David Hogg's Handlers Have Trained Him Well

Well then, it's the car manufacturer and the AAA that's responsible for the 8 deaths that occurred in California last week and we will be seeing students protesting in the streets of Washington soon demanding for stricter regulations on Automobiles. Right?
are you on drugs ...you have to register your automobile , you have to have a tag on it so the registrant can be identified ...you have to have liability Insurance to have a car ...the driver has to have a license form the State to drive the car and has to have that license reviewed periodically... so now get back to the thread subject and stop hijacking it

On top of which, if we eliminated every auto death, overdose death and cancer death, it would have fuckall to do with mass shootings and gun control.

And there you have it folks. An admission from the left. They care not about the death toll, it's all about the political gain! Show them how their argument works when put into logical context, and this is the best they can do.

Thank you for the admission, you are indeed a breath of fresh air.

There is nothing logical about your argument. It's just a coward's way out of discussing the issue.

The issue framed the WAY YOU WANT IT FRAMED. That is the cowards way out. Look inwards and you might actually display some self esteem.

The discussion is about how we go about saving lifes. The left want this framed as, somehow the tool is the problem. If that is true, then it was the car that caused the death of those 8 individuals in California that I referenced in post 154, not the woman driving the car. That is the logical extension of your gun control argument. And you Sir, are weaseling away from you're own argument.
Well then, it's the car manufacturer and the AAA that's responsible for the 8 deaths that occurred in California last week and we will be seeing students protesting in the streets of Washington soon demanding for stricter regulations on Automobiles. Right?
are you on drugs ...you have to register your automobile , you have to have a tag on it so the registrant can be identified ...you have to have liability Insurance to have a car ...the driver has to have a license form the State to drive the car and has to have that license reviewed periodically... so now get back to the thread subject and stop hijacking it

On top of which, if we eliminated every auto death, overdose death and cancer death, it would have fuckall to do with mass shootings and gun control.

And there you have it folks. An admission from the left. They care not about the death toll, it's all about the political gain! Show them how their argument works when put into logical context, and this is the best they can do.

Thank you for the admission, you are indeed a breath of fresh air.

There is nothing logical about your argument. It's just a coward's way out of discussing the issue.

The issue framed the WAY YOU WANT IT FRAMED. That is the cowards way out. Look inwards and you might actually display some self esteem.

The discussion is about how we go about saving lifes. The left want this framed as, somehow the tool is the problem. If that is true, then it was the car that caused the death of those 8 individuals in California that I referenced in post 154, not the woman driving the car. That is the logical extension of your gun control argument. And you Sir, are weaseling away from you're own argument.

This discussion is, or was, about David Hogg and the gun control movement. You offer only a red herring. The purpose of a car is transportation, a plastic bag is to bring home cheap made-in-China shit from Walmart. Both can be used as weapons. The purpose of a gun is to kill. It is a weapon, and nothing but a weapon.

You make unfounded assertions as to what I do and don't care about. Your ignorance is not an argument.

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.


Most Americans are against gun-confiscation.....and that is the end game of gun-grabbers. Gun legislation does nothing to prevent gun violence.

Has anyone said a thing about gun confiscation other than the NRA? They scare you to keep the money coming.
are you on drugs ...you have to register your automobile , you have to have a tag on it so the registrant can be identified ...you have to have liability Insurance to have a car ...the driver has to have a license form the State to drive the car and has to have that license reviewed periodically... so now get back to the thread subject and stop hijacking it

On top of which, if we eliminated every auto death, overdose death and cancer death, it would have fuckall to do with mass shootings and gun control.

And there you have it folks. An admission from the left. They care not about the death toll, it's all about the political gain! Show them how their argument works when put into logical context, and this is the best they can do.

Thank you for the admission, you are indeed a breath of fresh air.

There is nothing logical about your argument. It's just a coward's way out of discussing the issue.

The issue framed the WAY YOU WANT IT FRAMED. That is the cowards way out. Look inwards and you might actually display some self esteem.

The discussion is about how we go about saving lifes. The left want this framed as, somehow the tool is the problem. If that is true, then it was the car that caused the death of those 8 individuals in California that I referenced in post 154, not the woman driving the car. That is the logical extension of your gun control argument. And you Sir, are weaseling away from you're own argument.

