De Blasio Announces ‘Meatless Mondays’ In NYC Public Schools Because Of Climate Change

[Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you?

It is way more than just the drive 55. These bastards say I can only drive 25 in my neighborhood and have to go even slower in a "school zone" like that is even a real thing! They have no right to do these things to us. And they have the nerve to say I cannot drive at night without headlights! That is the perfect example of their totalitarianism.

You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.

It is always a sure sign of your surrender when you have to just make up lies about me in order to have anything to post!

Sure thing fraud ;) You just resent that I will not allow you to play your silly game with me.

Well, all those threads you have about the totalitarianism of speed limits and school zones were just too many for me to read them all.

Speaking of frauds, you are freaking out over a school district making a menu decision about the school cafeteria menu...something that is done in every single school district in the nation every fucking week.

you did not think it was totalitarianism last week, but this week it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.
The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

The office of the Mayor of NYC decides what school lunches are options in their public school system. So, yeah like every other year he does.

Totalitarian to your core.

Damn thing you know the government will tell you how fast you are allowed to drive on public roads!!! Shit they might even limit what is allowed to be driven on those same public roads

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apple: orange.jpeg
I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?
I think everyone recognizes it's minor, but the point is just pointing out the Democrat way. Creep slowly and incrementally into everyones life with just a little bit of indoctrination in every part of society, barely enough to notice. It's not about skipping meat one day a week. It's about Democrats wanting to insure that grade school kids will never ever question man made global warming. They want to instill in them that it is all a settled fact, when in reality, the science should always be questioned.

These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

Yeah, the turnout at that elections shows a "mandate".

If you want a clinic in voter apathy and lockstep line punching, go to NYC.

At least De Blasio managed to win a majority of the vote.

And for that we get meatless mondays, something no one runs on. It's just one of those progressive virtue signaling asshat moves he is known for.

I didn't realize you are a New Yorker. I guess you lost, huh?

Here's the thing. Nobody really gives a shit about public school lunches being vegetarian on Mondays and if they did then chances are they didn't vote for De Blasio anyway.

School children don't get to vote......yet.......but then again, if the Democrats ever have their way.........
These are public school lunches, they have always been under the purview of New York City. A city mind you that elected the current mayor, in other words not a secret indoctrination plot, they voted in the mayor who they politically agree with. Whether that be government staying out of a woman's right to choose or an understanding that global warming is largely influenced by man. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.

The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.
Indoctrination of children is the Marxist way.

Child cruelty sending your kid to public schools.

De Blasio to make Mondays meat-free in schools

Well, they could make it 'Taco Bell Monday' that would satisfy the meatless aspect.

Those kids will do the same thing they did when Mooochelle forced her will on the kids too. They will bring junk food to school that day and live on ho-ho's and candy until they get home and eat something they actually want.
Americans should eat less red meat, period. The production of red meat does create more green house gases than other forms of agriculture. A reduction demand for this resource could be helpful.

Utter bull. Kids not eating meat one day a week won't change crap. You know it and I know it.

Americans should be eating less red meat? Well if they want to, it should be their decision and not the governments, shouldn't it?

Or, it's pie in the sky. Just the same, not sure why it's a big deal, you probably don't want to provide low income kids with a free lunch anyway.

It's not a big deal to me, but a discussion of big government. Free lunch? Yeah, now not only does government have to feed your kids, they tell your kids what they can eat and what they cannot.
No, let’s get annoyed over political indoctrination.

Was it political indoctrination when public schools were made no smoking zones? Or teaching that MLK was a positive historical figure? Or, do you just think schools teaching anything you don't personally agree with is an affront to your delicate sensibilities? Lighten up Lucy, it's not a conspiracy.

Maybe not a conspiracy, but indoctrination. There is no evidence that man has anything to do with global warming. So what this clown is doing is stopping a lot of kids from eating what they desire to please himself and his ilk all because some 28 year old bar maid made it an issue.

There is a ton of evidence that man is responsible for global warming, it's accepted fact by an overwhelming number of scientists. The only conspiracy there is around climate change are the morons who think it's a conspiracy.

No, scientists believe the climate is changing, but no evidence that man has anything to do with that. The climate has been changing since God made the place. It's actually natural.

The Mayor saying kids can't be served meat for one day a week because he thinks he's saving the world is about as far fetched as a Mayor saying kids should not eat meat on Friday during lent so their soul can be saved. It's simply a belief one should keep to themselves. But we all know how Democrats love to take away choice. Choice means freedom, and Democrats hate freedom.

Weird how there was never a thread from you whining about fish Fridays which is all about saving souls

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Because it was a choice and a religious practice, not a global warming practice.
The Mayor has ZERO business dictating diets, dictating what size soda you buy, how much salt you can use or public breast feeding. Progressives simply can't help themselves, they knw best about EVERYTHING and have no remorse about FORCING things upon the populace. It's disgusting.

Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.
Because it was a choice and a religious practice, not a global warming practice.

The choice was eat the fish or bring your own food...just like now.

it is telling that you are ok with religious indoctrination in our public schools....indoctrination by of one of the many sects of Christianity.
Actually the mayor of New York has every right. They decide calories, where the food is sourced, sodium and sugar levels. What the fuck are you talking about?

