Darrell Issa(R) "cuts 'n runs"

Name some Democratic investigations

Watergate, Iran Contra.

Watergate and Iran Contra were far from witch hunts.

I suppose they were a Democrat Congress doing their oversight duty as prescribed by law and the Republicans doing their duty is considered a witch hunt. Only to a partisan hack.

Republicans insisted on a long list of separate investigations on Benghazi when each and every previous investigation said the same thing. There were mistakes made, but no sign of intentional wrong doing or cover up. Kinda like beating a dead horse. Would you care to list all the separate investigations involved in the Plame case? Was the Plame investigation stretched out over more than two years?

Four Americans were killed including a US Ambassador, a US Consulate destroyed and the one person who was responsible said "at this point it really doesn't matter." Now she is running for President.
Why is it, to make your "point" you have to leave the rest of what Clinton said out?
Watergate, Iran Contra.

Watergate and Iran Contra were far from witch hunts.

I suppose they were a Democrat Congress doing their oversight duty as prescribed by law and the Republicans doing their duty is considered a witch hunt. Only to a partisan hack.

Republicans insisted on a long list of separate investigations on Benghazi when each and every previous investigation said the same thing. There were mistakes made, but no sign of intentional wrong doing or cover up. Kinda like beating a dead horse. Would you care to list all the separate investigations involved in the Plame case? Was the Plame investigation stretched out over more than two years?

Four Americans were killed including a US Ambassador, a US Consulate destroyed and the one person who was responsible said "at this point it really doesn't matter." Now she is running for President.
Why is it, to make your "point" you have to leave the rest of what Clinton said out?

Because "at this point it really doesn't matter."
Name some Democratic investigations

Watergate, Iran Contra.

Watergate and Iran Contra were far from witch hunts.

I suppose they were a Democrat Congress doing their oversight duty as prescribed by law and the Republicans doing their duty is considered a witch hunt. Only to a partisan hack.

Republicans insisted on a long list of separate investigations on Benghazi when each and every previous investigation said the same thing. There were mistakes made, but no sign of intentional wrong doing or cover up. Kinda like beating a dead horse. Would you care to list all the separate investigations involved in the Plame case? Was the Plame investigation stretched out over more than two years?

Four Americans were killed including a US Ambassador, a US Consulate destroyed and the one person who was responsible said "at this point it really doesn't matter." Now she is running for President.

How many repub led investigations found that while there were some mistakes, there was no wrongdoing or cover up? That would be ALL of them.
I don't recall the Dems having multiple two year investigations. The Dems had a few, ie; WMD's and unauthorized wiretapping, but they didn't go on and on and on. Once a conclusive end is reached, there is no sense on continuing wasting taxpayer money just so a party can continue it's political posturing.
Republicans are supposed to be about saving taxpayer money, not wasting taxpayer money.
Yeah, "witch hunts are part of political life" and both parties do it, two wrongs don't make it right. In my mind, the GOP takes it to the extreme.
I have a Republican representing my district, he's a moderate. He told me that he thinks witch hunts are bad politics and bad for the country. In his own words, "what does these (witch hunts) tell the constituents"? He also said all this bad blood further divides this country. At least he has his feet on the ground and why every time the far right runs someone against him in the primaries, he kicks their ass.

The only reason you don't hear about the dems doing endless investigations is the media is OK with them doing it, only republican investigations are "witch hunts"
Name some Democratic investigations

Watergate, Iran Contra.

Watergate and Iran Contra were far from witch hunts.
As long as the witches define "witch hunt", they cannot be accused of hunting witches.

Firebug did what he was told. Distract their voters w/ side issues while Repubs sell-out the country, piecemeal to the well-connected/rich. :thup:consequently selling the middle-class down the river.

I see a lot of "food bins" in our future if Repubs get their way.
Well, this thread sure died when some folks were asked to back themselves up with actual events using actual facts.
But have no fear, they'll still claim the the Dems are bad as the GOP when it comes to witch hunts and wasting tax payer money, just for the purpose of political posturing.
This certainly demonstrates that some people just don't know their history or willingly forget history.

Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.
he should, at the bare minimum, issue a public apology for spending how much in Repub taxpayer $$$ for his fruitless fishing expeditions on gov't time? $30 MILLION?
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

What say you?

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
After moving on from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) will be the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on the Internet, Courts and Intellectual Property when Congress returns next year.

How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
Just so long as there's someone else to blame. It takes the heat off of owning mistakes.
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

What say you?

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
After moving on from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) will be the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on the Internet, Courts and Intellectual Property when Congress returns next year.

How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
Just so long as there's someone else to blame. It takes the heat off of owning mistakes.

Well that was a content free response.
Well, this thread sure died when some folks were asked to back themselves up with actual events using actual facts.
But have no fear, they'll still claim the the Dems are bad as the GOP when it comes to witch hunts and wasting tax payer money, just for the purpose of political posturing.
This certainly demonstrates that some people just don't know their history or willingly forget history.

Valerie. Plame.

And there were multiple Congressional hearings that lasted two years? No.
First the CIA requested the Justice Department to launch an investigation. This lead to a trial which led Libby's conviction of lying to the Grand Jury.
Following that, there was a congressional investigation that lasted a couple of months, not a couple of years.

And for all that you got one lying conviction. Forgetting all those hopes of "Fitzmas" from Daily Kos over the special prosecutors investigations? And those used paid federal employees as well.
all the RW Goobers are standing on the corner waiting for the last float in the parade to come by and the parade has been over for days.
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

What say you?