This discussion is, or was, about David Hogg and the gun control movement. You offer only a red herring. The purpose of a car is transportation, a plastic bag is to bring home cheap made-in-China shit from Walmart. Both can be used as weapons. The purpose of a gun is to kill. It is a weapon, and nothing but a weapon.

You make unfounded assertions as to what I do and don't care about. Your ignorance is not an argument.

The gun control movement IS (at least they want you to believe) about saving lifes. My post 154, proves that they could give a rats ass about saving lives or they would not deflect from the obvious.

Most guns are not manufactured to kill. If anything, they are made to protect from being killed, or to hunt, or to target (sport) shoot. Hell Son, if they were made to kill there should be thousands of class action lawsuits because these things are obviously defective as most do not serve the intended purpose.

On the other hand, we have cars (many of them manufactured for the same purpose as guns), that are used as killing machines, and remarkably effective in their killing abilities, and yet pointing out that, the lefts own logic would be to put incredibly punitive regulations upon them meets argument?

Why are the children who died in the most recent school shootings any more important than those poor kids that died when their mother PURPOSELY drove them over a cliff and into the sea?

Because some were killed by a bullied kid and the others killed by a bullied woman?

You understand that some of us want no one to die, not even the criminals. The fact is, we want to stop them BEFORE they commit the crime itself. I'll count you as just another political hack that won't even follow his own logic.
The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

Here I am responding Pops LOL

This post win the Price for Most Idiotic ... there have not been a series of slaughters carried out by females driving over a cliff

Oh, it was the CLIFF that caused this?

I'd go back to posting memes if I were you.

I'll bet you thought your little story was really profound, before you posted it, didn't you?

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

She could have put plastic bags over their heads and suffocated them, and it still wouldn't have had anything to do with mass shootings or gun control. Deflecting to car deaths - accidental or otherwise - is old, tired and irrelevant.

We are discussing the death of children and how to prevent them. There are two views.

One is that a tool is to blame for the deaths. In the two incidents that I reference in my post. One tool (if you believe a tool can kill without a human using said tool) killed many of the people that the killer wanted to kill, while many many more survived), the other killed all that the killer wanted to kill, a 100% kill rate.

Why the outrage about one tool, and not a dribble about the other?

No. You are just trying to distract from the subject.
The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

Here I am responding Pops LOL

This post win the Price for Most Idiotic ... there have not been a series of slaughters carried out by females driving over a cliff

Oh, it was the CLIFF that caused this?

I'd go back to posting memes if I were you.

I'll bet you thought your little story was really profound, before you posted it, didn't you?

Seems to be working seeing the lack of any credible argument.

Gonna go find a meme now?

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

She could have put plastic bags over their heads and suffocated them, and it still wouldn't have had anything to do with mass shootings or gun control. Deflecting to car deaths - accidental or otherwise - is old, tired and irrelevant.

We are discussing the death of children and how to prevent them. There are two views.

One is that a tool is to blame for the deaths. In the two incidents that I reference in my post. One tool (if you believe a tool can kill without a human using said tool) killed many of the people that the killer wanted to kill, while many many more survived), the other killed all that the killer wanted to kill, a 100% kill rate.

Why the outrage about one tool, and not a dribble about the other?

No. You are just trying to distract from the subject.

LOL, you're funny

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

The false promise that young Hogg offers is that more gun legislation will stop another school shooting from happening... Just like making gun free zones stopped the shootings.



Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.
Your opinion has been duly noted and rejected by all but the most rabid gun nuts, like yourself.

Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.

Logic isn't a word you should use. What's the purpose of a gun?
Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.

Logic isn't a word you should use. What's the purpose of a gun?

I've got 3:

One is used for target practice

One is used to hunt dear

the third is used to hunt pheasant

If anyone breaks into my home, I'd go for the one used to hunt pheasant.

If anyone pulled a gun on me in a parking lot while in my car, guess what i'd use? MY CAR!
Interesting comment, really it is.

A story over the past few days has been about a women who drove her car purposely into the sea killing her six adopted children as well as her wife. It appears there were no survivors. That's an effective killing machine!

Yet I have yet to see a single news outlet that places the blame for these tragic deaths on the tool used in this criminal behavior. Not a single one.

