Cuomo Claims Ordering Positive COVID Patients To Nursing Homes Did Not Spread The Virus

The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??
For starters, stop using the fake data supplied by mass murderer Cuomo.
What's fake? I just looked up the data....

And NY State has had 33% of the covid deaths, from nursing home residents...

And on average States are running at 40% of their total covid deaths from nursing home residents.

So why has it been a higher percentage of nursing home deaths, of total covid deaths, in other states??? It makes absolutely no sense? Unless the other States were also sending recovering covid hospital patients as well??? Or, returning hospitalized covid patients to nursing homes did not further spread the disease because the patients were on the waning side of the virus and less infectious??? That still does not explain why a higher percentage of nursing h residents died in states other than NY State?
Maybe because Killer Cuomo killed a total of 46,235 total citizens, second only to the great state of even though his nursing home total was high, he killed so many others it made his percentage look better.
Oh please spare us from your ignorance on this.... NY State was the first hardest hit state with the new and unknown covid 19 virus. It was hit the hardest because NYC metropolitan Airports bring in more international travelers on business and vacation than any other city in the USA and Europe, where the virus was booming. They got hit hard with the Euro version, spreading like crazy, while unknown to them. Compacted populations in cities, mass transit, packed crowds, makes rapid spread inevitable and coupled with a "silent" spread with asymptomatic people made it invisible....until it was too late.

Other states had advance notice, and Cuomo who had gone thru it ahead of them, for the states to follow and pick and choose from...or learn from....
Keeping crowded subways open and putting sick 23 year olds in elderly care homes helped a tad.

Withholding reports of deaths to the Feds is a Federal crime.
Who got really sick at 23 yrs old, that didn't have a home to go to for recovering at?

That's t plain bull shit!

I'm not defending him on whatever he did with the numbers, don't really know much about it.

This thread however, is not about the numbers.... start another thread.

Bottom line on putting covid patients released from the hospital back in to separate covid wards in to nursing homes was federal guidance that Cuomo's health administrator followed, as Cuomo claimed.

I posted it above, from the federal agency giving the states guidance.
Coumo ordered that all nursing homes take in covid patients----regardless of them being contagious or not. No separate covid wards needed no extra exits either. NURSING HOMES did the best they could to separate the covid infected-----but that did not the spreading in the nursing homes as Cuomo and the other 4 dem governors intended. Cuomo stood to make millions off killing people trying to justify a bail out by the federal government. He's a psychopath as are you CARE---as you lie with no remorse.

May 10, Cuomo took down the march 25 order.

DATE: March 25, 2020 TO: Nursing Home Administrators, Directors of Nursing, and Hospital Discharge Planners FROM: New York State Department of Health COVID-19 has been detected in multiple communities throughout New York State. There is an urgent need to expand hospital capacity in New York State to be able to meet the demand for patients with COVID-19 requiring acute care. As a result, this directive is being issued to clarify expectations for nursing homes (NHs) receiving residents returning from hospitalization and for NHs accepting new admissions. Hospital discharge planning staff and NHs should carefully review this guidance with all staff directly involved in resident admission, transfer, and discharges. During this global health emergency, all NHs must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs. Residents are deemed appropriate for return to a NH upon a determination by the hospital physician or designee that the resident is medically stable for return. Hospital discharge planners must confirm to the NH, by telephone, that the resident is medically stable for discharge. Comprehensive discharge instructions must be provided by the hospital prior to the transport of a resident to the NH. No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission. Information for healthcare providers on COVID-19 is readily available on the New York State Department of Health public website at As always, standard precautions must be maintained, and environmental cleaning made a priority, during this public health emergency. Critical personal protective equipment (PPE) needs should be immediately communicated to your local Office of Emergency Management, with the appropriate information provided at the time of request. Requests MUST include: o Type and quantity of PPE by size; o Point of contact at the requesting facility or system; o Delivery location; o Date request is needed to be filled by; AND o Record of pending orders. Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in responding to COVID-19. General questions or comments about this advisory can be sent to [email protected].
I've read the NY directive you just posted and it says precisely what I've said, New York FOLLOWED the CDC and CMS guidelines for returning covid residents who were hospitalized...


