her care for the people she'd heard such stories about their winning battles the Israelites revered her forever after. It's too bad we have people who treat women in the sex services as scum. Not everybody reads the bible and understands what is being said, but that story has endured in the Bible and supports the thesis that we must not judge other people, because we cannot always look upon the heart the way God does.

Wait. You consider this an uplifting story? Rahab betrayed her community, her friends and neighbors, ALL OF WHOM Joshua put to the sword, because the guy was a fucking maniac! Do you actually read what is in your book of Fairy Tales and think about them. THis is a HORRIBLE story.
I belong to a mainstream church, we do not consider ourselves bible thumpers unless someone challenges one of us, at which time we are allowed to share a verse or two that tells of the basis for our belief. When I started a thread on just simple prayers, a number of people attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me for my faith. There seems to be a following of atheist militants desiring control over who thinks what at USMB, and they tend to cluster at the Religion and Ethics ares to kick people around whose beliefs they hate.

Or we are just sick of you guys trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

Don't like Gay Marriage. Don't have one.
Don't like Abortion. Don't have one.
That was simple.

As far as Donald Trump's marriage to Melania, that's his private business, not mine. If she was at some time in her life doing things many Americans frown upon, in the Good book I read from, all humans are sinners, and the good book I read says that we should not judge people because that's God's job. She certainly is a beautiful person, but I understand she is very unhappy about people throwing her past in her face on a constant basis, and she may or may not continue to serve due to the abuses she is suffering from her husband's adversaries.

Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. They've let her off easy compared to the abuse Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama had to put up with.

Her biggest problem, she just wanted to be a trophy wife, not a first lady.

And no, I was not prejudiced against Obama when he went into the White House, but when he rejected all Republicans and went on a jubilee of spending, I realized he was ostracizing 50% of the population, which gave me no joy, considering I believe in equality of people, and not a superiority angle that President Obama took upon himself. His choice, his house. It has been returned to the American people, and I'm good with that.

Uh, when did this happen? Hey, learn some economics, WE HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OUT OF A RECESSION WITHOUT A JUBILEE OF SPENDING. This is kind of basic Keynesian Economics. (Drooling right winger: +What was that about Kenyan Economics... I told you he wasn't born here. Derp Derp"). If anything, Obama went out of his way to try to accommodate REpublicans.. for what little good it did him.

There is one story in the book of Genesis, about a woman named Rahab who ran a brothel in a city whose fellow city-dwellers were going to decimate the Israelites, but she took pity on Joshua and his fellow spy who were checking out their chances to win the city, and gave them shelter and advice to save them and their Israelite fellows. After the Israelite army defeated the city, Rahab and her family were not only spared, they were given a special place for always by her saving graces and her care for the people she'd heard such stories about their winning battles the Israelites revered her forever after. It's too bad we have people who treat women in the sex services as scum. Not everybody reads the bible and understands what is being said, but that story has endured in the Bible and supports the thesis that we must not judge other people, because we cannot always look upon the heart the way God does.

Wait. You consider this an uplifting story? Rahab betrayed her community, her friends and neighbors, ALL OF WHOM Joshua put to the sword, because the guy was a fucking maniac! Do you actually read what is in your book of Fairy Tales and think about them. THis is a HORRIBLE story.
Stick with the 23rd psalm-you can't get attacked for that.
Joe sez: "we are just sick of you guys trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us."​

I think it goes back farther than that, Joe the Neanderthal.

Joe sez: "They've let her off easy compared to the abuse Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama had to put up with."
Sorry, doll. We didn't put what we had on porn hub, sweetie. Obama took advantage of our live-and-let-live ideals.

Joe sez: "If anything, Obama went out of his way to try to accommodate REpublicans."
By never inviting Republican Congressmen and Republican Senators to anything but a character assassination session? Yeah, I remember the 8 years this went on, and so does everybody else except you and your fellow character assassins.

