Dear "Conservatives"....

Instances like this support that I very much have not misread the Teaparty.

You are right about one thing. It's a smart political move by "Romney can't beat Obama" Bachmann. Momma wants a cabinet seat.

What it is not, is a principled move.

Nope. Replies like the one you just gave prove that you have utterly misread the Tea Party.

You simply don't get it.

It is a good move because it might just help preserve the Union. You know what? It matters. Your petty quibbling and ultimately quite unpersuasive efforts don't.


I am not trying to persuade anyone. I am just pointing out some glaring truths.

No. You're not. You are sharing a kind of pointless opinion.
No....Americans of ALL races, colors and creeds that are out of work, thanks to Obama's policies, and their families that are struggling just to put food on the table, will decide this election.

And even though some women are stuck-on-stupid and bought into or fell for the Fluke fake/phony/contrived issue created to gain the womens' vote....most women saw through the failed Democrat stunt and will vote against Obama and his ilk this November.

To Romney? LOL! Women don't forget things like "...that's not the language I would have used..." (in reference to Fat Boy Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke) and elevators for cars and most women work outside the home and have kids to raise, too. You're out of touch but then is Mel Giblson. He doesn't realize that women and the Hispanic vote will decide this election, either.
No....Americans of ALL races, colors and creeds that are out of work, thanks to Obama's policies, and their families that are struggling just to put food on the table, will decide this election.

And even though some women are stuck-on-stupid and bought into or fell for the Fluke fake/phony/contrived issue created to gain the womens' vote....most women saw through the failed Democrat stunt and will vote against Obama and his ilk this November.

To Romney? LOL! Women don't forget things like "...that's not the language I would have used..." (in reference to Fat Boy Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke) and elevators for cars and most women work outside the home and have kids to raise, too. You're out of touch but then is Mel Giblson. He doesn't realize that women and the Hispanic vote will decide this election, either.

Agreed. I refuse to believe that women are so weak or shallow that there would be much of an anti-Limbaugh vote.
No....Americans of ALL races, colors and creeds that are out of work, thanks to Obama's policies, and their families that are struggling just to put food on the table, will decide this election.

And even though some women are stuck-on-stupid and bought into or fell for the Fluke fake/phony/contrived issue created to gain the womens' vote....most women saw through the failed Democrat stunt and will vote against Obama and his ilk this November.

To Romney? LOL! Women don't forget things like "...that's not the language I would have used..." (in reference to Fat Boy Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke) and elevators for cars and most women work outside the home and have kids to raise, too. You're out of touch but then is Mel Giblson. He doesn't realize that women and the Hispanic vote will decide this election, either.

Agreed. I refuse to believe that women are so weak or shallow that there would be much of an anti-Limbaugh vote.

It won't be so much an anti-Limbaugh vote as Limbaugh's comments were just the icing on the cake.

It's Limbaugh on top of trying to strip planned parenthood of funding, trying to redefine Zygotes as people, trying to strip reproductive health care out of insurance plans if someone has a religious objection to them, forcing women to get the "Wand of Shame" before an abortion....

And this is honestly one of the ways the GOP went wrong. You go back to 2010, no one was talking about abortions or planned parenthood. The message was simple enough. Government spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much. They left that cultural Warefare crap off to the side.

Now... well, it seems to have been largely forgotten, and the Romney Campaign has spent so much time appealling to the religious nutters hoping they'll forget he's a Mormon, that this kind of craziness has come to the fore.

And this is where Romney is well and screwed. If he takes a principled stand against them, he runs a very good risk lots of them will defect to a third party or stay home. If he doesn't, he'll scare the crap out of a lot of people who usually treat their ministers and priests like senile uncles.
No....Americans of ALL races, colors and creeds that are out of work, thanks to Obama's policies, and their families that are struggling just to put food on the table, will decide this election.

And even though some women are stuck-on-stupid and bought into or fell for the Fluke fake/phony/contrived issue created to gain the womens' vote....most women saw through the failed Democrat stunt and will vote against Obama and his ilk this November.

Agreed. I refuse to believe that women are so weak or shallow that there would be much of an anti-Limbaugh vote.

It won't be so much an anti-Limbaugh vote as Limbaugh's comments were just the icing on the cake.

It's Limbaugh on top of trying to strip planned parenthood of funding, trying to redefine Zygotes as people, trying to strip reproductive health care out of insurance plans if someone has a religious objection to them, forcing women to get the "Wand of Shame" before an abortion....

And this is honestly one of the ways the GOP went wrong. You go back to 2010, no one was talking about abortions or planned parenthood. The message was simple enough. Government spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much. They left that cultural Warefare crap off to the side.

