
Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
Maybe because they were right? But there are other sources, it's just difficult to get your hate on when you have to spend time looking into the facts.
Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
Maybe because they were right? But there are other sources, it's just difficult to get your hate on when you have to spend time looking into the facts.

Sure there are other right wing sources. And they are all trying to be rush or fox.
A free, impartial press is essential to democracy. Does anyone think we still have one? NBC 'moderates' a Republican debate with questions essentially of the sort "tell us why you suck so bad that no one should vote for you or anyone in your party." The obama administration is shamelessly going full-on Vietnam with a creeping, hypocritical "boots on the ground" mission in Syria despite all their bloviating to the contrary some months ago, and the 'press' is only hugging his nuts and saying what they are damn well told to say - yet again. A very important piece of the democracy puzzle has been missing for some time, and the potential consequences could be dire indeed.

No, an impartial press is not essential to democracy.

In fact, to say that the press needs to be 'free' and 'impartial' is an oxymoron,

because a free press has the freedom to be as biased as it chooses.
Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
Maybe because they were right? But there are other sources, it's just difficult to get your hate on when you have to spend time looking into the facts.

Sure there are other right wing sources. And they are all trying to be rush or fox.

Well that's the difference between the right and the left. The right looks at successful people to mimic in order to get ahead in life.
Couple the death of responsible journalism with an ignorant electorate and it's no small wonder this country is going down the tubes.

When was journalism 'responsible'? When was the press without bias? When were newspapers for example politically neutral in their content, or in the views of their editorial staff/management?
Citizens play an important role in ensuring we have a free and impartial press; it's incumbent upon citizens to seek news and information from many different sources, research the facts of the news being reported, and use critical thinking skills to identify news sources that are indeed bias and unreliable, and to be suspect of the reporting from such sources.

Freedom of the press is also the freedom to be biased, to be partisan, and to advance a given political agenda – it's naïve to expect otherwise.
The media has always been biased. Back in the day the papers said some very vicious things about the founding fathers. They picked sides and let the accusations fly. Things were heated from day one. Hamilton and Burr had a duel to the death.

The difference today is the media, with very little exception is lined up on one said. If it wasn't for talk radio, the internet and a few conservative outlets we would only know what they wanted us to know.

Fox and AM radio dismantled the leftist monopoly on news. That's why they are trained to hate them so much.
Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
Maybe because they were right? But there are other sources, it's just difficult to get your hate on when you have to spend time looking into the facts.

Sure there are other right wing sources. And they are all trying to be rush or fox.

Well that's the difference between the right and the left. The right looks at successful people to mimic in order to get ahead in life.

So you're saying that all the obnoxious horseshit being spewed on USMB by RWnuts is really just the product of Limbaugh imitators dreaming of getting rich?

I can buy that.
The media has always been biased. Back in the day the papers said some very vicious things about the founding fathers. They picked sides and let the accusations fly. Things were heated from day one. Hamilton and Burr had a duel to the death.

The difference today is the media, with very little exception is lined up on one said. If it wasn't for talk radio, the internet and a few conservative outlets we would only know what they wanted us to know.

Fox and AM radio dismantled the leftist monopoly on news. That's why they are trained to hate them so much.

So now you're praising biased media?
Nobody told me that fox and limbaugh lead the right wing. That is quite obvious when you see how often they are quoted by the right.
Maybe because they were right? But there are other sources, it's just difficult to get your hate on when you have to spend time looking into the facts.
Sure there are other right wing sources. And they are all trying to be rush or fox.
Sounds like you need a rawhide chew toy.
The media has always been biased. Back in the day the papers said some very vicious things about the founding fathers. They picked sides and let the accusations fly. Things were heated from day one. Hamilton and Burr had a duel to the death.

The difference today is the media, with very little exception is lined up on one said. If it wasn't for talk radio, the internet and a few conservative outlets we would only know what they wanted us to know.
Don't be fooled by the pettiness of the partisan divide, you still only know what they want you to know. The manipulation of the masses thru the multitude of media outlets is insidious.
Well that's the difference between the right and the left. The right looks at successful people to mimic in order to get ahead in life.
Yeah all those Mississippi low information minimum wage GOP voters are looking to Trump for inspiration while they drip perspiration onto their own shoes working for subsistence...
Well that's the difference between the right and the left. The right looks at successful people to mimic in order to get ahead in life.
Yeah all those Mississippi low information minimum wage GOP voters are looking to Trump for inspiration while they drip perspiration onto their own shoes working for subsistence...