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
After moving on from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) will be the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on the Internet, Courts and Intellectual Property when Congress returns next year.

How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

What say you?

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
After moving on from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) will be the chairman of the Judiciary subcommittee on the Internet, Courts and Intellectual Property when Congress returns next year.

How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Seems you are quite forgetful because that was investigated and reported.
Nice try!

I have no problem with legit investigations, but witch hunts are a waste of tax payer dollars and are nothing but political gamesmanship. We have many problems in the US, I want these elected officials to do what they were elected to do, their fucking job!
Back in January through April 2014, nine military upper echelon who were all directly involved with Libya and thus Benghazi testified before The House Armed Services Committee. Did that stop Issa and others from making remarks and political ads that had been clearly debunked? Nope. They just couldn't stop playing politics and knowing lied to the public. Once the end is the end, why does investigations continue?
I'm not going to attack some of the investigations (IRS). Others are pure partisan political games and these clowns don't care that it's a waste of taxpayer money.

Witch hunts are a part of political life, the only time some people seem to have a problem is when republicans do it.

I personally love congressional witch hunts. If the congresscritters focus on that crap, they can't focus on asinine legislation.

I don't recall the Dems having multiple two year investigations. The Dems had a few, ie; WMD's and unauthorized wiretapping, but they didn't go on and on and on. Once a conclusive end is reached, there is no sense on continuing wasting taxpayer money just so a party can continue it's political posturing.
Republicans are supposed to be about saving taxpayer money, not wasting taxpayer money.
Yeah, "witch hunts are part of political life" and both parties do it, two wrongs don't make it right. In my mind, the GOP takes it to the extreme.
I have a Republican representing my district, he's a moderate. He told me that he thinks witch hunts are bad politics and bad for the country. In his own words, "what does these (witch hunts) tell the constituents"? He also said all this bad blood further divides this country. At least he has his feet on the ground and why every time the far right runs someone against him in the primaries, he kicks their ass.

The only reason you don't hear about the dems doing endless investigations is the media is OK with them doing it, only republican investigations are "witch hunts"

I can't think of any democratic run witch hunts, but I guess it could be because the media just didn't report them. Why don't you remind me of a few. The claim that democrats are just as bad at running witch hunts should be easily proven if it is in fact true.

Are we forgetting about the whole Valarie Plame thing?
He should at least OFFER to offset the MILLIONS in TAXPAYER $$$ on dead end witchhunts by cutting Repub expenditures elsewhere.

What say you?

Issa takes top spot on Internet panel TheHill
How many "slam dunks" did his committtee rack up? Last time I checked it was....

Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!
Of course your investigations when you have the house are NEVER witch-hunts.....

Fuck off you hypocrite scum.
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!

So the majority of journalists are registered republicans?
A ringing endorsement of witchhunts?

No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!

So the majority of journalists are registered republicans?
Who cares what the 'vast majority of journalists' are? Do you eschew your responsibility as a voter to that mean old media boogeyman? Can that boogey man be blamed? Or is that media boogeyman just the most convenient scapegoat available? Fear driven politics desperately needs a scapegoat.
No, just that both sides do it, and honestly when they are wasting time, the congresscritters can't mess things up even worse than they already are.

The difference boils down to the fact that dems can rely on the media to give them free witch hunts.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!

So the majority of journalists are registered republicans?
Who cares what the 'vast majority of journalists' are? Do you eschew your responsibility as a voter to that mean old media boogeyman? Can that boogey man be blamed? Or is that media boogeyman just the most convenient scapegoat available? Fear driven politics desperately needs a scapegoat.

So you can say, as a matter of fact, the media does not have a pro-Obama/Democrat bias?
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!

So the majority of journalists are registered republicans?
Who cares what the 'vast majority of journalists' are? Do you eschew your responsibility as a voter to that mean old media boogeyman? Can that boogey man be blamed? Or is that media boogeyman just the most convenient scapegoat available? Fear driven politics desperately needs a scapegoat.

So you can say, as a matter of fact, the media does not have a pro-Obama/Democrat bias?

Just to be clear on this, please define exactly what you call the media. Is it every website and cable tv channel as well as networks, or just the major players? Define your terms.
I don't know about you, but I don't vote for congressmen to further divide our nation by partisan bickering. I vote for congressmen to maturely legislate. But I see you have the media to scapegoat. And that ignores the petulance of partisan congressmen so long as you don't care about the nation too much.

The media did it to themselves when they removed themselves from their job of critically overseeing government actions. We all know the majority of journalists are Obama-bots.
Keep that media boogeyman handy! Lord knows partisans hate to admit their own mistakes. Blaming the media takes pressure off the intellectual process.

The Media: Food for Lazy Minds!

So the majority of journalists are registered republicans?
Who cares what the 'vast majority of journalists' are? Do you eschew your responsibility as a voter to that mean old media boogeyman? Can that boogey man be blamed? Or is that media boogeyman just the most convenient scapegoat available? Fear driven politics desperately needs a scapegoat.

So you can say, as a matter of fact, the media does not have a pro-Obama/Democrat bias?
Rise above it! Using the media as a reason everything went so wrong for you guarantees that things will continue to go wrong! It's your responsibility to vet candidates to your own standards. Looking for a boogeyman is the province of small, mistake laden minds.

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