Now... well, it seems to have been largely forgotten, and the Romney Campaign has spent so much time appealling to the religious nutters hoping they'll forget he's a Mormon, that this kind of craziness has come to the fore.

And this is where Romney is well and screwed. If he takes a principled stand against them, he runs a very good risk lots of them will defect to a third party or stay home. If he doesn't, he'll scare the crap out of a lot of people who usually treat their ministers and priests like senile uncles.

You wish. And you give women so little credit. I resent those who think women are some unthinking, reactionary, easy manipulated and influenced bunch of sheep much more than I resent anything somebody like Rush Limbaugh or anybody else might say on a radio program.

Conservative women don't care whether Planned Parenthood does its thing, but they don't want the Federal government funding it or any other private organization most especially when to do so keeps running up our national debt and further burdens the children and grandchildren. You can't get a liberal to even consider that aspect of it. Conservative women think people should be free to fund whatever organizations they believe to be worthy and not fund those which they choose not to fund. Such a concept seems to be unthinkable to most modern American progressive/liberals.

Many, not all, conservative women are pro life but do not want the federal government telling them they have to be or that they are not allowed to be. And many of us know that not one of us became who we are without first being a zygote. When you cannot scientifically or intellectually remove the zygote as a critical component of the human life, then you look at that zygote much differently. It is very difficult to get the more militant progressives/liberals to focus on that simple concept too. Most especially those who support infanticide as an ethical birth control process.

I can appreciate and respect somebody's hard on for Obama and his agenda and how he can so desperately want to throw that in the face of conservatives and taunt them.

But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.
Agreed. I refuse to believe that women are so weak or shallow that there would be much of an anti-Limbaugh vote.

It won't be so much an anti-Limbaugh vote as Limbaugh's comments were just the icing on the cake.

It's Limbaugh on top of trying to strip planned parenthood of funding, trying to redefine Zygotes as people, trying to strip reproductive health care out of insurance plans if someone has a religious objection to them, forcing women to get the "Wand of Shame" before an abortion....

And this is honestly one of the ways the GOP went wrong. You go back to 2010, no one was talking about abortions or planned parenthood. The message was simple enough. Government spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much. They left that cultural Warefare crap off to the side.

Now... well, it seems to have been largely forgotten, and the Romney Campaign has spent so much time appealling to the religious nutters hoping they'll forget he's a Mormon, that this kind of craziness has come to the fore.

And this is where Romney is well and screwed. If he takes a principled stand against them, he runs a very good risk lots of them will defect to a third party or stay home. If he doesn't, he'll scare the crap out of a lot of people who usually treat their ministers and priests like senile uncles.

You wish. And you give women so little credit. I resent those who think women are some unthinking, reactionary, easy manipulated and influenced bunch of sheep much more than I resent anything somebody like Rush Limbaugh or anybody else might say on a radio program.

Conservative women don't care whether Planned Parenthood does its thing, but they don't want the Federal government funding it or any other private organization most especially when to do so keeps running up our national debt and further burdens the children and grandchildren. You can't get a liberal to even consider that aspect of it. Conservative women think people should be free to fund whatever organizations they believe to be worthy and not fund those which they choose not to fund. Such a concept seems to be unthinkable to most modern American progressive/liberals.

Many, not all, conservative women are pro life but do not want the federal government telling them they have to be or that they are not allowed to be. And many of us know that not one of us became who we are without first being a zygote. When you cannot scientifically or intellectually remove the zygote as a critical component of the human life, then you look at that zygote much differently. It is very difficult to get the more militant progressives/liberals to focus on that simple concept too. Most especially those who support infanticide as an ethical birth control process.

I can appreciate and respect somebody's hard on for Obama and his agenda and how he can so desperately want to throw that in the face of conservatives and taunt them.

But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

Present day Conservatism IS the Founders and Liberty...God-given inalienable rights that are for no man or government to tread upon.
You wish. And you give women so little credit. I resent those who think women are some unthinking, reactionary, easy manipulated and influenced bunch of sheep much more than I resent anything somebody like Rush Limbaugh or anybody else might say on a radio program.

Rush Limbaugh called every woman who practices family planning (which is 96% of sexually mature women) sluts, prostitutes and said they should send him sex tapes. Sorry, lots of women find that offensive, and rightfully so. And the fact the GOP Leadership was completely unable to denounce Limbaugh says a lot right there. It took big corportations to get the fat gasbag to apologize. And frankly, when you have coporations acting better than politicians, that's not a good sign.

