Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

“Dumb laws deserve to be ignored”. So if I believe that petty larceny is a dumb law I should be allowed to steal? If I believe a speed limit is a dumb law I should be allowed to speed? If I believe drinking and driving being illegal is a dumb law, I should be allowed to drink and drive? LOL

Sure they do. I've already explained it to you... you can't just pass a law, you need to get buy-in from the majority that it is a law that should be enforced.

Case in point. Most people will report murders. They'll turn in their neighbors or family members. The cops will make arrests. Prosecutors will prosecute. Juries will convict. These laws are enforceable because they are a good idea.

OPPOSITE case. Marijuana laws. Yes, some old fuddy-duddies think they should still be a thing. But people won't report their family members or turn them in for a little weed. Cops usually won't arrest you if you aren't blowing it in their face. 1994 Pink Floyd Concert at Soldier's Field, I think I was the only one there without a joint! The CPD didn't bust anyone. Prosecutors won't prosecute and juries really won't convict unless there are other aggravating circumstances.

So MANY communities have decided that our immigration laws are dumb. We know where the undocumented live... but we don't report them. The cops don't arrest them unless they are doing something else and they don't report them to ICE anymore. Juries aren't convicting them. We've all kind of decided we like to be able to pick up some Day Laborers at the Home Depot when that DIY Project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.

If these persons want jobs in the US they need to apply for work visas. People cannot just pick and choose which laws are “dumb” and which are not.

Except we already have... ICE is finding massive lack of cooperation all over the country... because people have decided these laws are dumb.

Here is the thing. You keep stepping into it and now you’re so far into it you have to defend your stupid positions. You may be the stupidest person on this board and that is saying a lot given we have people like caddo kid, Lesh and deanrd here.

No, dumb is coming from a history of being oppressed and being cool when it's done to other people.
here might be something to this.

About 20 years ago, I was chatting with a local Crack Dealer in a local bar. Believe me, I never had interest in getting involved in using crack at all, just talking with the man.

I told the gentleman, that I don't understand how he does it. I could never do his job. Having to go into dangerous areas of town, dealing with disreputable people, taking calls at all hours of the day of night. I told him and I quote "thank God for people like you, I couldn't do your work"

I bet it has become even harder in more recent times to get young Americans interested in slinging crack.

You might have wandered into a correct answer.

Point is, there's a market for crack. Or cocaine if you are a white person. They are just filling a need.

Now. Americans don't want to pick lettuce, clean toilets or hang outside the Home Depot hoping to get to hang some drywall that day. But the want these things done. Hence, why we have a market for undocumented laborers.

There's a pretty simple solution to this problem. Create a Guest Worker program for these kinds of jobs, get them above board.
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?

This guy has always been a moderate gasbag. He rolled over for the Hussein and let him win, just like Mc-shit-Stain.
Point is, there's a market for crack. Or cocaine if you are a white person. They are just filling a need.

A lot of honkies went for Crack as well, it just wasn't black people. BTW, a number of orientals went for it too.
Again, I'd be more impressed with Romney if he hadn't inflicted Trump on us to start with by pandering to his Birtherism.

I do find it funny that you guys now denounce Romney and McCain, guys you INSISTED a few short years ago were totally qualified to be President.

What does that say about your judgement?
I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself. :rolleyes:
Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son.

How do you know he did absolutely nothing? Also he is an attorney , sat on the commerce dept. during Clinton's admin, and appointed by Bush Jr to sit on Amtrak.

You know who is a joke: Rudolph Giuliani!!
Rudy Giuliani? The guy who cleaned up New York City? I'm givin' ya the gong, doll:
Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son.

How do you know he did absolutely nothing? Also he is an attorney , sat on the commerce dept. during Clinton's admin, and appointed by Bush Jr to sit on Amtrak.

You know who is a joke: Rudolph Giuliani!!
Rudy Giuliani? The guy who cleaned up New York City? I'm givin' ya the gong, doll:

New York before Rudy was a great place to get shot. Libs really don't like the way he transformed the town.
“Dumb laws deserve to be ignored”. So if I believe that petty larceny is a dumb law I should be allowed to steal? If I believe a speed limit is a dumb law I should be allowed to speed? If I believe drinking and driving being illegal is a dumb law, I should be allowed to drink and drive? LOL

Sure they do. I've already explained it to you... you can't just pass a law, you need to get buy-in from the majority that it is a law that should be enforced.

