DACA Schmocka: Let's discuss the REAL problem

What can we do to improve conditions south of the border?

  • Pursue some kind of military cooperative agreement

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pursue some kind of performance-based private investing strategy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Re-direction of Federal funds to _____________________

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing can be done, it's hopeless, just build a wall

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • Other, please describe

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Mango Tango

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.

To late Mac, it really is. We have given the model for decades, and instead of their governments following suit, they are what they mostly always were. Unless we are into deposing governments again, and nation building like we were for the last however many years that has failed, time for barriers. Either we do that, or the American taxpayer is going to be responsible for 15% to 25% of the Southern continents poor.

I agree with many on one thing---------->we can not help anyone if we are not economically strong. We need to fix our house, before we worry about everyone else's.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.

To late Mac, it really is. We have given the model for decades, and instead of their governments following suit, they are what they mostly always were. Unless we are into deposing governments again, and nation building like we were for the last however many years that has failed, time for barriers. Either we do that, or the American taxpayer is going to be responsible for 15% to 25% of the Southern continents poor.

I agree with many on one thing---------->we can not help anyone if we are not economically strong. We need to fix our house, before we worry about everyone else's.
This is tough as hell, for sure. Two things to think about:

First, anything we did would have to involve complete and public buy-in from that government, and right now I don't see how we get there from here.

Second, at the same time, what is the current situation costing us? What will it continue to cost us? And is it worth making constructive investments now to create a better long-term situation? We love quick & easy answers, instant gratification, short term thinking. I'd like to see us at least consider another approach.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
So that would fix the problem?
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.

To late Mac, it really is. We have given the model for decades, and instead of their governments following suit, they are what they mostly always were. Unless we are into deposing governments again, and nation building like we were for the last however many years that has failed, time for barriers. Either we do that, or the American taxpayer is going to be responsible for 15% to 25% of the Southern continents poor.

I agree with many on one thing---------->we can not help anyone if we are not economically strong. We need to fix our house, before we worry about everyone else's.
This is tough as hell, for sure. Two things to think about:

First, anything we did would have to involve complete and public buy-in from that government, and right now I don't see how we get there from here.

Second, at the same time, what is the current situation costing us? What will it continue to cost us? And is it worth making constructive investments now to create a better long-term situation? We love quick & easy answers, instant gratification, short term thinking. I'd like to see us at least consider another approach.

Here is a real question Mac,

Just like most everything we have poured countless amounts of taxpayer dollars into, it hasn't worked. Statistics show this, do they not? Therefore, continuing on with the same practices is ludicrous as they have already been proven a failure.

So now what? It has to be different or America will never buy into it.

And in the meantime, do we keep the status quo until we see if it works?

Polls are good; although I know for a fact as you are aware, that you can get a poll to draw any conclusion you want by how you word the question. Still, the most recent polling data shows that the wall, stopping chain migration, eliminating the lottery immigration system, and forcing business to use e-verify are all far more popular than anything else the Republicans are trying to do. They all poll favorably in the upper 50s% range. Even many Democrats are on board.

Want a self full filling prophecy? If the Republicans do NOT do this, they WILL lose at least 1 chamber of congress, and possibly both.


Because it doesn't take an economics professor to understand that----------> if we need a certain amount of jobs to keep up with population growth, we do that and then some, we still lose ground if more people enter the US swelling the amount of jobs we need. The question has also been asked-------> what would the poverty rate be if illegals were not factored in!

No Mac, sorry; stabilization of our country must be our number 1 priority. Hell, if our economy grows and we need 50,000 more people, then invite them in if they want to come here. That is far better than needing 50,000, and 250,000 just walk in, and leave us with 200,000 extras we have to take care of.
No Mac, sorry; stabilization of our country must be our number 1 priority. Hell, if our economy grows and we need 50,000 more people, then invite them in if they want to come here. That is far better than needing 50,000, and 250,000 just walk in, and leave us with 200,000 extras we have to take care of.
But the stabilization of our country is the point. Don't we want them to not come here illegally? Isn't that the goal here?

We can spend money and resources building a wall, chasing them all down, imprisoning them for years and years, dealing with whatever crimes they commit.

Or we can re-direct those dollars and resources into an approach that would make them less likely to want to escape their hell holes in the first place.

Yes, this is about us, what's best for us. We're going to burn money and resources either way; I'd rather deal with the root problem than just apply band-aids.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
So that would fix the problem?
Yes. In the case of Mexico, we stole their labor. Free trade opened Mexico for the exploitation of its labor. US Big Ag destabilized their rural farming communities as an example.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
No Mac, sorry; stabilization of our country must be our number 1 priority. Hell, if our economy grows and we need 50,000 more people, then invite them in if they want to come here. That is far better than needing 50,000, and 250,000 just walk in, and leave us with 200,000 extras we have to take care of.
But the stabilization of our country is the point. Don't we want them to not come here illegally? Isn't that the goal here?

We can spend money and resources building a wall, chasing them all down, imprisoning them for years and years, dealing with whatever crimes they commit.

Or we can re-direct those dollars and resources into an approach that would make them less likely to want to escape their hell holes in the first place.

Yes, this is about us, what's best for us. We're going to burn money and resources either way; I'd rather deal with the root problem than just apply band-aids.