Conservative women don't care whether Planned Parenthood does its thing, but they don't want the Federal government funding it or any other private organization most especially when to do so keeps running up our national debt and further burdens the children and grandchildren. You can't get a liberal to even consider that aspect of it. Conservative women think people should be free to fund whatever organizations they believe to be worthy and not fund those which they choose not to fund. Such a concept seems to be unthinkable to most modern American progressive/liberals.

Planned parenthood is funded because it performs functions REPUBLICANS have said they want the government to do- healthscreening for breast and uterine cancer, sex education, and so on. Because they also do other things that you don't like, that is what has you upset.

Many, not all, conservative women are pro life but do not want the federal government telling them they have to be or that they are not allowed to be. And many of us know that not one of us became who we are without first being a zygote. When you cannot scientifically or intellectually remove the zygote as a critical component of the human life, then you look at that zygote much differently. It is very difficult to get the more militant progressives/liberals to focus on that simple concept too. Most especially those who support infanticide as an ethical birth control process.

Fact is, 2/3rds of zygotes don't attach to the uterine wall, but nobody has a funeral for a tampon. Frankly, I'm horrified that we have as many abortions going on, but until the Republicans actually start giving a flip about poor kids after the umbilical chord is cut, I think most of their objections sort of ring hollow.

I can appreciate and respect somebody's hard on for Obama and his agenda and how he can so desperately want to throw that in the face of conservatives and taunt them.

the only reason why I'm considering voting for Obama is because I think Mitt Romney is a horrible human being... and a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

Oh, bullshit. The whole conservative movement is about manipulating you cultural conservatives (whom I agree with on the problems if not the solutions) to vote against your own economic interests.

Let's be blunt. The "Christian Right" has been supporting the GOP since 1980, when Jerry Falwell reversed his 1976 endorsement of Jimmy Carter who was a church going guy to Ronald Reagan, who rarely attended Church. So what have they to show for their support?

Abortion is still legal.
Gay Marriage is becoming legal.
School Prayer is still illegal
Kids are still being taught evolution in the schools.

For such a large investment, such a minimal return.
You wish. And you give women so little credit. I resent those who think women are some unthinking, reactionary, easy manipulated and influenced bunch of sheep much more than I resent anything somebody like Rush Limbaugh or anybody else might say on a radio program.

Rush Limbaugh called every woman who practices family planning (which is 96% of sexually mature women) sluts, prostitutes and said they should send him sex tapes. Sorry, lots of women find that offensive, and rightfully so. And the fact the GOP Leadership was completely unable to denounce Limbaugh says a lot right there. It took big corportations to get the fat gasbag to apologize. And frankly, when you have coporations acting better than politicians, that's not a good sign.

Conservative women don't care whether Planned Parenthood does its thing, but they don't want the Federal government funding it or any other private organization most especially when to do so keeps running up our national debt and further burdens the children and grandchildren. You can't get a liberal to even consider that aspect of it. Conservative women think people should be free to fund whatever organizations they believe to be worthy and not fund those which they choose not to fund. Such a concept seems to be unthinkable to most modern American progressive/liberals.

Planned parenthood is funded because it performs functions REPUBLICANS have said they want the government to do- healthscreening for breast and uterine cancer, sex education, and so on. Because they also do other things that you don't like, that is what has you upset.

Fact is, 2/3rds of zygotes don't attach to the uterine wall, but nobody has a funeral for a tampon. Frankly, I'm horrified that we have as many abortions going on, but until the Republicans actually start giving a flip about poor kids after the umbilical chord is cut, I think most of their objections sort of ring hollow.

I can appreciate and respect somebody's hard on for Obama and his agenda and how he can so desperately want to throw that in the face of conservatives and taunt them.

the only reason why I'm considering voting for Obama is because I think Mitt Romney is a horrible human being... and a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

Oh, bullshit. The whole conservative movement is about manipulating you cultural conservatives (whom I agree with on the problems if not the solutions) to vote against your own economic interests.

Let's be blunt. The "Christian Right" has been supporting the GOP since 1980, when Jerry Falwell reversed his 1976 endorsement of Jimmy Carter who was a church going guy to Ronald Reagan, who rarely attended Church. So what have they to show for their support?

Abortion is still legal.
Gay Marriage is becoming legal.
School Prayer is still illegal
Kids are still being taught evolution in the schools.

For such a large investment, such a minimal return.

The "Christian Right" supports the GOP because it at least allows their point of view that the Democrats denigrate and use as a red herring or straw man just as you did here. The Democrats also don't honor and respect the "Christian Right" as people who are Americans with a point of view and who have every right to voice them and vote their consicences as much as any other American does.

