Dear "Conservatives"....

Sometimes you settle for the one who does no harm whether or not he can deliver on his promises. Most especially when the choice is him or the one who promises to continue to do the same or more harm than he has already done.

We're just going in circles now, conversation wise, so probably time to drop it - but it's that very perception that's killing us. As much as the two major parties want us to believe it, our choice of who to vote for isn't limited to their candidates. Blithely excepting this seals our fate.
If I were you (and thank GOD I'm not)....

I would be less concerned about what perfect strangers on an internet message board think....and more concerned about how you're going to manage to fool enough Americans into voting for the Failure-In-Chief a second time when, as Obama's poll numbers reflect now, most Americans have awaken to the reality of the Obama scam. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. It ain't gonna happen.

Just sayin....

I just love how lefties are constantly trying to tell those of us on the right what we are and what we believe in. It's a constant in the universe. No matter what forum you visit, they're always there, spewing the same BS and

My mistake. You believe in government run healthcare?

And if I were you, I'd re-enroll in third grade English classes.

You apparently missed some lectures on the appropriate use of the Queen's English.
Bachmann just endorsed Romney.

Good to know the Tea Party was serious when they said they were for real conservative values and not simply shills for the GOP.
Who the hell are you ?

I'll support who I want, where I want, when I want.

In this case, he's less a BOS than the current BOS-In-Chief we have now.

Eat crap and die.

Well said... thank you... :beer:

Hey Pole Rider:

I've yet to see you weigh in on the fact that Romney is considering Rubio for a running mate.

Even though you consider him intelligible......
Bachmann just endorsed Romney.

Good to know the Tea Party was serious when they said they were for real conservative values and not simply shills for the GOP.

Again. Smart move. There are STILL only two choices. The uber liberal near Marxist incumbent who HAS to get booted out of office -- or -- the less than satisfyingly conservative (ok, so maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal) alternative, Mitt Romney.

Of course she endorse the alternative to the incumbent.

The Tea Party adherents are smart enough to grasp that you can't make things better at all if you keep the Flop in Chief in Office.

That means there is really only one choice. Mitt.
Who the hell are you ?

I'll support who I want, where I want, when I want.

In this case, he's less a BOS than the current BOS-In-Chief we have now.

Eat crap and die.

So you are a Repblican, not a conservative. The two aren' mutually inclusive.

When you vote for a liberal for his nations highest office in November, you will demonstrate that you aren't a conservative.

no not really GTH, ex: I voted for perot, I voted for clinton ( in 96 naturally). each cycle is each cycle. I did vote for Paul last time out, but, this time I am boxed in.

If you live long enough, there comes a time to cut cards with the devil...;)

And my point is that there is an obvious tipping point with some people's beliefs.

As I said, this would be a non issue if certain people weren't so didactic in their conservative belief system.

Instances like this easily punch holes in what they say.
Sometimes you settle for the one who does no harm whether or not he can deliver on his promises. Most especially when the choice is him or the one who promises to continue to do the same or more harm than he has already done.

We're just going in circles now, conversation wise, so probably time to drop it - but it's that very perception that's killing us. As much as the two major parties want us to believe it, our choice of who to vote for isn't limited to their candidates. Blithely excepting this seals our fate.

I agree the argument has become circular. But the perception of a indisputable reality is not a bad perception to have.

We have the choice between Barack Obama and a candidate who:

1. Has pledged to reverse at least some of the damage Barack Obama has promoted or advanced while Barack Obama is pledging to double down on a lot of that. . . .

2. Has pledged to initiate policies that conservatives know will help the economy get moving again, while Barack Obama is pledging the same policies that keep the economy stalled. . . .

3. Has pledged to eliminate and/or streamline inefficiencies in the government while Barack Obama has done nothing but grow government. . . .

4. Has led an impressive life checkered with notable successes indicating a very honest and real resume versus the shadowy and yet unresearched mysteries and motives of the other candidate.

