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David Hogg is Too Busy Saving The World to go to College

Educated people are elitist
If they were actually "educated", they would know that being elitist is appalling. The truth is, ignorant people desperately trying to pass themselves off as intelligent (but feeling inadequate) are elitist. Which perfectly describes Camera Hogg. Which also explains why he can't get into college.
Going on three weeks
Three whole weeks? Jessica McClure got more than that for falling in a well as a baby. :lmao:

By the way - the kid is completely GONE now. Gone. Not a single mention of his name on tv or in the media. A couple of more months and people will literally have to Google "Parkland Students" because they won't be able to remember his name when discussing the shooting.
David Hogg wins again. Laura Ingram takes a “vacation”

Fox Host Laura Ingraham to take 'Easter break' from show amid ad boycott
Just as President Trump promised - we are experiencing so much winning we don't even know what to do. Camera Hogg just made Laura Ingraham bigger than ever. Higher ratings and thus, sponsors rushing back with their tail between their legs.

Here’s what happened to Ingraham’s ratings in first week back. It’s forcing advertisers to return.
David Hogg wins again. Laura Ingram takes a “vacation”

Fox Host Laura Ingraham to take 'Easter break' from show amid ad boycott
Just as President Trump promised - we are experiencing so much winning we don't even know what to do. Camera Hogg just made Laura Ingraham bigger than ever. Higher ratings and thus, sponsors rushing back with their tail between their legs.

Here’s what happened to Ingraham’s ratings in first week back. It’s forcing advertisers to return.

It's always amusing when leftists don't realize that their outraged, panties-in-a-ruffle boycotts to try to harm their enemies actually result in giving them a bigger spot in the public eye and more popularity. What's the old show business saying? There's no such thing as bad publicity.
Yes there’s nothing special about these kids............. Maybe you are forgetting something. Because of people like you...... You are creating a hero and making them VERY specials.

Actually I am VERY PROUD of these kids.

Why? What are they doing that isn't common to teenagers, aka shooting their mouths off and being arrogant? The difference isn't the kids, it's the fact that the media is fawning over them, where they generally ignore adolescents, same as most people do.

Tell me, are you also "proud of" Kyle Kashuv?

Maybe you ignored the marches all over US and shown all over the world. These kids made history.

I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

What they did is part of history, but that's not quite the same thing as "history-making". Again, they've broken no new ground whatsoever, nor have they done anything particularly unique and unusual. I recognize your desire to idealize and idolize these kids - perhaps to compensate for regrets about your own unrealized adolescent dreams, who knows? - but it doesn't change the fact that they haven't done anything really meaningful and substantial. This is actually par for the course for the vast majority of such upheavals, and ultimately probably a good thing, since all too many of the ones that HAVE produced something substantial have done so in ghastly ways (again, I direct your attention to the French Revolution).

Furthermore, on the subject of "adults were not able to do anything" and "I didn't see", you should really investigate the difference between "What I heard about from the media" and "what has actually happened". The fact is that numerous changes have happened, back and forth, on the subject of gun ownership and gun violence over all the years since the US Constitution was ratified, and every single one of those changes, good and bad, was implemented by adults, not children. The statement "nothing has been done about guns" is either a misstatement based on ignorance of history and the laws, or an outright lie based on a REAL meaning of "my personal preferences have not been implemented".

If what you want is a fairytale land where guns were never invented and don't exist, or the next best thing (in your eyes) of a complete ban on any projectile tool which scares you, then you're correct that that hasn't happened, nor is it ever going to, nor do you have a right to expect and demand it. It may surprise you to realize that YOU are not the only person who lives in this nation, or who has a right to have their wishes and goals considered in public policy. It is also entirely possible that other views besides yours may have valid points to make (I know, what a shock). And amazingly enough, it is not only possible, but likely, that other people can care just as much about loss of life as you do and still disagree with you on how to prevent it.

Finally, on your remark about "These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not." Will they, now? How are they going to manage that, precisely, given that none of them can even legally vote at the moment, much less run for public office? You WERE aware that that is how public policy is changed in this country, by votes at the ballot box and in legislatures?

I would also like to point out, in conclusion, that your implied threat of "whether you like it or not" sounds remarkably like fascism and the complete antithesis of America, where the whims of a few are imposed on the majority without their consent and by force. Is that REALLY what you want to advocate and express enthusiastic admiration for?

