David Plouffe: "Trump must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again"

President Trump is Kryptonite to the left they are writhing in agony, good job President Trump :eusa_clap:
Obama would have kicked Trump's ass in the election.

You are just a hater, Trump would snap Obama in half. Are you going to tell us all those WWF scenes Trump dominated are fake too? :rolleyes:


Can you name one COURAGEOUS! thing Trump did in his whole life?

The statement is about as comic as your avatar.

He gave up his empire to save the Country.

He didn't give up anything actually...except maybe some pussy grabbing. On the contrary, he still pockets all the multiplying profits his empire is making on the fact that he became the president.

State Department Pimping Out Mar-A-Lago As ‘Winter White House’


Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.
What about Schumer? You got a link? I missed it.....
Chuck Schumer Made A Demand And It Instantly Turned Into A Mistake

Had anyone heard Chuck Schummer run his mouth in the last 24 plus hours?

Oops you done Phucked up Chuck! The ball was yanked away from you before the 2018 Election. Sucks to be you. Bet you miss Comey now that he can't help you continue dragging your False Narrative across the 2018 Election night finish line.

Here is to Upchuck who wanted Comey Fired (but didn't really want him fired) and Wanted an Independent Counsel (but didn't really want an independent counsel) and got both, and now Upchuck "The Mouth That Roared" suddenly has had his tongue cut out. So weird huh?

You got what you wanted CHUCK, so why so SILENT?

BTW, Lucy in case you aren't paying attention represents President Trump.
And that's UPCHUCK SCHUMMER wrecking himself.




Here is to Upchuck who wanted Comey Fired (but didn't really want him fired) and Wanted an Independent Counsel (but didn't really want an independent counsel) and got both, and now Upchuck "The Mouth That Roared" suddenly has had his tongue cut out. So weird huh?
I can't find anything on Google from Schumer since he called for an Independent Counsel at the beginning of the week. What did he say about NOT wanting one, now?

Can you name one COURAGEOUS! thing Trump did in his whole life?

The statement is about as comic as your avatar.

He gave up his empire to save the Country.

He didn't give up anything actually...except maybe some pussy grabbing. On the contrary, he still pockets all the multiplying profits his empire is making on the fact that he became the president.

And Barry the Pole Smoker is getting rich running his yap after 8 years of nothing. Whatthefuckever.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

Who exactly are you quoting retard?
Your mother. She voted for Trump.
Oh, she didn't tell you that?
Sorry, I was supposed to keep that a secret.

Thanks, I couldn't make you out to be a bigger joke if I tried.
LOL, that's all you got? LMFAO. Owned.
Thanks for playing this round of "You're My Bitch!"
The Warning "Don't Try This At Home" should be tatooed on your forehead, right next to the big letter "L"
This kind of talk about destroying somebody is not what this country needs right now. I don't think the Dems are doing themselves any favors with this kind of hateful, violent rhetoric.
That's right, Americans must learn what happens when you elect loud blowhard anti-intellectuals with a bag full of false promises like him.
bags of false promises?....you just described 95% of those who hold office....

I don't recall anyone promising the ridiculous nonsense Trump was.

For example on healthcare he actually said that he can cover everyone at a fraction of the costs of Obamacare.

"We're going to have insurance for everybody," Trump told The Washington Post. "There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. That's not going to happen with us."
"[They] can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better," he said.

Trump promises his Obamacare replacement plan will cover everybody, report says - CNNPolitics.com

And then of course we've witnessed lack of any plan at all from him and the actual bill he ended up supporting.

you dont recall because your hatred for trump supersedes that....lots of politicians have promised stuff you know they would not be able to keep....and like obama care was just so much cheaper than what was around before that....there wasnt much difference....

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