Cuck Romney Says Ukrainian Charges on Trump are 'Troubling'

You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
OMG, Obama was not a Kenyan nor a Muslim.

Why do you want the world to think you are an idiot?

He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.

Birthers are still a riot!


You should thank Mark Penn, for that strategy.
You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
OMG, Obama was not a Kenyan nor a Muslim.

Why do you want the world to think you are an idiot?

He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.

Birthers are still a riot!


You should thank Mark Penn, for that strategy.
Why? Mark Penn never said Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

You just can't accept personal responsibility for what you post, can ya, Birther?
Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.

Just imagine if, in 2015, President Obama had pressured any country on earth to investigate how Trump got his development permits and funding streams for this, that, or the other Trump hotel, and had withheld Congress-appropriated funds to speed up the process, while violating the law by withholding legally required information about it from Congress?

Our fine Trumpletons still wouldn't be done howling.

On the other hand, what Trump has done is perfectly okay, above board, and the honorable thing to do.

Compartmentalized brains work in miraculous ways.
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You do realize that there are far too many holdovers from the Kenyan Muslim still in Govt, yes?
OMG, Obama was not a Kenyan nor a Muslim.

Why do you want the world to think you are an idiot?

He definetly is Kenyan - he may have been born in the South Pacific about the time some islands became a State - but that's as close as he gets to being an actual American.
I doubt that he worships any deity (except himself) - but he is totally Islamethethic in that he thinks Islam Be Da best.

Birthers are still a riot!


You should thank Mark Penn, for that strategy.
Why? Mark Penn never said Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

You just can't accept personal responsibility for what you post, can ya, Birther?

Are you really that ignorant?
Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

Nothing is confirmed on the whole story other than we know as FACT

The hand picked Inspector General the Trump administration hired to police the intelligence community, who Trump is known to constantly demean, received this whistleblower' s concern and complaint,

he investigated it.... likely with the people that had direct access to the issue of the complaint.

The IG determined that the complaint of corruption by the whistleblower was CREDIBLE...

And he determined that it was URGENT...which is a designation given when a whistle blower complaint involves something criminal or of high national security risk that is still happening...

AND this URGENT designation requires BY LAW that the IG s report goes to the DNI...THE Director of National Intelligence and he SHALL/MUST turn it over to the Senate and house Intelligence committee heads, the gang of 8, within 7 days.

The DNI broke the Law and did not turn it over.

He brought it to the administration, where the complaint of wrong doing was about... holy crap....And crooked Barr, covering for the President once again, told him NOT to give it to congress...

NONE OF US would even know about this whistleblower complaint, if the acting DNI had simply followed the protocol and Law, and turned it over.
Yeah, it is a real scandal that the POTUS discusses things with foreign leaders over seas in secret.

Jim, sigh.....

that's all fine and dandy for presidents to talk to foreign leaders if it is on the up and up.

But if as alleged, the president urged a foreign leader, to investigate a political candidate and foe's son, or the candidate himself, for political gain to himself, and mentions this to the foreign leader 8 times in one conversation, and then proceeds to hold back USA tax dollars that were appropriated to fund their fight against Russia putting pressure on the foreign leader for Trump's own political gain, he held these legally appropriated by congress funds until 2 days after he was told about the whistle blower complaint....that he should not have even known about at all before Congress's Leaders (by law) and especially should not have been told anything about it, because it was a complaint on his own alleged criminality... until the legal and appropriate, investigators did their jobs.

Now the president is also interfering in an official investigation, the IG's this time and Congress's investigative duty by law.... and he is feeding you his narrative of LIES....that the whistleblower is some partisan....BULL SHIT....

HOW would he or anyone on his administration come to that determination without any of the facts and why does his administration and trump even KNOW who this whistle-blower is...???

Whistle blowers are suppose to be PROTECTED, and kept secret, to keep them from the abuse of the higher ups and accused.

