David Plouffe: "Trump must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again"

Who is David Plouffe?

"His kind" is the SWAMPY kind, the kleptocratic kind...

David Plouffe - Wikipedia

after working for O's campaign...

"Plouffe went to work as an outside senior adviser to the Obama administration,"

which is how someone gets way way more than a few hundred grand per year... the "contractor" "advisor" can get millions $$$.

Plouffe has drawn criticism for his paid speaking engagements abroad while on hiatus from advising Obama. In early 2009, Plouffe spoke in Baku, Azerbaijan, for $50,000. The event's sponsor had ties to Azerbaijan's authoritarian government. Following complaints from human rights groups, Plouffe donated his speaking fees to the National Democratic Institute.[31][32]

In December 2010, Plouffe received $100,000 for two speeches in Nigeria from an affiliate of the South African telecommunications company MTN Group. At the time, MTN had been doing business with the government of Iran since 2005. Recently,[when?] MTN has come under increased scrutiny by the United States for allegations that the Iranian government used the MTN network to track and monitor dissidents. MTN has been listed on the "Iran Business Registry" of watchdog group United Against Nuclear Iran since 2009.[33] White House spokesman Eric Schultz explained that Plouffe only spoke to the group about digital communications and cellular technology, and declined to meet with the company's leadership. Schultz also said the criticism of Plouffe's speeches before he joined the White House was "misplaced".[34]

In 2013, in response to Congressman Darrell Issa's accusations that the Obama administration knew about the IRS targeting of not-for-profit conservative groups for extra scrutiny, Plouffe tweeted: "Strong words from Mr Grand Theft Auto and suspected arsonist/insurance swindler. And loose ethically today", referring to two incidents in Issa's past. In 1972, while a teenager, Issa was accused of stealing a Maserati sports car; the charges were later dropped. In 1982, a Cleveland warehouse belonging to Issa burned to the ground. The fire was ruled suspicious and Issa collected an insurance payout, but he was not charged with any crime.[35][36][37][38][39][40]

In February of 2017 Plouffe was fined $90,000 by the Chicago Board of Ethics for the violation of ethics rules when he failed to register as a lobbyist after contacting Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Plouffe was trying to help the ride-hailing service Uber (company) with regulations for picking up travelers at Chicago airports. The board also fined Uber $2,000 for hiring a lobbyist who violates the city’s lobbying laws."

So, if this is who thinks Trump's "kind" is bad... well, Trump looks pretty darn GOOD.
Obama would have kicked Trump's ass in the election.
That's what you said about Hillary.
And you said Romney would run.
Now you're lying again, Jake.
You are denying that you said Romney would win in 2012 and that he would run in 2016? Careful there, little one. :lol:
Jake, as usual you are full of shit.
^^^ :lol: The announcements today about criminal and cover up investigations point your quote at you, little buddy.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

And I ENCOURAGE an all-out bloody war. Because I want BOTH these sick old dynasties to die a nasty death. Sooner rather than later. The only thing stopping that -- is that Repubs are wussified. IMO -- Sessions should UNrecuse himself -- he did NOTHING wrong. And the Russian investigation should be expanded to include the Clinton Foundation dealings and the obvious Podesta conflicts of interests with the Russians. Push them back. Make the old guard PAY for their made-up daily fantasy stories and publishing classified leaks.

Get a move on. We're at the fucking bottom. I want to see carnage and destruction...
That's right, Americans must learn what happens when you elect loud blowhard anti-intellectuals with a bag full of false promises like him.

You mean like promising American Families that their healthcare costs will go down by $2500 per year? That was a false promise.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

And I ENCOURAGE an all-out bloody war. Because I want BOTH these sick old dynasties to die a nasty death. Sooner rather than later. The only thing stopping that -- is that Repubs are wussified. IMO -- Sessions should UNrecuse himself -- he did NOTHING wrong. And the Russian investigation should be expanded to include the Clinton Foundation dealings and the obvious Podesta conflicts of interests with the Russians. Push them back. Make the old guard PAY for their made-up daily fantasy stories and publishing classified leaks.

Get a move on. We're at the fucking bottom. I want to see carnage and destruction...

It would be entertaining, for sure. But it won't happen. Everyone's too buys watching The Voice. Here, hold my beer.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

And I ENCOURAGE an all-out bloody war. Because I want BOTH these sick old dynasties to die a nasty death. Sooner rather than later. The only thing stopping that -- is that Repubs are wussified. IMO -- Sessions should UNrecuse himself -- he did NOTHING wrong. And the Russian investigation should be expanded to include the Clinton Foundation dealings and the obvious Podesta conflicts of interests with the Russians. Push them back. Make the old guard PAY for their made-up daily fantasy stories and publishing classified leaks.

Get a move on. We're at the fucking bottom. I want to see carnage and destruction...

It would be entertaining, for sure. But it won't happen. Everyone's too buys watching The Voice. Here, hold my beer.

They probably are distracted and detached and it's just YOU versus your opposite on a Message Board. But trust me on this. Those folks watching the Voice have ALREADY RESOLVED to fix this next time at the polls.. And the Independents and 3rd parties will have a fucking FIELD day as a result.