No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.

why do you, who is far to the left of me...say stupid things like "you on the left"?
[Sure, how'd that whole "55" thing work out for you?

It is way more than just the drive 55. These bastards say I can only drive 25 in my neighborhood and have to go even slower in a "school zone" like that is even a real thing! They have no right to do these things to us. And they have the nerve to say I cannot drive at night without headlights! That is the perfect example of their totalitarianism.

You support the "New Green Deal" too and that's EXACTLY what they want do. You're not a bright boi.

It is always a sure sign of your surrender when you have to just make up lies about me in order to have anything to post!

Sure thing fraud ;) You just resent that I will not allow you to play your silly game with me.

Well, all those threads you have about the totalitarianism of speed limits and school zones were just too many for me to read them all.

Speaking of frauds, you are freaking out over a school district making a menu decision about the school cafeteria menu...something that is done in every single school district in the nation every fucking week.

you did not think it was totalitarianism last week, but this week it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.

You're a dumbass. Here's how stupid you are, you run around the forum screaming about how you favor no Gov interference and when it's condemned you jump over and defend. You're too stupid to even realize when you do it.
I condemned it when the Wookie did it, I condemned this. The story just came out.

Totalitarians all start with the small shit but again, you're to fucking stupid to understand that.
You're a dumbass. Here's how stupid you are, you run around the forum screaming about how you favor no Gov interference and when it's condemned you jump over and defend. You're too stupid to even realize when you do it.
I condemned it when the Wookie did it, I condemned this. The story just came out.

Totalitarians all start with the small shit but again, you're to fucking stupid to understand that.

The local government setting the menu for the local schools cafeterias is not government interference, it is their FUCKING JOB.

It is done in every single school district in the nation every day. Why have you never whined about this before since it has been done since the first school cafeterias was opened?

This is as stupid as saying that red lights and stop signs are government interference.

Now, what Michelle Obama did, that was government interference as it took the power away from the local governments .
No he doesn't, this is not a totalitarian state. Only Progressives think that they can control everyone else.

Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.

why do you, who is far to the left of me...say stupid things like "you on the left"?

Oh, that's right, I forgot, I'm sorry. You're not a leftist, only a person that takes a leftist position nine out of ten times.
Because it was a choice and a religious practice, not a global warming practice.

The choice was eat the fish or bring your own food...just like now.

it is telling that you are ok with religious indoctrination in our public schools....indoctrination by of one of the many sects of Christianity.

I thought you were talking about society in general, not schools. When did the schools ever force kids to eat fish or bring their own lunches?
Who the hell do you think sets the menus at the local school cafeterias if not the local government?

Even you are not this stupid

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As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.

why do you, who is far to the left of me...say stupid things like "you on the left"?

Oh, that's right, I forgot, I'm sorry. You're not a leftist, only a person that takes a leftist position nine out of ten times.

and you are the person, like all you others, that can never name a single leftist position I hold. So weird how that works.
Because it was a choice and a religious practice, not a global warming practice.

The choice was eat the fish or bring your own food...just like now.

it is telling that you are ok with religious indoctrination in our public schools....indoctrination by of one of the many sects of Christianity.

I thought you were talking about society in general, not schools. When did the schools ever force kids to eat fish or bring their own lunches?

your schools never had Fish Friday for Lent? Most did.

Fish on Fridays Respecting Religions - Life360
As far as the article is concerned, this time it was the Mayor alone. And he didn't set the menu based on nutritional requirements or parental suggestions. He set it for a political agenda.

What if a Republican did the same thing and only had venison on the menu to encourage kids to take arms and go deer hunting when they get older?

The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.

why do you, who is far to the left of me...say stupid things like "you on the left"?

Oh, that's right, I forgot, I'm sorry. You're not a leftist, only a person that takes a leftist position nine out of ten times.

and you are the person, like all you others, that can never name a single leftist position I hold. So weird how that works.

You are so full of shit. You defend EVERY Lefty that gets condemned. You really ARE a stupid fuck.
You defend AOC and her NGD.
You defend De Blasio.
EVERY Dem candidate has endorsed the NGD, that means EVERY one of them wants to FORCE you to bend to their will.You still defend them.
EVERYONE here knows your game.
The mayor is the head of the school district, that is the way it is set up.

if a Repub did that I would have the exact same response as I am having now.

Sure you would. And what if a Republican said he's just closing the cafeteria for financial reasons, and let all the kids bring their own lunch? You on the left would be crying up a storm how kids were going to be malnourished and unable to concentrate on their studies.

why do you, who is far to the left of me...say stupid things like "you on the left"?

Oh, that's right, I forgot, I'm sorry. You're not a leftist, only a person that takes a leftist position nine out of ten times.

and you are the person, like all you others, that can never name a single leftist position I hold. So weird how that works.

You are so full of shit. You defend EVERY Lefty that gets condemned. You really ARE a stupid fuck.
You defend AOC and her NGD.
You defend De Blasio.
EVERY Dem candidate has endorsed the NGD, that means EVERY one of them wants to FORCE you to bend to their will.You still defend them.
EVERYONE here knows your game.

again, when you start to lie about me it is the same as giving your unconditional surrender.

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