Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants, Then Rapes Her


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

That is shocking but not surprising. When I lived in Houston in the 1980s there was a similar bust of several police officers molesting female drivers they plucked out of traffic and sexually molested. It's just that back then, we didn't have the internet and instant, electronic communications.

Party days for cops are over.

Years ago I had a Houston cop in uniform, sitting in his squad car, lean his head out the window and make sucking noises at me when I was entering a 7-11 store. (I am a female, in case I didn't mention that before.) I was so totally taken off guard I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. Now in this day and age I would have reported him.
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

People attracted to becoming policemen/women are seeking excitement and authority. It's just that simple. Some, like a few people I know, become cops because their fathers were on the force. It's a mixed bag, but even the best are exposed to the underbelly and corruption. Many succumb.
How do we know he didn't fear for his life? What kind of women were these? Let's investigate they're background and release every bit of incriminating information about them to the media before we jump to any conclusions.

Has anyone set up a defense fund for the officer yet?

Texas cops are just bad azz....

Woman Sues Texas State Troopers After Roadside Body Cavity Search
Fast forward to :40 in video.

How do we know he didn't fear for his life? What kind of women were these? Let's investigate they're background and release every bit of incriminating information about them to the media before we jump to any conclusions.

Has anyone set up a defense fund for the officer yet?
This kind of IGNORANT comparison to life and death situations is why we have a rash of dead police now. Because morons like you and your supporters think a fraction of a fraction of a percent of crimes committed by cops is proof of a wide spread problem and you support criminals.
How do we know he didn't fear for his life? What kind of women were these? Let's investigate they're background and release every bit of incriminating information about them to the media before we jump to any conclusions.

Has anyone set up a defense fund for the officer yet?
This kind of IGNORANT comparison to life and death situations is why we have a rash of dead police now. Because morons like you and your supporters think a fraction of a fraction of a percent of crimes committed by cops is proof of a wide spread problem and you support criminals.
Yeah...they disagree with you and they support criminals.

Have you ever stopped and thought about how pathetic your argument is!

You are a hypocrite.
If they aren't stirring up hate on Republicans, the Tea Party, Conservatives, now the police officer they aren't living life.

Good grief.
How do we know he didn't fear for his life? What kind of women were these? Let's investigate they're background and release every bit of incriminating information about them to the media before we jump to any conclusions.

Has anyone set up a defense fund for the officer yet?
This kind of IGNORANT comparison to life and death situations is why we have a rash of dead police now. Because morons like you and your supporters think a fraction of a fraction of a percent of crimes committed by cops is proof of a wide spread problem and you support criminals.

"...a rash of dead police.."? They have the guns, the authority and the automatic cred. What a drama queen.
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

And if that is not enough, the officer (David Kattner) that is going to be charged with rape, I assume, was already HEAVILY under investigation in 2007, and yet, retained his job:

How a Rookie Exposed a Ring Inside DPD - D Magazine

Lopez’s first training phase was with Senior Corporal David Kattner, badge No. 5885. The two got along well, working the overnight first watch out of Central Division, which covers almost 14 square miles of urban area downtown, Uptown, and in East Dallas. Kattner, a husky guy in his late 30s, had a wry sense of humor, a sharp mind, and he wasn’t afraid to mix it up on the streets. He expected Lopez to do half the work from day one and treated her like a full partner instead of an apprentice. She took copious notes on everything he taught her. He was the first experienced officer with whom she’d spent any time. So as far as she knew, what he did was the Way It Was Done.

It was not unusual for the pair to get calls from male officers needing assistance in searching a female suspect. They sometimes took three or four calls a night to assist three of Kattner’s buddies—Stecker, Nelson, and Senior Corporal Al Schoelen, badge No. 4142. The three were “old heads,” or veterans. Nelson was an intense former military man with a mean streak and experience in interrogations. Stecker, on the other hand, laughed easily and seemed grounded. Schoelen was mercurial and spoke with a nasally voice. Schoelen almost always rode alone.

Schoelen, Stecker, Nelson, and Kattner often dealt with people whom Lopez came to know as the usual suspects—mostly street people, prostitutes, and hustlers. The old heads knew them on a first-name basis. One night early in Lopez’s training phase, in a parking lot at a 7-Eleven on Fitzhugh Avenue, Nelson put a prostitute in the back of his patrol car. Lopez sat in front. As Kattner stood inside the store sipping his Monster energy drink, Nelson proceeded with what he called “64 questions.” It was really a series of insults to demoralize the woman.