The CDC/CMS guidelines...

Obviously YOU, have failed to READ them! Why is that? Do you enjoy being a pawn for a bunch of liars?


Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to longstay original room). Other considerations for facilities: • Review CDC guidance for Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019:
You keep posting the same lie. Are you related to Cuomo?

CDC guidelines say you "can" return patients under certain conditions.............Cuomo mandated that nursing homes "MUST" accept China Flu infected people.

Stop trying to push the same debunked lie over and over, liar.
Sorry Charlie!

It says SHOULD as in shall,


CAN or could.

And yes, under certain CDC guidance for their admission.. a separate covid ward, with separate nursing aid staff etc... WHICH IS IN THE NEW YORK STATE detailed guidelines given to the nursing homes....

So, it was not like NY State created this return of covid residents to nursing homes, all by their lonesome.... They created their NY guidelines from the CDC guideline recommendations.

ALL the other states in the northeast at that time who were saturated with covid cases in their hospitals, set identical guidelines for returning covid residents to nursing homes.

There were problems in NY nursing homes with this....I am not denying that.... some nursing homes were not following the CDC, CMS, or the New York guidelines.....
Should != shall. In government orders those are very different terms.

Should, can and may are all synonyms in government orders. Will, must and shall are all synonyms in government orders.

All of this avoids the actual data though and is rather irrelevant.

As I keep saying, if the CDC really did order that infected and contagious patients be mixed in with nursing home populations, how come other states didn't do it? Either that isn't what the CDC said, or all those other governors who DON'T have insane numbers of nursing home deaths knew enough to disobey. "I was just following orders" is exactly the sort of blind, uncaring crap I would expect from the likes of Cuomo, but it's never been a valid defense, and it isn't now.
the cdc didn't order covid patients discharged from hospitals be mixed in with nursing home residents, and NEITHER did the State of New York/Cuomo.

The CDC and NY said the discharged covid residents from hospitals should be returned to nursing homes in to a COVID ward, SEPARATE from nursing home residents.....they had to be isolated in this ward, away from nursing home residents for a minimum of 14days, and with no symptoms can be put back in to the nursing home population....and return to their resident room that they had before they caught covid and was hospitalized, if they had one.
And of course Cuomo lied to the Feds because shutup.

New York Nursing Homes Took in Over 9,000 COVID-19 Patients Under Cuomo’s Order

The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
If Cuomo did make decisions that caused deaths or increased deaths, he should be held accountable. But these worshippers of the Liar in Chief cannot be believed. They are still stating that the election was stolen from the Fat Idiot. How can any of these trump humpers be taken seriously?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
DOJ is going to fry Cuomo the Grandma killer.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
DOJ is going to fry Cuomo the Grandma killer.
Maybe for his figure fudging, but very likely not on NY Covid deaths in nursing homes, once they investigate.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
DOJ is going to fry Cuomo the Grandma killer.
Maybe for his figure fudging, but very likely not on NY Covid deaths in nursing homes, once they investigate.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
They are waiting for directions from their King in Florida.....WhatsHisName
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
where did I say I didn't want it investigated? I want it investigated! I just do not believe there will be any criminal charges against him on that part, because they would have to make all other governors who followed the cdc and cms guidelines on return of residents who were hospitalized with covid, criminals, with charges as well....

As far as Cuomo' s mob boss act with subordinates and fudging numbers.... He could be in trouble for that... No jail time imo..... but certainly will be booted by the voters....
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
where did I say I didn't want it investigated? I want it investigated! I just do not believe there will be any criminal charges against him on that part, because they would have to make all other governors who followed the cdc and cms guidelines on return of residents who were hospitalized with covid, criminals, with charges as well....

