De Blasio Announces ‘Meatless Mondays’ In NYC Public Schools Because Of Climate Change

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.
he's not dictating diets, he'd dictating the menu. i went through my entire jr and sr year in high school not eating the school lunches.

He's setting the menu, sure, he gets to do that.

Not that I care if you ever had a school lunch or not but thanks for the info?
man, even when i agree with you, you gotta make it an argument. :)

Sorry, collateral damage. :21:

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.
you mean like telling someone what they can and can't put on their school menu?

One who supports the little things only encourages the bigger things. I'll bet you cheered the Wookie when she did it.
No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.

Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.
he's not dictating diets, he'd dictating the menu. i went through my entire jr and sr year in high school not eating the school lunches.

He's setting the menu, sure, he gets to do that.

Not that I care if you ever had a school lunch or not but thanks for the info?
man, even when i agree with you, you gotta make it an argument. :)

Sorry, collateral damage. :21:

it happens. :) esp when not used to agreeing with some people. i've certainly done it before.
The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.

Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".
Indoctrination of children is the Marxist way.

Child cruelty sending your kid to public schools.

De Blasio to make Mondays meat-free in schools
It’s a great idea. You can go one day without fatty and it’ll do the environment some good.

Didn’t the Catholic Church introduce fish Friday’s because of money?

Anyways, quit bitching about public schools. If you had any money you’d send your kids to private schools. Beggars can’t be choosers
Bacon during Ramadan!

You do realize that Muslims fast during the day during Ramadan. Right?

It's funny though. While I was staying in Mombassa once with some African friends, it just happened to be during Ramadan. The area is mixed racially with a lot of arabs and some of them are friends of course with the sub saharan Africans there. Well the house I was staying in was directly across the street from a mosque .... you could hear the muslim singer on the loudspeaker every morning a 5 am... it kind of sucked to be woken up like that, but anyway, my African friends laughed when it came to the whole fasting thing on Ramadan being a fast at all. They knew the arabs pretty well there and basically they said Ramadan is a time when Muslims get fatter...of course they don't eat in the day They get up extra early and go to the mosque and feast on huge meals before sunrise then do the same thing as soon as the sun goes down.
Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.
Public schools haven't served anything resembling actual meat since the inception of the Dept. Of Education.
Story is a true nothing(soy) burger
Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.

At least I vote, good that it does. i even voted in the Special Election for the worthless public advocate position.

The thing to me is the virtue signaling, and the lack of choice. I would have no issue if they just had a choice of a vegetarian option and tried to make it attractive, the diktat portion is what annoys me.

That and the idiot thinks this is where his attention should be.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.

At least I vote, good that it does. i even voted in the Special Election for the worthless public advocate position.

The thing to me is the virtue signaling, and the lack of choice. I would have no issue if they just had a choice of a vegetarian option and tried to make it attractive, the diktat portion is what annoys me.

That and the idiot thinks this is where his attention should be.
i don't disagree, i just think in the grand scheme of things, this is going to fail and die and simply not be worth the emotional energy put into it by many.

in high school, my brother was told to return catcher in the rye cause it was being banned. so he went to the public library and checked it out simply to carry it around from class to class but he never bothered to read it. he just didn't like being told what to do so he found a "peaceful" demonstration to counter the stupid. unfortunately i wasn't in the same class as him when the teacher got pissed and wanted it back before he showed her it was the public, not school, library, book.

these "emotional based ideas" never seem to last.
They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.

At least I vote, good that it does. i even voted in the Special Election for the worthless public advocate position.

The thing to me is the virtue signaling, and the lack of choice. I would have no issue if they just had a choice of a vegetarian option and tried to make it attractive, the diktat portion is what annoys me.

That and the idiot thinks this is where his attention should be.
i don't disagree, i just think in the grand scheme of things, this is going to fail and die and simply not be worth the emotional energy put into it by many.

in high school, my brother was told to return catcher in the rye cause it was being banned. so he went to the public library and checked it out simply to carry it around from class to class but he never bothered to read it. he just didn't like being told what to do so he found a "peaceful" demonstration to counter the stupid. unfortunately i wasn't in the same class as him when the teacher got pissed and wanted it back before he showed her it was the public, not school, library, book.

these "emotional based ideas" never seem to last.

That's my plan when they ban plastic bags. I'm gonna go on Amazon and buy 500 count box to keep in my car.
so they counted on people not noticing a meatless monday?

to quote reagan "they counted wrong".

Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.

At least I vote, good that it does. i even voted in the Special Election for the worthless public advocate position.

The thing to me is the virtue signaling, and the lack of choice. I would have no issue if they just had a choice of a vegetarian option and tried to make it attractive, the diktat portion is what annoys me.

