I would like to see some actually proof that that is what was actually said. Even your own post says "IT APPEARED the 'gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible'" This is Rep. Mark Walker's words....NOT the gunman.
Stick your head back in the sand. It's gonna be too hard for you to play stupid if you get informed.
Rep Scalise just got shot

Want to know what we are going to do about it? NOTHING

We will just shrug our shoulders, point fingers at each other......then forget about it and go about our daily lives,
Just like always
The left are unhinged by Trump's victory and the American people rejecting them. They have no respect for election results, the will of the people, the Constitution.
The VIOLENT rhetoric from the left MADE this guy go on the shooting spree.

It's THEIR FAULT for their WORDS!

(That's how that works, right?)
What? No one made him do anything. This clown was ready to blow. However, this is the danger of being so mindlessly locked into your own ideology and being unwilling to at least listen to the other side.
Guilt by association. Your asshole thread is over before it begins.
The rhetoric you spew on here is on par with the same rhetoric the shooter spewed on his Facebook. Are you a member of the same anti-Trump Facebook groups the shooter was a member of?
The shooter asked a bystander, "ARE THOSE REPUBLICANS OR DEMOCRATS?"

This is a HATE CRIME, inspired by violent rhetoric and actions from the left.

Good job, snowflakes.
Hate crime....

What a bogus fucking label. Crime is crime regardless of the so called hate. The dead or injured get no relief because of such stupid labels
We need to use this as an opportunity for healing. We can't turn this into a left vs right thing. One man did this. Let's stop it before thousands are doing it


Exactly this is (yet another) opportunity to self-reflect and analyze why polarization exists to this degree.

But unfortunately that's not what the OP and others from his shallow end of the gene puddle are here for. He's here to go "me too" on that polarization and to do everything he can do prolong it.
I have no doubt the hacks were disappointed when they rushed to the internet and found the shooter isn't a Muslim.

No doubt at all.

No doubt. Exactly as they did just after Oklahoma City. Because when "they" do it they act out of religious faith, while when "we" do it they're "outliers".

I have no doubt the dialogue went something like "Quick! Find out what his his religion is!! What? Oh really, well um, never mind. Hey I know -- "tried to kill Republicans", let's go with that!"
Sorry if I misled in my subject.

I'm sure this was your run of the mill mass shooting....not at all politically motivated....as evidenced by the GUNMAN'S TWEETS.
So what if his motives were politicians, it's not like anyone we have to have....

Yabbut there's a much more serious issue here ----- this nut was shooting at baseball players. That's WAY over the line. :nono:
Left wing hate crime.

MSM will freak out about this HATE CRIME.....right?

Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

Shortly after the shooting Wednesday morning at a congressional baseball practice, Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible." Walker, who was at the practice for the upcoming annual congressional baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed he was "shaken but okay."

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.

SHADES of Obama and Holder ranting about Police Violence against blacks causing all of the riots, deaths and lootings in Baltimore, etc., causing violence against police.

SHADES of all of the Democrats (including here) ranting about Trump, republicans, etc., on TV, at hearings, in session, in the paper and web, all being a threat to the world. HERE IS THE MANTRA OF THE LEFT:


IN THEIR VERY DOING SO, the Democrats and Leftists HAVE BECOME THE VERY THING THEY ACCUSE THE OTHER SIDE OF BEING!!! It is the LIBERALS who are doing all of the hating, lying, burning, shooting, rioting and killing.
Same leftists who take every opportunity to warn about the dangers of hate speech are unwilling to see the dangers of deranged Trump hatred

Hate is hate. Don't care for the justifications.

We own our own actions. No one makes you do anything.
Sorry if I misled in my subject.

I'm sure this was your run of the mill mass shooting....not at all politically motivated....as evidenced by the GUNMAN'S TWEETS.

As already noted --- the act of this gun nut was a direct manifestation of the exact same polarization that you yourself came here to foment, starting right there in your dishonest title. He in effect works for you. He's out there deepening the wounds you're here to rub salt in. Jeremy Christian provided the same service.

Of course, he actually went out and acted while you sit behind a computer doing everything you can to generate his ilk, but I'm sure you're just elated that he did his part to bring on the civil war you want, solely on the basis that it's entertainment for Numero Uno.

You are in effect the rhetorical equivalent of cancer cell. And I think you need a massive dose of Chemo Sabe.
Congress Baseball Shooter Is a Trump Hater, Called to 'Destroy' Trump

Congress Baseball Shooter Is a Trump Hater, Called to 'Destroy' Trump
6/14/2017 7:55 AM PDT


The man suspected of opening fire at a congressional baseball practice is 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson ... and judging by his social media, he REALLY hates Donald Trump.

Hodgkinson's Facebook page is loaded with anti-Trump posts. He's also a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter.

Also notable, Hodgkinson is also anti-Hillary Clinton, with several posts about her as well.

Among the posts on his page, there's one that stands out from March which says, "Trump is Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co."


all I want is the left in here to denounce this behavior. can you all do it?

Everyone is denouncing the shooting you ridiculous hack.
He advocated on TWITTER for the assassination of POTUS.

Looks like we should be taking these THREATS VERY SERIOUSLY.

Violent political rhetoric causes crazies to act. Left wingers need to be conscious of this when they joke about murdering politicians.
It can no longer be considered "venting"

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