As far as Cuomo' s mob boss act with subordinates and fudging numbers.... He could be in trouble for that... No jail time imo..... but certainly will be booted by the voters....
Of course there won’t be criminal charges. He’s a Democrat. He can murder 15,000 people and laugh about it. In your face.
You Leftards love being led around by the nose by rich mass murderers.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
where did I say I didn't want it investigated? I want it investigated! I just do not believe there will be any criminal charges against him on that part, because they would have to make all other governors who followed the cdc and cms guidelines on return of residents who were hospitalized with covid, criminals, with charges as well....

As far as Cuomo' s mob boss act with subordinates and fudging numbers.... He could be in trouble for that... No jail time imo..... but certainly will be booted by the voters....
Of course there won’t be criminal charges. He’s a Democrat. He can murder 15,000 people and laugh about it. In your face.
You Leftards love being led around by the nose by rich mass murderers.
He killed all 15000, eh?
So, does this mean you are saying it's ok to accuse Trump of murdering all 450,000 Americans that died from covid on his watch?
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
where did I say I didn't want it investigated? I want it investigated! I just do not believe there will be any criminal charges against him on that part, because they would have to make all other governors who followed the cdc and cms guidelines on return of residents who were hospitalized with covid, criminals, with charges as well....

As far as Cuomo' s mob boss act with subordinates and fudging numbers.... He could be in trouble for that... No jail time imo..... but certainly will be booted by the voters....
Of course there won’t be criminal charges. He’s a Democrat. He can murder 15,000 people and laugh about it. In your face.
You Leftards love being led around by the nose by rich mass murderers.
He killed all 15000, eh?
So, does this mean you are saying it's ok to accuse Trump of murdering all 450,000 Americans that died from covid on his watch?
Isn't that what you on the left have been doing for the past year?
I still haven't heard a single credible excuse for why Cuomo BEGGED for more ICU beds and then when they were given to New York by the Federal Government...he didn't use them! I don't fault Cuomo for all of the deaths in New York State nursing homes but I fault him for thousands of them! The decision to put infected Covid patients back into nursing homes anticipating needing hospital beds for other patients was so ill thought out that it boggles the mind that anyone would think that was good policy...yet four States did just that and those four States had some of the highest mortality rates in their nursing homes. All four of them were run by liberal Governors.
So go ahead and continue to try and blame deaths on Trump but the facts don't back up our contention. We would have lost far fewer people if liberal Democrats didn't have their heads up their rear ends.
The returning from the hospital covid residence were put in separate covid isolation wards from the nursing home wards of residents without covid, was the directive to nursing homes in New York.

Yet even with the added nursing home resident deaths added from those who died in the hospital,

NY nursing home covid deaths is a much lower percentage of covid deaths in their state, 33%, than the average nursing home deaths in all the other states, which is running around 40%?

How could what NY did, have fewer as a percentage... lower death rate than other states who allegedly didn't do, what NY State did in nursing homes??

NY is not lower, but about right in the middle, with 50.5 deaths per 1000 in nursing homes.

So while that does not sound too bad, you have to remember that NYC was given access to the USN hospital ship, which they never bothered to use.
The ship was for NON COVID patients, NOT for covid patients.... we found out early on in the pandemic that ships, are not safe, and are super spreaders.... the agreement with the federal gvt, was it would not be used for covid, but for non covid patients....making more room for Covid patients in the hospital.....

But what happened was people stopped calling ambulances or going in to hospitals for their sickness and ailments because they were AFRAID of catching COVID19, so many died at home.... :(

Totally wrong.
A hospital ship does NOT at all spread any disease at all,
And the USNS Comfort was entirely and ONLY for covid patients.
182 covid patients did use it in total, but that is almost no use at all.
Cuomo just did not want to use it for some reason, and told it to leave.
READ the article you posted above in full....

It arrived as a ship for non covid patients.... after it was there they figured out a way to separate covid neg patients from positive patients with a separate ward wing and using no staff or doctors that crossed over or intermingled with non covid staff.... only a c
handful or 2 of covid patients...
Cuomo didn't use it. Doesn't matter what type of patient it was originally there for.

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Your hard on for Cuomo, and no other governors who followed the same cdc guidelines, is telling!!!