The NYTimes and CNN and the WaPo are gonna be as irrelevant as Santa in July.. And the 2 Brand Name Parties are gonna have their obituaries on those front pages in future elections. Go for it. The Great American Melt-Down of 2018/2020 over a bunch of NOTHING. Nothing left but a sick desire to GAIN and HOLD power. These clowns need to all find new lines of work..
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

And I ENCOURAGE an all-out bloody war. Because I want BOTH these sick old dynasties to die a nasty death. Sooner rather than later. The only thing stopping that -- is that Repubs are wussified. IMO -- Sessions should UNrecuse himself -- he did NOTHING wrong. And the Russian investigation should be expanded to include the Clinton Foundation dealings and the obvious Podesta conflicts of interests with the Russians. Push them back. Make the old guard PAY for their made-up daily fantasy stories and publishing classified leaks.

Get a move on. We're at the fucking bottom. I want to see carnage and destruction...

It would be entertaining, for sure. But it won't happen. Everyone's too buys watching The Voice. Here, hold my beer.

They probably are distracted and detached and it's just YOU versus your opposite on a Message Board. But trust me on this. Those folks watching the Voice have ALREADY RESOLVED to fix this next time at the polls.. And the Independents and 3rd parties will have a fucking FIELD day as a result.

The NYTimes and CNN and the WaPo are gonna be as irrelevant as Santa in July.. And the 2 Brand Name Parties are gonna have their obituaries on those front pages in future elections. Go for it. The Great American Melt-Down of 2018/2020 over a bunch of NOTHING. Nothing left but a sick desire to GAIN and HOLD power. These clowns need to all find new lines of work..

Heh. I like you 3rd partiers and your amusing fantasies. You guys need to remind yourselves that while you are passionate about politics and your cause, the vast majority of people just aren't. They're too focused on their own immediate needs. I have to constantly remind myself that most people just don't give a shit about even a fraction of the stuff I care about, especially politics. In order for there to be a major movement and a real rise of a 3rd party to reach critical mass, there has to be a sort of awakening that reaches a majority. I guess it could happen, but is it likely? Shit, maybe it is in this political climate.

Can you name one COURAGEOUS! thing Trump did in his whole life?

right now. right now. RIGHT NOW. he's taking on the establishment and deep state who want him gone and survivin and drivin em crazy each and every day

Wrong on every score. There is no "deep state". That's just another loony Alex Jones conspiracy theory.

There is just the government, which Trump is supposed to be running but he's too busy fighting with everyone, the press, your allies, his own party.

He's been in office 4 months and he's already fired how many staffers. People are leaking what is going on in the West Wing because they want it known how inappropriate his behaviour and that of his staff has become.

It is illegal to hire family. It is illegal to sell access to the President, yet Trump does both, and says "So what" when anyone complains.

You cannot govern by EO. You have to create legislation, and when it's passed, the structures to implement it. Trump can't be bothered to hire staff, and those he hired are problematic either because they're relatives or their alt right racists and loons. None of them have government experience, and it shows.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

And I ENCOURAGE an all-out bloody war. Because I want BOTH these sick old dynasties to die a nasty death. Sooner rather than later. The only thing stopping that -- is that Repubs are wussified. IMO -- Sessions should UNrecuse himself -- he did NOTHING wrong. And the Russian investigation should be expanded to include the Clinton Foundation dealings and the obvious Podesta conflicts of interests with the Russians. Push them back. Make the old guard PAY for their made-up daily fantasy stories and publishing classified leaks.

Get a move on. We're at the fucking bottom. I want to see carnage and destruction...

It would be entertaining, for sure. But it won't happen. Everyone's too buys watching The Voice. Here, hold my beer.

They probably are distracted and detached and it's just YOU versus your opposite on a Message Board. But trust me on this. Those folks watching the Voice have ALREADY RESOLVED to fix this next time at the polls.. And the Independents and 3rd parties will have a fucking FIELD day as a result.

The NYTimes and CNN and the WaPo are gonna be as irrelevant as Santa in July.. And the 2 Brand Name Parties are gonna have their obituaries on those front pages in future elections. Go for it. The Great American Melt-Down of 2018/2020 over a bunch of NOTHING. Nothing left but a sick desire to GAIN and HOLD power. These clowns need to all find new lines of work..

Heh. I like you 3rd partiers and your amusing fantasies. You guys need to remind yourselves that while you are passionate about politics and your cause, the vast majority of people just aren't. They're too focused on their own immediate needs. I have to constantly remind myself that most people just don't give a shit about even a fraction of the stuff I care about, especially politics. In order for there to be a major movement and a real rise of a 3rd party to reach critical mass, there has to be a sort of awakening that reaches a majority. I guess it could happen, but is it likely? Shit, maybe it is in this political climate.