Case in point. Most people will report murders. They'll turn in their neighbors or family members. The cops will make arrests. Prosecutors will prosecute. Juries will convict. These laws are enforceable because they are a good idea.

OPPOSITE case. Marijuana laws. Yes, some old fuddy-duddies think they should still be a thing. But people won't report their family members or turn them in for a little weed. Cops usually won't arrest you if you aren't blowing it in their face. 1994 Pink Floyd Concert at Soldier's Field, I think I was the only one there without a joint! The CPD didn't bust anyone. Prosecutors won't prosecute and juries really won't convict unless there are other aggravating circumstances.

So MANY communities have decided that our immigration laws are dumb. We know where the undocumented live... but we don't report them. The cops don't arrest them unless they are doing something else and they don't report them to ICE anymore. Juries aren't convicting them. We've all kind of decided we like to be able to pick up some Day Laborers at the Home Depot when that DIY Project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.

If these persons want jobs in the US they need to apply for work visas. People cannot just pick and choose which laws are “dumb” and which are not.

Except we already have... ICE is finding massive lack of cooperation all over the country... because people have decided these laws are dumb.

Here is the thing. You keep stepping into it and now you’re so far into it you have to defend your stupid positions. You may be the stupidest person on this board and that is saying a lot given we have people like caddo kid, Lesh and deanrd here.

No, dumb is coming from a history of being oppressed and being cool when it's done to other people.

I did not bother reading your dumbassery but thanks for wasting your time. You live in your own little fantasy world. Leave me out of it.
Romney the RINO. And I used to think the people (at least some of them) in Utah had common sense.
“Dumb laws deserve to be ignored”. So if I believe that petty larceny is a dumb law I should be allowed to steal? If I believe a speed limit is a dumb law I should be allowed to speed? If I believe drinking and driving being illegal is a dumb law, I should be allowed to drink and drive? LOL

Sure they do. I've already explained it to you... you can't just pass a law, you need to get buy-in from the majority that it is a law that should be enforced.

Case in point. Most people will report murders. They'll turn in their neighbors or family members. The cops will make arrests. Prosecutors will prosecute. Juries will convict. These laws are enforceable because they are a good idea.

OPPOSITE case. Marijuana laws. Yes, some old fuddy-duddies think they should still be a thing. But people won't report their family members or turn them in for a little weed. Cops usually won't arrest you if you aren't blowing it in their face. 1994 Pink Floyd Concert at Soldier's Field, I think I was the only one there without a joint! The CPD didn't bust anyone. Prosecutors won't prosecute and juries really won't convict unless there are other aggravating circumstances.

So MANY communities have decided that our immigration laws are dumb. We know where the undocumented live... but we don't report them. The cops don't arrest them unless they are doing something else and they don't report them to ICE anymore. Juries aren't convicting them. We've all kind of decided we like to be able to pick up some Day Laborers at the Home Depot when that DIY Project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.

If these persons want jobs in the US they need to apply for work visas. People cannot just pick and choose which laws are “dumb” and which are not.

Except we already have... ICE is finding massive lack of cooperation all over the country... because people have decided these laws are dumb.

Here is the thing. You keep stepping into it and now you’re so far into it you have to defend your stupid positions. You may be the stupidest person on this board and that is saying a lot given we have people like caddo kid, Lesh and deanrd here.

No, dumb is coming from a history of being oppressed and being cool when it's done to other people.
We should deport not just because it is the law, but it is the fair thing for those who applied and waited legally. Are we not still a FAIR country?
Former Mitt Romney Adviser Sits on Burisma Board of Directors

Joseph Cofer Black, a national security adviser for the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign, sits on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian oil and gas giant that paid at times more than $83,000 per month to Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son.
The American Thinker, which first brought the story to light, noted it is “an odd coincidence that Mitt has as CNN puts it ‘been a lone Republican voice expressing concern about President Donald Trump’s July phone call with Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump asked Ukraine’s President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his family.’”
I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself.