Where is DeSantis sending his hospitalized nursing home residents when they no longer need acute hospital care? Or where is Texas or Alabama or Kentucky or NJ or Massachusetts or any state, sending their released hospitalized recovering covid nursing home residents?

Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Look, his mob boss act with subordinates and state congress critters, and holding back or fudging category of deaths for personal reasons or any of the other recent shit he's done,

I am not defending.

What I am saying is NY health department directives on nursing homes was not created by NY State out of the clear blue sky..... They were taken from the cdc and cms federal guidelines.
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Is he the only governor that f'd up or have all the governor's with even a higher covid nursing home death rates f'd up too? And if these other states with higher nursing home covid death rates than New York are as guilty as Cuomo, then...

Why are you not pointing and calling them out on to the carpet as well?

And why in every state, is nursing home resident deaths the largest chunk of state covid deaths, if all these other states not sending nursing home residents released from their hospital stay back in to nursing home isolation wards,

How and why are nursing home deaths from covid so high in their states?

Your partisan trumper quest and focus to just smear Cuomo, instead of trying to figure out how all of these states are bringing covid in to these nursing homes in the first place, and why is it being spread by staff to resident and resident to resident, and resident back to staff, like wildfire in all states?

We need to figure this out, it's important!
Cuomo fucked up. Just admit it. Everyone else has except Benito himself.

You are really looking stupid for trying to defend this loser.
Boring.... you need some new material....
THE DAM SHATTERS: Even AOC Wants Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal Investigated.
where did I say I didn't want it investigated? I want it investigated! I just do not believe there will be any criminal charges against him on that part, because they would have to make all other governors who followed the cdc and cms guidelines on return of residents who were hospitalized with covid, criminals, with charges as well....

As far as Cuomo' s mob boss act with subordinates and fudging numbers.... He could be in trouble for that... No jail time imo..... but certainly will be booted by the voters....
Of course there won’t be criminal charges. He’s a Democrat. He can murder 15,000 people and laugh about it. In your face.
You Leftards love being led around by the nose by rich mass murderers.
He killed all 15000, eh?
So, does this mean you are saying it's ok to accuse Trump of murdering all 450,000 Americans that died from covid on his watch?
Isn't that what you on the left have been doing for the past year?
I still haven't heard a single credible excuse for why Cuomo BEGGED for more ICU beds and then when they were given to New York by the Federal Government...he didn't use them! I don't fault Cuomo for all of the deaths in New York State nursing homes but I fault him for thousands of them! The decision to put infected Covid patients back into nursing homes anticipating needing hospital beds for other patients was so ill thought out that it boggles the mind that anyone would think that was good policy...yet four States did just that and those four States had some of the highest mortality rates in their nursing homes. All four of them were run by liberal Governors.
So go ahead and continue to try and blame deaths on Trump but the facts don't back up our contention. We would have lost far fewer people if liberal Democrats didn't have their heads up their rear ends.
I haven't blamed Trump for All covid deaths the past year...

Google it on why the beds were not needed, the answer is out there...

It wasn't for just anticipated bed needs, everyone in the hospital with covid were released to recoup at home, when they no longer needed hospital care for the illness, NOT just nursing home residents!

In the NY rules, a doctor at the hospital had to certify the nursing home resident hospitalized with covid... was well enough, to go back to the nursing home and did not need at that point, hospital care, to recover.

So you can see with all the other rules on isolating the returning covid hospitalized residents, along with hospital/doctor certification for release among all of the other cdc guidelines they followed there was no malicious intent to harm.

THEN there is the issue of who was harmed by it? And why and how were they harmed by it?

That is why an investigation is needed!

It could be, the cdc and cms guidelines and New York's guidelines of isolation wards and separate staff was adequate, BUT the nursing homes did NOT follow the guideline requirements? It could be a stupid and deadly guideline from the get go?

We need to know...and need to learn from it. It is still in the CDC/CMS guidelines to return the residents to an isolation ward at the NHome I believe....and we really need to figure out what went wrong, if something did go terribly wrong....

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