De Blasio Announces ‘Meatless Mondays’ In NYC Public Schools Because Of Climate Change

but no evidence that man has anything to do with that.

Burning fossil fuel has been linked to the increase in CO2. However, the small increase in the earth's temperature that can be attributed to mankind so far is barely above the natural variability at this point. That increase can't be positively linked too as many natural disasters as the alarmist would like us to think.
That should be a choice, not government fiat.
still a choice - bring a sammich from home.

Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.
still a choice - bring a sammich from home.

Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.
I usually took my own lunch in elementary school. I ate a lot of bacon and roast beef sandwiches that way.

I guess these days I would take two on Mondays. One to eat, and one to sell. :113:
I really don’t remember many eating at the cafeteria. Not the governments job to feed kids.
Back in my day, you either brought you own lunch or you bought the cafeteria meals. And those meals were prepared and served using fresh ingredients. They didn't import pizza and fast food burgers. No free meals for anyone.

Do you go to school in the 1950s or early 1960s? That is the only way for that to be true.
LOL bovine farts.

Do you know the liberals take credit for fixing the "hole in the ozone?"

Remember when the "hole in the ozone" was the cause of THE global warming?

Do you know it has been declared that it is not there?


Now what?

Bovine farts.


The hole in the ozone layer was never blamed as the cause of global warming...why do you keep parroting that lie?

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Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote in his election. If only all politicians in office could wrangle that.
still a choice - bring a sammich from home.

Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.
Indoctrination of children is the Marxist way.

Child cruelty sending your kid to public schools.

De Blasio to make Mondays meat-free in schools
It’s a great idea. You can go one day without fatty and it’ll do the environment some good.

Didn’t the Catholic Church introduce fish Friday’s because of money?

Anyways, quit bitching about public schools. If you had any money you’d send your kids to private schools. Beggars can’t be choosers
Bacon during Ramadan!

You do realize that Muslims fast during the day during Ramadan. Right?
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.
Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?
Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.
I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.

Born and raised. Outer Boroughs, so not some progressive transplant, or some upperside twat.

Then why is he making such a big deal over it, and making it MANDATORY if no one "gives a shit"

why not just make move vegetarian options available on Mondays, and give people a CHOICE?
These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.

Born and raised. Outer Boroughs, so not some progressive transplant, or some upperside twat.

Then why is he making such a big deal over it, and making it MANDATORY if no one "gives a shit"

why not just make move vegetarian options available on Mondays, and give people a CHOICE?

well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.
These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.

Born and raised. Outer Boroughs, so not some progressive transplant, or some upperside twat.

Then why is he making such a big deal over it, and making it MANDATORY if no one "gives a shit"

why not just make move vegetarian options available on Mondays, and give people a CHOICE?

You can bring your own lunch, kid. You have that choice.
Agree, nobody is forcing kids to be vegetarians one measly day a week. It's right wing hysteria that this thread even exists.
well the stance is stupid from the school. but it's a "workable" stupid if you will if tried to there and force kids to drink carrot juice from a paper straw and not allow them to bring their own lunch it's a bigger issue.

we just seem to need to bitch and whine about everything as a culture these days.

Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Yeah!!! How dare the local government set the menu at the local public schools cafeterias! That is unheard of!!

Sent from my iPhone using
Bascially it's not some authoritarian plot or scheme which is what the lame OP is trying to make out of it.

Morons, the lot of you.

I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.
Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.

Born and raised. Outer Boroughs, so not some progressive transplant, or some upperside twat.

Then why is he making such a big deal over it, and making it MANDATORY if no one "gives a shit"

why not just make move vegetarian options available on Mondays, and give people a CHOICE?

You can bring your own lunch, kid. You have that choice.

So only poor people should be forced to accept this?

Why not allow the option, and try to entice the kids with better meatless alternatives?

How bougie of you.
I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.

Don't you think a Mayor should handle "A" priorities like the rising murder rate, or the upcoming pothole season instead of forcing vegetarianism for a day on school kids?

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