David Hogg to Laura Ingraham.....How you like them apples?

They won't consider a student at all w/o great test scores, first criteria

He got into Harvard because his school was shot up. That’s all.

Many Parkland students did not get into Harvard
Some of those, because they were murdered.

If only the right wing would stop cheering such horrible happenings. What happened to these people to make them so odious?
Can’t believe conservatives took sides against murdered students
Just being a human being you would think they wouldn’t take sides.

Then, when you think about their policies and their positions and how racist and homophobic they are, their position becomes expected.
Their cruel attacks on Parkland students was lie of the year
Bet he walks into class one day with an automatic pistol with 10 round clips and pops off a few students, to prove that guns need to be controlled...That is the liberal way....The ends justify the means...And the lefttards will adore him..
Not sure where the hell that came from but bet as you wish.
You dont remember the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up congressmen at a baseball practice? Or the liberal who decided to ruin the Country Western event at Vegas? You radical liberals will do what ever it takes to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so your Socialist leaders can then go full on Commie. Rules for Radicals bub, the ends justify the means....

You poor, demented nut, the Vegas shooter was a rightwing conspiracy nut...

Las Vegas shooter ranted about gun control and right-wing conspiracies weeks before the massacre
Yeah , sure he isnt, Why would anyone who believes in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, go to Vegas and shoot up young innocent people who just want to have a good time. Now you miserable, wretches love to make other people unhappy and what better way, when an election was stolen from Bernie Sanders, go out with a bang, like the liberal Vegas shooter did. Stupid liberals(redundant statement, I know) like you, constantly deny, deny, deny what you assholes love to do.

I love your demented hallucinations which convince you that no conservative could commit murder. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your delusions, the Vegas shooter was rightwing. That was uncovered when his anti-gun control and other assorted rightwing conspiracy rantings were discovered.
This picture is for you...deny, deny, deny....

Not sure where the hell that came from but bet as you wish.
You dont remember the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up congressmen at a baseball practice? Or the liberal who decided to ruin the Country Western event at Vegas? You radical liberals will do what ever it takes to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so your Socialist leaders can then go full on Commie. Rules for Radicals bub, the ends justify the means....

You poor, demented nut, the Vegas shooter was a rightwing conspiracy nut...

Las Vegas shooter ranted about gun control and right-wing conspiracies weeks before the massacre
Yeah , sure he isnt, Why would anyone who believes in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, go to Vegas and shoot up young innocent people who just want to have a good time. Now you miserable, wretches love to make other people unhappy and what better way, when an election was stolen from Bernie Sanders, go out with a bang, like the liberal Vegas shooter did. Stupid liberals(redundant statement, I know) like you, constantly deny, deny, deny what you assholes love to do.

I love your demented hallucinations which convince you that no conservative could commit murder. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your delusions, the Vegas shooter was rightwing. That was uncovered when his anti-gun control and other assorted rightwing conspiracy rantings were discovered.
This picture is for you...deny, deny, deny....

View attachment 236953
Why would I want a picture of you? :dunno:
You dont remember the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up congressmen at a baseball practice? Or the liberal who decided to ruin the Country Western event at Vegas? You radical liberals will do what ever it takes to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, so your Socialist leaders can then go full on Commie. Rules for Radicals bub, the ends justify the means....

You poor, demented nut, the Vegas shooter was a rightwing conspiracy nut...

Las Vegas shooter ranted about gun control and right-wing conspiracies weeks before the massacre
Yeah , sure he isnt, Why would anyone who believes in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, go to Vegas and shoot up young innocent people who just want to have a good time. Now you miserable, wretches love to make other people unhappy and what better way, when an election was stolen from Bernie Sanders, go out with a bang, like the liberal Vegas shooter did. Stupid liberals(redundant statement, I know) like you, constantly deny, deny, deny what you assholes love to do.

I love your demented hallucinations which convince you that no conservative could commit murder. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your delusions, the Vegas shooter was rightwing. That was uncovered when his anti-gun control and other assorted rightwing conspiracy rantings were discovered.
This picture is for you...deny, deny, deny....

View attachment 236953
Why would I want a picture of you? :dunno:
If you had my picture you could see how it is to be successful and well hung too. But alas, I am not the type like the Kardashians who are insecure like liberals in their ways to have to constantly point out their plastic inserts.

You poor, demented nut, the Vegas shooter was a rightwing conspiracy nut...