I understand truth hurts. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. These kids will do it for you. Lots of them will be 18 in the very near future so don’t worry about the votes. They will get there.
Politicians better adopt or they become instinct. That I can guarantee you.

Look at the movements the crowds all over the country with no violence. I am very impressed.
Last edited:
Yes there’s nothing special about these kids............. Maybe you are forgetting something. Because of people like you...... You are creating a hero and making them VERY specials.

Actually I am VERY PROUD of these kids.
People like me?

And just who are people like me?

People who refuse to give up their rights because some wack job shot up a school?

FYI I have nothing to do with this punk or any other teenager nor do I want to.
maybe you need a 17 year old to tell you how to live I sure as hell don't

Actually the motto was ENOUGH IS ENOUGH of the killings. Something need to be done. If the adults can’t do it......... These generations will do it for you.

I notice, by the way, that you still haven't answered my question about whether or not you are equally "proud" of Kyle Kashuv for doing the same things you're so impressed with in David Hogg. You were too busy trying to spew out your other talking points.

What is wrong with Kashuv that you didn’t like?

Kyle Kashuv Can Sue Kurt Eichenwald For Defamation | Law News

You misunderstand (not really a surprise). I like Mr. Kashuv quite a bit. My question is, while you're effusing over Mr. Hogg, are you giving the same enthusiastic and vocal admiration to Mr. Kashuv for the same thing?

No I did not misunderstood you. I just want to hear what are you trying to mold.
My answer is YES.
Why? What are they doing that isn't common to teenagers, aka shooting their mouths off and being arrogant? The difference isn't the kids, it's the fact that the media is fawning over them, where they generally ignore adolescents, same as most people do.

Tell me, are you also "proud of" Kyle Kashuv?

Maybe you ignored the marches all over US and shown all over the world. These kids made history.

I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

Funny how there hasn't been a peep since the big march

These kids will be about as effective as all those occupy wall street idiots

For the same reason. Eventually, the grown-ups get annoyed with having traffic disrupted, and shoo the rabble back to their mommies' houses.

Actually if you look at the crowds there are lots of adults and have not heard any single complaints but adoring and admiring these kids. Because people are so sick with these KILLINGS. Something has to be done. These kids and the movement will do it for you.
Why? What are they doing that isn't common to teenagers, aka shooting their mouths off and being arrogant? The difference isn't the kids, it's the fact that the media is fawning over them, where they generally ignore adolescents, same as most people do.

Tell me, are you also "proud of" Kyle Kashuv?

Maybe you ignored the marches all over US and shown all over the world. These kids made history.

I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

What they did is part of history, but that's not quite the same thing as "history-making". Again, they've broken no new ground whatsoever, nor have they done anything particularly unique and unusual. I recognize your desire to idealize and idolize these kids - perhaps to compensate for regrets about your own unrealized adolescent dreams, who knows? - but it doesn't change the fact that they haven't done anything really meaningful and substantial. This is actually par for the course for the vast majority of such upheavals, and ultimately probably a good thing, since all too many of the ones that HAVE produced something substantial have done so in ghastly ways (again, I direct your attention to the French Revolution).

Furthermore, on the subject of "adults were not able to do anything" and "I didn't see", you should really investigate the difference between "What I heard about from the media" and "what has actually happened". The fact is that numerous changes have happened, back and forth, on the subject of gun ownership and gun violence over all the years since the US Constitution was ratified, and every single one of those changes, good and bad, was implemented by adults, not children. The statement "nothing has been done about guns" is either a misstatement based on ignorance of history and the laws, or an outright lie based on a REAL meaning of "my personal preferences have not been implemented".

If what you want is a fairytale land where guns were never invented and don't exist, or the next best thing (in your eyes) of a complete ban on any projectile tool which scares you, then you're correct that that hasn't happened, nor is it ever going to, nor do you have a right to expect and demand it. It may surprise you to realize that YOU are not the only person who lives in this nation, or who has a right to have their wishes and goals considered in public policy. It is also entirely possible that other views besides yours may have valid points to make (I know, what a shock). And amazingly enough, it is not only possible, but likely, that other people can care just as much about loss of life as you do and still disagree with you on how to prevent it.

Finally, on your remark about "These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not." Will they, now? How are they going to manage that, precisely, given that none of them can even legally vote at the moment, much less run for public office? You WERE aware that that is how public policy is changed in this country, by votes at the ballot box and in legislatures?