And the Ron Paul people dishonestly continue to say there is no difference between the two. Or if they are absolutely sincere about that, they have to be among the most clueless, oblivious, and blind people on Earth.
Bachmann just endorsed Romney.

Good to know the Tea Party was serious when they said they were for real conservative values and not simply shills for the GOP.

Again. Smart move. There are STILL only two choices. The uber liberal near Marxist incumbent who HAS to get booted out of office -- or -- the less than satisfyingly conservative (ok, so maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal) alternative, Mitt Romney.

Of course she endorse the alternative to the incumbent.

The Tea Party adherents are smart enough to grasp that you can't make things better at all if you keep the Flop in Chief in Office.

That means there is really only one choice. Mitt.

It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.
Bachmann just endorsed Romney.

Good to know the Tea Party was serious when they said they were for real conservative values and not simply shills for the GOP.

Again. Smart move. There are STILL only two choices. The uber liberal near Marxist incumbent who HAS to get booted out of office -- or -- the less than satisfyingly conservative (ok, so maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal) alternative, Mitt Romney.

Of course she endorse the alternative to the incumbent.

The Tea Party adherents are smart enough to grasp that you can't make things better at all if you keep the Flop in Chief in Office.

That means there is really only one choice. Mitt.

It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.

It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.
Again. Smart move. There are STILL only two choices. The uber liberal near Marxist incumbent who HAS to get booted out of office -- or -- the less than satisfyingly conservative (ok, so maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal) alternative, Mitt Romney.

Of course she endorse the alternative to the incumbent.

The Tea Party adherents are smart enough to grasp that you can't make things better at all if you keep the Flop in Chief in Office.

That means there is really only one choice. Mitt.

It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.

It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.

That is of course unless the tuna sandwich is even worse. But nobody with a chance to win in the 2012 election is anywhere near worse.

Agreed on the Tea Party though. Nobody in the Tea Party gives a flying fig whether somebody has a D or R or anything else following their name. They are looking for candidates to support who promote Tea Party principles:

Constitutional integrity.
Smaller, more effective, more efficient, less expensive, less intrusive government.
And the pirnciples of individual liberties and the right of people to determine their own destiny.
Again. Smart move. There are STILL only two choices. The uber liberal near Marxist incumbent who HAS to get booted out of office -- or -- the less than satisfyingly conservative (ok, so maybe he's a moderate or even a liberal) alternative, Mitt Romney.

Of course she endorse the alternative to the incumbent.

The Tea Party adherents are smart enough to grasp that you can't make things better at all if you keep the Flop in Chief in Office.

That means there is really only one choice. Mitt.

It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.

It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.

Instances like this support that I very much have not misread the Teaparty.

You are right about one thing. It's a smart political move by "Romney can't beat Obama" Bachmann. Momma wants a cabinet seat.

What it is not, is a principled move.
It's clear liberals have lost their mind when they claim conservatives will benefit from another 4 years of the idiot in the White House. Smells like desperation....
I'm still thinking Marco Rubio. I can't wait until Democrats claim he lacks experience.

Marco Rubio has a similiar problem obama does. His parents weren't American citizens when he was born, so although he's a "native born" citizen, he's not a "natural born" citizen. I like him, but constitutionally, he could never be President, and part of the criteria for picking a good VP always should include the possibility that they follow the President to the Presidency.

Allen West would be the absolute best choice for Romney. He would bring a military background as well as true conservatism to the ticket.

i never understood how so called conservatives could support romney. I never would even consider voting for him until he admits what an enormous fuck up the assachusetts health care system became under his watch. He won't do that and i probably still wouldn't vote for him if he did.

i'm not sure why real conservatives wouldn't support romney. He's smart economically and he stays out of people's personal business.

I figure that's exactly what 'conservatives' should be doing.

