Cue Hysterical Laughter

We heard all this from you before: the GOP was in tatters for 2016 and how long to rebuild, and Trump has no path to the presidency.

How did that work out?

Accordingly, you have zero credibility.

again, Trump lost by 3 million votes. The gop is in tatters.. Just look at it's inability to pass legislation.

Time for a good scrubbing.

Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?
Counties don't vote
People do

What about the Electoral College cuppycakes?
We heard all this from you before: the GOP was in tatters for 2016 and how long to rebuild, and Trump has no path to the presidency.

How did that work out?

Accordingly, you have zero credibility.

again, Trump lost by 3 million votes. The gop is in tatters.. Just look at it's inability to pass legislation.

Time for a good scrubbing.

Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?
Counties don't vote
People do

People don't determine our POTUS...counties're so fucked!
Which country do you live in?

The one not governed by The Hag
Then change the rules then sore loser.

Until then - The Hag lost.

Deal with it and move on.

I wasn't crazy about Obammy but life went on.

Obama had a mandate from the People.
Trump doesn't.
Which makes anything done to stop the slide into fascism okay and acceptable.

So you'll have no complaints when the police open up on Antifa with MP5s. Good.
Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?

You mean a really stupid system meant to keep slave owners happy?
Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?

You mean a really stupid system meant to keep slave owners happy?

Actually, the authors of our great Constitution were such intelligent badasses they knew that someday Loon York and North Mexico (California) would be overpopulated with total and complete filth and there was no way they were going to allow those un-Americans and total fucking whack-jobs to choose our President. TA-DA!
Anything else I can teach you?
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We heard all this from you before: the GOP was in tatters for 2016 and how long to rebuild, and Trump has no path to the presidency.

How did that work out?

Accordingly, you have zero credibility.

again, Trump lost by 3 million votes. The gop is in tatters.. Just look at it's inability to pass legislation.

Time for a good scrubbing.

Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?
Counties don't vote
People do

What about the Electoral College cuppycakes?

What about it?
Electoral College is allocated based on the number of representatives you have in Congress. Counties have nothing to do with it
Actually, the authors of our great Constitution were such intelligent badasses they knew that someday Loon York and North Mexico (California) would be overpopulated with total and complete filth and there was no way they were going to allow those un-Americans and total fucking whack-jobs to choose our President. TA-DA!
Anything else I can teach you?

Gain, NY and CA are the PRODUCTIVE parts of the country. the backward ass retarded parts are the red states where you all marry your cousins and pray to Jesus.

If CA became an independent country, it would be the world's sixth largest economy.
We heard all this from you before: the GOP was in tatters for 2016 and how long to rebuild, and Trump has no path to the presidency.

How did that work out?

Accordingly, you have zero credibility.

again, Trump lost by 3 million votes. The gop is in tatters.. Just look at it's inability to pass legislation.

Time for a good scrubbing.

Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?
Counties don't vote
People do

What about the Electoral College cuppycakes?

What about it?
Electoral College is allocated based on the number of representatives you have in Congress. Counties have nothing to do with it

Does it vote?
We heard all this from you before: the GOP was in tatters for 2016 and how long to rebuild, and Trump has no path to the presidency.

How did that work out?

Accordingly, you have zero credibility.

again, Trump lost by 3 million votes. The gop is in tatters.. Just look at it's inability to pass legislation.

Time for a good scrubbing.

Actually using our real world voting system and not a fictional system fabricated by LefTards....didn't HRC lose by 2,139 counties?
Counties don't vote
People do

What about the Electoral College cuppycakes?

What about it?
Electoral College is allocated based on the number of representatives you have in Congress. Counties have nothing to do with it

Actually, the authors of our great Constitution were such intelligent badasses they knew that someday Loon York and North Mexico (California) would be overpopulated with total and complete filth and there was no way they were going to allow those un-Americans and total fucking whack-jobs to choose our President. TA-DA!
Anything else I can teach you?

Gain, NY and CA are the PRODUCTIVE parts of the country. the backward ass retarded parts are the red states where you all marry your cousins and pray to Jesus.

If CA became an independent country, it would be the world's sixth largest economy.