I would also like to point out, in conclusion, that your implied threat of "whether you like it or not" sounds remarkably like fascism and the complete antithesis of America, where the whims of a few are imposed on the majority without their consent and by force. Is that REALLY what you want to advocate and express enthusiastic admiration for?

I understand truth hurts. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. These kids will do it for you. Lots of them will be 18 in the very near future so don’t worry about the votes. They will get there.
Politicians better adopt or they become instinct. That I can guarantee you.

Look at the movements the crowds all over the country with no violence. I am very impressed.

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I assume "these kids" who are going to change everything are WhatsHisNose, ShavedHead, and wasn't there someone else? Can't remember.

Playtime's over, Chuckles. The flashes in the pan have flashed and faded, and you're going to have to go back to struggling to speak for yourself.

As for politicians, were you insisting that they adopt puppies, or actual human children, and exactly what does that have to do with the discussion about guns?

You should be impressed. If the protests were of conservatives, peacefulness would be so expected that it wouldn't need comment, but it's practically a miracle when leftists can get together without acting like rabid dogs.
Maybe you ignored the marches all over US and shown all over the world. These kids made history.

I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

Funny how there hasn't been a peep since the big march

These kids will be about as effective as all those occupy wall street idiots

For the same reason. Eventually, the grown-ups get annoyed with having traffic disrupted, and shoo the rabble back to their mommies' houses.

Actually if you look at the crowds there are lots of adults and have not heard any single complaints but adoring and admiring these kids. Because people are so sick with these KILLINGS. Something has to be done. These kids and the movement will do it for you.

So much for your Victim of the Month Club. The fifteen minutes of fame are over, and they have wrought nothing, as expected.

Perhaps now you Einsteins can settle down, stop looking for someone or something to worship, and conduct a rational conversation about REAL causes and REAL solutions.

But I won't hold my breath.
Maybe you ignored the marches all over US and shown all over the world. These kids made history.

I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

What they did is part of history, but that's not quite the same thing as "history-making". Again, they've broken no new ground whatsoever, nor have they done anything particularly unique and unusual. I recognize your desire to idealize and idolize these kids - perhaps to compensate for regrets about your own unrealized adolescent dreams, who knows? - but it doesn't change the fact that they haven't done anything really meaningful and substantial. This is actually par for the course for the vast majority of such upheavals, and ultimately probably a good thing, since all too many of the ones that HAVE produced something substantial have done so in ghastly ways (again, I direct your attention to the French Revolution).

Furthermore, on the subject of "adults were not able to do anything" and "I didn't see", you should really investigate the difference between "What I heard about from the media" and "what has actually happened". The fact is that numerous changes have happened, back and forth, on the subject of gun ownership and gun violence over all the years since the US Constitution was ratified, and every single one of those changes, good and bad, was implemented by adults, not children. The statement "nothing has been done about guns" is either a misstatement based on ignorance of history and the laws, or an outright lie based on a REAL meaning of "my personal preferences have not been implemented".

If what you want is a fairytale land where guns were never invented and don't exist, or the next best thing (in your eyes) of a complete ban on any projectile tool which scares you, then you're correct that that hasn't happened, nor is it ever going to, nor do you have a right to expect and demand it. It may surprise you to realize that YOU are not the only person who lives in this nation, or who has a right to have their wishes and goals considered in public policy. It is also entirely possible that other views besides yours may have valid points to make (I know, what a shock). And amazingly enough, it is not only possible, but likely, that other people can care just as much about loss of life as you do and still disagree with you on how to prevent it.

Finally, on your remark about "These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not." Will they, now? How are they going to manage that, precisely, given that none of them can even legally vote at the moment, much less run for public office? You WERE aware that that is how public policy is changed in this country, by votes at the ballot box and in legislatures?

I would also like to point out, in conclusion, that your implied threat of "whether you like it or not" sounds remarkably like fascism and the complete antithesis of America, where the whims of a few are imposed on the majority without their consent and by force. Is that REALLY what you want to advocate and express enthusiastic admiration for?

I understand truth hurts. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. These kids will do it for you. Lots of them will be 18 in the very near future so don’t worry about the votes. They will get there.
Politicians better adopt or they become instinct. That I can guarantee you.

Look at the movements the crowds all over the country with no violence. I am very impressed.

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I assume "these kids" who are going to change everything are WhatsHisNose, ShavedHead, and wasn't there someone else? Can't remember.