Unlike the reactionaries and right wing religious activists who like to call themselves 'conservative'.
i don't support romney... Don't like him at all. I think he's just another career politician that has a life time membership in the good ole boys club. He's a run of the mill washington insider. Just the kind of politician in my opinion that needs to go.

Frankly, as a conservative, i have no idea who i'll vote for in 2012. It's too early. But i can tell you one thing... It won't be obama! Might as well be voting for george soros.

It's clear liberals have lost their mind when they claim conservatives will benefit from another 4 years of the idiot in the White House. Smells like desperation....

I am not desparate.

I don't have to betray my principles on election day.

Of course you're not desperate. You're a lib who gets to vote for a lib.

We, by contrast, are in the unenviable position of wishing there were a true conservative for whom we could vote.

But alas. There isn't. So we have to make-do.

Still, given the way it broke down, there are still but two choices. (1)To vote for the nearly Marxist lib incumbent or (2) to vote for any alternative.

Option 2 is looking better and better.

It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.

It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.

Instances like this support that I very much have not misread the Teaparty.

You are right about one thing. It's a smart political move by "Romney can't beat Obama" Bachmann. Momma wants a cabinet seat.

What it is not, is a principled move.

Do you know the motivation of Michelle Bachmann or just want to dictate her motive to her? If she is endorsing Romney as the far superior choice over Obama, there is no reason to believe it is not an entirely principled move. Several of our USMB colleagues here could testify that I earlier passionately argued for why Romney was not the best choice for the GOP and why I passionately argued for why others were the better choice.

Now that the majority has spoken however, I can either take my ball and go home in a snit like a spoiled brat who can't have her way, or I can support the better of the legitimate choices that we have.

I think Romney will be heads and shoulders superior as the national leader when the other choice is Barack Obama. It is an entirely principled choice to now support Romney.

To accuse Michelle Bachmann of having a different motive is to do her a disservice in a petty way.

As much as I think ANY of the candidates that have competed in this contest would be superior to Ron Paul all things considered, had Ron Paul won the nomination, I would be supporting him. And that would also be a principled choice.
It would be far better for the TP movement if Obama wins reelection.

The truth is that Bachmann is another soul less politician.

She'd endorse a tuna sandwhich over Obama if it has an r by it's name.

It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.

Instances like this support that I very much have not misread the Teaparty.

You are right about one thing. It's a smart political move by "Romney can't beat Obama" Bachmann. Momma wants a cabinet seat.

What it is not, is a principled move.

Nope. Replies like the one you just gave prove that you have utterly misread the Tea Party.

You simply don't get it.

It is a good move because it might just help preserve the Union. You know what? It matters. Your petty quibbling and ultimately quite unpersuasive efforts don't.
It would be far far worse for the Tea Party and for America if President Obama gets re-elected.

You have misread the Tea Party; that's all.

I'd vote for a Tuna Sandwich over President Obama. No (R) by the name required.

Instances like this support that I very much have not misread the Teaparty.

You are right about one thing. It's a smart political move by "Romney can't beat Obama" Bachmann. Momma wants a cabinet seat.

What it is not, is a principled move.

Nope. Replies like the one you just gave prove that you have utterly misread the Tea Party.

You simply don't get it.

It is a good move because it might just help preserve the Union. You know what? It matters. Your petty quibbling and ultimately quite unpersuasive efforts don't.


I am not trying to persuade anyone. I am just pointing out some glaring truths.
Translation: Like a typical lame leftie.....I got nothing, so I'll fall back on my standard schtick of whining about grammar/English.

If I were you (and thank GOD I'm not)....

I would be less concerned about what perfect strangers on an internet message board think....and more concerned about how you're going to manage to fool enough Americans into voting for the Failure-In-Chief a second time when, as Obama's poll numbers reflect now, most Americans have awaken to the reality of the Obama scam. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. It ain't gonna happen.

Just sayin....

My mistake. You believe in government run healthcare?

And if I were you, I'd re-enroll in third grade English classes.

You apparently missed some lectures on the appropriate use of the Queen's English.

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