Dads "racist" rant against race mixing daughter goes viral

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If Blacks commit 15% of a crime, but make up 13% of the U.S.A, they are overrepresented in crime.

Proportions, Blacks just can't grasp them.
Which means what? There is still way more whites committing violent crimes. Lets say Blacks commit 10% of the violent crime and whites commit 90%. That means whites commit more violent crime.

There's way more Whites in this country,..
And they commit way more crime even with an economic advantage.

Um, in total numbers there's actually more Whites in poverty in the U.S.A, than Blacks in poverty, actually.
That was a really stupid comment. White people have stolen, looted, and discriminated for centuries and granted themselves white AA the whole time. If a white person is poor its because they are lazy or stupid or both.

Not all, but a lot of poor people are lazy, stupid, or have mental illnesses, regardless of race.

But, in some cases the economic infrastructure crumbled like in West Virginia when coal mines dried up.

As opposed to Blacks, who typically live in urban centers with lots of economic opportunities.
What are you doing to help reduce the crimes committed by blacks?
Teaching Blacks how to succeed in a racist system. What are you doing to help reduce the crime committed by whites?
How successful are you? Are you teaching the same lessons I learned while growing up?
Very successful.

Probably not. The lessons i teach come from way back and adjusted to fit todays climate.
Probably not?
Were you taught skin color matters?
Yes probably not. What were you taught?

Yes i was taught to be proud of my skin color. Its a gift from mother nature.
I was taught to respect everyone. My skin color didn't make me special.

Are you feeling slighted because you were taught skin color mattered?
I'll share a funny story that happened not long after I started working at the hospital.

While leaving a psych unit, I noticed a woman wanting to follow me out. I quickly pulled the door closed and told her......
Me: you'll need to ask a nurse before leaving.
Her: I am a nurse!

The other nurses are now laughing. One jumped up saying she had to pee.

The laughing went on for a good min while I'm standing there waiting for one of them to tell this woman to step away from the door.
I didn't know what was so damn funny and was getting pissed.

One of the nurses finally stopped laughing long enough to say it was ok to let her out.

I later learned she was the charge nurse.

Shit happens. :)
She knows it, and decided her own path.
Yeah...because we all know how your average 17 year old is so wise and qualified to "choose their own path". :eusa_doh:
By 17, a person is able to choose their own friends. And again, she was living with her mom, who apparently didn't have a problem.
You said path. Would you like to try again or would you like to retract your previous, absurd statements?

There's nothing to retract. I don't know, or really care, if you have kids, but if they aren't starting at 17 to make some adult decisions about friends, relationships, classes, and future, then you haven't taught them right. Or would you insist upon complete control until they turn a certain age that you deem adulthood?
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Since her father is supposedly the adult, is that date worth him destroying his relationship with his daughter?
Only he can answer that... :dunno:

(I know it's a deal breaker for me. That will never happen in my house)
Or so you say. Lots of white fathers say that. Usually at the same time a Black guy is climbing into his white daughters room and banging it out.
Is that what his daughter's date was doing?
Hmm. Could be but i still dont get why the little dick white guy had to get racial.

Did you examine his manhood?
Black guys are enamoured by dick. When they aren't grabbing their own, they are thinking about other people's dicks. Especially white men's dicks. Just peruse this thread for references to "dick", by black posters. It goes a long way toward explaining the high rate of homosexuality in the black community.
Her boyfriends black and there's gonna be trouble, hey la dey la, her boyfriends black!

Whites are only more likely to commit drunk driving, all other crimes are disproportionately more likely to be committed by a Black.
Whites are more likely to commit a violent crime. Go check the FBI website. There is a reason you white guys like to focus on murder. Its the only category Blacks actually lead.

Proportions aren't your strength are they?

Blacks make up about 13% of the U.S.A, and Whites make up about 63% of the U.S.A.
Whats your point? whites lead in every violent crime category except murder. Murder isnt the only violent crime.

If Blacks commit 15% of a crime, but make up 13% of the U.S.A, they are overrepresented in crime.

Proportions, Blacks just can't grasp them.
Which means what? There is still way more whites committing violent crimes. Lets say Blacks commit 10% of the violent crime and whites commit 90%. That means whites commit more violent crime.

N!gger monkeys commit way more violent crimes as a % of the population, something like 33% of rapes and murders are committed by n!ggers despite being only 13% of the population.
She went to prom with a guy. The person destroying the family is the irrational father who is disowning her.
And now we can add ricechickie as another poster child for the reason the family structure on the left is a disaster. She thinks the child should be running the family.

The person destroying the family is the girl who is disrespecting her parents and their wishes, over something as freaking trivial as a prom date. Shit - they didn't even tell her she couldn't go to prom. He just didn't want her going with a black boy. All she had to do was pick a different date. That is not asking a lot.
She's a high school senior. Not really a "child" she is about to be, if not already 18.
Whites are more likely to commit a violent crime. Go check the FBI website. There is a reason you white guys like to focus on murder. Its the only category Blacks actually lead.

Proportions aren't your strength are they?

Blacks make up about 13% of the U.S.A, and Whites make up about 63% of the U.S.A.
Whats your point? whites lead in every violent crime category except murder. Murder isnt the only violent crime.

If Blacks commit 15% of a crime, but make up 13% of the U.S.A, they are overrepresented in crime.

Proportions, Blacks just can't grasp them.
Which means what? There is still way more whites committing violent crimes. Lets say Blacks commit 10% of the violent crime and whites commit 90%. That means whites commit more violent crime.

N!gger monkeys commit way more violent crimes as a % of the population, something like 33% of rapes and murders are committed by n!ggers despite being only 13% of the population.
No they just get arrested and convicted at a higher rate jackass.
People should go to prom with whom they want, and marry whom they want. Racist fathers be damned.
In case anyone wonders why families on the left-side of the aisle are a disgusting mess of disarray - look no further than Aries here.