Playtime's over, Chuckles. The flashes in the pan have flashed and faded, and you're going to have to go back to struggling to speak for yourself.

As for politicians, were you insisting that they adopt puppies, or actual human children, and exactly what does that have to do with the discussion about guns?

You should be impressed. If the protests were of conservatives, peacefulness would be so expected that it wouldn't need comment, but it's practically a miracle when leftists can get together without acting like rabid dogs.

Don’t worry changes are coming. Just sit back and watch.
I didn't ignore them. I just dismissed any notion that they were "important" or "history-making". And I still do. There's no "history-making" to rioting in the streets. People have been doing that since forever. Sometimes it produces something useful - usually when it's being done in a peaceful and civil way by mature adults - and sometimes it just gives gormless rabble a chance to feel important. Occasionally, it results in bloodshed (see the French Revolution).

I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

What they did is part of history, but that's not quite the same thing as "history-making". Again, they've broken no new ground whatsoever, nor have they done anything particularly unique and unusual. I recognize your desire to idealize and idolize these kids - perhaps to compensate for regrets about your own unrealized adolescent dreams, who knows? - but it doesn't change the fact that they haven't done anything really meaningful and substantial. This is actually par for the course for the vast majority of such upheavals, and ultimately probably a good thing, since all too many of the ones that HAVE produced something substantial have done so in ghastly ways (again, I direct your attention to the French Revolution).

Furthermore, on the subject of "adults were not able to do anything" and "I didn't see", you should really investigate the difference between "What I heard about from the media" and "what has actually happened". The fact is that numerous changes have happened, back and forth, on the subject of gun ownership and gun violence over all the years since the US Constitution was ratified, and every single one of those changes, good and bad, was implemented by adults, not children. The statement "nothing has been done about guns" is either a misstatement based on ignorance of history and the laws, or an outright lie based on a REAL meaning of "my personal preferences have not been implemented".

If what you want is a fairytale land where guns were never invented and don't exist, or the next best thing (in your eyes) of a complete ban on any projectile tool which scares you, then you're correct that that hasn't happened, nor is it ever going to, nor do you have a right to expect and demand it. It may surprise you to realize that YOU are not the only person who lives in this nation, or who has a right to have their wishes and goals considered in public policy. It is also entirely possible that other views besides yours may have valid points to make (I know, what a shock). And amazingly enough, it is not only possible, but likely, that other people can care just as much about loss of life as you do and still disagree with you on how to prevent it.

Finally, on your remark about "These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not." Will they, now? How are they going to manage that, precisely, given that none of them can even legally vote at the moment, much less run for public office? You WERE aware that that is how public policy is changed in this country, by votes at the ballot box and in legislatures?

I would also like to point out, in conclusion, that your implied threat of "whether you like it or not" sounds remarkably like fascism and the complete antithesis of America, where the whims of a few are imposed on the majority without their consent and by force. Is that REALLY what you want to advocate and express enthusiastic admiration for?

I understand truth hurts. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. These kids will do it for you. Lots of them will be 18 in the very near future so don’t worry about the votes. They will get there.
Politicians better adopt or they become instinct. That I can guarantee you.

Look at the movements the crowds all over the country with no violence. I am very impressed.

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I assume "these kids" who are going to change everything are WhatsHisNose, ShavedHead, and wasn't there someone else? Can't remember.

Playtime's over, Chuckles. The flashes in the pan have flashed and faded, and you're going to have to go back to struggling to speak for yourself.

As for politicians, were you insisting that they adopt puppies, or actual human children, and exactly what does that have to do with the discussion about guns?

You should be impressed. If the protests were of conservatives, peacefulness would be so expected that it wouldn't need comment, but it's practically a miracle when leftists can get together without acting like rabid dogs.

Don’t worry changes are coming. Just sit back and watch.

Yeah, why don't you hold your breath waiting for me to "just sit and watch" while you destroy my country. Change always comes, because it's one of the few constants in the universe. But I will fight you leftists to the death over who gets to effect those changes; and unlike leftists, I'm not a whiny little pussy.
Because people are so sick with these KILLINGS. Something has to be done. These kids and the movement will do it for you.
The U.S. Constitution never promised you security. It promised you liberty. If that’s too scary for you, I suggest you take you scared little ass back to your shit-hole country.
Don’t worry changes are coming. Just sit back and watch.
Change already arrived, snowflake! #MAGA

Who are we talking about here?