You call spending twice the taxpayer's burden of all 42 predecessors' spendings combined a "Jubilee"??? Well hell's bells, Joe, that was Obama's burial of our grandchildren's right to be free of debt in their lifetime to pay for Obama's farty party that burdened future taxpayers a hundredfold, and you know it, too, don't you. Or are you playing fiscal amnesiac to divert attention to this no-holds-barred, naked pickpocketing of America by Barack and Michelle (2-lobsters-for-lunch a day and "it's-just-a-damn-flag") Obama? :cranky:

Joe sez: "Wait. You consider this an uplifting story? Rahab betrayed her community, her friends and neighbors, ALL OF WHOM Joshua put to the sword, because the guy was a fucking maniac! Do you actually read what is in your book of Fairy Tales and think about them. THis is a HORRIBLE story."
You don't know what you're talking about. Rahab was constantly sexually abused by the men of the city, and she was sick of it. Joshua and his fellow spy, by their respect for a poor woman and her family, begging for protection, agreed to her terms not to decimate her household in return for safe passage back to the army of God's soldiers. Oh, wait. you hate God and his people, so sexual abuse under those circumstances is fine. How leftist of you to break laws you dislike to get even with the American voters who put President Trump in the White House. Nothing new here, but I Got it. :rolleyes:
I belong to a mainstream church, we do not consider ourselves bible thumpers unless someone challenges one of us, at which time we are allowed to share a verse or two that tells of the basis for our belief. When I started a thread on just simple prayers, a number of people attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me for my faith. There seems to be a following of atheist militants desiring control over who thinks what at USMB, and they tend to cluster at the Religion and Ethics ares to kick people around whose beliefs they hate.

Or we are just sick of you guys trying to impose your bronze age superstitions on the rest of us.

Don't like Gay Marriage. Don't have one.
Don't like Abortion. Don't have one.
That was simple.

As far as Donald Trump's marriage to Melania, that's his private business, not mine. If she was at some time in her life doing things many Americans frown upon, in the Good book I read from, all humans are sinners, and the good book I read says that we should not judge people because that's God's job. She certainly is a beautiful person, but I understand she is very unhappy about people throwing her past in her face on a constant basis, and she may or may not continue to serve due to the abuses she is suffering from her husband's adversaries.

Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. They've let her off easy compared to the abuse Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Obama had to put up with.

Her biggest problem, she just wanted to be a trophy wife, not a first lady.

And no, I was not prejudiced against Obama when he went into the White House, but when he rejected all Republicans and went on a jubilee of spending, I realized he was ostracizing 50% of the population, which gave me no joy, considering I believe in equality of people, and not a superiority angle that President Obama took upon himself. His choice, his house. It has been returned to the American people, and I'm good with that.

Uh, when did this happen? Hey, learn some economics, WE HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OUT OF A RECESSION WITHOUT A JUBILEE OF SPENDING. This is kind of basic Keynesian Economics. (Drooling right winger: +What was that about Kenyan Economics... I told you he wasn't born here. Derp Derp"). If anything, Obama went out of his way to try to accommodate REpublicans.. for what little good it did him.

There is one story in the book of Genesis, about a woman named Rahab who ran a brothel in a city whose fellow city-dwellers were going to decimate the Israelites, but she took pity on Joshua and his fellow spy who were checking out their chances to win the city, and gave them shelter and advice to save them and their Israelite fellows. After the Israelite army defeated the city, Rahab and her family were not only spared, they were given a special place for always by her saving graces and her care for the people she'd heard such stories about their winning battles the Israelites revered her forever after. It's too bad we have people who treat women in the sex services as scum. Not everybody reads the bible and understands what is being said, but that story has endured in the Bible and supports the thesis that we must not judge other people, because we cannot always look upon the heart the way God does.

Wait. You consider this an uplifting story? Rahab betrayed her community, her friends and neighbors, ALL OF WHOM Joshua put to the sword, because the guy was a fucking maniac! Do you actually read what is in your book of Fairy Tales and think about them. THis is a HORRIBLE story.
Stick with the 23rd psalm-you can't get attacked for that.
Oh, I'm not afraid of atheists, because I have a better man on my side: The Lord is the protector of my soul.
Obama was disliked by Deplorables because he is a marxist- not because of his ethnicity.
I don't think Obama is a Marxist as he took some extreme steps to save the financial markets in 2008, and I think a Marxist or Libertarian would have let them collapse.

Isnt it funny how much Marxists and Libertarians so often agree on the same course of conduct?
Sorry, doll. We didn't put what we had on porn hub, sweetie. Obama took advantage of our live-and-let-live ideals.

Um, what she did was put on Porn Hub because it was, you know, pornographic.

Obama, on the other hand, had to put up with all you right wing racist cumbuckets screaming about how he was destroying America while he was getting us out of Bush's wars and fixing Bush's recession. Then you picked the biggest, most racist asshole you could find to replace him.

