Dads "racist" rant against race mixing daughter goes viral

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I dont think Blacks are racist for the same reason little white guys are. Since white women return over and over again I dont think I fit your description.
Little black guys, and fat black women, are easily the most racist people I've ever dealt with. Why is that?
You might smell like a cave chimp to them. I wouldnt know to be honest.
Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Ever hear of Blombos Caves in South Africa where Humans in Africa lived In caves?

Ever hear of Moorish Muslim North African historian named Ibn Khaldun who said during the Medieval era sub-Saharan Africans lived in caves, and thickets?

Yes. Thats a subset of Africans. The vast majority of African never lived in caves. Also those caves were the first drawings on the planet.

Never heard of him. Must not be very credible.
I would have to assume he is a racist, insecure, little dick white guy.

What are Black racists like you?

Are you a racist, insecure, little dick Black guy?
I dont think Blacks are racist for the same reason little white guys are. Since white women return over and over again I dont think I fit your description.

What's the difference between Black vs White racists, exactly?

BTW, Blacks appear to be more racist, than Whites are today.

So, why is that?

Oh, and White girls have said I'm huge before..
Black racists are usually angry over white racism. White racist are insecure.

We have way more reasons to be racist. Look at how whites have fucked up everything they have touched.

Yeah. Sure little guy. :itsok:

If you're so angry about White racists, and Whitey oppressors..... Why don't you move to Africa, or the Caribbean to a Black nation.... What are you some kind of masochist?
Who said i was angry? White racists such as yourself are amusing. BTW I am moving to Africa.
Since her father is supposedly the adult, is that date worth him destroying his relationship with his daughter?
Only he can answer that... :dunno:

(I know it's a deal breaker for me. That will never happen in my house)
Or so you say. Lots of white fathers say that. Usually at the same time a Black guy is climbing into his white daughters room and banging it out.
Is that what his daughter's date was doing?
Hmm. Could be but i still dont get why the little dick white guy had to get racial.

Did you examine his manhood?
What manhood? He is a cave monkey not a man.
Video of the white girl meeting her black boyfriends family

Looks like her dad was right

She does or she would have respected his wishes (as a child should). Even if he says wrong - he is the adult and she is the child. She should respect her mother and father (as the Bible) says unless she has some seriously compelling moral reason not to (like her father wants her to cover up a murder or something like that).

Adults have proven over and over again that they can be wrong. She is at least 16 if not older. I would say the one with the moral high ground in this case, is her. The Bible? Yeah, that's a real moral arbiter of how things should be...
Video of the white girl meeting her black boyfriends family

Looks like her dad was right

Tank let that Black guy take his woman. :laugh:

Then he hired some Black people to beat her and the guy up and some white guys to film it all.
Little black guys, and fat black women, are easily the most racist people I've ever dealt with. Why is that?
You might smell like a cave chimp to them. I wouldnt know to be honest.
Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Ever hear of Blombos Caves in South Africa where Humans in Africa lived In caves?

Ever hear of Moorish Muslim North African historian named Ibn Khaldun who said during the Medieval era sub-Saharan Africans lived in caves, and thickets?

Yes. Thats a subset of Africans. The vast majority of African never lived in caves. Also those caves were the first drawings on the planet.

Never heard of him. Must not be very credible.

West Africa was populated very late by Humans.... 13,000 years ago Iwo Eleru which probably wasn't even Human inhabited West Africa.... Before that there's no archeological record in West-Africa.

Never said I was tolerant, plenty of things shouldn't be tolerated... But Liberalism dulls the senses in favor of a false morality.

But, the point is he's saying racists are little, but he's a racist himself.

Depends what the morality is. You are a racist, too. Going by your posts. Let him without sin...etc.

So, erasing a people's heritage from the face of the Earth is morality, huh?
Only he can answer that... :dunno:

(I know it's a deal breaker for me. That will never happen in my house)
Or so you say. Lots of white fathers say that. Usually at the same time a Black guy is climbing into his white daughters room and banging it out.
Is that what his daughter's date was doing?
Hmm. Could be but i still dont get why the little dick white guy had to get racial.

Did you examine his manhood?
What manhood? He is a cave monkey not a man.

Does he have maxillary prognathism like Apes, and Archaic Sapiens do / did?
You might smell like a cave chimp to them. I wouldnt know to be honest.
Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Ever hear of Blombos Caves in South Africa where Humans in Africa lived In caves?

Ever hear of Moorish Muslim North African historian named Ibn Khaldun who said during the Medieval era sub-Saharan Africans lived in caves, and thickets?

Yes. Thats a subset of Africans. The vast majority of African never lived in caves. Also those caves were the first drawings on the planet.

Never heard of him. Must not be very credible.

West Africa was populated very late by Humans.... 13,000 years ago Iwo Eleru which probably wasn't even Human inhabited West Africa.... Before that there's no archeological record in West-Africa.
You sound like an idiot. What does that have to do with the point that you guys were eating each other and picking each others lice for nourishment 13K years ago?
Or so you say. Lots of white fathers say that. Usually at the same time a Black guy is climbing into his white daughters room and banging it out.
Is that what his daughter's date was doing?
Hmm. Could be but i still dont get why the little dick white guy had to get racial.