Mac, Mac, are the people we are talking about highly educated?

Then how much of our manufacturing base do you want to give them to keep them there? Didn't we already try that, and what happened to our people without a college education?

The wall is how much? I know my number is off, but let us just say 35 billion.
A one time outlay of 35 billion. How far would 35 billion go between all those countries to create enough economic expansion to prevent illegal immigration? What would each of them get, 2 or 3 billion? Hell, that isn't even 1 Ford plant per country, and one Ford plant per country, isn't going to do a damn thing to stop illegal immigration.

Tell you what it would do though--------->put most of the autoworkers at Ford in the United States out of a job!

In honesty.....consider-------------> most of all these countries economic expansion has been to produce products, then SELL them to the United States! They have NOT created a market in their own countries for the products they produce! If they had, we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we. For if they had, their wages would rise there.

And also.............so we send (and I am using this as an example) auto jobs there to___________ (pick a country) They pay them squat, because they don't consume their own products, the law of supply and demand you know.

So in that country; which ever you picked...........they pay, 5 bucks an hr. Exactly how does that help stop illegal immigration when if they cross the border, they make 20.00, and can then send the extra back home to family? Not to mention..........if they get laid off in their country, they get nada, get laid off here, and they are taken care of; meaning they can still send money back home!

Hey, I have a novel idea! What if, what if, we are HURTING change for the better in these countries, because all the people who would be the ones to put pressure on THEIR governments to force change, are just saying the hell with it, and coming here!

Maybe if they were FORCED to stay and fix their own countries; being as they are the most industrious, we would have the change in these countries we all wish for. I know, I know, out of the box thinking, but that is all I got for you, without taking on the responsibility of fixing everyone's problems, when we are struggling to fix our own!
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.

How to improve low IQ societies who are hell-bent on leftism?

If someone had an answer it would have been done a long time ago. Unfortunately, personally I am starting to believe it's impossible. But what is very easy to do is prevent us from going that way.

Build that wall!
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.

What resources are we stealing?
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
The real problem is unwarranted fear on the part of most conservatives.

The real problem is ignorance of, or contempt for, the law common to those on the right.

The real problem is Congressional Republicans who refuse to enact immigration reform because of their unwarranted fear that to do so would result in an increase in immigration.

The real problem is the right’s fear of change, diversity, and an inclusive society.

DACA participants came to the United States legally as children, and subsequently lost their legal status through no fault of their own. Or they were brought into the country without authorization by their parents – in either case, as settled, accepted Constitutional law, children are not held responsible for the actions of their parents.

Last, DACA participants have no knowledge of their birth country, often do not speak the language, and have no means to survive if compelled to return to their birth country – to do so would be cruel and reprehensible; the United States should not seek to do so, we are a better people than that.

The solution to the ‘problem’ is therefore very simple: enact comprehensive immigration reform codifying the DACA program as a provision of the new law.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.

What resources are we stealing?

Half the population it seems.

Build that wall and it's all fixed.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.

But the illegal immigration is more than about just welfare mooching from the American taxpayers.
It is a cultural invasion.
Obviously the political "class" (har har) will be turning its attention to DACA soon. So here come the shallow platitudes, the bumper sticker sloganeering, the posturing before the teevee cameras, the goofy hyperbole and the personal insults & name-calling on yet another important issue.

My bold and fearless (!) prediction is that we're going to focus on the wall and employment practices and the tearing apart of families, screaming YOU'RE A RACIST AAUUUUGHH, etc. etc., and continue to ignore the one issue that is at the very core of this problem:

Mexico and much of South America remain a shit hole from which people are desperate to escape.

Let's try to avoid all the silly partisan behaviors listed above and discuss what America can actually do about that. How can we make it so that people south of the border have some reason to stay, while getting cooperation from those governments? Investment agreements with those countries? Some kind of military arrangement to deal with the cartels? Let's see if we can "exchange" some "ideas" on this without the thread spinning off the rails.
Stop stealing their resources would be a solution.
And using the US military and CIA to control and overthrow their governments.
Latin American Countries have been unable to determine their own course since the time of the the Dulles brothers. Gee, I wonder why they can't get their act together and act in the best interests of the US. Let's just force them to do it!

Americans never took notice until it started to affect them here at home. And now they can't figure out what in the world could be the problem. Let's build a wall. That will solve it. But only for us because who really cares about those people anyway. We can just continue to exploit them.

American exceptionalism.
So true.

I would add that the evil Dulles brothers certainly made matters much worse, but the problem started when the US government decided to build an empire. This started in the mid-19th century with the invasion of Mexico and the confiscation of it's northern lands. It just got progressively worse over time. The Spanish American War saw the US government take lands from Spain.

How many times has the US sent it's marines into these nations to impose it's well? The political leadership of these nations knows you better do as the US gov says, or you will be dead. US corporations have been allowed to run these nations for decades, with the help of the US military and CIA.

Americans like to believe their nation is honorable and just. I don't know how they can, if they bother to objectively read the history. The American people are a great people. Sadly their ruling class are nothing but a bunch of criminals.

So are you saying stop investing in latin countries and give the western half of America to Mexico?
But how would that stop illegal immigration?
No and no.

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