Cuts to SS and Medicare

These elite butt kissers that hate the worker and the little guy should be voted out and deported. We need an increase in ssi so people and the worker can retire in comfort. These people are evil along with the elite that they worship and suck off of.
You mean an increase supported by a higher wage earners?
Yes, much better to leave the retirement age at 67 and let SS go broke.
Dumb ass.
This is because the benefits are capped. What don't you understand?


I understand that. What makes you think I didn't.

And I specifically sited "Total Wages" as part of the comparison.

It doesn't change the fact that poor and less higher income persons pay a larger percentage of their income to SS tax than to high wage earners earning over the cap.

The fact that high wage earners wages are capped is - well - kind a that point isn't it?

Just admit it, blue states suck ass. Nobody is fleeing to blue states :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Blue states ? Red states have the highest crime rates, are the poorest. The only people leaving blue states, are scam artists.
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Attacking Iraq had to be done, we had to seek revenge for the 9/11 attacks.
If all we‘re going to do is attack a country and displace a society that had nothing to do with 9/11, why didn’t we just attack Canada. It would have been cheaper.
NOT ONE source! Why do you think people believe YOUR comments as YOU never NEVER provide any basis for your comments?
Obviously you think you are GOD with all the answers so why are you wasting your god time on this forum? Being the perfect being you
need to be doing something else I'd suggest!
I really don’t need to. I believe in AGW, and Trump lost the election. You don’t. So you’re an established liar, and I’m a truth teller. Case closed. The only other explanation is, I’m smart and you’re an idiot for not believing in democracy and AGW. Either way, you’re a loser.
Clinton had the chance to stop him but didn’t.
Clinton couldn’t get the OK to actually invade the territory inhabited by BinLaden from the gop controlled congress. He was left with trying to assassinate him with with missiles which indiscriminately kill innocents. But, he kept him in the run. As soon as Bush took over, the planning and execution by Bin laden went on without a hitch.
I really don’t need to. I believe in AGW, and Trump lost the election. You don’t. So you’re an established liar, and I’m a truth teller. Case closed. The only other explanation is, I’m smart and you’re an idiot for not believing in democracy and AGW. Either way, you’re a loser.
Well the major difference between you and me is I provide links. YOU just your personal opinion. No facts. No links. No substantiation.
Explain to me which would intelligent and scholarly readers believe... you with your personal opinion or me with FACTS. Links. SUBSTANTIATION!
View attachment 761056
I understand that. What makes you think I didn't.

And I specifically sited "Total Wages" as part of the comparison.

It doesn't change the fact that poor and less higher income persons pay a larger percentage of their income to SS tax than to high wage earners earning over the cap.

The fact that high wage earners wages are capped is - well - kind a that point isn't it?


How do you feel about removing the cap but not increasing the maximum benefit? That would be a large tax increase for those making above the 160k mark.
How do you feel about removing the cap but not increasing the maximum benefit? That would be a large tax increase for those making above the 160k mark.

^^^ confused about blue cities in red states. Truth also triggered an outburst.

They all have this problem with demographics. It is blue counties in red states that are the huge economic drag on these states. The salaries for working professionals in these states are not enough to overcome the blue drag.
Well the major difference between you and me is I provide links. YOU just your personal opinion. No facts. No links. No substantiation.
Explain to me which would intelligent and scholarly readers believe... you with your personal opinion or me with FACTS. Links. SUBSTANTIATION!
Go ahead then. Provide a link from any republican source that says they want to expand medicare and healthcare in general. Wtf have they ever done for the middle class other then promote your stupidity with trickle down. Btw, no one in their right mind doubts AGW. I don’t need to provide links. You’re the foolish one, not me.
Go ahead then. Provide a link from any republican source that says they want to expand medicare and healthcare in general. Wtf have they ever done for the middle class other then promote your stupidity with trickle down. Btw, no one in their right mind doubts AGW. I don’t need to provide links. You’re the foolish one, not me.
Check what the Trustees of Social Security say :
Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing.
Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population.
Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.
Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year.
At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year.
At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits

Now unlike your pompous and totally ignorant comments.. these come from the SS Trustees who are telling us SS by 2034 will BE REDUCED!
Dummy... it won't be GOP terminating SS/Medicare... it will be reality!
These elite butt kissers that hate the worker and the little guy should be voted out and deported. We need an increase in ssi so people and the worker can retire in comfort. These people are evil along with the elite that they worship and suck off of.
Not a surprising answer from the far-left socialists.

What is your solution for this situation? Please do say to take more from the "rich". They don't have this much money!

As of mid February?


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