Today's you're lucky day....I'll play along.
You boast about California's grand success....This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy human cockroaches? I mean, I thought "you people" hated But, but, but....this is different...right....but, but, but GDP!
Allow this to sink in:
CA=12% of the national population..33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=8.9% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
Hawaii and New York, both blue state shitholes are fighting CA for that number one spot.....(see below)
Your next lesson may cost you.

California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients.
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.
However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.
Then change the rules then sore loser.

Until then - The Hag lost.

Deal with it and move on.

I wasn't crazy about Obammy but life went on.

Obama had a mandate from the People.
Trump doesn't.
Which makes anything done to stop the slide into fascism okay and acceptable.
sure he does. just from people you don't care for. but they're still people, still americans and still have the right to have their voices and choices heard.

as for the purpose of the EC - you're just being ignorant, likely on purpose.

Why do we still let the Electoral College pick our president?
That Trump is losing support among those who voted for him is indisputable. If he loses just 5% of his support, he loses 3 million votes. Add that to the 3 million he lost by in 2016 and that's a negative margin that no electoral college is going to save him from.

Gee .. let's all keep that in mind when we go vote today ....
That Trump is losing support among those who voted for him is indisputable. If he loses just 5% of his support, he loses 3 million votes. Add that to the 3 million he lost by in 2016 and that's a negative margin that no electoral college is going to save him from.

Gee .. let's all keep that in mind when we go vote today ....
And then what? What will the Democrats do?

Nobody knows; they have 'public plans' and 'private plans', according to Hillary.
That Trump is losing support among those who voted for him is indisputable. If he loses just 5% of his support, he loses 3 million votes. Add that to the 3 million he lost by in 2016 and that's a negative margin that no electoral college is going to save him from.

Gee .. let's all keep that in mind when we go vote today ....

That was just as retarded the first time you posted it.
That Trump is losing support among those who voted for him is indisputable. If he loses just 5% of his support, he loses 3 million votes. Add that to the 3 million he lost by in 2016 and that's a negative margin that no electoral college is going to save him from.

Gee .. let's all keep that in mind when we go vote today ....

That was just as retarded the first time you posted it.

Yes, your babbling about some poll years away from the election is indeed truly retarded, and a fake poll at that.
Today's you're lucky day....I'll play along.
You boast about California's grand success....This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy human cockroaches? I mean.....

Okay, got to cut you off right there before you make yourself sound like an ignorant redneck.

California is affluent. The states in Appalachia where they collect welfare aren't.

In fact, if you look at this list of the most affluent states,

List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

the top 12 are blue states. If you take out UTAH, it's the top 15.

Of the top 20, (and the US average is below the top 20, only 3 "Red" states are on the list.

So if you really want to make this about which parts of the country are carrying it economically and which of you are just along for the ride, then it's the blue states, hands down.

The bottom ten on the list- 8 of them were members of the Confederacy.... Imagine that.
Today's you're lucky day....I'll play along.
You boast about California's grand success....This is so confusing to me...what exactly does this mean?
Does it mean that so long as Silicon Valley and Hollywood is kicking ass no one really cares that the rest of the state is living like filthy human cockroaches? I mean.....

Okay, got to cut you off right there before you make yourself sound like an ignorant redneck.

California is affluent. The states in Appalachia where they collect welfare aren't.

In fact, if you look at this list of the most affluent states,

List of U.S. states by income - Wikipedia

the top 12 are blue states. If you take out UTAH, it's the top 15.

Of the top 20, (and the US average is below the top 20, only 3 "Red" states are on the list.

So if you really want to make this about which parts of the country are carrying it economically and which of you are just along for the ride, then it's the blue states, hands down.

The bottom ten on the list- 8 of them were members of the Confederacy.... Imagine that.

63 congressional districts have a greater than 1 in 5 used of food stamps. 54 are represented by Democrats. Many of those district have a majority minority population. Interesting? The only district in my state that has that greater than 1 in 5 is over 60% black. Do tell.
Joe has an amazing posting record here; he/she/it/mutant has never made a valid post here, ever, none, out of some 87,000 of them. He certainly deserves some kind of a trophy for that.
63 congressional districts have a greater than 1 in 5 used of food stamps. 54 are represented by Democrats. Many of those district have a majority minority population. Interesting? The only district in my state that has that greater than 1 in 5 is over 60% black. Do tell.

I want to hear about how totally not racist you are, because that shit neve gets old.

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