I am a card carrying member of the "Christian Right" and I have no problem with any state doing whatever they wish re gay marriage. I have never lobbied for school prayer and I support evolution being taught in the schools. Your anti-Christian hateful bias simply doesn't play well in Peoria among thinking conservative Christians any more than your suggestion that women are sheep blindly stampeding in whatever direction the Democrats want them to go out of political expediency.

I'm sure the concept of voting conscience and on strength of one's convictions is a foreign concept to many Democrats. But again, you may be one of the many who are unable to grasp the concept that modern American conservatism is not a political party or an ideology but is rather a way of life based on the conviction that our unalienable rights allow us to believe whatever we believe and to live our lives as we choose to live them short of violating somebody else's rights. It is a conviction that people govern themselves far more to their own advantage than any government will do on their behalf.
But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

You ‘think’ wrong.

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values. Modern progressives and liberals follow the principles set forth in the Constitution, its case law, and the basic tenets of the Republic: respect for the rule of law.

Liberals work to ensure that the mandate of the 14th Amendment is acknowledged by every jurisdiction: where every American has equal access to the law, and every American will realize due process of the law.

What kind of ‘values’ do conservatives hold when they seek to destroy the right to privacy and expand the power of government at the expense of individual liberty, when they work to deny citizens equal access to the law, or the right to due process?

Until such time as conservatives embrace all Americans as equal in the eyes of the law, and acknowledged the principle of he rule of law, they can make no claim as to having 'a principled and practical set of values.’
But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

You ‘think’ wrong.

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values. Modern progressives and liberals follow the principles set forth in the Constitution, its case law, and the basic tenets of the Republic: respect for the rule of law.

Liberals work to ensure that the mandate of the 14th Amendment is acknowledged by every jurisdiction: where every American has equal access to the law, and every American will realize due process of the law.

What kind of ‘values’ do conservatives hold when they seek to destroy the right to privacy and expand the power of government at the expense of individual liberty, when they work to deny citizens equal access to the law, or the right to due process?

Until such time as conservatives embrace all Americans as equal in the eyes of the law, and acknowledged the principle of he rule of law, they can make no claim as to having 'a principled and practical set of values.’

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values.

Horse shit.
But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

You ‘think’ wrong.

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values. Modern progressives and liberals follow the principles set forth in the Constitution, its case law, and the basic tenets of the Republic: respect for the rule of law.

Liberals work to ensure that the mandate of the 14th Amendment is acknowledged by every jurisdiction: where every American has equal access to the law, and every American will realize due process of the law.

What kind of ‘values’ do conservatives hold when they seek to destroy the right to privacy and expand the power of government at the expense of individual liberty, when they work to deny citizens equal access to the law, or the right to due process?

Until such time as conservatives embrace all Americans as equal in the eyes of the law, and acknowledged the principle of he rule of law, they can make no claim as to having 'a principled and practical set of values.’

You are full of shit and an anethma to liberty. YOU need to take the Constitution OUT of your avie. YOU live a complete and utter LIE. :cuckoo:
But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

You ‘think’ wrong.

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values. Modern progressives and liberals follow the principles set forth in the Constitution, its case law, and the basic tenets of the Republic: respect for the rule of law.

Liberals work to ensure that the mandate of the 14th Amendment is acknowledged by every jurisdiction: where every American has equal access to the law, and every American will realize due process of the law.

What kind of ‘values’ do conservatives hold when they seek to destroy the right to privacy and expand the power of government at the expense of individual liberty, when they work to deny citizens equal access to the law, or the right to due process?

Until such time as conservatives embrace all Americans as equal in the eyes of the law, and acknowledged the principle of he rule of law, they can make no claim as to having 'a principled and practical set of values.’

Liberals promote the mandate of the 14th Amendment. Really?

The four key components of the 14th Amendment are;

1. State and federal ciizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.

2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.

3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."

4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."

So who is most wanting the laws enforced regarding illegals? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives? Who respects the values of borders/language/culture? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who most wants anti-smoking laws and helmet laws and 'hate speech' laws and censorship or restrictions on conservative talk radio and other forced societal 'reforms'? Progressive/liberals? or Conservatives? Who most wants products and processes strictly regulated to conform with the politically correct view. Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who wants property rights restricted to protect an endangered plant or creature regardless of the cost to the homeowner. Who is pushing for regulations for school lunches, even those packed at home, for people to be disallowed to smoke in their own cars or their own homes, or to be denied the right to assume other risks that are currently poltiically incorrect? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who wants the rich to pay more, for the poor to pay no federal taxes at all, to restrict the pay of corporate executives, and for the feds dictate union scale in government contracts and who still push affirmative action and for the employers to be required to provide certain benefits or compensation to their employees, etc.? Progressive liberals? Or Conservatives?