“Give me the four reasons why you hate to f--- *******.” “Give me the four reasons you hate to f--- spics.” “What are the three things you like to do every day?” And so on.

After releasing the woman, Nelson told Lopez, “They know the routine. They do what we tell them. You break them down like that, and they’ll do anything you want. They’ll come when you snap your fingers.”...

...Today, Lopez thinks she has it figured out. That night at Herrera’s, without even meaning to, she’d snitched on Kattner for using the AIS to write illegal tickets and pad his activity reports. In hindsight, if she’d realized what was going on, she admits she would have simply kept her mouth shut. Maybe that wouldn’t have been fair to the street people Kattner was writing tickets for, but cops don’t snitch on other cops.

Lopez thinks that after that dinner, Burch took the information to Branton—not because he was a snitch himself, but because he was following the rules. Branton, who is good friends with Kattner, and another sergeant who watches out for the old heads, Sergeant Walter Clifton, badge No. 4016, decided Lopez had to be run out. And so they did it. Nice and neat. They even tried to goad her into signing a resignation with the promise that nothing negative would be reflected on her Texas peace officer’s license. But dismissed during probation? Even if she wanted to apply for a job in another city’s police department, no one would hire her.

That’s what Lopez believes. If it were just her word, it wouldn’t amount to much. After all, she is a disgruntled former employee, and her official dismissal indicates she couldn’t hack it. Kattner, Stecker, Schoelen, Nelson, Branton, Rodriguez, and Clifton would all probably say the same thing, if they hadn’t refused to talk to D Magazine for this story.

But it’s not just Lopez’s word. There are records, lots of them. Arrest and citation records show a pattern of activity consistent with Lopez’s allegations. And other cops have come forward to talk about the Central Division cabal of old heads, their phony ticket scheme, abuse of suspects, falsification of evidence, and misuse of federal resources to make bogus arrests.

Sounds like he was arrested. To those of us on the right, we understand what that means. To the left, apparently it means time to cry for mommy some more.
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

Guno, have you ever heard the phrase. Better to remain silent and let people think you're stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? Every time you post you remind people how stupid you are son.

No political position supports police officers, or anyone else for that matter, who rapes women. Son, this has NOTHING to do with LEOs who defend themselves. NOTHING, Not one damn thing.

Second point you buffoon, this man has been arrested, PROVING that there is no blue line which keeps cops from being arrested no matter what.

Third point, there are over 1M LEOs in this country. Let me ask you something. Do you believe that < 200,000 of them are criminals? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

And just think. In YOUR perfect world, these are the only people who would have guns.....
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

And just think. In YOUR perfect world, these are the only people who would have guns.....

Good point. Here's another.

The liberal policy of lowering standards everywhere we look is what has led us here.

Obviously this guy wouldn't have made it in any MP unit I commanded, but I'll go further and state that neither would D Wilson. Back then at least the MP units had standards that both these guys would have failed. Used to be civilian police did as well.

Now it's mean to have high standards.

These dumb liberals need to learn GIGO garbage in, garbage out.
How do we know he didn't fear for his life? What kind of women were these? Let's investigate they're background and release every bit of incriminating information about them to the media before we jump to any conclusions.

Has anyone set up a defense fund for the officer yet?
This kind of IGNORANT comparison to life and death situations is why we have a rash of dead police now. Because morons like you and your supporters think a fraction of a fraction of a percent of crimes committed by cops is proof of a wide spread problem and you support criminals.
No, we support police being held accountable for their actions. For the most part, police aren't accountable to the public. Their conduct is overseen internally. Few cops are ever charged for anything. Bad actions are swept under the rug unless they are so egregious that they have to go to a grand jury. Prosecutors don't want to bring up cops because they have to work with them and it could also effect prior cases involving the officer. It's a very cozy and corrupt system.
Let's see the rightwing outcry on this, or not. Why do the police attract these kind of people to their ranks

"Dallas police have arrested one of their own–a veteran officer who preyed on female victims and forced them to perform sex acts."

"According to the affidavit, the officer, while in uniform and in his official vehicle, apparently forced his unnamed victim to perform sex acts while his hand remained resting on his gun. Whether a show of force or a sexual issue with this alleged rapist, it was non-consensual and the woman felt threatened."

Addicting Info 8211 Dallas Officer Threatens Woman With Fake Warrants Then Rapes Her With His Hand On His Gun

And just think. In YOUR perfect world, these are the only people who would have guns.....
What good would guns do? You shoot a cop, you're a cop killer. You wouldn't even make it to trial. If you do, you think your side of the story would be believed? Cops get the benefit of the doubt every time.

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