
The GOP gang of bastards spent 11 hours asking nasty impertinent questions of Hillary Clinton and had no issues with that..I think it was at least a half dozen nasty GOP rats like Trey "Deliverance" Gowdy firing "gotchas" at Hillary ...

Then CNBC asked some questions of a panel of GOP clowns and this ensued:
If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...
The GOP says Torture is cool its A OK but they draw the line at the brutality of CNBC ...woo hoo

If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...

One difference.

With Putin, they'll be working with an adult.
That is so clever sound like Jeb Bush..a Losah

and you sound like Howdy Dooty, or any of thousands of other marionettes
If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...
The GOP says Torture is cool its A OK but they draw the line at the brutality of CNBC ...woo hoo

If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...

One difference.

With Putin, they'll be working with an adult.
That is so clever sound like Jeb Bush..a Losah

and you sound like Howdy Dooty, or any of thousands of other marionettes
dude you are mouthbreathin blow your nose ...
If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...
The GOP says Torture is cool its A OK but they draw the line at the brutality of CNBC ...woo hoo

If they can't handle CNBC Putin is going to brutalize their sorry ass...

One difference.

With Putin, they'll be working with an adult.
That is so clever sound like Jeb Bush..a Losah

and you sound like Howdy Dooty, or any of thousands of other marionettes
dude you are mouthbreathin blow your nose ...

The right never had a problem with NPR until they documented some of Fox's lies. Fox went into attack mode, and the right wing followed their marching orders.

Sure, they had no problem until then.

I would love to see the outrage by the left if we ended up with an all Republican government and they funded Fox or AM radio with Rush and a host of others. We would never hear the and of it from day one.

Fox and AM radio exist to further the GOP line and attack all their enemies. NPR might lean one direction or the other at times, but their credibility is intact. Fox never had any integrity.

Their credibility is just fine which is why they have number one shows across America.

NPR being government funded was acceptable when we had television sets with rabbit ears on them, or if you were lucky, an antenna on the roof. That was a time before cell phones, cable, satellite and internet.

In the last 15 years or so, that funding was no longer necessary. Kids don't sit in front of their television sets counting with Big Bird. That's the way their grandparents learned.

NPR is a darling of the left so it is still being funded by the government. Since left radio and television stand little chance on a level playing field with right outlets, they have to be subsidized by our tax dollars to make it fair.

Fox is a leading network for cable. They rarely have a third or less the amount of viewers that real networks have. Odd that PBS was never seen as right leaning until they hurt Fox's feelings. I guess when fox tells right wingers what to think, it works.
"Real networks."

Perhaps you might want to back that up as well.

No problem
Among total viewers, CBS is ahead for the season averaging 10.9 million viewers. NBC is second with 8.9 million, followed by ABC with 6.9 million, FOX with 4.2 million, and CW with 1.0 million.
2015-2016 Season: NBC Leads Among Adults 18-49 & CBS Tops Total Viewers Through Week 1 Ending September 27, 2015
The media is relatively free but it's certainly no longer impartial.
oh my God the libruls are victimizing you........
They are?

How old are you?
why do you ask are you an "ageist" too besides a moron ?
I wonder if people like you are like this in real life.

I think there are some, but for the most part I suspect this is just some kind of needed catharsis for you.

Okay, whatever makes you feel a little better.
All I know about the Tea Party is what I've heard at the rallies I've attended. ( I was there as a photographer, not an advocate.) The speakers don't want to pay taxes and don't seem to realize that the government can't function without funding.
Then your camera was smarter than you. No TEA Party person ever said that. Liberals constantly pretend conservatives are anarchists. Conservatives want smaller government, more fiscal responsibility and to not be our nanny.
The media is relatively free but it's certainly no longer impartial.
oh my God the libruls are victimizing you........
They are?

How old are you?
why do you ask are you an "ageist" too besides a moron ?
I wonder if people like you are like this in real life.

I think there are some, but for the most part I suspect this is just some kind of needed catharsis for you.

Okay, whatever makes you feel a little better.
You are neither psychologist nor Psychiatrist and if you were I would have to be nuts to listen to you... the feedback I get is that I am not ordinary are more like ordinary common vulgar low information...but you try to project a superior maturity cognitive and emotive capacity than moi...good luck with that
The GOP gang of bastards spent 11 hours asking nasty impertinent questions of Hillary Clinton and had no issues with that..I think it was at least a half dozen nasty GOP rats like Trey "Deliverance" Gowdy firing "gotchas" at Hillary ...

Then CNBC asked some questions of a panel of GOP clowns and this ensued:

Yeah, the left had all kinds of problems drilling Hillary for 11 hours, but no problems with the gang in Benghazi fighting to their death for 8 hours with no help in sight.
The right never had a problem with NPR until they documented some of Fox's lies. Fox went into attack mode, and the right wing followed their marching orders.

Sure, they had no problem until then.

I would love to see the outrage by the left if we ended up with an all Republican government and they funded Fox or AM radio with Rush and a host of others. We would never hear the and of it from day one.

Fox and AM radio exist to further the GOP line and attack all their enemies. NPR might lean one direction or the other at times, but their credibility is intact. Fox never had any integrity.

Their credibility is just fine which is why they have number one shows across America.

NPR being government funded was acceptable when we had television sets with rabbit ears on them, or if you were lucky, an antenna on the roof. That was a time before cell phones, cable, satellite and internet.

In the last 15 years or so, that funding was no longer necessary. Kids don't sit in front of their television sets counting with Big Bird. That's the way their grandparents learned.

NPR is a darling of the left so it is still being funded by the government. Since left radio and television stand little chance on a level playing field with right outlets, they have to be subsidized by our tax dollars to make it fair.

Fox is a leading network for cable. They rarely have a third or less the amount of viewers that real networks have. Odd that PBS was never seen as right leaning until they hurt Fox's feelings. I guess when fox tells right wingers what to think, it works.

Ah yes, that old wives tale: Fox and Limbaugh tell everybody what to think.

Did you ever ask yourself why you think Fox and Limbaugh tells their audience what to think? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT LEFTIST POLITICIANS TOLD YOU TO THINK!

Nobody is more programmed than the left. That's why you all have the same exact answers to any question. Even when we explain how the answers make no sense, you keep repeating them over and over.

NPR went left just as all those "real networks" as you call them. And yes, because of their access, they do have much larger audiences than Fox or any other cable network. But you guys complain constantly about Fox and AM radio is if you're being treated unfairly somehow. So yes, NPR and PBS being funded by our government is plain wrong. It saves no purpose but to the left.

Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
The media has always been biased. Back in the day the papers said some very vicious things about the founding fathers. They picked sides and let the accusations fly. Things were heated from day one. Hamilton and Burr had a duel to the death.

The difference today is the media, with very little exception is lined up on one said. If it wasn't for talk radio, the internet and a few conservative outlets we would only know what they wanted us to know.
I certainly want to make sure the disdain the contempt I feel for conservatives comes through.... I would not want anyone to think I have any respect of any kind for the Wing Nut Poltroons..

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