You cannot be selective in interpretation of the 14th Amendment any more than any other Amendment or Constitutional concept. Nobody has attacked the 14th Amendment or sought to amend or violate its intent more than have Progressives/liberals.
But modern American conservatism is far more than an ideology. It is a concept, a way of life, a principled and practical set of values that have stood the test of time. And every one of them can be defended without trashing anybody, accusing anybody, belittling anybody, or without the use of a single red herring or straw man.

I think modern American progressivism/liberalism cannot make the same claim.

You ‘think’ wrong.

Modern American progressivism/liberalism, unlike modern American conservatism, is more than a concept, it’s the actual day-to-day living of fundamental American values. Modern progressives and liberals follow the principles set forth in the Constitution, its case law, and the basic tenets of the Republic: respect for the rule of law.

Liberals work to ensure that the mandate of the 14th Amendment is acknowledged by every jurisdiction: where every American has equal access to the law, and every American will realize due process of the law.

What kind of ‘values’ do conservatives hold when they seek to destroy the right to privacy and expand the power of government at the expense of individual liberty, when they work to deny citizens equal access to the law, or the right to due process?

Until such time as conservatives embrace all Americans as equal in the eyes of the law, and acknowledged the principle of he rule of law, they can make no claim as to having 'a principled and practical set of values.’

Liberals promote the mandate of the 14th Amendment. Really?

The four key components of the 14th Amendment are;

1. State and federal ciizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.

2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.

3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."

4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."

So who is most wanting the laws enforced regarding illegals? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives? Who respects the values of borders/language/culture? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who most wants anti-smoking laws and helmet laws and 'hate speech' laws and censorship or restrictions on conservative talk radio and other forced societal 'reforms'? Progressive/liberals? or Conservatives? Who most wants products and processes strictly regulated to conform with the politically correct view. Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who wants property rights restricted to protect an endangered plant or creature regardless of the cost to the homeowner. Who is pushing for regulations for school lunches, even those packed at home, for people to be disallowed to smoke in their own cars or their own homes, or to be denied the right to assume other risks that are currently poltiically incorrect? Progressive/liberals? Or Conservatives?

Who wants the rich to pay more, for the poor to pay no federal taxes at all, to restrict the pay of corporate executives, and for the feds dictate union scale in government contracts and who still push affirmative action and for the employers to be required to provide certain benefits or compensation to their employees, etc.? Progressive liberals? Or Conservatives?

You cannot be selective in interpretation of the 14th Amendment any more than any other Amendment or Constitutional concept. Nobody has attacked the 14th Amendment or sought to amend or violate its intent more than have Progressives/liberals.

Indeed. The 14th has zero bearing on Illegals...Illegals are folks who came here in violation of existing LAW...and now demand they be heard sans citizenship while citing the 14th.

They can go back to whence they came...the LOT of them...and start over lawfully.
The "Christian Right" supports the GOP because it at least allows their point of view that the Democrats denigrate and use as a red herring or straw man just as you did here. The Democrats also don't honor and respect the "Christian Right" as people who are Americans with a point of view and who have every right to voice them and vote their consicences as much as any other American does.

Um, when do they do that? Pointing out you believe in stupid, backward fairy tales and hypocritical morality isn't really denying you anything.

I have no respect for the Chirstian Right Because it doesn't act anything close to anything Jesus ever said. The central message of Christianity is not "Tax cuts for Rich Douchebags while screwing working folks". It's in the bible! I've looked it up!

You people are being played for chumps. I'm just not sure why you keep acting like chumps.

I'm sure the concept of voting conscience and on strength of one's convictions is a foreign concept to many Democrats. But again, you may be one of the many who are unable to grasp the concept that modern American conservatism is not a political party or an ideology but is rather a way of life based on the conviction that our unalienable rights allow us to believe whatever we believe and to live our lives as we choose to live them short of violating somebody else's rights. It is a conviction that people govern themselves far more to their own advantage than any government will do on their behalf.

No, what it is is a scam. And I'll admit, that I fell for it for YEARS. Absolutely years.

The Only "conviction" the GOP has had was to make it easier for the rich to get richer at the expense of the rest of us. The rest are a bunch of drums they beat to keep you angry until the dog whistle doesnt' work anymore. Then they find a new dog whistle.

Again, please point out ONE THING you've got to show for 30 years of supporting these jokers.

One thing.

Then I'd be impressed.

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