That and the idiot thinks this is where his attention should be.
i don't disagree, i just think in the grand scheme of things, this is going to fail and die and simply not be worth the emotional energy put into it by many.

in high school, my brother was told to return catcher in the rye cause it was being banned. so he went to the public library and checked it out simply to carry it around from class to class but he never bothered to read it. he just didn't like being told what to do so he found a "peaceful" demonstration to counter the stupid. unfortunately i wasn't in the same class as him when the teacher got pissed and wanted it back before he showed her it was the public, not school, library, book.

these "emotional based ideas" never seem to last.

That's my plan when they ban plastic bags. I'm gonna go on Amazon and buy 500 count box to keep in my car.
i took my own plastic bags to whole foods once.

it was a very strange few minutes in check out.
Yet it's going to go forward, because most New Yorkers are apathetic sheep.

They bitch about Trump and Republicans, and then go on and allow idiots like DiBlasio to run things into the ground.
most new yorkers are. thats why they have to put up with this but it must not bother them or they'd stop electing these people into office. that doesn't mean every school out there will suddenly dive in and do the same.

people will always bitch about the other sides idiots. been doing it for as long as there was another side.

At least I vote, good that it does. i even voted in the Special Election for the worthless public advocate position.

The thing to me is the virtue signaling, and the lack of choice. I would have no issue if they just had a choice of a vegetarian option and tried to make it attractive, the diktat portion is what annoys me.

That and the idiot thinks this is where his attention should be.
i don't disagree, i just think in the grand scheme of things, this is going to fail and die and simply not be worth the emotional energy put into it by many.

in high school, my brother was told to return catcher in the rye cause it was being banned. so he went to the public library and checked it out simply to carry it around from class to class but he never bothered to read it. he just didn't like being told what to do so he found a "peaceful" demonstration to counter the stupid. unfortunately i wasn't in the same class as him when the teacher got pissed and wanted it back before he showed her it was the public, not school, library, book.

these "emotional based ideas" never seem to last.

That's my plan when they ban plastic bags. I'm gonna go on Amazon and buy 500 count box to keep in my car.
i took my own plastic bags to whole foods once.

it was a very strange few minutes in check out.

Did you go cartman on them?

[Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you?

It is way more than just the drive 55. These bastards say I can only drive 25 in my neighborhood and have to go even slower in a "school zone" like that is even a real thing! They have no right to do these things to us. And they have the nerve to say I cannot drive at night without headlights! That is the perfect example of their totalitarianism.

You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.

It is always a sure sign of your surrender when you have to just make up lies about me in order to have anything to post!
The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.

Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.

Weird, during the same war the people in the US accepted rationing of meat and other foods and doing things for the "collective"...and yet here we are where the worst thing you can cry about is the local government choosing what is on the local school menu.
Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.

Weird, during the same war the people in the US accepted rationing of meat and other foods and doing things for the "collective"...and yet here we are where the worst thing you can cry about is the local government choosing what is on the local school menu.

That was war rationing, not virtue signaling. That you have to use that as an example shows how worthless your views are.
Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

Sent from my iPhone using

Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.

Weird, during the same war the people in the US accepted rationing of meat and other foods and doing things for the "collective"...and yet here we are where the worst thing you can cry about is the local government choosing what is on the local school menu.

That was war rationing, not virtue signaling. That you have to use that as an example shows how worthless your views are.

Typical, you use an war time example and it is as accurate as the bible itself, I use a wartime example from the same war and it is worthless.

you are a fucking joke.
Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you? You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.
so they're going to implement AOC's "new green deal" by starting off in the NYC school cafeteria.

those sneaky bastages.

They get you used to doing things "for the collective" early, and in small amounts, so you don't notice, or don't feel like resisting when they ask for bigger things.

Weird, during the same war the people in the US accepted rationing of meat and other foods and doing things for the "collective"...and yet here we are where the worst thing you can cry about is the local government choosing what is on the local school menu.

That was war rationing, not virtue signaling. That you have to use that as an example shows how worthless your views are.

Typical, you use an war time example and it is as accurate as the bible itself, I use a wartime example from the same war and it is worthless.

you are a fucking joke.

Winter Relief started in 1934........

Try again, and maybe read up on history before you reference it.
[Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you?

It is way more than just the drive 55. These bastards say I can only drive 25 in my neighborhood and have to go even slower in a "school zone" like that is even a real thing! They have no right to do these things to us. And they have the nerve to say I cannot drive at night without headlights! That is the perfect example of their totalitarianism.

You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.

It is always a sure sign of your surrender when you have to just make up lies about me in order to have anything to post!

Sure thing fraud ;) You just resent that I will not allow you to play your silly game with me.

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