By never inviting Republican Congressmen and Republican Senators to anything but a character assassination session? Yeah, I remember the 8 years this went on, and so does everybody else except you and your fellow character assassins.

I'm sure you spent 2009 to 2017 screaming "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!"

You call spending twice the taxpayer's burden of all 42 predecessors' spendings combined a "Jubilee"??? Well hell's bells, Joe, that was Obama's burial of our grandchildren's right to be free of debt in their lifetime to pay for Obama's farty party that burdened future taxpayers a hundredfold, and you know it, too, don't you. Or are you playing fiscal amnesiac to divert attention to this no-holds-barred, naked pickpocketing of America by Barack and Michelle (2-lobsters-for-lunch a day and "it's-just-a-damn-flag") Obama?

No, what I call that is not having sound fiscal policy. The debt has been increasing exponentially since Ronnie Reagan decided rich people didn't need to pay taxes. He tripled the debt in 8 years. Obama increased it by maybe 80%, and most of that was the recession, wars and tax cuts he inherited.

Oh, Deficits are going up again under Trump, but I don't hear you bitching about that... because he's WHITE.

You don't know what you're talking about. Rahab was constantly sexually abused by the men of the city, and she was sick of it. Joshua and his fellow spy, by their respect for a poor woman and her family, begging for protection, agreed to her terms not to decimate her household in return for safe passage back to the army of God's soldiers. Oh, wait. you hate God and his people, so sexual abuse under those circumstances is fine. How leftist of you to break laws you dislike to get even with the American voters who put President Trump in the White House. Nothing new here, but I Got it.

Actually, you are reading stuff into the text that just ain't there. The text only says she was a "Harlot". It does not say she was being sexually abused, and her motivation in the text was she thought the Hebrews were going to win, so she wanted to be on the winning side. She owned her own house, and lived there with her family, all of whom must have known what she did for a living.

Incidentally, the letters in the original text as "znh", (Ancient Hebrew had no vowels) which could mean Zonah (prostitute) or Zinah (Innkeeper). The rest of the text really seems to indicate that the LATTER was the correct translation, but the Greeks translated it to "porne".

But let's say she was a harlot looking to do something else for a living. The Hebrews killed every man, woman and child in the city. (Again, kind of funny the Hebrew Bible is so blaise about genocide, considering.... you know). Were all the other women responsible for her choice of profession? How about the Children, how were they responsible?

Here's the real problem you guys have with the bible. The bible is an awful book written by the most backwards-ass bronze age savages there were. While the Egyptians and Greeks and Romans were busy giving us Civilization, the Hebrews were wandering around the desert being stuck up assholes, and their bible reflects that.

So like I said, what you need is for Disney to buy out Christianity and rewrite it all to be more kid-friendly.

But since you picked that as the backstory for your magic sky man, (Rahab is listed as one of Jesus' ancestors), you have to do all sorts of handstands to defend stories like Rahab (Betrays and genocide of her own people), Jephthah (butchers his own daughter because he made a vow to God) and so on.
Sorry, doll. We didn't put what we had on porn hub, sweetie. Obama took advantage of our live-and-let-live ideals.

Um, what she did was put on Porn Hub because it was, you know, pornographic.

Obama, on the other hand, had to put up with all you right wing racist cumbuckets screaming about how he was destroying America while he was getting us out of Bush's wars and fixing Bush's recession. Then you picked the biggest, most racist asshole you could find to replace him.

By never inviting Republican Congressmen and Republican Senators to anything but a character assassination session? Yeah, I remember the 8 years this went on, and so does everybody else except you and your fellow character assassins.

I'm sure you spent 2009 to 2017 screaming "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!"

You call spending twice the taxpayer's burden of all 42 predecessors' spendings combined a "Jubilee"??? Well hell's bells, Joe, that was Obama's burial of our grandchildren's right to be free of debt in their lifetime to pay for Obama's farty party that burdened future taxpayers a hundredfold, and you know it, too, don't you. Or are you playing fiscal amnesiac to divert attention to this no-holds-barred, naked pickpocketing of America by Barack and Michelle (2-lobsters-for-lunch a day and "it's-just-a-damn-flag") Obama?

No, what I call that is not having sound fiscal policy. The debt has been increasing exponentially since Ronnie Reagan decided rich people didn't need to pay taxes. He tripled the debt in 8 years. Obama increased it by maybe 80%, and most of that was the recession, wars and tax cuts he inherited.

