Dad: Ax attacker wanted ‘white people to pay’ for slavery


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
Pacific Northwest
“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” the father of slain hatchet loon Zale Thompson, 32, told The Post Saturday. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him,” his father, Ralph Thompson, said, speaking through the screen door of the two-story Queens Village house where his unhinged son also once lived.

Asked if “one of y’all” meant white people,” the father said, “Yeah.”
“He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’ ” the father added. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Ax attacker wanted 8216 white people to pay 8217 for slavery New York Post

Man who attacked NYPD cops with hatchet wanted to kill white people dad says Fox News

Were the NYPD wrong to call it an act of terrorism? Or is that terrorism?
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Worst. Plan. Ever.

Sounds like some blacks want their race war. Unfortunately there are a lot of white people out there that welcome the idea. It could get remarkably nasty, all the way around.
Most whites have put up with this shit for a long time. They are now Fed Up. And yes, it will get nasty if they continue to poke.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?
“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” the father of slain hatchet loon Zale Thompson, 32, told The Post Saturday. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him,” his father, Ralph Thompson, said, speaking through the screen door of the two-story Queens Village house where his unhinged son also once lived.

Asked if “one of y’all” meant white people,” the father said, “Yeah.”
“He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’ ” the father added. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Ax attacker wanted 8216 white people to pay 8217 for slavery New York Post

Man who attacked NYPD cops with hatchet wanted to kill white people dad says Fox News

Were the NYPD wrong to call it an act of terrorism? Or is that terrorism?

I believe it was an act of terrorism. No question about it. ISIS is in America and it looks like the new converts to Islam are coming out first.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

No. If it walks like a duck, talks like a's a duck!
Let's review the facts, everyone. Forget what the father is telling you - let's look at the behavior and the words of the ax wielding muslim convert man attacking our NYPD on the streets of NY. Okay? Here iNYC Hatchet Terrorist Expressed Radical Islamic Views Online

Zale Thompson, the Islamist radical who on Thursday attempted to carry out acts of jihad against two NYPD officers, had previously expressed Islamic sentiments on social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook.
On Thursday, Thompson hit one officer in the head and another in the arm with his hatchet, before other officers responded and neutralized him. The police officer who was attacked is reportedly in critical condition. On September 13th, Thompson described on his Facebook page the Islamic act of jihad as a “justifiable response to the oppression of the ‘Zionists [Jews] and the Crusaders [Christians].”

A reported convert to Islam, His Facebook cover photo featured Arabic writing from the Quran that talks about finding “the straight path” through Allah. His profile photo features a man dressed as a warrior in Arab attire. His Facebook page was taken down sometime late afternoon Friday New York time, following his identification as the attacker.

click news link to read what he wrote........
He is a muslim convert - his profile photo shows a man in warrior Arab attire - His face book page was taken down because......................

they want you to believe his father and seeing his face book page / otherwise known as the "facts" might confuse you. If it walks like a duck, talks, like a duck, quacks like a's a duck!

Quack! Quack!
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Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

No. If it walks like a duck, talks like a's a duck!

My point was IF he used ISIS's calling to murder as a reason to attacks whites as his father states, then it is indeed a hate crime as well as an act of terrorism.
There'll be some filthy gaggle of communists in NYC who'll try and prosecute the NYPD for using their guns on an ax-wielding 60 IQ racist gibbon bent on murdering white people. I wonder what that worthless shit in the White House will have to say about this one? Nothing? You got it. White people's lives have value, no matter what the left says otherwise, no matter what our baboon-in-chief says otherwise. Buy a gun. Use a gun in your defense.

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