Daily trivia Tournament

I would have made Obama proud.

I missed the question about how many states are in the U.S.

I've been trying to do a quick visual check when I click the answer to make sure my selections take hold, but I guess I didn't pay close enough attention on that one.
8/10, on the one posted 2/8. Took 3 1/2 MINUTES. Page kept sticking. And of course, I type slower than a snail.
10/10 in 41

I needed that
Great! Logging in takes time however.
9/10, 135 seconds. Is there a way to make the game smaller so all questions appear at once?

you can't get it to where they all show up on the screen at one time,

but you can adjust your settings to see more of 'em all at once:

1. click "view" in your browser bar,

2. click "zoom"

3. click "zoom out"

4. repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 several times until you can no longer comfortably read the questions, then

5. click "view"

6. click "zoom"

7. click "zoom in"

once you've done that,

8. click "view"

9. click "full screen"

let me know how that works for you...
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Great! Logging in takes time however.
9/10, 135 seconds. Is there a way to make the game smaller so all questions appear at once?

you can't get it to where they all show up on the screen at one time,

but you can adjust your settings to see more of 'em all at once:

1. click "view" in your browser bar,

2. click "zoom"

3. click "zoom out"

4. repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 several times until you can no longer comfortably read the questions, then

5. click "view"

6. click "zoom"

7. click "zoom in"

once you've done that,

8. click "view"

9. click "full screen"

let me know how that works for you...
It just hit me doing that is what the print on my screen smaller for a day until went back & reset the font. I'll just take longer. Thank you for the instructions though Bayou.
9/10, 135 seconds. Is there a way to make the game smaller so all questions appear at once?

you can't get it to where they all show up on the screen at one time,

but you can adjust your settings to see more of 'em all at once:

1. click "view" in your browser bar,

2. click "zoom"

3. click "zoom out"

4. repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 several times until you can no longer comfortably read the questions, then

5. click "view"

6. click "zoom"

7. click "zoom in"

once you've done that,

8. click "view"

9. click "full screen"

let me know how that works for you...
It just hit me doing that is what the print on my screen smaller for a day until went back & reset the font. I'll just take longer. Thank you for the instructions though Bayou.
9/10, 82 seconds. Part of my slow speed may be my "Logitech" mouse or maybe I need a new mouse pad. I missed the Campbell's soup question, stupid.
wow. that's weird.

I figured once you hit submit the clock stopped. No idea if that's been a factor for me in the past. I figured mostly my issues were reading the questions almost aloud and dithering over my answers.
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