Dean calls GOP the party of "white people"


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2007
"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party."

Sounds like a racist comment to me

When are you lefties going to call for the resignation of Dean for these egregious and off color remarks? Y'all have quite the circus going on over in the Big Tent. Much better than the GOP's.
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"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party."

Sounds like a racist comment to me

When are you lefties going to call for the resignation of Dean for these egregious and off color remarks? Y'all have quite the circus going on over in the Big Tent. Much better than the GOP's.

The Republicans are the party of white people.

Always have been.
"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party."

Sounds like a racist comment to me

When are you lefties going to call for the resignation of Dean for these egregious and off color remarks? Y'all have quite the circus going on over in the Big Tent. Much better than the GOP's.

That would explain where the recent talking point on calling the GOP the white party came from.

And if you haven't noticed the dems get to call names, act ignorant, character assassinate and other fun things, all with the blessing of the MSM, but we hear it if McCain or one of his staffers mentions anything negative about our new great savior.

Anyone else tired of the fact the press is not looking at Obama at all? Except to sing his praise? No mention of who his staff is, yet we know 2 seconds after they find anything out about McCain's people.
The Republicans are the party of white people.

Always have been.

Condoleeza Rice
Colin Powell
Alan Keyes
Clarence Thomas
Booker T Washington
Frederick Douglass

Some of the most prominent black political figures were Republicans.

Anything else?
That would explain where the recent talking point on calling the GOP the white party came from.

And if you haven't noticed the dems get to call names, act ignorant, character assassinate and other fun things, all with the blessing of the MSM, but we hear it if McCain or one of his staffers mentions anything negative about our new great savior.

Anyone else tired of the fact the press is not looking at Obama at all? Except to sing his praise? No mention of who his staff is, yet we know 2 seconds after they find anything out about McCain's people.

No mention of Cindy McCain's mob money or John running around on his first wife after she was crippled in a traffic accident, either. Then there's John's affair with the lobbyist and his involvement with Charles Keating.

The press isn't doing its job.
Are there any elected Black people in the government at the federal level?

You mean like representatives and Senators? I dont know about Senators but yes there are. Whats your point?

Of the two parties only the Republicans have over the last 30 years consistantly selected and placed blacks and other minorities in HIGH office in our Government. Not a toke here and there but systematic across the board in the most important up front positions of power.

And the result? The democrats and their lap dogs call the blacks "uncle toms" and print some of the most foul racist political cartoons in the past 60 years.

You are aware that When there was a Republican Congressman the Democratic blacks kicked him out of the Black caucas? In other words it was not really a black caucas at all but a democrat caucas with black people in it.
Republican diversity......

Republican diversity......


Alan Keyes ran as well. But then that would ruin your picture wouldn't it? Remind me how many black men ran under the democratic ticket?

I am not interested in electing a President because of "diversity" that shit just means accepting someone because of their sex or color, not their qualifications.

But to the point, remind us how many blacks and Hispanics were appointed by Carter and Clinton. Then compare that to the Two Bush's. You will be sad indeed when your little "diversity" comment BITES you in the ass.
You mean like representatives and Senators? I dont know about Senators but yes there are. Whats your point?

Of the two parties only the Republicans have over the last 30 years consistantly selected and placed blacks and other minorities in HIGH office in our Government. Not a toke here and there but systematic across the board in the most important up front positions of power.

And the result? The democrats and their lap dogs call the blacks "uncle toms" and print some of the most foul racist political cartoons in the past 60 years.

You are aware that When there was a Republican Congressman the Democratic blacks kicked him out of the Black caucas? In other words it was not really a black caucas at all but a democrat caucas with black people in it.


Wanna say Keyes but I am not sure, He was from Oklahoma as I recall. He attended every event the caucus had and they got tired of him and booted him out. You see they did not like him cause he did not cow tow to the democrats.

The recent NAACP head was the leader of the Caucus when they booted him.
Wanna say Keyes but I am not sure, He was from Oklahoma as I recall. He attended every event the caucus had and they got tired of him and booted him out. You see they did not like him cause he did not cow tow to the democrats.

The recent NAACP head was the leader of the Caucus when they booted him.

Maybe you are thinking about J.C. Watts?

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