Did you examine his manhood?
What manhood? He is a cave monkey not a man.

Does he have maxillary prognathism like Apes, and Archaic Sapiens do / did?
I dont know. All I know is he has a large percentage of neanderthal DNA.
What are Black racists like you?

Are you a racist, insecure, little dick Black guy?
I dont think Blacks are racist for the same reason little white guys are. Since white women return over and over again I dont think I fit your description.
Little black guys, and fat black women, are easily the most racist people I've ever dealt with. Why is that?
You might smell like a cave chimp to them. I wouldnt know to be honest.
Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Judging by muscle mass Poles would appear to have more Testosterone than Black man do.

Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Ever hear of Blombos Caves in South Africa where Humans in Africa lived In caves?

Ever hear of Moorish Muslim North African historian named Ibn Khaldun who said during the Medieval era sub-Saharan Africans lived in caves, and thickets?

Yes. Thats a subset of Africans. The vast majority of African never lived in caves. Also those caves were the first drawings on the planet.

Never heard of him. Must not be very credible.

West Africa was populated very late by Humans.... 13,000 years ago Iwo Eleru which probably wasn't even Human inhabited West Africa.... Before that there's no archeological record in West-Africa.
You sound like an idiot. What does that have to do with the point that you guys were eating each other and picking each others lice for nourishment 13K years ago?

Weren't a lot of African tribes still cannibals when Whitey arrived in Africa?
I dont think Blacks are racist for the same reason little white guys are. Since white women return over and over again I dont think I fit your description.
Little black guys, and fat black women, are easily the most racist people I've ever dealt with. Why is that?
You might smell like a cave chimp to them. I wouldnt know to be honest.
Are you saying these people come from caves and sniff for dominance?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Judging by muscle mass Poles would appear to have more Testosterone than Black man do.

Thats why you dont judge by muscle mass.
Oh give it a rest. The constant whining and sobbing from you professional victim, white male cupcakes is reeeel old.

Grow up, grow a pair and take responsibility for your own failures. Blacks, liberals, Hispanics, gays, women nor President Obama did not cause your problems and they're not responsible to fix them.

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I care about our heritage, why would I want it to vanish, to be replaced by third-World riff-raff?

That's completely insulting, and senseless.

No, I don't like Blacks, I've been harassed by Blacks in various locations from Manhattan, to White Plains, to Peekskill, Danbury, and even in my own Brewster.

Although they only do so in GROUPS.

Alone I've never had Blacks harass me.

Oh, you poor baby ...

You're lying. If you really "care about our heritage", you would accept and celebrate racial diversity cuz that's what you came from.

Like it or not, you already have "third world riff raff" blood, middle eastern blood and black blood.

Suck it up cupcake and quit whining about how you have such a hard time because you're a poor weak little victim.

Damn whiny little bitches - I am beyond fed up with this set-pitying from "white male" cry babies.

Oh and Vin Diesel doesn't even know his bloodline so how can you?


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I support the right for EVERYONE to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands.

I certainly don't support multicultural DIEversity where everyone's heritages will eventually vanish.

I support everyone's rights to exist, but especially my own heritage.

It's truly a sickness to stomp out anyone's ethnic heritage, multiculturalism is truly the sick monstrosity of our times which seeks to destroy people's heritages.

No you don't "support the right for everyone to exist in racial diversity in their own homelands". Or, I should say, that's not what yo have posted so far.

Maybe you're not American but if you are, that means you accept our melting pot as well as as a society and govt built on the principle of equality.

If you're one of tho froot loops who says blacks belong in Africa, that's crazy. They've been in this country as long as just about every other nationality.

From your own words, you do want to "stomp out ethnic heritage". Multi-culturing does not automatically to that. If you look around the world, it's whites who do that.

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I was born in America, but don't identify as American, I think America is a bit of a monstrosity.....

And yet here you still are, spineless hypocrite.
Is that what his daughter's date was doing?
Hmm. Could be but i still dont get why the little dick white guy had to get racial.

Did you examine his manhood?
What manhood? He is a cave monkey not a man.

Does he have maxillary prognathism like Apes, and Archaic Sapiens do / did?
I dont know. All I know is he has a large percentage of neanderthal DNA.

How do you know, did like you look at his DNA sample?
Only whites come from caves were they inbred and ate each other. Smell is a large part of humans. its how white women sense that Black men have more testosterone and dominant genes.

Ever hear of Blombos Caves in South Africa where Humans in Africa lived In caves?

Ever hear of Moorish Muslim North African historian named Ibn Khaldun who said during the Medieval era sub-Saharan Africans lived in caves, and thickets?

Yes. Thats a subset of Africans. The vast majority of African never lived in caves. Also those caves were the first drawings on the planet.

Never heard of him. Must not be very credible.

West Africa was populated very late by Humans.... 13,000 years ago Iwo Eleru which probably wasn't even Human inhabited West Africa.... Before that there's no archeological record in West-Africa.
You sound like an idiot. What does that have to do with the point that you guys were eating each other and picking each others lice for nourishment 13K years ago?

Weren't a lot of African tribes still cannibals when Whitey arrived in Africa?
No. However it made for great drama and a reason to invade. Whites are known liars. Thats why they have been caught numerous times lying about things to have reason for attacking.
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