Dead Deer found next to creek EP, OHIO

I dont remember the everything is fine part.
They selected a crew provided by NS and the report said there was high confidence of limited short term damage. So... they depended on the company that caused the disaster, to monitor the damage. What's wrong with this picture?

I read that the initial report said about 3500 animals had perished. A couple of weeks later they adjusted that number to 45,000.
Show me where I said the government should bail out NS. I will wait
You don't know how it usually goes. Eventually the news moves on to the next tragedy and the industrial polluter starts moving out resources in the middle of the night. Before long they are nowhere to be found and are not answering the phone. Then they fight paying anymore in court for the next twenty years. When that fails the place gets declared a superfund site and the government has to clean it up. It will happen here too sooner than you think because the right very badly wants the government to step in.
You don't know how it usually goes. Eventually the news moves on to the next tragedy and the industrial polluter starts moving out resources in the middle of the night. Before long they are nowhere to be found and are not answering the phone. Then they fight paying anymore in court for the next twenty years. When that fails the place gets declared a superfund site and the government has to clean it up. It will happen here too sooner than you think because the right very badly wants the government to step in.
You don't know what I know and after dealing with PG&E the past 13 years I bet I have a better grasp than you do.

NS should be completely liquidated down to the last paperclip and all funds given to the people
You don't know what I know and after dealing with PG&E the past 13 years I bet I have a better grasp than you do.

NS should be completely liquidated down to the last paperclip and all funds given to the people
The corporate death penalty for massive negligence and economically damaging activity is not a new idea. The problem is that only the progressives have ever supported it.
They selected a crew provided by NS and the report said there was high confidence of limited short term damage. So... they depended on the company that caused the disaster, to monitor the damage. What's wrong with this picture?

I read that the initial report said about 3500 animals had perished. A couple of weeks later they adjusted that number to 45,000.
So when did the Biden administration say everything was fine?
The corporate death penalty for massive negligence and economically damaging activity is not a new idea. The problem is that only the progressives have ever supported it.
Tell that to CA where they've enabled PG&E to continue. Teddy Roosevelt proposed as much a century ago you gonna claim credit for your side on that?
Heavy traffic? Deer season just over? Other reasons probably if you just think for a minute.
Did you watch the video? what traffic? There's no gunshot wounds so what hunters?

You really do have a learning disability don't you, have the nerve to tell someone else to think LOL
Tell that to CA where they've enabled PG&E to continue. Teddy Roosevelt proposed as much a century ago you gonna claim credit for your side on that?
As soon as the news media looks away these people are gone and no one you support will do a thing to stop them. They know you will somehow blame it all on Biden and forget who even caused this mess.
Deer are part of the Lyme disease cycle. What is the Palestine history of Lyme? Vinyl chloride may affect the field mouse and ticks also involved in the Lyme cycle, let alone the Lyme spirochetes themselves: includes neuroborreliosis.

Will the vinyl chloride affect neurotropism of the spirochete, just as influenza is now going neurotropic in Peruvian dolphins and other mammals?
Did you watch the video? what traffic? There's no gunshot wounds so what hunters?

You really do have a learning disability don't you, have the nerve to tell someone else to think LOL
This is almost certainly staged. I don't blame them for doing it to keep the media interested but finding dead deer in the spring is a common occurrence. Bucks don't eat enough during rutting season and die like flies in the winter.
As soon as the news media looks away these people are gone and no one you support will do a thing to stop them. They know you will somehow blame it all on Biden and forget who even caused this mess.
The regulations Obama axed
The company who didn't install proper overheat sensors
The moron who burned the spill
The EPA and your pal Biden's admin who stopped cleanup and told everyone to go home it was safe

Who do you blame? Trump he at least went to see for himself and brought food and water for the people. Where's Biden?

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