Damn, annother black teen !

I know why it's relevant. And I know why the old fucker killed that kid. The kid was suspcious to the old fucker because the kid was one of those black people. They're just suspicious in general, you know what I mean. So when the old dude's guns went missing he probably wasn't surprised, considering that he had to live next to those black people. (probably not the terminology he would use)

And he'd just had enough of it, enough of their bullshit. So in his screwed up old racist mind he was totally justified in shooting that kid. That 13-year-old boy. Because that's how those old racist fucks think.

Ask me how I know how racists think. It's because I'm white and I've been around them and heard them talk.

Yeah, I understand how this is relevant, because it's the same kind of attitudes that justified Zimmerman killing Martin...in the minds of some.

Do you think white people should be rounded up and put into camps, since they are dangerous and just shoot black kids for no reason?
And when he is found guilty of murder, will anyone riot? Probably not.

There will be no need for anyone to d anything about him being arrested. The cops did the right thing.

There is ZERO defense for this guy. Zero, none.

I kind of wish someone would come in here and try but even the righty's in here cant justify this shoot.

Can they?

why would 'whitey' oh wait sorry 'righty' want to? :rolleyes:

Oh wait right, all whiteys, oops I mean 'rightys' are racist bastards......got it...
If the facts and evidence are as the story indicates, he should, at the very least, go to prison for the rest of his years.

Here's a link to the story I chose to read:

Video shows Spooner shooting Darius Simmons - TODAY'S TMJ4

Nothing personal, Zona, but if I've learned one thing around here it's that you can always find a story that favors your POV. I don't mean you specifically, I mean anyone...

Holy crap. They have HIS video of him shooting that kid. I mean damn. The defense is, he didnt mean to kill him? He shot him point blank in his chest and he didnt mean to kill him?

Now on to your statement about a story that favors my POV? What POV? I posted a story about a guy who shot and killed a child. A 13 year old for nothing. Nothing.

I have never actually seen video footage of a guy who absolutely murdered a child. Damn. Oh and thanks for posting that link. I didnt know they had this footage.
Trials are a joke. Didn't we just learn that ?

Why are trials a joke? The Zimmerman trial was no joke. The jury came back with the correct verdict. The system worked as it should. The only joke in the Zimmerman trial is the simple fact that the case should never have gone to trial in the first place as the prosecution had no evidence to secure a conviction, and on top of that, they hid evidence from the defense. The prosecuting attorney, Angela Corey, should be disbarred and sent to prison. This was a malicious prosecution, and everyone with half a brain knows it.

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