Hard to remember now that his (her/its?) 15 minutes of fame have elapsed.
Who are we talking about here?

Hard to remember now that his (her/its?) 15 minutes of fame have elapsed.
Seriously! Not a single legislation even proposed in Congress. They managed to get a quick knee-jerk reaction out of the state of Florida and that was it.

Their “rage” gets attention for about two weeks. After that...uh buh-bye!
Who are we talking about here?

Hard to remember now that his (her/its?) 15 minutes of fame have elapsed.

As I recall, it was some little boy whose voice hadn't even changed yet. Crap, what was his name again? Oh, and he had no chin. Looked sorta like a ferret, or some other member of the weasel family.
I understand it hurts to see changes is coming.
Yes what they are doing is a history. Adults were not able to do anything about guns..... These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not.

I didn’t see any riots and actually it was very peaceful rally all over the country.

What they did is part of history, but that's not quite the same thing as "history-making". Again, they've broken no new ground whatsoever, nor have they done anything particularly unique and unusual. I recognize your desire to idealize and idolize these kids - perhaps to compensate for regrets about your own unrealized adolescent dreams, who knows? - but it doesn't change the fact that they haven't done anything really meaningful and substantial. This is actually par for the course for the vast majority of such upheavals, and ultimately probably a good thing, since all too many of the ones that HAVE produced something substantial have done so in ghastly ways (again, I direct your attention to the French Revolution).

Furthermore, on the subject of "adults were not able to do anything" and "I didn't see", you should really investigate the difference between "What I heard about from the media" and "what has actually happened". The fact is that numerous changes have happened, back and forth, on the subject of gun ownership and gun violence over all the years since the US Constitution was ratified, and every single one of those changes, good and bad, was implemented by adults, not children. The statement "nothing has been done about guns" is either a misstatement based on ignorance of history and the laws, or an outright lie based on a REAL meaning of "my personal preferences have not been implemented".

If what you want is a fairytale land where guns were never invented and don't exist, or the next best thing (in your eyes) of a complete ban on any projectile tool which scares you, then you're correct that that hasn't happened, nor is it ever going to, nor do you have a right to expect and demand it. It may surprise you to realize that YOU are not the only person who lives in this nation, or who has a right to have their wishes and goals considered in public policy. It is also entirely possible that other views besides yours may have valid points to make (I know, what a shock). And amazingly enough, it is not only possible, but likely, that other people can care just as much about loss of life as you do and still disagree with you on how to prevent it.

Finally, on your remark about "These kids will do it for you whether you like it or not." Will they, now? How are they going to manage that, precisely, given that none of them can even legally vote at the moment, much less run for public office? You WERE aware that that is how public policy is changed in this country, by votes at the ballot box and in legislatures?

I would also like to point out, in conclusion, that your implied threat of "whether you like it or not" sounds remarkably like fascism and the complete antithesis of America, where the whims of a few are imposed on the majority without their consent and by force. Is that REALLY what you want to advocate and express enthusiastic admiration for?

I understand truth hurts. Changes are coming whether you like it or not. These kids will do it for you. Lots of them will be 18 in the very near future so don’t worry about the votes. They will get there.
Politicians better adopt or they become instinct. That I can guarantee you.

Look at the movements the crowds all over the country with no violence. I am very impressed.

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. I assume "these kids" who are going to change everything are WhatsHisNose, ShavedHead, and wasn't there someone else? Can't remember.

Playtime's over, Chuckles. The flashes in the pan have flashed and faded, and you're going to have to go back to struggling to speak for yourself.

As for politicians, were you insisting that they adopt puppies, or actual human children, and exactly what does that have to do with the discussion about guns?

You should be impressed. If the protests were of conservatives, peacefulness would be so expected that it wouldn't need comment, but it's practically a miracle when leftists can get together without acting like rabid dogs.

Don’t worry changes are coming. Just sit back and watch.

Yeah, why don't you hold your breath waiting for me to "just sit and watch" while you destroy my country. Change always comes, because it's one of the few constants in the universe. But I will fight you leftists to the death over who gets to effect those changes; and unlike leftists, I'm not a whiny little pussy.

Don’t even think I ignored you. Because of California excellent economy I’ve been in and out of the country both Europe and Asia.

You will fight to the death. HOW? Are you going over there and hold your own swastika flag?
Change are coming whether you like it or not. Better adopt you become a minority.

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