I have not heard the outrage that these things are allowed in our civil society. Not a single march has been organized, claiming that Big Auto is responsible for this, nor that people should boycott Radio or TV broadcasts that has an automobile manufacturer as a sponsor. Nobody is blaming AAA for lobbying on behalf of people that own these deadly killing machines. And the children of these thousands upon thousands of murders each year? They may very well get 30 seconds on the local news, but nowhere near the press that this young man is getting. Is the murder of this young Man's friends at a school any more heartbreaking then the family left behind when a parent is murdered on the road by a killing machine?

Perplexing to say the least, don't you think?

What i have seen are reports as to what drove this women to take such drastic action. I have yet to see an investigation in the press as to what drove the shooter to act out. You?

Was he bullied at school? If so, where are the hundreds of thousands marching against that? Perhaps they can't because many of those accusing the gun were themselves guilty of bullying the young man? IDK.

Nor have I seen any account of how the bullying might not have been limited to school, but included online social media bullying that followed him after school hours, which is a relatively new way to achieve making young people outcasts.

What I have seen is that the woman who drove the murder weapon was a victim of online bullying, so much so that she felt like she had to move because of it. Too bad the young man didn't have those kind of resources. Maybe those young folks would be alive today. Again, IDK.

And have we determined yet if this young man was on any mood altering prescription drugs, most of which contain warnings that they can cause monstrous behavior in developing minds? Combine bullying with these drugs, and it would appear that the focus of the ire of these shootings would be misplaced, don't you think?

Anyway, using the lefts logic, and their rabid rants against guns, don't you find it somewhat odd that we aren't seeing marches in the streets for stricter Car control legislation, because, imagine the incredible number of life's that could be saved with some common sense automobile regulations, like, for example, limiting the maximum speed a car can attain to 20mph?

What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.

Logic isn't a word you should use. What's the purpose of a gun?

Offense and/or defense
What a dweeb. While it is true that being in possession of a gun does not mean the gun owner will definitely kill someone, It is unquestionable that someone without a gun will shoot no one.

True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.

Logic isn't a word you should use. What's the purpose of a gun?

Offense and/or defense

Out of the mouths of babes....
The children shall lead the way....

They're now snorting condoms....you going to follow them?
Keep it up with the personal insults, Sassy. It will keep you out of trouble.

She posted a legitimate concern that we all should have about those that claim to be the future leaders of our country. How is that a personal insult? Curious.
She infers all these gun control leaders are snorting condoms (whatever that is). Personal attack having nothing to do with WHY their argument is wrong. Ridiculous personal insults. You are welcome to join her, though.
True, that would be impossible. Just as no one with a car will drive their children over a cliff. So your logic says, anything used to kill should be banned.

Sorry, you made the statement.

You're trying a little too hard there Boo Boo.

Apparently you don't understand your own logic.

I don't blame ya Kid, I'd run from it myself if I'd have tried to use it.

Logic isn't a word you should use. What's the purpose of a gun?

Offense and/or defense



Man shoots and kills three home invaders with AR-15 | American Military News
Out of the mouths of babes....
The children shall lead the way....

They're now snorting condoms....you going to follow them?
Keep it up with the personal insults, Sassy. It will keep you out of trouble.

She posted a legitimate concern that we all should have about those that claim to be the future leaders of our country. How is that a personal insult? Curious.
She infers all these gun control leaders are snorting condoms (whatever that is). Personal attack having nothing to do with WHY their argument is wrong. Ridiculous personal insults. You are welcome to join her, though.

Again you old hag, do you make personal attacks? Say no and I'll out you for the liar you are.

Sick of your nonsense, lady
Out of the mouths of babes....
The children shall lead the way....

They're now snorting condoms....you going to follow them?
Keep it up with the personal insults, Sassy. It will keep you out of trouble.

She posted a legitimate concern that we all should have about those that claim to be the future leaders of our country. How is that a personal insult? Curious.
She infers all these gun control leaders are snorting condoms (whatever that is). Personal attack having nothing to do with WHY their argument is wrong. Ridiculous personal insults. You are welcome to join her, though.

Wouldn't think of it, yet we have a generation that not only does what she describes BUT POSTS THEM ONLINE.

Out of the mouths of babes. I think they snort them and that's exactly where they try to pull them out.

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