But again, Romney was your candidate 7 years ago? Did you get it wrong?

Let's review, shall we? You Bible Thumpers all rejected Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon. now, I don't have a problem with this, Mormonism is all manner of fucked up, and if you really think Kiddy-Diddling Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to God, they shouldn't let you out of the house by yourself.

Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him.

Then Donald Trump got the nomination, and he couldn't even quote the bible on a bet. He goes around fucking porn stars, and you Bible Thumpers love him because, hey, he's going to appoint guys to the court to might overturn Roe. (Still waiting for you tell me how you are going to enforce abortion laws once you get them.) And Mitt says, "Hey, guys, maybe throwing children into concentration camp and conspiring with foreigners is something Jesus wouldn't do!" and you guys turn on him with a vengence...

I'm not surprised. When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist.
We should deport not just because it is the law, but it is the fair thing for those who applied and waited legally. Are we not still a FAIR country?

I'm all for making the undocumented wait until all the legal immigrants get their chance of citizenship. But the current laws are still stupid.

I did not bother reading your dumbassery but thanks for wasting your time. You live in your own little fantasy world. Leave me out of it.

Your concession is duly noted...
I'm all for making the undocumented wait until all the legal immigrants get their chance of citizenship. But the current laws are still stupid.

And President Trump is trying to straighten out the laws. The D's aren't interested in the slightest in working on it, instead cooking up phony "whistle blowers" who are merely spreading rumors..

America has more foreign born residents than we have had in a 100 years. Time for these foreign countries in Europe to do their part.
Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him. .

Obama was disliked by Deplorables because he is a marxist- not because of his ethnicity.

Romney lost because he ran a pathetic campaign, not because he is a leader of the Mormon faith. People voted for him, because they had hopes that he would put the brakes on Obamunism
We should deport not just because it is the law, but it is the fair thing for those who applied and waited legally. Are we not still a FAIR country?

I'm all for making the undocumented wait until all the legal immigrants get their chance of citizenship. But the current laws are still stupid.

I did not bother reading your dumbassery but thanks for wasting your time. You live in your own little fantasy world. Leave me out of it.

Your concession is duly noted...

Bullshit. If you cannot see that picking and choosing which laws are dumb and which are not is insane then we have zero to talk about. Why don’t you accept the fact that you’re mentally ill?
We should deport not just because it is the law, but it is the fair thing for those who applied and waited legally. Are we not still a FAIR country?

I'm all for making the undocumented wait until all the legal immigrants get their chance of citizenship. But the current laws are still stupid.

I did not bother reading your dumbassery but thanks for wasting your time. You live in your own little fantasy world. Leave me out of it.

Your concession is duly noted...

Bullshit. If you cannot see that picking and choosing which laws are dumb and which are not is insane then we have zero to talk about. Why don’t you accept the fact that you’re mentally ill?

that's tough for a lot of people to accept.

A friend of mine back in the day in Y-town was a little guy, a bit slow with a lot of Tourettes. The doctors said he was nuts,prescribed him Haldol, but he refused to take it preferring to stay "straight edge".
We should deport not just because it is the law, but it is the fair thing for those who applied and waited legally. Are we not still a FAIR country?

I'm all for making the undocumented wait until all the legal immigrants get their chance of citizenship. But the current laws are still stupid.

I did not bother reading your dumbassery but thanks for wasting your time. You live in your own little fantasy world. Leave me out of it.

Your concession is duly noted...

Bullshit. If you cannot see that picking and choosing which laws are dumb and which are not is insane then we have zero to talk about. Why don’t you accept the fact that you’re mentally ill?

that's tough for a lot of people to accept.

A friend of mine back in the day in Y-town was a little guy, a bit slow with a lot of Tourettes. The doctors said he was nuts,prescribed him Haldol, but he refused to take it preferring to stay "straight edge".

Joe may just be stupid and not mentally ill. IDK.
I never once denounced neither Romney nor McCain. One is smarting from a loss, the other is dead, but was mistaken about some serious stuff. It's a first for neither man, but they're both proven mistaken long past. You just never know who's gonna beat a dead horse, but it ain't me, babe, because Romney is doing a pretty fair job of it all by himself.

