Damn, annother black teen !

And when he is found guilty of murder, will anyone riot? Probably not.

There will be no need for anyone to d anything about him being arrested. The cops did the right thing.

There is ZERO defense for this guy. Zero, none.

I kind of wish someone would come in here and try but even the righty's in here cant justify this shoot.

Can they?

Hey stupid...This is so much not comparable to the Zimmerman case it's laughable..
A bitter old rotten son of a bitch murdered a KID....
What the fuck is wrong with you!!
This tk person calls this story a troll story. It is simply a story of an adult white male shooting an unarmed black kid. Dammit he was only 13.

It's not the News Event that is trolling, Zona. The trolling is your slant on the event. The man needs to be arrested, charged, Tried, and Convicted. It's called Due Process. Why are you politicizing this? Why is it that you expect people other than yourself, to not be fair minded?

I am not putting a slant on this at all. Its kind of cut and dry but I thought other things were cut and dry as well. The is no slant In my story.

It's too late for you to back out now. Everyone is on to your game.
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truthfully.....i don't think TK feels much different then i do about what should happen,zona

you present this case in comparison to the zimmerman case....and it is not.
This tk person calls this story a troll story. It is simply a story of an adult white male shooting an unarmed black kid. Dammit he was only 13.

It's not the News Event that is trolling, Zona. The trolling is your slant on the event. The man needs to be arrested, charged, Tried, and Convicted. It's called Due Process. Why are you politicizing this? Why is it that you expect people other than yourself, to not be fair minded?

His OPINION, what you call "slant," is trolling?

He expects people to not be fair minded because he sees them act that way all the time on this forum.

I really take exception to other posters being accused of trolling when they are clearly not trolling.
And when he is found guilty of murder, will anyone riot? Probably not.

There will be no need for anyone to d anything about him being arrested. The cops did the right thing.

There is ZERO defense for this guy. Zero, none.

I kind of wish someone would come in here and try but even the righty's in here cant justify this shoot.

Can they?

Hey stupid...This is so much not comparable to the Zimmerman case it's laughable..
A bitter old rotten son of a bitch murdered a KID....
What the fuck is wrong with you!!
Why did your mind go to zimmerman?
It's not the News Event that is trolling, Zona. The trolling is your slant on the event. The man needs to be arrested, charged, Tried, and Convicted. It's called Due Process. Why are you politicizing this? Why is it that you expect people other than yourself, to not be fair minded?

I am not putting a slant on this at all. Its kind of cut and dry but I thought other things were cut and dry as well. The is no slant In my story.

It's too late for you to back out now. Everyone is on to your game.
What's your thoughts on THIS shooter?
There will be no need for anyone to d anything about him being arrested. The cops did the right thing.

There is ZERO defense for this guy. Zero, none.

I kind of wish someone would come in here and try but even the righty's in here cant justify this shoot.

Can they?

Hey stupid...This is so much not comparable to the Zimmerman case it's laughable..
A bitter old rotten son of a bitch murdered a KID....
What the fuck is wrong with you!!
Why did your mind go to zimmerman?
That's easy. Given the recent events and accusations of those of you on the politcal left that Zimmerman singled out Martin based solely on racial identification, the logical conclusion is you decided to roll out this story and you entitled it "another black teen"..
Come one dude..Who the fuck do you think you are trying to kid here.
Damn, annother black teen !

Only a racist calls for damming another black teen!

The ignorant racist can't spell either.

Huh? What word did he misspell? "Annother" is a typo, not a misspelling. So what did he misspell? I see what YOU misspelled.

Talk about making a fool of yourself. :razz:

Here is the funny part. He said I 'damming' a person. How is that possible anyway. :)
You mean that no one would defend him?

Though it's not entirely true. I did say he could be not guilty by reason of insanity.

Why? Because he shot an unarmed kid? Perhaps he felt his property was being threatened? Not really sure where your going with that.

Merely that we don't have enough information to make a determination of whether there is a defense or not. Sure as heck doesn't look good for him though. Definitely wasnt self defense. Why is this relevant? no one has a clue but you.

I know why it's relevant. And I know why the old fucker killed that kid. The kid was suspcious to the old fucker because the kid was one of those black people. They're just suspicious in general, you know what I mean. So when the old dude's guns went missing he probably wasn't surprised, considering that he had to live next to those black people. (probably not the terminology he would use)

And he'd just had enough of it, enough of their bullshit. So in his screwed up old racist mind he was totally justified in shooting that kid. That 13-year-old boy. Because that's how those old racist fucks think.

Ask me how I know how racists think. It's because I'm white and I've been around them and heard them talk.

Yeah, I understand how this is relevant, because it's the same kind of attitudes that justified Zimmerman killing Martin...in the minds of some.
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Merely that we don't have enough information to make a determination of whether there is a defense or not. Sure as heck doesn't look good for him though. Definitely wasnt self defense. Why is this relevant? no one has a clue but you.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were diminished capacity. This simply isn't something a sane person does.

There are alot of people who aren't crazy but just plane evil.
This tk person calls this story a troll story. It is simply a story of an adult white male shooting an unarmed black kid. Dammit he was only 13.

It's not the News Event that is trolling, Zona. The trolling is your slant on the event. The man needs to be arrested, charged, Tried, and Convicted. It's called Due Process. Why are you politicizing this? Why is it that you expect people other than yourself, to not be fair minded?

His OPINION, what you call "slant," is trolling?

He expects people to not be fair minded because he sees them act that way all the time on this forum.

I really take exception to other posters being accused of trolling when they are clearly not trolling.

Please. Countless people act fair minded all the time.

He doesn't though. And he projects his own viewpoint onto others.
There will be no need for anyone to d anything about him being arrested. The cops did the right thing.

There is ZERO defense for this guy. Zero, none.

I kind of wish someone would come in here and try but even the righty's in here cant justify this shoot.

Can they?

Hey stupid...This is so much not comparable to the Zimmerman case it's laughable..
A bitter old rotten son of a bitch murdered a KID....
What the fuck is wrong with you!!
Why did your mind go to zimmerman?

Because you connected them in the freaking title of the thread when you say "Another black teen"

This is precisely why people are saying you are trolling.
Hey stupid...This is so much not comparable to the Zimmerman case it's laughable..
A bitter old rotten son of a bitch murdered a KID....
What the fuck is wrong with you!!
Why did your mind go to zimmerman?
That's easy. Given the recent events and accusations of those of you on the politcal left that Zimmerman singled out Martin based solely on racial identification, the logical conclusion is you decided to roll out this story and you entitled it "another black teen"..
Come one dude..Who the fuck do you think you are trying to kid here.

Apparently, he doesn't realize that we are smarter than he is.
This tk person calls this story a troll story. It is simply a story of an adult white male shooting an unarmed black kid. Dammit he was only 13.

It's not the News Event that is trolling, Zona. The trolling is your slant on the event. The man needs to be arrested, charged, Tried, and Convicted. It's called Due Process. Why are you politicizing this? Why is it that you expect people other than yourself, to not be fair minded?

His OPINION, what you call "slant," is trolling?

He expects people to not be fair minded because he sees them act that way all the time on this forum.

I really take exception to other posters being accused of trolling when they are clearly not trolling.

But again, that is just your opinion. Zona is routinely excoriated for his provocative and trollish posts. He makes no effort to debate anybody and hopes people will fall for his crap. His posts are overly suggestive, and are more of a parody than an actual opinion.
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