Majority of folks want the "swamp drained" in one way or another. And after this immense hissy fit meltdown by the losing side ---- they WILL give a shit. Because it's not politics anymore. It's just blood sport and quest for power. We don't have a Republic under those conditions. So the swamp is GONNA be drained. And the 2 parties are gonna get fired. And for a long while -- you're gonna see 4 or more viable parties that TRUELY stand for stuff. Like Bernie and the Libertarians did. Like the Green party folks did. Even IF they don't win -- doesn't matter. Because people voting "just to win" -- is how we're ALL becoming losers.. And there's a lot at stake. SOMEONE will carry that message and slay the rotting carcasses of the GOP/DNC.. Don't doubt me on that.
3rd parties and Indies ate up MORE THAN 6% of the vote in November. That's a lot more than the Margin of victory or Clinton's "pop vote" lead. They voted FOR IDEAS and principles. Not to win. Partisan CAN and DO control the media. Partisans can and do run Coupe D'etat from Deep State intelligience agencies. But new blood and principles will overcome all that.
3rd parties and Indies ate up MORE THAN 6% of the vote in November. That's a lot more than the Margin of victory or Clinton's "pop vote" lead. They voted FOR IDEAS and principles. Not to win. Partisan CAN and DO control the media. Partisans can and do run Coupe D'etat from Deep State intelligience agencies. But new blood and principles will overcome all that.

We'll see. I think it would take at least 30 years for the 2 dinosaur parties to die. They're too established, too many connections, too much corporate influence, and too much money from billionaire pieces of shit like the Koch brothers.
Funny to see the corrupt establishment on The Left and Right, say "We need to get rid of Trump because he doesn't accept bribes, foreign donations, or compromise his positions, and we aren't going to get rich of the taxpayers and system with him watching the store."

That pretty much sums up The Establishment vs. Trump.

Only if you are paying attention, he is winning.

It's like football, and it's a game of inches.

These corrupt hacks aren't going to give up without a fight and it will be DIRTY!
But they are slowly losing ground.

Yesterday Chuck Schummer got a good dose of STFU Chuck.

Their Bluff was called, and right now, they are scrambling, because they are going to end up being exposed over this.
And Trump will keep motoring on, advancing the ball until he crosses the goal line.

Trump is accepting all sorts of foreign bribes, from 10 Chinese trade marks, to foreign governments booking his properties for events, and seeking deals to build resorts in jurisdictions that have previously barred him for financial shenanigans.

As for compromising his positions, remember when the Chinese were currency manipulators, and the One China policy was toast? The Chinese Premier refused to meet with him until he changed his attitude and now China is your friend. And that deal he made with the Chinese, analysts are saying it will INCREASE the trade deficit with China. The "great deal maker" got fleeced in the negotiations.

Two phone calls to Mexico and Canada and he's not pulling out of NAFTA.

Oh, and if Keystone gets built, it won't be built with American steel.

Stop getting your news from Breitbart and start getting some facts.

Can you name one COURAGEOUS! thing Trump did in his whole life?

right now. right now. RIGHT NOW. he's taking on the establishment and deep state who want him gone and survivin and drivin em crazy each and every day

Wrong on every score. There is no "deep state". That's just another loony Alex Jones conspiracy theory.

There is just the government, which Trump is supposed to be running but he's too busy fighting with everyone, the press, your allies, his own party.

He's been in office 4 months and he's already fired how many staffers. People are leaking what is going on in the West Wing because they want it known how inappropriate his behaviour and that of his staff has become.

It is illegal to hire family. It is illegal to sell access to the President, yet Trump does both, and says "So what" when anyone complains.

You cannot govern by EO. You have to create legislation, and when it's passed, the structures to implement it. Trump can't be bothered to hire staff, and those he hired are problematic either because they're relatives or their alt right racists and loons. None of them have government experience, and it shows.

Of course there is Deep State. The power of this country is in the Intelligience and Security apparatus. They daily have access to domestic and foreign intelligence that can collapse a foreign power or control any market in commerce or blackmail ANY person in political leadership in the USA. Its only their honesty and allegiance to freedom and the republic that prevents them from misusing it.

96% of every elected Federal Congress critter will DEFEND the PATRIOT act domestic spying program. EVEN THO -- we now have indications of it's potential misuse for partisan political purposes. And from that intrusion, it becomes VERY dangerous to allow a system designed to keep the Islamic hordes from ransacking us to be used for politics or ill-gotten financial gains or fixing the markets...
3rd parties and Indies ate up MORE THAN 6% of the vote in November. That's a lot more than the Margin of victory or Clinton's "pop vote" lead. They voted FOR IDEAS and principles. Not to win. Partisan CAN and DO control the media. Partisans can and do run Coupe D'etat from Deep State intelligience agencies. But new blood and principles will overcome all that.

We'll see. I think it would take at least 30 years for the 2 dinosaur parties to die. They're too established, too many connections, too much corporate influence, and too much money from billionaire pieces of shit like the Koch brothers.

MONEY means nothing if it's not connected to votes. Unless you actually rig the vote. And you are not gonna get allegiance to warring, useless, corrupt tribes that are just chucking stones and spears at each other for years. That shit don't fly. Put "None of the Above" on the ballot. You'd IMMEDIATELY understand what I mean..

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