But again, Romney was your candidate 7 years ago? Did you get it wrong?

Let's review, shall we? You Bible Thumpers all rejected Romney in 2008 because he was a Mormon. now, I don't have a problem with this, Mormonism is all manner of fucked up, and if you really think Kiddy-Diddling Con Man Joseph Smith was talking to God, they shouldn't let you out of the house by yourself.

Then 2012 rolled around and you Bible THumpers were all "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!" Suddenly, you didn't care if Romney was a Mormon. Romney could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you Wingnuts would have still supported him. But he lost because enough working class Americans recognized the enemy when they saw him.

Then Donald Trump got the nomination, and he couldn't even quote the bible on a bet. He goes around fucking porn stars, and you Bible Thumpers love him because, hey, he's going to appoint guys to the court to might overturn Roe. (Still waiting for you tell me how you are going to enforce abortion laws once you get them.) And Mitt says, "Hey, guys, maybe throwing children into concentration camp and conspiring with foreigners is something Jesus wouldn't do!" and you guys turn on him with a vengence...

I'm not surprised. When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist.
Mr. Joe sez,"When you think like a cultist, you act like a cultist."
Don't feel bad, Joe, a lot of people are like you and have TDS.

I belong to a mainstream church, we do not consider ourselves bible thumpers unless someone challenges one of us, at which time we are allowed to share a verse or two that tells of the basis for our belief. When I started a thread on just simple prayers, a number of people attacked, belittled, and ridiculed me for my faith. There seems to be a following of atheist militants desiring control over who thinks what at USMB, and they tend to cluster at the Religion and Ethics ares to kick people around whose beliefs they hate.

I have no quarrel with the Mormon people. One of my life's best friends was an elderly Mormon woman who endeared herself to me by taking every one of my quilt classes and buying the little books I wrote to help people do unique theme quilts when I was active in running my quilt store. We didn't try to make each other over religiously, but I enjoyed her company very much, and her church friends were excellent hand quilters, machine quilters, and home-makers as well. Mormons have nothing but my respect for the good homes they make for their families. As far as you accusing me of rejecting Romney on account of his religion, you're all washed up on that one. I've no animus towards the Mormon people, and many of them lived in the Wyoming town my late husband and I spent 35 years there, maybe more.

As far as Donald Trump's marriage to Melania, that's his private business, not mine. If she was at some time in her life doing things many Americans frown upon, in the Good book I read from, all humans are sinners, and the good book I read says that we should not judge people because that's God's job. She certainly is a beautiful person, but I understand she is very unhappy about people throwing her past in her face on a constant basis, and she may or may not continue to serve due to the abuses she is suffering from her husband's adversaries. I've seen her online going to church services now and then, and am convinced she has repented of her old ways and is trying to do what is expected of her. She is on my prayer list, but not like you think. I pray that she endures this tragic situation people who hate her husband and show their disrespect to her over her former career in a European nation, whose mores may differ from my pilgrim ones. There is one story in the book of Genesis, about a woman named Rahab who ran a brothel in a city whose fellow city-dwellers were going to decimate the Israelites, but she took pity on Joshua and his fellow spy who were checking out their chances to win the city, and gave them shelter and advice to save them and their Israelite fellows. After the Israelite army defeated the city, Rahab and her family were not only spared, they were given a special place for always by her saving graces and her care for the people she'd heard such stories about their winning battles the Israelites revered her forever after. It's too bad we have people who treat women in the sex services as scum. Not everybody reads the bible and understands what is being said, but that story has endured in the Bible and supports the thesis that we must not judge other people, because we cannot always look upon the heart the way God does.

And no, I was not prejudiced against Obama when he went into the White House, but when he rejected all Republicans and went on a jubilee of spending, I realized he was ostracizing 50% of the population, which gave me no joy, considering I believe in equality of people, and not a superiority angle that President Obama took upon himself. His choice, his house. It has been returned to the American people, and I'm good with that.

Hope everyone has a good day today. I have asthma symptoms and will need some down time to rest. I pray for our nation and its people, and hope we can learn to tolerate differences as in days before.

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