This is an injustice to Justice,

and AWFUL for us Americans,

where whistleblowers and the system to protect them has been shattered by Trump and his crooked administration, so that NO FUTURE whistleblower who are the actual people who protect us citizens from a corrupt government and also saves us billions of dollars from fraud and abuse, will now never come forward again... the whistleblower system failed with this blower, which means it could fail for them too, s they will be too afraid to report our gvt wrong doings.

The man of lawlessness, is at work.... his name is Trump.
Why do you want the Ukrianians to hack our democracy? They have so much leverage over Crooked Joe Biden
:lol::lol: they have ZERO influence over Biden.... none, zip, zero!

but the Ukraine President does know that Trump came out lying to us, about his phone call with him....

And Putin knows Trump was lying to us the whole time about having no connections with Russia, while all along he was working on the Trump Moscow deal, with a penthouse suite offered to Putin.

the president has been compromised with foreign leaders all over the place....

yet none of that matters to you brain dead and crooked Trump acolytes, that will let your messiah shoot an innocent person dead on 5th Avenue, and still support him..... something is truly mentally 'wrong' with you guys.... and not just your flagrant and never ending hypocrisy.

Don't you feel a bit embarrassed, that Trump knows you will support him murdering someone, and brags about it.... he knows how much he owns your very souls.... and he's taking you with him, when he is tossed in to the lake of fire..... so sad. :(
This guy is such a resentful Loser. He hates Trump for being successful where he, Romney, was a disaster.

But like all losers, Romney thinks it isn't his fault but Trump cheated, lol.

Where is Romney's outrage about Hunter Biden getting $83k PER MONTH for doing absolutely nothing for a Ukrainian gas company? Hunter doesn't know jack about the gas industry. His only qualification is that he is Joe Bidens son. So what is good ole Joe doing for that money?

But to losers like Romney, he is more outraged by what his jealous rival does than by actual criminals breaking the law! Don't investigate criminals is Romney's solution?

It is way past time for Romney to just STFU and fade away.

Romney Says Trump Asking Ukraine to Investigate Biden 'Troubling'

Oh, and the whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the conversation, so this is once again a big todo about nothing, zero, zip nada.

WH Whistleblower Didn't Have Direct Knowledge of Communications

So now the media is talking about a story that brings out unseemly facts about Biden and his son, while really shedding no dirt on Trump at all.

Is Trump playing the media yet again?
I liked the guy when he ran for president, and voted for him. He's turned out to be such a disappointment.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Trump doesn't gain-Biden's son did.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Trump doesn't gain-Biden's son did.
His son would have gained even had Shokin been allowed to remain. There was no investigation into his son and there was no active investigation into Burisma Holdings.
Yes I am concerned and I think the media is a bigger threat-consider this-Trump says something and 93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative. If the CNN or the Times spin it, it must be true. The Spanish American War started because of Yellow Journalism-don't think it couldn't happen again-if it hasn't already. And July Fourth last, I watched President Trump stand front and center to celebrate our nation's birthday-it was positively stirring.

Prove any of this. Remember that we now live in the days of video and everything is recorded live.

How about several press briefings held each week, taking questions, and broadcast live to the American People? How about turning over actual documents to the proper members of Congress? If he can fly all over the place, on our dime, to give campaign speeches and play golf, he can do his damn job openly. He just skipped a UN meeting on climate change to go to some "religious freedom" thing, as if this were the more important issue.
Prove What?

Your assertion that "93 out of 100 news outlets rewrite the narrative," for instance. It's pretty hard to "spin" something when the person who says it was looking directly at the camera. Your claim seems to be the usual baseless crap. It's on the same level as the common claim that some quote was taken out of context, with no attempt to explain what the "real" context was.
Slow down skippy. The 93 is poetic license for 93% negative press Trump gets from CNN and MSNBC. Spin is what you write or exclude, what words you use, what timing(such as delayed corrections by NYT), I could say retractions on the bottom of page 133, but that would be exaggeration-but not much. Lastly, what was my CLAIM?