Las Vegas shooter ranted about gun control and right-wing conspiracies weeks before the massacre
Yeah , sure he isnt, Why would anyone who believes in the Right of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, go to Vegas and shoot up young innocent people who just want to have a good time. Now you miserable, wretches love to make other people unhappy and what better way, when an election was stolen from Bernie Sanders, go out with a bang, like the liberal Vegas shooter did. Stupid liberals(redundant statement, I know) like you, constantly deny, deny, deny what you assholes love to do.

I love your demented hallucinations which convince you that no conservative could commit murder. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your delusions, the Vegas shooter was rightwing. That was uncovered when his anti-gun control and other assorted rightwing conspiracy rantings were discovered.
This picture is for you...deny, deny, deny....

View attachment 236953
Why would I want a picture of you? :dunno:
If you had my picture you could see how it is to be successful and well hung too. But alas, I am not the type like the Kardashians who are insecure like liberals in their ways to have to constantly point out their plastic inserts.

Whoever told you 3 inches is “well hung,” lied to you.
They won't consider a student at all w/o great test scores, first criteria

He got into Harvard because his school was shot up. That’s all.

Many Parkland students did not get into Harvard
Some of those, because they were murdered.

If only the right wing would stop cheering such horrible happenings. What happened to these people to make them so odious?
Can’t believe conservatives took sides against murdered students
Just being a human being you would think they wouldn’t take sides.

Then, when you think about their policies and their positions and how racist and homophobic they are, their position becomes expected.

Yet the leftists are the ones who cannot relate to people other than as colors, religions, or sexual orientations. Shameless fucking hypocrites.
After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback


So let's look at this logically.

Pre school shooting David Hogg had been rejected by every school he had applied to , including the NorthWest school for the mentally challenged but AFTER the shooting he suddenly gets accepted by Harvard?

Maybe we should be asking which end of the gun David Hogg really was on during that shooting.

Oh and dude scored like 1240 composite on the SAT , which is below what Harvard usually even accepts black students with , in case anyone is wondering.
Harvard looks at the total student not just SAT......

And just ONE criteria put him at the front of the admissions line at Harvard, to his shame and that of the institution.
After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback


That is wonderful. I'm sure hen will do well at Harvard. He's going from Florida to Massachusetts. Which is a very big change in weather and lifestyles.

He's going to freeze to death in the winter.

I hope he can endure the cold he will have a good education when he's done.

I'm sure laura ingram doesn't have much to say about this.
After Ingraham giddily mocked him for college rejections, Hogg has finally picked a school

Parkland survivor David Hogg, who was mocked by Fox host over college rejections, finds Ivy League comeback


That is wonderful. I'm sure hen will do well at Harvard. He's going from Florida to Massachusetts. Which is a very big change in weather and lifestyles.

He's going to freeze to death in the winter.

I hope he can endure the cold he will have a good education when he's done.

I'm sure laura ingram doesn't have much to say about this.
A 1280 SAT is a good indication Harvard is o ver his head. Maybe OK at FSU, Central Florida etc... but Harvard? I betcha my neighbors kid with a 1280 SAT would be told to go pound sand

Wonder how much higher HOGGS SAT was than the jug earred mulattos? SUPPOSEDLY major in political science....I do believe Harvard doesn't offer that!...Please inform this group if they do with a link!

Harvard is lucky to have him

Great kid
But apparently not exceptionally bright by Harvard standards and we knew this intuitively based on Hogg's failed astroturf campaign in the wake of a tragic school shooting that could have been greatly lessened if not for the intentional inaction of Broward county sheriff and democrat activist Scott Israel.
Still waiting for Hogg to acknowledge this. Harvard likes people that further the leftist agenda.
Harvard is lucky to have him

Great kid
But apparently not exceptionally bright by Harvard standards and we knew this intuitively based on Hogg's failed astroturf campaign in the wake of a tragic school shooting that could have been greatly lessened if not for the intentional inaction of Broward county sheriff and democrat activist Scott Israel.
Still waiting for Hogg to acknowledge this. Harvard likes people that further the leftist agenda.
Will it make you sleep better at night or will insomnia be on the menu?
It's not every future president's dream to have bone spurs and a bowling trophy from college to show what they learned.
Really? Did someone learn bone spurs in college? Off topic and just fucking stupid.
He learned bone spurs in college because that is how he dodged the draft, and he's not the smartest graduate, except in bowling. Many not so bright people have attended college, have you prattled like a little girl over those attendants also?

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