Curtains for the Clintons

They sold their influence for many millions, so I have no sympathy for them. I do not believe however, that they will suffer much in the way of consequences. The rules of evidence and the best lawyers money can buy will most likely save their asses.
Curtains for the Clintons

I'm sure they hired an adequate decorator and don't need help from you. Although, I bet they overpaid.
Bill and Hillary's Speaking Tour Opened To A Sold Out Arena! No, Not Really!
Clintons sell a whopping 17% of seats available in uber leftest Toronto. What do you call someone who is selling something no one is buying? The Clintons....
Their long long career as corrupt grifters and users is just about at an end and it couldn't happen to two nicer swine.
They've left a long trail of broken lives and dead bodies behind them and now there is nothing left to do but climb into a bottle and contemplate what the afterlife has in store for two of God's most worthless souls.
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From the article-

The Clintons refuse to be discarded. It has been their joint project for half a century to be at the center of the public scene and debate. The way that the whole thing came crashing down in 2016 is too hard for them to bear. They would like to rewrite the ending, but there is no way to do that.

Nothing they have done lately suggests that they have learned anything, including their obtuse post-#MeToo comments about Monica Lewinsky, who has been far more candid and sympathetic in the 20th anniversary retellings of the impeachment saga. The Clintons are still unable to hold themselves accountable. The formerly golden couple who dominated their party for nearly three decades is traveling North America in a bubble, shockingly un-self-aware.

Their pathological need to be relevant in America is belied by a Canadian arena, where stretches of empty seats bear witness to the passing of their relevance.

It’s a pity.

I just have to laugh.
Bill and Hillary's Speaking Tour Opened To A Sold Out Arena! No, Not Really!
Clinton's sell a whopping 17% of seats available in uber leftest Toronto. What do you call someone who is selling something no one is buying? The Clintons....
Their long long career as corrupt grifters and users is just about at an end and it couldn't happen to two nicer swine.
They've left a long trail of broken lives and dead bodies behind them and now there is nothing left to do but climb into a bottle and contemplate what the afterlife has in store for two of God's most worthless souls.
They will have careers as long as you rubes obsess over them
They will have careers as long as you rubes obsess over them
It's darling how you come to their defense and one post about Hill and Bill hardly makes for an "obsession", does it.
But you keep swingin', champ.
Obsession is what I have to call the daily threads conservatives post about the Clintons despite them not doing anything or being relevant to anyhing.
I can't understand how anybody can feel sorry for the Clintons!

I simply can't. :cuckoo::dunno:

Clintons real name is Evil.
I can't understand how anybody can feel sorry for the Clintons!

I simply can't. :cuckoo::dunno:

Clintons real name is Evil.
Yeah, with all that public service and good governance and a clean administration and winning a war in the Balkans without a single U.S. military lost, and presiding over a booming economy, while she did her job as NY Senator, getting the aid that New York needed to rebuild, then serving as Secretary of State during a time when the U.S. was viewed more approvingly than at any time since Kennedy.
Obsession is what I have to call the daily threads conservatives post about the Clintons despite them not doing anything or being relevant to anyhing.
Unfortunately with Inspector Javert throwing people in jail for lying to Congress, while others like Hillary Clinton, William Brennan, James Comey and James Clapper all walking around as free as birds (despite unarguable lies) it's impossible not notice the hypocritical double standard when it comes to applying justice in this nation. So that would make her a conversation piece if nothing else.

But of course the Clinton's speaking tour, even as pathetic as it is, is intended as a means of keeping them in the public eye so your comment is just dumb and plain wrong!
They sold their influence for many millions, so I have no sympathy for them. I do not believe however, that they will suffer much in the way of consequences. The rules of evidence and the best lawyers money can buy will most likely save their asses.

Maybe in this life.

Past deeds have a way of catching up to one when the lights go out...
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Yeah, with all that public service and good governance and a clean administration and winning a war in the Balkans without a single U.S. military lost, and presiding over a booming economy, while she did her job as NY Senator, getting the aid that New York needed to rebuild, then serving as Secretary of State during a time when the U.S. was viewed more approvingly than at any time since Kennedy.
Yes. Never mind her scheming and meddling and the collapse of Libya when she was Secretary of State and the chaos the Middle East is still embroiled in due to it. And forget all about her little email fiasco and blatant influence peddling.
And if you don't look at all the killings and law breaking Al Capone was responsible for he did a pretty good job too.

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