This has to be one of the more offensive posts I've seen on USMB. Advocating that a child (yes...a child) should destroy his or her family relationships over a silly fucking prom. Unbelievable. Not because they are serving their country. Not because they are choosing life over an abortion. Not because they are doing something ethical (like turning in a parent for a crime).

No... Aries here advocates that a child should destroy the family structure so they can decide for themselves who to go to freaking prom with. :eusa_doh:

Whoever raised you should be ashamed. Because they failed to teach you that almost nothing (other than God and morals) is more important than family. And the fact that you advocate for a child to place their ego above their family is why America has degenerated into the shit-hole it has become in left-wing places like Detroit.
I was told on day one here that my family deserved to be put to death for race mixing. Please, spare me your fake outrage. Nothing about an 18 year old girl making her own life decisions should offend you ya prick.
Agreed, just as one should assume a n!gger is going to rob you and rape your wife and children until you hang them from a tree and then you don't have to worry about it, just another dead n!gger. #praisekek
Holy crap...I thought people like this only existed in the movies. :laugh:
People need to learn what the word "racism" actually means. If you hate someone just because of their ethnicity - that is racism. If you refuse to allow your children to date someone because of their ethnicity (or other factors), that is not "racism".

I have two daughters and I've already made it painfully clear to my wife (my girls are still too little to discuss this stuff with) that our girls will not be marrying an Asian, or an African American, or a Mexican, etc. They can be friends with them, they are welcome in our home, etc. but dating/marriage is a whole 'nother level. She completely agrees with me.
racism is thinking any one was is inherently superior to others. If you are white and won't allow your kids to date someone who's black, it is because you don't see blacks as equals. It is because you are a racist.

Not necessarily, one could just wish to keep their unique heritage.

I mean Bushman are on the verge of extinction, and I certainly don't think they are superior to anyone, but none the less I think they have a right to their heritage.
Yea yea yea.. this dudes a racist can't weasel out of it.
I was told on day one here that my family deserved to be put to death for race mixing.
See? That's what this comes down to for you and Asclepias. It's personal and emotional for you two. I'm objective about this.
Nothing about an 18 year old girl making her own life decisions should offend you ya prick.
No - the fact that you think she should be in charge of the family offends me. She's not out on her own, she should respect her parents.
Adults have proven over and over again that they can be wrong.
No doubt. But it's no great loss for her to chose another date for a prom.
how long should a woman be controlled by her father? If she can not make her own decisions at nearly 18 when can she? 25? 35? 45? Is a woman forever under control of her father? Or does there come a point in time where she can chose things for herself?
No they just get arrested and convicted at a higher rate jackass.
Well now you're just being absurd. There is absolutely no denying that the black community disproportionately commits more of the crime in America. There is significant debate about why that is - but there is no denying that it is the case.
I was told on day one here that my family deserved to be put to death for race mixing.
See? That's what this comes down to for you and Asclepias. It's personal and emotional for you two. I'm objective about this.
Nothing about an 18 year old girl making her own life decisions should offend you ya prick.
No - the fact that you think she should be in charge of the family offends me. She's not out on her own, she should respect her parents.

Mr. objective has thin skin if me saying a young woman should make her own decisions offends you so much. I was showing you an example of something that is actually offensive...

She lives with her mother and she didn't mind, obviously. Her choosing her own prom date somehow means she controls the family? How does it even affect her father? Other than pissing off his inner racist?
No they just get arrested and convicted at a higher rate jackass.
Well now you're just being absurd. There is absolutely no denying that the black community disproportionately commits more of the crime in America. There is significant debate about why that is - but there is no denying that it is the case.
No they just get arrested and convicted at a higher rate jackass.
Well now you're just being absurd. There is absolutely no denying that the black community disproportionately commits more of the crime in America. There is significant debate about why that is - but there is no denying that it is the case.
there is no denying they are arrested at a much higher rate, the debate is why. Welcome to 2017, are you lost?
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'

"Blacks are more likely than others to be arrested in almost every city for almost every type of crime. Nationwide, black people are arrested at higher rates for crimes as serious as murder and assault, and as minor as loitering and marijuana possession.

• Arrest rates are particularly lopsided in some pockets of the country, including St. Louis' Missouri suburbs near Ferguson. In St. Louis County alone, more than two dozen police departments had arrest rates more lopsided than Ferguson's. In nearby Clayton, Mo., for example, only about 8% of residents are black, compared with about 57% of people the police arrested, according to the city's FBI reports. Clayton's police chief, Kevin Murphy, said in a prepared statement that "Ferguson has laid bare the fact that everyone in law enforcement needs to take a hard look at how we can better serve our communities and address any disparities that have existed in our departments for too long."

• Deep disparities show up even in progressive university towns. USA TODAY found police in Berkeley, Calif., and Madison, Wis., arrested black people at a rate more than nine times higher than members of other racial groups. Madison Police Chief Michael Koval said most of the arrests happen in the poorest sections of the city, which are disproportionately black, and where some residents have pleaded for even more police presence. Still, he said, "I think it would be remiss to suggest the police get out of this whole thing with a free pass. We have to constantly be doing the introspective look at who we are hiring and how we are training."

• Arrest rates are lopsided almost everywhere. Only 173 of the 3,538 police departments USA TODAY examined arrested black people at a rate equal to or lower than other racial groups."
No they just get arrested and convicted at a higher rate jackass.
Well now you're just being absurd. There is absolutely no denying that the black community disproportionately commits more of the crime in America. There is significant debate about why that is - but there is no denying that it is the case.
Can you show evidence that that boy going to the prom with his daughter is a criminal?
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