Oh, Deficits are going up again under Trump, but I don't hear you bitching about that... because he's WHITE.

You don't know what you're talking about. Rahab was constantly sexually abused by the men of the city, and she was sick of it. Joshua and his fellow spy, by their respect for a poor woman and her family, begging for protection, agreed to her terms not to decimate her household in return for safe passage back to the army of God's soldiers. Oh, wait. you hate God and his people, so sexual abuse under those circumstances is fine. How leftist of you to break laws you dislike to get even with the American voters who put President Trump in the White House. Nothing new here, but I Got it.

Actually, you are reading stuff into the text that just ain't there. The text only says she was a "Harlot". It does not say she was being sexually abused, and her motivation in the text was she thought the Hebrews were going to win, so she wanted to be on the winning side. She owned her own house, and lived there with her family, all of whom must have known what she did for a living.

Incidentally, the letters in the original text as "znh", (Ancient Hebrew had no vowels) which could mean Zonah (prostitute) or Zinah (Innkeeper). The rest of the text really seems to indicate that the LATTER was the correct translation, but the Greeks translated it to "porne".

But let's say she was a harlot looking to do something else for a living. The Hebrews killed every man, woman and child in the city. (Again, kind of funny the Hebrew Bible is so blaise about genocide, considering.... you know). Were all the other women responsible for her choice of profession? How about the Children, how were they responsible?

Here's the real problem you guys have with the bible. The bible is an awful book written by the most backwards-ass bronze age savages there were. While the Egyptians and Greeks and Romans were busy giving us Civilization, the Hebrews were wandering around the desert being stuck up assholes, and their bible reflects that.

So like I said, what you need is for Disney to buy out Christianity and rewrite it all to be more kid-friendly.

But since you picked that as the backstory for your magic sky man, (Rahab is listed as one of Jesus' ancestors), you have to do all sorts of handstands to defend stories like Rahab (Betrays and genocide of her own people), Jephthah (butchers his own daughter because he made a vow to God) and so on.
Mr. Joe, I do live in this world. I do understand that pornography has as many different interpretations as politics, but you are leveling charges that you know nothing of against people you do not see the inside of their heart, fashioned by beliefs you do not have. If you ever accuse me of racial prejudice again, I am going to put you onto my permanent list of people to ignore, but that will not be the end of you lying your ass off to discredit someone you disagree with in other ways. I am a strict equality person politically, and I believe in equal pay for equal work; I believe in equal educational opportunities for American citizens, and the Democrat belief that we have to make our country weak to support foreigners who would cheerfully cook and eat our brains is not my cup of tea. I'm glad you have so much with creating false narratives about anyone on the opposite end of your communistic outlook has.

Years ago, Mexican immigrants showed us their true colors when they joined a racist organization that wanted them to multiply their numbers to outvote people in California to remove it from America's jurisdiction and turn it over to Mexico, where they put poor people into one class that receives absolutely zero benefits for their service to the rich barons there who have no value for the life of "pisanos" as they call them. I resent these idiots that come over the border and want to bond with Mexico forever. It is not patriotic, and I feel that movement which now has gone deep state in and of itself to separate California from the rest of the country by tearing people up and using guilt to ensnare them into their little world of footshoot acres. During my years in Wyoming, a group of Californians who were fed up with this tax-whites-and-give-it-away-to-foreingers crap, moved to our state and formed a company called "Ex-Cal." They enjoyed the comparitive tax freeness of a state which derived funding from its own resources and not income, land, or sales taxes, which are low and local by comparison to other states. My taxes on 40 acres there was about $100 a year average, over 35 years of living in Wyo. My taxes here on 14 acres are almost $8,000, by comparison. I am paying over half of that to the school system that in being a border state, absolutely must put 4th grade kids who have never seen the inside of a school in their entire lives, on a 6th grade reading and learning level in 2 years, whereas the current students had 6 years to accomplish the same end. Their test scores must be equivalent at the end of the elementary years. That isn't easy when the children may not even know more English than "gimme nickel," having learned begging at an early age in Mexican society that does positively nothing for what it separates from others in their societies and calls them "pisanos." Our teachers have to turn their backs on citizens' children in order to live up to demands made on them by those in society who want open borders, but who do not want the responsibilities they impose on the four states on the border. I know, because I heard the screeching from "sanctuary cities," who were told they'd have to foot some of the bill and responsibilities of border states by sending some of the "pisanos" up there to where the rubber hits their road in damning 4 states to all the responsibilities, and their areas from any burdens whatever.

