David Pecker to be the first prosecution witness in trump hush money trial

The jury found him NOT GUILTY of rape. And that's because there was no rape, and the judge didn't even permit evidence from Carroll's own writings that rape is sexy, and even then they said NOT GUILTY.

This has what to do with my morals?
FYI: She said it on CNN.


I would suggest to Melania to take a long vacation and get rid of all media devices. The smut and dirt that is going to come out detailing the perverted acts of trump may be too much for her. The prosecution is going to meticulously lay out the many, many times that trump allies killed and concealed his varying affairs. The evangelical community may also want to take a long break from social media. The dirty deeds of trump are about to be exposed.
Trump Cult members will ignore facts and the truth, as usual.
Trump Cult members will ignore facts and the truth, as usual.

Hope Hicks won't lie for Trump.

At the time, Hicks called Cohen and Trump joined, according to the documents. From there Cohen, acting as a middleman, was involved in at least 10 telephone calls that day, some involving Trump and Hicks and others involving American Media Inc. executives David Pecker and Dylan Howard. AMI owns the National Enquirer tabloid.

Those conversations, FBI officials believed, were apparently about Daniels, an adult film actress also known as Stephanie Clifford, according to the documents.
Just wait until Trump whips out his surprise witness, Long John Wanger.
I bet you can't wait... HAH!

Everything about Trump is exaggerated...


That's the big dick you love so much.
Hope Hicks won't lie for Trump.

At the time, Hicks called Cohen and Trump joined, according to the documents. From there Cohen, acting as a middleman, was involved in at least 10 telephone calls that day, some involving Trump and Hicks and others involving American Media Inc. executives David Pecker and Dylan Howard. AMI owns the National Enquirer tabloid.

Those conversations, FBI officials believed, were apparently about Daniels, an adult film actress also known as Stephanie Clifford, according to the documents.
Stephanie Cliffords in on the record lying about the subject.

She said she did fuck Trump, and she is also on the record saying that she did NOT fuck Trump. Both of her statements cannot be true, therefore she is a lying her ass off. She is a liar on this subject. Plain and simple. There is no other logial conclusion. She lied about Trump.

Even though having a porn star notch on his proverbial bedpost, which in the eyes of many voters would give him a huge bump for virility, he did not brag about it.

So he most likely did not do it, otherwise he would have had bragging rights that would have massively bolstered his campaign.

He could have flat out said, "Hey little Marco, I've been fucking a porn star!
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Stephanie Cliffords in on thr record lying.

She said she did not fuck Trump, and she is also on the record saying that she did not fuck Trump. Both of her statements cnnot be true, therefore she is a lying her ass off. She is a liar on this subject. Plain and simple. There is no other logial conclusion. She lied about Trump.

Even though having a porn star notch on his proverbial bedpost, which in the eyes of many voters would give him a huge bump for virility, he did not brag about it.

So he most likely did not do it, otherwise he would have had bragging rights that would have massively bolstered his campaign.
Virility? Are you kidding?
There is no such thing as a "hush money" law. The fake news media just made up that term. And TDS afflicted morons ate that shit.

Every person who says Trump violated some non-existent "hush money" law is a fucking moron. :finger3:
Terms like:

Hush Money
Deep State
Stable Genius

All are classified as moronic made up terms.
You should be proud.
Stephanie Cliffords in on thr record lying.

She said she did not fuck Trump, and she is also on the record saying that she did not fuck Trump. Both of her statements cnnot be true, therefore she is a lying her ass off. She is a liar on this subject. Plain and simple. There is no other logial conclusion. She lied about Trump.

Even though having a porn star notch on his proverbial bedpost, which in the eyes of many voters would give him a huge bump for virility, he did not brag about it.

So he most likely did not do it, otherwise he would have had bragging rights that would have massively bolstered his campaign.
How about "here's the $130K for lying"
How about "here's the $130K for lying"
Besides yourself, who is on the record saying "here's the $130K for lying", you stupid TDS afflicted moron?

You are on the record saying that. Can you directly quote anyone else saying that, low IQ bitchboy?

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.
Peckerwood got immunity from the feds (aka the dumbfucks that got C's in high school and are now running the place with guns and badges) for all his transgressions and now he has to perform.... he'll say President Trump killed several black babies with a chain saw (for sport) or whatever the dumbfucks tell him to say....

If he doesn't, kiddie porn will mysteriously appear on his hard drive and that's the end of him.....

Appeals will be filed with human beings in 3.... 2.... 1....
There is no such thing as a "hush money" law. The fake news media just made up that term. And TDS afflicted morons ate that shit.

Every person who says Trump violated some non-existent "hush money" law is a fucking moron. :finger3:
Some fascists wouldl break every norm,.indeed America and her reputation; in ordee to prevent Trunp. Took out a loan and paod it back? Decades later they demand "give us $175M just to challenge the fake fraud charge". NDAs, infidelity, mean words? These are all now crimes in New York if they and the media say they.are You would have to be an idiot to invest in NY. You would be risking a lawsuit for malpractice if you did so with other peoples money today.
Besides yourself, who is on the record saying "here's the $130K for lying", you stupid TDS afflicted moron?

You are on the record saying that. Can you directly quote anyone else saying that, low IQ bitchboy?

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.
Look who's losing his shit ^^^ what a loser.
Look who's losing his shit ^^^ what a loser.
Why are you dodging the questions that you responded to?

The questions that you are dodging are...

1) Besides yourself, who is on the record saying "here's the $130K for lying",

2) You are on the record saying that. Can you directly quote anyone else saying that?

Why are you dodging the questions?
Why are you dodging the questions that you responded to?

The questions that you are dodging are...

1) Besides yourself, who is on the record saying "here's the $130K for lying",

2) You are on the record saying that. Can you directly quote anyone else saying that?

Why are you dodging the questions?
Boy, you aren't very smart if you can't figure that one out.

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