Sure they should look to Trump for inspiration. I'm a working stiff and I look up to successful people all the time. That's in contrast to who the Democrats look at such as Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Hillary Clinton and so on. People that promise to take from other people to give to you. That's inspirational?
Sure they should look to Trump for inspiration. I'm a working stiff and I look up to successful people all the time. That's in contrast to who the Democrats look at such as Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Hillary Clinton and so on. People that promise to take from other people to give to you. That's inspirational?
Well aren't you role model wonderful eh...sure in your own mine you are a suck up...
How can you have a free press when institutions like NPR receive federal funds.... Bought and paid for. I believe 6% of their revenues are tax payer funded, if you took that away what would they cut???

The right never had a problem with NPR until they documented some of Fox's lies. Fox went into attack mode, and the right wing followed their marching orders.

Sure, they had no problem until then.

I would love to see the outrage by the left if we ended up with an all Republican government and they funded Fox or AM radio with Rush and a host of others. We would never hear the and of it from day one.

Fox and AM radio exist to further the GOP line and attack all their enemies. NPR might lean one direction or the other at times, but their credibility is intact. Fox never had any integrity.

Their credibility is just fine which is why they have number one shows across America.

NPR being government funded was acceptable when we had television sets with rabbit ears on them, or if you were lucky, an antenna on the roof. That was a time before cell phones, cable, satellite and internet.

In the last 15 years or so, that funding was no longer necessary. Kids don't sit in front of their television sets counting with Big Bird. That's the way their grandparents learned.

NPR is a darling of the left so it is still being funded by the government. Since left radio and television stand little chance on a level playing field with right outlets, they have to be subsidized by our tax dollars to make it fair.

Fox is a leading network for cable. They rarely have a third or less the amount of viewers that real networks have. Odd that PBS was never seen as right leaning until they hurt Fox's feelings. I guess when fox tells right wingers what to think, it works.

The talk of defunding goes back BEFORE Fox News. Fox has been on since 1996. Talk of defunding PBS was before then. I found an article that goes back to 1995 but it was a topic longer than that.

More of the left wanting to re-write and reframe history.
Reince Priebus: “The GOP ends its partnership with NBC over the inappropriate use of questions, math, and facts in a presidential debate.”
A free, impartial press is essential to democracy. Does anyone think we still have one? NBC 'moderates' a Republican debate with questions essentially of the sort "tell us why you suck so bad that no one should vote for you or anyone in your party." The obama administration is shamelessly going full-on Vietnam with a creeping, hypocritical "boots on the ground" mission in Syria despite all their bloviating to the contrary some months ago, and the 'press' is only hugging his nuts and saying what they are damn well told to say - yet again. A very important piece of the democracy puzzle has been missing for some time, and the potential consequences could be dire indeed.

No, an impartial press is not essential to democracy.

In fact, to say that the press needs to be 'free' and 'impartial' is an oxymoron,

because a free press has the freedom to be as biased as it chooses.

You are confusing an individual press outlet with 'the press' as a group.

Which are you talking about?

Reince Priebus: “The GOP ends its partnership with NBC over the inappropriate use of questions, math, and facts in a presidential debate.”

Is 'Reince Priebus' a stage name?

He looks like a 'Steve', or a 'Fred'.

A free, impartial press is essential to democracy. Does anyone think we still have one? NBC 'moderates' a Republican debate with questions essentially of the sort "tell us why you suck so bad that no one should vote for you or anyone in your party." The obama administration is shamelessly going full-on Vietnam with a creeping, hypocritical "boots on the ground" mission in Syria despite all their bloviating to the contrary some months ago, and the 'press' is only hugging his nuts and saying what they are damn well told to say - yet again. A very important piece of the democracy puzzle has been missing for some time, and the potential consequences could be dire indeed.

No, an impartial press is not essential to democracy.

In fact, to say that the press needs to be 'free' and 'impartial' is an oxymoron,

because a free press has the freedom to be as biased as it chooses.

You are confusing an individual press outlet with 'the press' as a group.

Which are you talking about?


What are YOU talking about?


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