You Democrats are always demanding that somebody else take care of business so you can consort with any irresponsible adult activity you wish to engage in without helping the people you torture the border states into dealing with. California is the poster child for established citizens to leave in disgust for being tapped for everything the kingpins of CA society want everyone else to pay for. And some of the worst of you are in Congress trying to make this President pay for their errors with injury of beating up on them without relenting to procure benefits for people who vote for them but are loyal to foreign countries. You start wars with lies where there was no animus, but is now because of your pathetic attitude of someone else doing for you, with your laundry list of how everyone will serve and enrich you without you so much as lifting a finger other than to sign your welfare checque. We're done doing that for your gimme attitude with an epithet that starts with an "f."
Mr. Joe, I do live in this world. I do understand that pornography has as many different interpretations as politics, but you are leveling charges that you know nothing of against people you do not see the inside of their heart, fashioned by beliefs you do not have. If you ever accuse me of racial prejudice again, I am going to put you onto my permanent list of people to ignore, but that will not be the end of you lying your ass off to discredit someone you disagree with in other ways. I am a strict equality person politically, and I believe in equal pay for equal work; I believe in equal educational opportunities for American citizens, and the Democrat belief that we have to make our country weak to support foreigners who would cheerfully cook and eat our brains is not my cup of tea. I'm glad you have so much with creating false narratives about anyone on the opposite end of your communistic outlook has.

Wait, you just whined about being called a racist, and then you said the shit that I've bolded? REALLY? You really think there are foreigners out there who want to cook your brains. (And do you know how many Christian Conservatives you'd have to kill to get pound of brains, but never mind.) Are you sure you aren't confusing this with an episode of iZombie?


Years ago, Mexican immigrants showed us their true colors when they joined a racist organization that wanted them to multiply their numbers to outvote people in California to remove it from America's jurisdiction and turn it over to Mexico, where they put poor people into one class that receives absolutely zero benefits for their service to the rich barons there who have no value for the life of "pisanos" as they call them. I resent these idiots that come over the border and want to bond with Mexico forever.

Okay, still missing the part where they started cooking anyone's brains. But anyway, you missed a few steps in that equation, like how the Republicans supported a whole lot of anti-Hispanic initiatives. That's when they started to organize politically. Hispanics are still only 40% of California's population, however, and some of them were there before the white people were, in case they didn't teach you about the Mexican-American War in your Home Skule.

It is not patriotic, and I feel that movement which now has gone deep state in and of itself to separate California from the rest of the country by tearing people up and using guilt to ensnare them into their little world of footshoot acres.

I'm just curious who this movement is, exactly.

Look, I'm going to give you a bit of perspective, since you are wetting your panties over the scary brown people.

150 years ago, Dumb White People panicked about the Irish. The Irish were going to run good Americans out of the country and turn the country over to the Pope..
100 years ago, Dumb White people panicked about the Germans. Those Germans were going to run good Americans out of the country and turn us over to the Kaiser.
50 years ago, Dumb white people were panicked about the Poles. Those Poles were going to run Good Americans out of jobs.

So today, it's the Mexicans. But you know what, in a generation, they won't even speak Spanish anymore.

You Democrats are always demanding that somebody else take care of business so you can consort with any irresponsible adult activity you wish to engage in without helping the people you torture the border states into dealing with. California is the poster child for established citizens to leave in disgust for being tapped for everything the kingpins of CA society want everyone else to pay for. And some of the worst of you are in Congress trying to make this President pay for their errors with injury of beating up on them without relenting to procure benefits for people who vote for them but are loyal to foreign countries. You start wars with lies where there was no animus, but is now because of your pathetic attitude of someone else doing for you, with your laundry list of how everyone will serve and enrich you without you so much as lifting a finger other than to sign your welfare checque. We're done doing that for your gimme attitude with an epithet that starts with an

Um, Honey, I've never taken welfare in my life. As a matter of fact, not only have I worked since I was 16 (I'm 57 now) but I also spent 11 years in the military (Reserve and Active).

The reality- most of the welfare you complain about goes to white people. The biggest welfare programs are Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance, and white folks benefit the most from them.

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