Your claim was that news organizations "rewrite the narrative." And what is your assertion about negative press coverage? What story received negative coverage that should have gotten favorable coverage?
Good questions. Rewrite narrative-the two titles the New York Times changed under pressure-if they stuck to their guns, they would be professionals, instead they look like weak hands. I could copy and paste that figure about negative press if you really want, but I am lazy and hope you don't need to see it. Never mind, found it.
From the Washington Times-

How much does CNN hate Trump? 93% of coverage is negative
And the story that got negative coverage? From the
  1. Sources of positive stories were upward trends in economic growth, employment, and the stock market, as were Trump’s negotiations with firms threatening to relocate abroad. Nevertheless, when the full range of news about the economy is taken into account, the balance of coverage was slightly unfavorable—54 percent of reports were negative, while 46 percent were positive.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.

Just imagine if, in 2015, President Obama had pressured any country on earth to investigate how Trump got his development permits and funding streams for this, that, or the other Trump hotel, and had withheld Congress-appropriated funds to speed up the process, while violating the law by withholding legally required information about it from Congress?

Our fine Trumpletons still wouldn't be done howling.

On the other hand, what Trump has done is perfectly okay, above board, and the honorable thing to do.

Compartmentalized brains work in miraculous ways.

If they work at all.
You're right. People wanted the worst President of all time replaced. Romney was just a shitty replacement choice. Establishment neocons were the only choice Republicans were given at that time. But Trump changed all that as evidenced by all the retiring elitists who find it too difficult to rob our government under his leadership. But wanting to replace Obama was the logical decision.

Obama won twice with record vote totals. Trump lost by 3 million votes. We didn't give the people what they wanted.

We used an archaic system devised by Slave Rapists to pick a man the people rejected, loudly.
Get the fuck out!
:icon_rolleyes: Biden bragged to a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations about threatening the Ukraine with loss of a much needed foreign aid package IF the investigation into his son's sweetheart deal was not dropped.

He said nothing of the sort. He said they weren't getting the aid if they didn't fire Putin's boy who wasn't prosecuting corruption.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Trump doesn't gain-Biden's son did.
If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.

But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...

I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
Nope. Nationalists and Populists don’t kill their own people. Hitler was a maniac and a murderer. Like Pol Pol.

Uh, yeah, they do.

You are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here, bud.

Nope they do not. Trump doesn’t want to kill Americans. Hence America First. Hitler and Stalin killed millions of their own. They were homicidal maniacs.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Trump doesn't gain-Biden's son did.
If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.

But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...

I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
Which, believe it or not, is one reason he is beloved. His base loves giving the middle finger to governmental and political protocols and politeness.
Trumpkins have decided collusion is okay because Biden. Now colluding with a foreign power to interfere in a US election is the only patriotic thing to do. It's a must. Biden forced Trump.
1) There is no law against 'collusion' which is what one can call any coordination with treaty partners. We collude daily with NATO, Turkey, Israel, Japan, etc. Whther it rises to collusion or is just networking in secret depends on whether you think the activity is immoral or illegal, and it is definitely not illegal for the President to speak in secret to a foreign leader.
2) your TDS is showing in spades, dude.

Right, but we're not talking about any of those things, we're talking about abuse of office for personal gain. Your cultism is showing. You can't seriously defend leveraging military aid for personal political gain. Tell me you can't.
Trump doesn't gain-Biden's son did.
If Biden didn't do anything for his son to gain, then Joe is in the clear.

But this is a perfect example of why following ethics standards is important.... even if there is an "appearance" of impropriety, one should recuse, or divest, not allow happen... nepotism rejected...

I wish our President would follow those ethics rules himself, he wouldn't be hated as much, if he were ethical.... but, sadly he's not ethical, nor does he have any regard for our laws.
Which, believe it or not, is one reason he is beloved. His base loves giving the middle finger to governmental and political protocols and politeness.
Wow! that must be something to be really proud of that you can hang your hat on..... :rolleyes:

it simply spells LAWLESSNESS to me.... :dunno:

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